        public void LogicRAMModuleTest()
            var sim = new RTLSimulator <LogicRAMModule, LogicRAMModuleInputs>();

            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMModuleInputs()
                Value = 0xFF
            Assert.AreEqual(0x3F, sim.TopLevel.Avg);
            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMModuleInputs()
                Value = 0xFF
            Assert.AreEqual(0x7F, sim.TopLevel.Avg);
            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMModuleInputs()
                Value = 0xFF
            Assert.AreEqual(0xBF, sim.TopLevel.Avg);
            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMModuleInputs()
                Value = 0xFF
            Assert.AreEqual(0xFF, sim.TopLevel.Avg);
        public void IntDividerPipelineModuleTest()
            var t   = new RTLSimulator <IntDividerPipelineModule, IntDividerPipelineModuleInputs>();
            var tl  = t.TopLevel;
            var rnd = new Random(Environment.TickCount);

            var testCases   = new List <IntDividerPipelineModuleTestRecord>();
            var testResults = new List <IntDividerPipelineModuleTestResult>();

            int max = 1000;

            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, max))
                var testCase = new IntDividerPipelineModuleTestRecord(rnd.Next(), rnd.Next());

                t.ClockCycle(new IntDividerPipelineModuleInputs()
                    inReady = true, inNumerator = testCase.Numerator, inDenominator = testCase.Denominator

                if (tl.OutReady)
                    testResults.Add(new IntDividerPipelineModuleTestResult(tl.OutRes, tl.OutRem));

            while (tl.OutReady)
                t.ClockCycle(new IntDividerPipelineModuleInputs());

                if (tl.OutReady)
                    testResults.Add(new IntDividerPipelineModuleTestResult(tl.OutRes, tl.OutRem));

            Assert.AreEqual(max, testResults.Count);

            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, max))
                var testCase   = testCases[i];
                var testResult = testResults[i];

                Assert.AreEqual(testCase.Result, testResult.Result, $"res failed for {testCase.Numerator} / {testCase.Denominator}");
                Assert.AreEqual(testCase.Remainder, testResult.Remainder, $"rem failed for {testCase.Numerator} / {testCase.Denominator}");
        public void ReadTest()
            var sim = new RTLSimulator <TModule, RegistersModuleInput>();
            var tl  = sim.TopLevel;

            foreach (var idx in IncRange)
                sim.ClockCycle(new RegistersModuleInput()
                    RD = idx, WE = true, WriteData = idx

            sim.ClockCycle(new RegistersModuleInput()
                Read = true, RS1Addr = 1, RS2Addr = 2
            sim.ClockCycle(new RegistersModuleInput()
                Read = true, RS1Addr = 1, RS2Addr = 2
            sim.ClockCycle(new RegistersModuleInput()
                Read = true, RS1Addr = 1, RS2Addr = 2

            foreach (var rs1 in IncRange)
                foreach (var rs2 in IncRange)
                        sim.ClockCycle(new RegistersModuleInput()
                            Read = true, RS1Addr = rs1, RS2Addr = rs2
                    }while (!tl.Ready);

                    Assert.AreEqual(rs1, tl.RS1);
                    Assert.AreEqual(rs2, tl.RS2);
        public void StallControlPipelineModuleTest_StallPrev()
            var t = new RTLSimulator <StallControlPipelineModule, StallControlInputs>();

            Action <StallControlOutput> assert = (expected) => Assert.IsTrue(DeepDiff.DeepEquals(expected, t.TopLevel.outResult));

            t.ClockCycle(new StallControlInputs()
                inProcessed = true, inData = 3, inReady = true
            assert(new StallControlOutput());

            t.ClockCycle(new StallControlInputs {
                inProcessed = true
            assert(new StallControlOutput()
                result = 1, stage0Stalled = true

            t.ClockCycle(new StallControlInputs {
                inProcessed = true
            assert(new StallControlOutput()
                result = 5, stage0Stalled = true

            t.ClockCycle(new StallControlInputs {
                inProcessed = true
            assert(new StallControlOutput()
                result = 9, stage0Stalled = true

            t.ClockCycle(new StallControlInputs {
                inProcessed = true, inReady = true
            assert(new StallControlOutput()
                result = 13

            t.ClockCycle(new StallControlInputs {
                inProcessed = true, inReady = true
            assert(new StallControlOutput()
                result = 17, ready = true

            t.ClockCycle(new StallControlInputs {
                inProcessed = true
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"Quokka.FPGA version: {typeof(QuokkaRunner).Assembly.GetName().Version}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Quokka.RTL version: {typeof(RTLBitArray).Assembly.GetName().Version}");


            var c = new C()
                v = true
            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            var sim = new RTLSimulator <VGAModule, VGAModuleInputs>();
            var tl  = sim.TopLevel;

            var b = new RTLBitArray(100000).Unsigned();

            for (int i = 0; i < 80000; i++)
                if (b < i)
                    throw new Exception();
            var lapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;


            int vSyncCounter = 0, hSyncCounter = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < 100 /*525*/; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < 800; col++)
                    sim.ClockCycle(new VGAModuleInputs());

                    if (!tl.VSync)
                    if (!tl.HSync)

