private void Run() { RSLClient rslClient = new RSLClient(serviceIdentity, "KV", ps.Verbose); Thread.Sleep(3000); Random rng = new Random(); for (int requestNum = 1; true; ++requestNum) { KVRequest request = GetRandomRequest(rng, ps); byte[] requestBytes = request.Encode(); var startTime = HiResTimer.Ticks; byte[] replyBytes = rslClient.SubmitRequest(requestBytes, ps.Verbose); var endTime = HiResTimer.Ticks; KVReply reply = KVReply.Decode(replyBytes, 0); if (ps.PrintRequestsAndReplies) { Console.WriteLine("Received reply of type {0}", reply.ReplyType); if (reply is KVGetFoundReply gfr) { Console.WriteLine("Value obtained for get was {0}", gfr.Val); } } Console.WriteLine("#req {0} {1} {2}", id, requestNum, HiResTimer.TicksToMilliseconds(endTime - startTime)); } }
private void Run() { RSLClient rslClient = new RSLClient(serviceIdentity, "Counter", ps.Verbose); Thread.Sleep(3000); for (int requestNum = 1; true; ++requestNum) { var request = new IncrementRequest(); byte[] requestBytes = request.Encode(); var startTime = HiResTimer.Ticks; byte[] replyBytes = rslClient.SubmitRequest(requestBytes, ps.Verbose); var endTime = HiResTimer.Ticks; var reply = IncrementReply.Decode(replyBytes); if (ps.PrintReplies) { Console.WriteLine("Received increment reply with counter {0}", reply.counterValue); } Console.WriteLine("#req {0} {1} {2}", id, requestNum, HiResTimer.TicksToMilliseconds(endTime - startTime)); } }