public void SetAnimationFrameByFloat(HumanAnimation ani, float progress, float step) { float percent = Mathf.Clamp01(RXMath.Mod(progress, step) / step); int frame = Mathf.RoundToInt(percent * (float)(ani.numFrames - 1)); SetAnimationFrame(ani, frame); }
void HandleUpdate() { timeUntilTransition -= Time.deltaTime; if (timeUntilTransition < 0) { timeLeftInTransition = transitionTime + timeUntilTransition; float percent = Mathf.Clamp01((transitionTime - timeLeftInTransition) / transitionTime); NodeInfo current = infos[currentIndex]; NodeInfo next = infos[(currentIndex + 1) % infos.Count]; if (next.node.container == null) { AddChild(next.node); } current.node.alpha = 1.0f - RXMath.GetSubPercent(percent, 0.0f, 0.55f); next.node.alpha = RXMath.GetSubPercent(percent, 0.45f, 1.0f); if (timeLeftInTransition < 0) { current.node.RemoveFromContainer(); currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % infos.Count; timeUntilTransition = infos[currentIndex].showDuration; } } }
private void HandleBuildInChange() { float amount = buildInTweenable.amount; handleBox.scale = RXEase.ExpoOut(RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.0f, 0.4f)); nameBox.scale = RXEase.ExpoOut(RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.15f, 0.55f)); scoreBox.scale = RXEase.ExpoOut(RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.3f, 0.7f)); minusBox.scale = RXEase.ExpoOut(RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.45f, 0.85f)) * (1.0f - _resetTweenable.amount); plusBox.scale = RXEase.ExpoOut(RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.6f, 1.0f)) * (1.0f - _resetTweenable.amount); }
private void HandleUpdate() { if (ResetGroup.instance != null) { _scoreTarget = ResetGroup.instance.zeroBox.resetAmount; } else { _scoreTarget = slot.player.score; } _easedScore += ((float)_scoreTarget - _easedScore) / 6.0f; int newScore = Mathf.RoundToInt(_easedScore); if (newScore != _displayScore) { _displayScore = newScore; _scoreLabel.text = _displayScore.ToString(); DoLayout(); } if (mathMode.amount > 0 && !_isMathMode) { _isMathMode = true; StartMathMode(); } else if (mathMode.amount == 0 && _isMathMode) { _isMathMode = false; EndMathMode(); } if (_isMathMode) { _baseLabel.alpha = RXMath.GetSubPercent(mathMode.amount, 0.4f, 1.0f); _signIcon.alpha = RXMath.GetSubPercent(mathMode.amount, 0.5f, 1.0f); _deltaLabel.alpha = RXMath.GetSubPercent(mathMode.amount, 0.6f, 1.0f); _equalsIcon.alpha = RXMath.GetSubPercent(mathMode.amount, 0.7f, 1.0f); float scorePercent = RXEase.Linear(RXMath.GetSubPercent(mathMode.amount, 0.0f, 0.8f)); float scoreTargetX = _scoreLabelFullX + (_scoreLabelCompactX - _scoreLabelFullX) * scorePercent; _scoreLabel.scale = _scoreLabelFullScale + (_scoreLabelCompactScale - _scoreLabelFullScale) * scorePercent; _scoreLabel.x += (scoreTargetX - _scoreLabel.x) * 0.5f; _deltaLabel.x += (_deltaTargetX - _deltaLabel.x) * 0.5f; _baseLabel.x += (_baseTargetX - _baseLabel.x) * 0.5f; _signIcon.x += (_signTargetX - _signIcon.x) * 0.5f; _equalsIcon.x += (_equalsTargetX - _equalsIcon.x) * 0.5f; } else { _scoreLabel.x = _scoreLabelFullX; _scoreLabel.scale = _scoreLabelFullScale; } }
public NameBoxCursor() { AddChild(_sprite = new FSprite("Box")); _sprite.width = 5.0f; _sprite.height = 28.0f; _sprite.color =; ListenForUpdate(() => { _sprite.alpha = 0.2f + RXMath.Saw(Time.time / 0.4f); }); }
protected void HandleUpdate() { _logo.rotation = -5.0f + RXMath.PingPong(_frameCount, 300) * 10.0f; _frameCount++; }
void HandleDeleteModeChange() { float amount = deleteModeTweenable.amount; Cell fullCell = CellManager.GetCellFromGrid(2, 7, 2, 2); float qMarkWidth = QUESTION_MARK_WIDTH; //question mark width float skullWidth = SKULL_WIDTH; //skull width float skullPadding = Config.PADDING_M; //padding between skull and right side float innerWidth = 0; innerWidth += skullWidth; innerWidth += skullPadding; innerWidth += Config.GRID_SPACING; //grid spacing innerWidth += Config.PADDING_L; //left side text padding innerWidth += nameBox.nameLabel.textRect.width * nameBox.nameLabel.scale; innerWidth += Config.PADDING_L * nameBox.nameLabel.scale; //padding between text and question mark innerWidth += qMarkWidth * nameBox.nameLabel.scale; Debug.Log("full cell width " + fullCell.width); float remainingWidth = fullCell.width - innerWidth; float halfRemaining = remainingWidth / 2; float deleteBoxTargetWidth = Mathf.Max(CellManager.GetGridColWidth(), halfRemaining + skullWidth + skullPadding); float nameBoxTargetWidth = fullCell.width - deleteBoxTargetWidth; float deleteBoxTargetX = fullCell.x - fullCell.width / 2 + deleteBoxTargetWidth / 2; float nameBoxTargetX = fullCell.x + fullCell.width / 2 - nameBoxTargetWidth / 2; //make sure the gap is filled deleteBoxTargetWidth += 2; deleteBoxTargetX += 1; //make the delete cell fill the gap float deletePercent = RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.0f, 0.8f); float namePercent = RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.0f, 0.8f); deleteBox.x = deleteBox.anchorCell.x + (deleteBoxTargetX - deleteBox.anchorCell.x) * RXEase.ExpoInOut(deletePercent); deleteBox.width = deleteBox.anchorCell.width + (deleteBoxTargetWidth - deleteBox.anchorCell.width) * RXEase.ExpoInOut(deletePercent); nameBox.x = nameBox.anchorCell.x + (nameBoxTargetX - nameBox.anchorCell.x) * RXEase.ExpoInOut(namePercent); nameBox.width = nameBox.anchorCell.width + (nameBoxTargetWidth - nameBox.anchorCell.width) * RXEase.ExpoInOut(namePercent); Debug.Log("deleteBox x is " + deleteBox.x + " going from " + deleteBox.anchorCell.x + " to " + deleteBoxTargetX + " perc " + deletePercent); float skullPercent = RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.0f, 1.0f); float skullTargetX = deleteBoxTargetWidth / 2 - skullPadding - skullWidth / 2; deleteSkull.x = 0 + (skullTargetX - 0) * RXEase.ExpoInOut(skullPercent); deleteQMark.alpha = RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.5f, 1.0f); ////////// //ok and cancel buttons ////////// float okPercent = RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.0f, 0.3f); float okX = Config.HALF_WIDTH + okBox.anchorCell.width; okBox.x = okBox.anchorCell.x + (okX - okBox.anchorCell.x) * RXEase.ExpoInOut(okPercent); float deleteCancelPercent = RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.5f, 0.95f); float deleteOkPercent = RXMath.GetSubPercent(amount, 0.65f, 1.0f); float bottomY = -Config.HALF_HEIGHT - CellManager.GetGridRowHeight(); deleteCancelBox.y = bottomY + (deleteCancelBox.anchorCell.y - bottomY) * RXEase.ExpoOut(deleteCancelPercent); deleteOkBox.y = bottomY + (deleteOkBox.anchorCell.y - bottomY) * RXEase.ExpoOut(deleteOkPercent); }
public void UpdateMesh() { float offsetX = -_anchorX * width; float offsetY = -_anchorY * height; float ewidth = _element.sourceSize.x; float eheight = _element.sourceSize.y; float leftRemaining = RXMath.Mod(_scrollX, ewidth); float bottomRemaining = RXMath.Mod(_scrollY, eheight); float leftX = leftRemaining; float rightX = leftX + width; int leftCol = 0; int rightCol = Mathf.FloorToInt(rightX / ewidth); if (rightX % ewidth == 0) { rightCol--; //if it fits exactly, we don't need the last column } float bottomY = bottomRemaining; float topY = bottomY + height; int bottomRow = 0; int topRow = Mathf.FloorToInt(topY / eheight); if (topY % eheight == 0) { topRow--; //if it fits exactly, we don't need the last row } int numCols = (rightCol - leftCol) + 1; int numRows = (topRow - bottomRow) + 1; _meshData.SetFacetCount(numCols * numRows); List <FMeshFacet> quads = _meshData.facets; float rightRemaining = ((rightCol + 1) * ewidth - rightX); float topRemaining = ((topRow + 1) * eheight - topY); int q = 0; for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) { float quadBottom = offsetY + r * eheight - bottomRemaining; float quadTop = quadBottom + eheight; float uvBottom = 0; float uvTop = 1.0f; if (r == 0) //bottomRow { quadBottom += bottomRemaining; uvBottom += bottomRemaining / eheight; } if (r == numRows - 1) //topRow { quadTop -= topRemaining; uvTop -= topRemaining / eheight; } for (int c = 0; c < numCols; c++) { FMeshQuad quad = (FMeshQuad)quads[q]; q++; float quadLeft = offsetX + c * ewidth - leftRemaining; float quadRight = quadLeft + ewidth; float uvLeft = 0; float uvRight = 1.0f; if (c == 0) //leftCol { quadLeft += leftRemaining; uvLeft += leftRemaining / ewidth; } if (c == numCols - 1) //rightCol { quadRight -= rightRemaining; uvRight -= rightRemaining / ewidth; } quad.SetPosExtents(quadLeft, quadRight, quadBottom, quadTop); quad.SetUVExtents(uvLeft, uvRight, uvBottom, uvTop); } } _meshData.MarkChanged(); }