private async Task CreateProfileFuzzTestRunnerAsync(IUserProfileServices creator, IUserProfileNamedPipeFactory pipeFactory, string input, int serverTimeOut, int clientTimeOut)
            var task = Task.Run(async() => {
                try {
                    await RUserProfileServicesHelper.CreateProfileAsync(serverTimeOutms: serverTimeOut, clientTimeOutms: clientTimeOut, userProfileService: creator, pipeFactory: pipeFactory);
                } catch (JsonReaderException) {
                    // expecting JSON parsing to fail
                    // JSON parsing may fail due to randomly generated strings as input.

            using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(clientTimeOut))) {
                var result = await CreateProfileClientTestWorkerAsync(input, cts.Token);

                // fuzz test parsing succeeded, the creator always fails for this test.

            await ParallelTools.When(task, serverTimeOut + clientTimeOut);
        private async Task CreateProfileTestRunnerAsync(IUserProfileServices creator, IUserProfileNamedPipeFactory pipeFactory, string input, bool isValidParse, bool isValidAccount, bool isExistingAccount, int serverTimeOut, int clientTimeOut)
            var testDone = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

            Task.Run(async() => {
                try {
                    if (isValidParse)
                        Func <Task> f = async() => await RUserProfileServicesHelper.CreateProfileAsync(serverTimeOutms: serverTimeOut, clientTimeOutms: clientTimeOut, userProfileService: creator, pipeFactory: pipeFactory);
                        Func <Task> f = () => RUserProfileServicesHelper.CreateProfileAsync(serverTimeOutms: serverTimeOut, clientTimeOutms: clientTimeOut, userProfileService: creator, pipeFactory: pipeFactory);
                        await f.ShouldThrowAsync <Exception>();
                } finally {

            using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(clientTimeOut))) {
                var result = await CreateProfileClientTestWorkerAsync(input, cts.Token);

                if (isValidParse)
                    result.Error.Should().Be((uint)(isValidAccount ? 0 : 13));

            testDone.Wait(serverTimeOut + clientTimeOut);