protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.IsAdmin = UserManagement.UserIsInRole("Admin"); this.CanEdit = UserManagement.UserCanEdit(WTSModuleOption.MasterData); this.CanView = (CanEdit || UserManagement.UserCanView(WTSModuleOption.MasterData)); ReadQueryString(); initControls(); //Gather RQMTAttribute data for dropdown(s) if (Session["RQMTAttribute_Get"] == null) { dtRQMTAttribute = RQMT.RQMTAttribute_Get(); Session["RQMTAttribute_Get"] = dtRQMTAttribute; } else { dtRQMTAttribute = (DataTable)Session["RQMTAttribute_Get"]; } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = LoadData(); matchAORSRWebSystems = SR.GetAORWebSystemsForWTSSystem(SYSTEM_ID); if (matchAORSRWebSystems.ToLower().IndexOf("wts") != -1) { matchAORSRWebSystems += ",wts"; // the aorsr forms of wts do not match the internal form, so we ensure that we get WTS results out of R&D WTS and other forms whenever a wts variant is present } grdData.DataSource = dt; grdData.DataBind(); }
public static string SaveChanges(string changes) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool saved = false; string errorMsg = string.Empty; try { XmlDocument docChanges = (XmlDocument)JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(changes, "changes"); saved = RQMT.RQMT_Update(Changes: docChanges); //todo: check for uniqueness } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); saved = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; } result["saved"] = saved.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)); }
public static string DeleteRQMTFromSet(int RQMTSetID, string checkedRQMTIDs, bool globalDelete) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); string[] ids = checkedRQMTIDs.Split('|'); for (int i = ids.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) // we go backwards so we can re-order as we go and not delete parents before children { int id = Int32.Parse(ids[i]); if (globalDelete) { DataTable dt = RQMT.RQMT_AssociatedSets_Get(id); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { RQMT.RQMTSet_DeleteRQMT((int)row["RQMTSetID"], id, 0, true); } } else { RQMT.RQMTSet_DeleteRQMT(RQMTSetID, id, 0, true); } } result["success"] = "true"; return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReadQueryString(); InitializeEvents(); this.CanEditRQMTDescription = UserManagement.UserCanEdit(WTSModuleOption.RQMT); this.CanViewRQMTDescription = this.CanEditRQMTDescription || UserManagement.UserCanView(WTSModuleOption.RQMT); this.dtRQMTDescriptionType = RQMT.RQMTDescriptionTypeList_Get(); DataTable dt = LoadData(); if (dt != null) { this.DCC = dt.Columns; this.TotalCount = dt.Rows.Count; } grdData.DataSource = dt; if (!Page.IsPostBack && this.GridPageIndex > 0 && this.GridPageIndex < ((decimal)dt.Rows.Count / (decimal)25)) { grdData.PageIndex = this.GridPageIndex; } grdData.DataBind(); }
public static string DeleteRQMTDescription(string rqmtDescription) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "deleted", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool deleted = false; string errorMsg = string.Empty; try { int RQMTDescription_ID = 0; int.TryParse(rqmtDescription, out RQMTDescription_ID); deleted = RQMT.RQMTDescription_Delete(RQMTDescriptionID: RQMTDescription_ID); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); deleted = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; } result["deleted"] = deleted.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)); }
public static string SaveRQMTDescription(int RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, int RQMTSystemRQMTDescriptionID, string RQMTDescription, int RQMTDescriptionTypeID, bool editMode) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); try { int RQMTDescriptionID = RQMT.RQMTSystem_SaveDescription(0, RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, RQMTSystemRQMTDescriptionID, RQMTDescription, RQMTDescriptionTypeID, editMode, "all"); result["success"] = "true"; result["rqmtdescriptionid"] = RQMTDescriptionID.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.IndexOf("UNIQUE KEY") != -1) { result["error"] = "This description/type combination already exists in this RQMT."; } else { result["error"] = e.Message; } } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string DeleteItem(string strRQMTSystemDefectID) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "" }, { "ids", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, deleted = false; string ids = string.Empty, errorMsg = string.Empty, tempMsg = string.Empty; try { int rqmtSystemDefectID = 0; int.TryParse(strRQMTSystemDefectID, out rqmtSystemDefectID); deleted = RQMT.RQMTDefectsImpact_Delete(intRQMTSystemDefectID: rqmtSystemDefectID); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); deleted = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; } result["deleted"] = deleted.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)); }
