private void SetupApplication() { try { ROMNode node = ROMNode.LoadXML("config.xml", null); if (node == null) return; ROMNode childNode = new ROMNode("Child1"); childNode.SetAttribute("attr1", "A child attr"); node.AddChildROMObject(childNode); ROMNode childNode2 = new ROMNode("Child2"); childNode2.SetAttribute("attr2", "A child attr"); node.AddChildROMObject(childNode2); ROMNode childNode3 = new ROMNode("Child3"); childNode3.SetAttribute("attr3", "A child attr"); childNode3.SetAttribute("attr3", "attrSub1", "A sub child attr"); childNode3.SetAttribute("attr3", "attrSub2", "A 2nd sub child attr"); childNode2.AddChildROMObject(childNode3); Debugger.RootNode = node; Debugger.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void SetupApplication() { try { ROMNode node = ROMNode.LoadXML("config.xml", null); if (node == null) { return; } ROMNode childNode = new ROMNode("Child1"); childNode.SetAttribute("attr1", "A child attr"); node.AddChildROMObject(childNode); ROMNode childNode2 = new ROMNode("Child2"); childNode2.SetAttribute("attr2", "A child attr"); node.AddChildROMObject(childNode2); ROMNode childNode3 = new ROMNode("Child3"); childNode3.SetAttribute("attr3", "A child attr"); childNode3.SetAttribute("attr3", "attrSub1", "A sub child attr"); childNode3.SetAttribute("attr3", "attrSub2", "A 2nd sub child attr"); childNode2.AddChildROMObject(childNode3); Debugger.RootNode = node; Debugger.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void btnGet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string attrName = txtName.Text; if (attrName.Length > 0) { TreeViewItem item = (TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { ROMNode node = (ROMNode)item.Tag; if (node != null) { string subAttrName = "value"; int index = attrName.IndexOf(':'); if (index >= 0) { subAttrName = attrName.Substring(index + 1); attrName = attrName.Substring(0, index); } bool immediate = (bool)checkImmediate.IsChecked; string value = node.GetAttribute(attrName, subAttrName, immediate); txtValue.Text = value; } } } }
private void btnSet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string attrName = txtName.Text; string attrValue = txtValue.Text; if (attrName.Length > 0) { TreeViewItem item = (TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { ROMNode node = (ROMNode)item.Tag; if (node != null) { string subAttrName = "value"; int index = attrName.IndexOf(':'); if (index >= 0) { subAttrName = attrName.Substring(index + 1); attrName = attrName.Substring(0, index); } node.SetAttribute(attrName, subAttrName, attrValue); if (rbAttr.IsChecked == true) { DisplayAttributeGrid(item); } else { DisplayXML(item); } } } } }
public void AddBranchAndChildren(TreeViewItem parent, ROMNode node) { string caption = node.GetROMObjectID(); TreeViewItem current = null; if (parent != null) { current = new TreeViewItem(); current.Header = caption; current.Tag = node; current.Name = "_" + node.GetROMGUID().Replace('-', '_'); try { treeCtrl.UnregisterName(current.Name); } catch { } treeCtrl.RegisterName(current.Name, current); parent.Items.Add(current); } ROMNode[] children = node.GetAllChildren(false); if (children != null) foreach (ROMNode child in children) { AddBranchAndChildren(current, child); } }
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "XML files (*.xml)|*.xml"; dialog.Title = "Open XML file"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) return; //string contents = null; //using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dialog.FileName)) //{ // while (!reader.EndOfStream) // { // contents = reader.ReadToEnd(); // } //} //reload if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialog.FileName)) { var newNode = ROMNode.LoadXML(dialog.FileName, null); if (newNode != null) { newNode.Rules = m_rules; m_rootNode = newNode; m_engine = new LinearEngine(m_rootNode, "HydraulicCylinderDictionary"); m_engine.EvaluateAll(); UpdateControls(); } } }
