public static ApplicationLauncherButton AddModApplication(this ApplicationLauncher appLauncher,
			RUIToggleButton.OnTrue onTrue,
			RUIToggleButton.OnFalse onFalse,
			RUIToggleButton.OnEnable onEnable,
			RUIToggleButton.OnDisable onDisable,
			ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes visibleInScenes,
			Texture texture
            return appLauncher.AddModApplication(
                onTrue, onFalse,
                Dummy, Dummy,
                onEnable, onDisable,
 public StrategyWrapper(Strategy strategy, RUIToggleButton button);
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a MOD(3rd party) application to the Application Launcher. Use ApplicationLauncherButton.VisibleInScenes to set where the button should be displayed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Note that the application launcher is destroyed when the player exits to the main menu. If the player then 
 /// loads up a new save the application launcher will be recreated and you will have to re-add your button. 
 /// Register for GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed and GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherReady
 /// to detect when the application launcher has been destroyed and when it has been re-created.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="onTrue">Callback for when the button is toggeled on</param>
 /// <param name="onFalse">Callback for when the button is toggeled off</param>
 /// <param name="onHover">Callback for when the mouse is hovering over the button</param>
 /// <param name="onHoverOut">Callback for when the mouse hoveris off the button</param>
 /// <param name="onEnable">Callback for when the button is shown or enabled by the application launcher</param>
 /// <param name="onDisable">Callback for when the button is hidden or disabled by the application launcher</param>
 /// <param name="visibleInScenes">The "scenes" this button will be visible in. For example VisibleInScenes = ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.FLIGHT | ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.MAPVIEW;</param>
 /// <param name="texture">The 38x38 Texture to use for the button icon.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public extern ApplicationLauncherButton AddModApplication(RUIToggleButton.OnTrue onTrue, RUIToggleButton.OnFalse onFalse, RUIToggleButton.OnHover onHover, RUIToggleButton.OnHoverOut onHoverOut, RUIToggleButton.OnEnable onEnable, RUIToggleButton.OnDisable onDisable, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes visibleInScenes, Texture texture);
 public extern ApplicationLauncherButton AddApplication(RUIToggleButton.OnTrue onTrue, RUIToggleButton.OnFalse onFalse, RUIToggleButton.OnHover onHover, RUIToggleButton.OnHoverOut onHoverOut, RUIToggleButton.OnEnable onEnable, RUIToggleButton.OnDisable onDisable, Texture texture);