public static string DeleteTaskFromDefect(int rsdtaskid) { var result = WTS.WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTDefectsImpactTask_Delete(rsdtaskid)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTS.WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string TaskAddedToDefect(int rsdid, int WORKITEM_TASKID) { var result = WTS.WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTDefectsImpactTask_Add(rsdid, WORKITEM_TASKID)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTS.WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string SRDelete(int rsdsrid) { var result = WTS.WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTDefectsImpactSR_Delete(rsdsrid)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTS.WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string SRSelected(int rsdid, int srid, int srext) { var result = WTS.WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTDefectsImpactSR_Add(rsdid, srext == 0 ? srid : 0, srext == 1 ? srid : 0)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTS.WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string DeleteDescriptionAttachment(int AttachmentID) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTDescriptionAttachment_Delete(0, 0, AttachmentID)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string DeleteRQMTBase(int RQMTID) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); var deleteResult = RQMT.RQMT_Delete(RQMTID, false); result["success"] = deleteResult["deleted"]; result["hasdependencies"] = deleteResult["hasdependencies"]; return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string DeleteRQMTDescription(int RQMTSystemRQMTDescriptionID) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTSystem_DeleteDescription(RQMTSystemRQMTDescriptionID)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string DeleteRQMTFunctionality(int RQMTSetID, int RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, int RQMTSetFunctionalityID) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTFunctionality_Delete(RQMTSetID, RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, RQMTSetFunctionalityID)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string SaveRQMTAttributes(int RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, int RQMTStageID, int CriticalityID, int RQMTStatusID, bool RQMTAccepted) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTSystemAttributes_Save(RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, RQMTStageID, CriticalityID, RQMTStatusID, RQMTAccepted)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string TaskAddedToRQMTSet(int RQMTSetID, int WORKITEM_TASKID) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTSet_Task_Add(RQMTSetID, WORKITEM_TASKID)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string SaveRQMTBase(int RQMTID, string txt) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); var saveResult = RQMT.RQMT_Save(false, RQMTID, txt); result["success"] = saveResult["saved"].ToLower(); result["exists"] = saveResult["exists"].ToLower(); return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string SaveRQMTSetOrdering(string order) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTSet_ReorderRQMTs(0, order)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string DeleteRQMTSet(int RQMTSetID) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTSet_Delete(RQMTSetID)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string UpdateRQMTSetRQMTSystemUsage(int RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, int month, bool selected) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTSet_RQMTSystem_Usage_Update(RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, month, selected)) { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string SaveRQMTFunctionality(int RQMTSetID, int RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, string RQMTFunctionalities, int RQMTSetFunctionalityID, int FunctionalityID, int ComplexityID, string Justification) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTFunctionality_Save(RQMTSetID, RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, RQMTFunctionalities, RQMTSetFunctionalityID, FunctionalityID, ComplexityID, Justification)) { result["success"] = "true"; result["RQMTSetID"] = RQMTSetID.ToString(); } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string SaveRQMTChanges(string changes) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); try { JObject jobj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(changes); int RQMTID = 0; string addToSets = ""; string deleteFromSets = ""; string RQMTText = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> token in (JObject)jobj) { string value = token.Value.ToString(); if (token.Key == "RQMTID") { RQMTID = Int32.Parse(value); } else if (token.Key == "adds") { addToSets = value; } else if (token.Key == "deletes") { deleteFromSets = value; } else if (token.Key == "RQMT") { RQMTText = value; } } int returnID = RQMT.RQMTBuilder_RQMTUpdate(RQMTID, RQMTText, addToSets, deleteFromSets); if (returnID != RQMTID) { result["error"] = "Change cannot be saved. Another RQMT already exists with the same text (RQMT #" + returnID + ")."; } else { result["success"] = "true"; } } catch (Exception e) { result["error"] = e.Message; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