            Console.WriteLine($"Done in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
        public void LogicRAMIndexingModuleTest()
            var sim = new RTLSimulator <LogicRAMIndexingModule, LogicRAMIndexingModuleInputs>(true);

            var tl = sim.TopLevel;

            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMIndexingModuleInputs()
                WE = true, WriteAddr = 0, WriteData = 0x66
            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMIndexingModuleInputs()
                WE = true, WriteAddr = 1, WriteData = 0xAA
            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMIndexingModuleInputs()
                WE = true, WriteAddr = 2, WriteData = 0x55
            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMIndexingModuleInputs()
                WE = true, WriteAddr = 3, WriteData = 0xFF

            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMIndexingModuleInputs()
                ReadAddr = 2, OpData = 0xF0
            Assert.AreEqual(false, tl.CmpMemLhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, tl.CmpMemRhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0xF5, tl.LogicMemLhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x50, tl.LogicMemRhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x65, tl.MathMemLhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x45, tl.MathMemRhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0xFF, tl.MemLhsRhs);

            sim.ClockCycle(new LogicRAMIndexingModuleInputs()
                ReadAddr = 0, OpData = 0x50
            Assert.AreEqual(true, tl.CmpMemLhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, tl.CmpMemRhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x76, tl.LogicMemLhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x40, tl.LogicMemRhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x16, tl.MathMemLhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0xB6, tl.MathMemRhs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x10, tl.MemLhsRhs);

            var tb = sim.TBAdapter(RTLVerilogConfig);

        public void VGAModule_FrameTest()
            var sim = new RTLSimulator <VGAModule, VGAModuleInputs>(true);

             * // VCD output takes about 15 minutes to write
             * sim.TraceToVCD(
             *  VCDOutputPath(),
             *  new RTLModuleSnapshotConfig()
             *  {
             *      Include = RTLModuleSnapshotConfigInclude.Inputs | RTLModuleSnapshotConfigInclude.Outputs,
             *      MaxNestingLevel = 0
             *  });

            var tl           = sim.TopLevel;
            int pixelCounter = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < 628; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < 1 /*056*/; col++)
                    if (tl.IsVisible)

                    sim.ClockCycle(new VGAModuleInputs());

            //Assert.AreEqual(800 * 600, pixelCounter);
            var tb = sim.TBAdapter(RTLVerilogConfig);


            //Assert.AreEqual(480, hSyncCounter, "HSync is wrong");
            //Assert.AreEqual(640, hSyncCounter, "VSync is wrong");
        public void FillTest()
            var sim = new RTLSimulator <TModule, RegistersModuleInput>();
            var tl  = sim.TopLevel;

            foreach (var idx in IncRange)
                sim.ClockCycle(new RegistersModuleInput()
                    RD = idx, WE = true, WriteData = idx + 1

                if (idx == 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(0U, tl.State.x[0]);
                    Assert.AreEqual((uint)(idx + 1), tl.State.x[idx]);
        public void StallControlTestPipelineModuleTest()
            var sim = new RTLSimulator <StallControlTestPipelineModule, StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs>();


            var dataLog = new IntegrationTestDataLogger();

            // initial values
            dataLog.setInputs(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs());

            Action <StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs> clockCycle = (inputs) =>

            Action <byte[]> assertStateCounters = (values) =>
                var pl   = sim.TopLevel.PipelineProps.Single().GetValue(sim.TopLevel) as IRTLPipeline;
                var head = pl.Diag.Head;
                var s0   = head.Peek <StallControlTestPipelineStage0>();
                var s1   = head.Peek <StallControlTestPipelineStage1>();
                var s2   = head.Peek <StallControlTestPipelineStage2>();
                var s3   = head.Peek <StallControlTestPipelineStage3>();

                Assert.AreEqual(values[0], s0.State.stage0Counter);
                Assert.AreEqual(values[1], s1.State.stage1Counter);
                Assert.AreEqual(values[2], s2.State.stage2Counter);
                Assert.AreEqual(values[3], s3.State.stage3Counter);

            Action <StallControlTestOutput> assert = (expected) =>
                var compare = DeepDiff.DeepCompare(expected, sim.TopLevel.outResult);
                if (compare != null)
                    Assert.Fail($"{string.Join(".", compare.Path.Select(p => p.Name))}: Expecting {compare.lhs}, Actual {compare.rhs}. {compare.Messages.ToCSV()}");


            var idle = new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs();