private void LoadData() { if (!this.NewRQMT) { DataTable dt = RQMT.RQMTList_Get(RQMTID: RQMTID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblRQMT.Text = dt.Rows[0]["RQMT"].ToString(); } } }
public static string SearchDescriptions(string txt) { DataTable dt; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt)) { txt = "__NONE__"; // we don't allow blank searches for descriptions } dt = RQMT.RQMTBuilderDescriptionList_Get(0, txt, false); return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(dt)); }
public static string SaveChanges(string changes, string strRQMT_ID, string strSYSTEM_ID) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "" }, { "ids", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, saved = false; string ids = string.Empty, errorMsg = string.Empty, tempMsg = string.Empty; try { int intRQMT_ID = 0; int intSYSTEM_ID = 0; int.TryParse(strRQMT_ID, out intRQMT_ID); int.TryParse(strSYSTEM_ID, out intSYSTEM_ID); DataTable dtjson = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(changes, (typeof(DataTable))); foreach (DataRow dr in dtjson.Rows) { int drRQMTSystemDefectID = 0; int drVerified = 0; int drResolved = 0; int drContinueToReview = 0; int drImpactID = 0; int drRQMTStageID = 0; int.TryParse(dr["RQMTSystemDefectID"].ToString(), out drRQMTSystemDefectID); int.TryParse(dr["Verified"].ToString(), out drVerified); int.TryParse(dr["Resolved"].ToString(), out drResolved); int.TryParse(dr["ContinueToReview"].ToString(), out drContinueToReview); int.TryParse(dr["Impact"].ToString(), out drImpactID); int.TryParse(dr["RQMTStage"].ToString(), out drRQMTStageID); saved = RQMT.RQMTDefectsImpact_Save(intRQMTID: intRQMT_ID, intSYSTEMID: intSYSTEM_ID, intRQMTSystemDefectID: drRQMTSystemDefectID, strDescription: dr["Description"].ToString(), intVerified: drVerified, intResolved: drResolved, intContinueToReview: drContinueToReview, intImpactID: drImpactID, intRQMTStageID: drRQMTStageID, mitigation: dr["Mitigation"].ToString()); } //saved = RQMT.RQMTDefectsImpact_Save(Changes: docChanges); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); saved = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; } result["saved"] = saved.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)); }
private void LoadControls() { switch (this.Type) { case "Add": DataTable dtRQMTDescriptionType = RQMT.RQMTDescriptionTypeList_Get(); ddlRQMTDescriptionType.DataSource = dtRQMTDescriptionType; ddlRQMTDescriptionType.DataValueField = "RQMTDescriptionTypeID"; ddlRQMTDescriptionType.DataTextField = "RQMTDescriptionType"; ddlRQMTDescriptionType.DataBind(); break; } }
public static string RenameRQMTSetGroup(int RQMTSetNameID, string name) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); if (RQMT.RQMTSetName_Save(RQMTSetNameID, name)) { result["success"] = "true"; } else { result["error"] = "Name already exists and could not be changed."; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string AddRQMTSet(string RQMTSetName, int WTS_SYSTEMID, int WorkAreaID, int RQMTTypeID) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); var RQMTSetID = RQMT.RQMTSet_Save(0, RQMTSetName, WTS_SYSTEMID, WorkAreaID, RQMTTypeID, 0, null); if (RQMTSetID > 0) { result["success"] = "true"; } result["RQMTSetID"] = RQMTSetID.ToString(); return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }
public static string PasteRQMTs(int RQMTSetID, string options) { var result = WTSPage.CreateDefaultResult(); string previousCopiedRQMTs = (string)HttpContext.Current.Session["copied.rqmts"]; // RQMTS, SYSIDS, RSRSIDS if (options == null) { options = ""; } bool pasteAttributes = options.IndexOf("attr") != -1; bool pasteDefects = options.IndexOf("def") != -1; bool pasteDescriptions = options.IndexOf("desc") != -1; string pasteOptions = (pasteAttributes ? "attr," : "") + (pasteDefects ? "def," : "") + (pasteDescriptions ? "desc," : ""); if (pasteOptions.Length > 0) { pasteOptions = pasteOptions.Substring(0, pasteOptions.Length - 1); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previousCopiedRQMTs)) { string[] arr = previousCopiedRQMTs.Split(','); string[] prevRQMTIDs = arr[0].Split('|'); string[] prevRQMTSet_RQMTSystemIDs = arr[2].Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < prevRQMTIDs.Length; i++) { int RQMTID = Int32.Parse(prevRQMTIDs[i]); int RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID = Int32.Parse(prevRQMTSet_RQMTSystemIDs[i]); RQMT.RQMTSet_AddRQMT(RQMTSetID, RQMTID, null, false, RQMTSet_RQMTSystemID, pasteOptions); } RQMT.RQMTSet_ReorderRQMTs(RQMTSetID, null); // this forces us to reclaim space from previously deleted rqmts result["success"] = "true"; } else // we shouldn't get here; the UI should have disabled the paste button if there is nothing on the clipboard { result["success"] = "true"; } return(WTSPage.SerializeResult(result)); }