            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage3Counter = 1

            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage2Counter = 1, stage3Counter = 2

            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage1Counter = 1, stage2Counter = 2, stage3Counter = 3

            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter = 1, stage1Counter = 2, stage2Counter = 3, stage3Counter = 4

            // all counters should be at 4
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4, 4 });

            #region stage3 stall control
            // stall stage3
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallStage3 = true

            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4, 4 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 1,
                stage1Counter   = 2,
                stage2Counter   = 3,
                stage3Counter   = 4,
                pipelineStalled = true,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = true

            // stall pipeline from stage 3
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPipeline = true, stallStage3 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4, 4 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 1,
                stage1Counter   = 2,
                stage2Counter   = 3,
                stage3Counter   = 4,
                pipelineStalled = true,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = true

            // stall stage2 from stage 3
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage3 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4, 5 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 2,
                stage1Counter   = 3,
                stage2Counter   = 4,
                stage3Counter   = 5,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            // stall stage 2 from stage 3 again
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage3 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4, 6 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 2,
                stage1Counter   = 3,
                stage2Counter   = 4,
                stage3Counter   = 6,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            #region stage2 stall control
            // stall stage2
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallStage2 = true

            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4, 7 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 2,
                stage1Counter   = 3,
                stage2Counter   = 4,
                stage3Counter   = 7,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            // stall pipeline from stage 2
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPipeline = true, stallStage2 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4, 7 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 2,
                stage1Counter   = 3,
                stage2Counter   = 4,
                stage3Counter   = 7,
                pipelineStalled = true,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = true

            // stall stage1 from stage 2
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage2 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 5, 8 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 2,
                stage1Counter   = 3,
                stage2Counter   = 4,
                stage3Counter   = 8,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            // stall stage1 from stage 2 again
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage2 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 6, 9 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 3,
                stage1Counter   = 4,
                stage2Counter   = 5,
                stage3Counter   = 9,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            // stall stage1 from stage 2 one more time
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage2 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 7, 10 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 3,
                stage1Counter   = 4,
                stage2Counter   = 6,
                stage3Counter   = 10,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false
            #endregion stage2 stall control

            #region stage1 stall control
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallStage1 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 8, 11 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 3,
                stage1Counter   = 4,
                stage2Counter   = 7,
                stage3Counter   = 11,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPipeline = true, stallStage1 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 4, 8, 11 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 3,
                stage1Counter   = 4,
                stage2Counter   = 7,
                stage3Counter   = 11,
                pipelineStalled = true,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = true

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage1 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 5, 9, 12 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 3,
                stage1Counter   = 4,
                stage2Counter   = 8,
                stage3Counter   = 12,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage1 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 6, 10, 13 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 3,
                stage1Counter   = 4,
                stage2Counter   = 9,
                stage3Counter   = 13,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage1 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 7, 11, 14 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 4,
                stage1Counter   = 5,
                stage2Counter   = 10,
                stage3Counter   = 14,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            #endregion stage1 stall control

            #region stage2 stall control
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallStage0 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 8, 12, 15 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 4,
                stage1Counter   = 6,
                stage2Counter   = 11,
                stage3Counter   = 15,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPipeline = true, stallStage0 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 4, 8, 12, 15 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 4,
                stage1Counter   = 6,
                stage2Counter   = 11,
                stage3Counter   = 15,
                pipelineStalled = true,
                stage0Stalled   = true,
                stage1Stalled   = true,
                stage2Stalled   = true,
                stage3Stalled   = true

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage0 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 5, 9, 13, 16 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 4,
                stage1Counter   = 7,
                stage2Counter   = 12,
                stage3Counter   = 16,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = false,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage0 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 6, 10, 14, 17 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 4,
                stage1Counter   = 8,
                stage2Counter   = 13,
                stage3Counter   = 17,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = false,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage0 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 7, 11, 15, 18 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 4,
                stage1Counter   = 9,
                stage2Counter   = 14,
                stage3Counter   = 18,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = false,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPrev = true, stallStage0 = true
            assertStateCounters(new byte[] { 8, 12, 16, 19 });
            assert(new StallControlTestOutput()
                stage0Counter   = 5,
                stage1Counter   = 10,
                stage2Counter   = 15,
                stage3Counter   = 19,
                pipelineStalled = false,
                stage0Stalled   = false,
                stage1Stalled   = false,
                stage2Stalled   = false,
                stage3Stalled   = false

            #endregion stage2 stall control

            // filler in VCD
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPipeline = true, stallStage3 = true
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPipeline = true, stallStage3 = true
            clockCycle(new StallControlTestPipelineModuleInputs()
                stallPipeline = true, stallStage3 = true