public void AddBranchAndChildren(TreeViewItem parent, ROMNode node) { string caption = node.GetROMObjectID(); TreeViewItem current = null; if (parent != null) { current = new TreeViewItem(); current.Header = caption; current.Tag = node; current.Name = "_" + node.GetROMGUID().Replace('-', '_'); try { treeCtrl.UnregisterName(current.Name); } catch { } treeCtrl.RegisterName(current.Name, current); parent.Items.Add(current); } ROMNode[] children = node.GetAllChildren(false); if (children != null) { foreach (ROMNode child in children) { AddBranchAndChildren(current, child); } } }
private void SetupApplication() { string rulesPath = "HydraulicCylinderRules.xml"; m_rules = new EDSEngine(rulesPath); m_rootNode = new ROMNode("HydraulicCylinder"); if (!m_rules.IsOpen()) { MessageBox.Show("Error loading rules file"); Close(); } m_rules.InputGetterDelegate = delegate(string name, object obj) { return(((ROMNode)obj).GetAttribute(name, false)); }; m_rootNode.Rules = m_rules; m_engine = new LinearEngine(m_rootNode, "HydraulicCylinderDictionary"); m_engine.EvaluateAll(); UpdateControls(); }
private void DisplayXML(TreeViewItem item) { text.Text = ""; if (item != null) { ROMNode node = (ROMNode)item.Tag; string xml = node.SaveXML(true); text.Text = xml; } }
private static void CreateChildNodes(ROMNode rootNode) { Log("Creating a child object"); ROMNode childNode = ObjectFactory("DerivedObject"); rootNode.AddChildROMObject(childNode); childNode.SetAttribute("childAttr", "some value of value"); //setting a value on the Object Node childNode.SetROMObjectValue("valueTest", "myValue"); ROMNode childOfChild = ObjectFactory("DerivedObject2"); childNode.AddChildROMObject(childOfChild); }
private void DisplayAttributeGrid(TreeViewItem item) { grid.ItemsSource = null; if (item != null) { ROMNode node = (ROMNode)item.Tag; if (node != null) { List <ROMAttrData> table = new List <ROMAttrData>(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > allAttrs = node.GetAllAttributes(); SortedDictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> > > sorted = new SortedDictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> > >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> > kvp in allAttrs) { sorted.Add(kvp.Key, kvp); } foreach (string attr in sorted.Keys) { ROMAttrData row = new ROMAttrData(); Dictionary <string, string> attrValuePair = allAttrs[attr]; row.Attribute = attr; row.Value = attrValuePair["value"]; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in attrValuePair) { if (kvp.Key != "value") { if (row.SubValues == null) { row.SubValues = new ObservableCollection <string>(); } row.SubValues.Add(kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value); } } table.Add(row); } FillGrid(table); } } }
public void Update() { if (m_rootNode == null) { return; } m_bLoading = true; ROMNode node = null; TreeViewItem item = (TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { node = (ROMNode)item.Tag; } BuildTree(); item = null; if (node != null) { item = (TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.FindName("_" + node.GetROMGUID().Replace('-', '_')); } if (item != null) { item.IsSelected = true; DisplayAttributeGrid(item); } else { if (treeCtrl.Items.Count > 0) { ((TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.Items[0]).IsSelected = true; DisplayAttributeGrid((TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.Items[0]); } } m_bLoading = false; }
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "XML files (*.xml)|*.xml"; dialog.Title = "Open XML file"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } //string contents = null; //using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dialog.FileName)) //{ // while (!reader.EndOfStream) // { // contents = reader.ReadToEnd(); // } //} //reload if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialog.FileName)) { var newNode = ROMNode.LoadXML(dialog.FileName, null); if (newNode != null) { newNode.Rules = m_rules; m_rootNode = newNode; m_engine = new LinearEngine(m_rootNode, "HydraulicCylinderDictionary"); m_engine.EvaluateAll(); UpdateControls(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); frm = new MainForm(); frm.Shown += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { long start = 0, elapsed = 0, testROMNodeStart = 0, testROMNodeEnd = 0; string msg; const int iMax = 1000; string filename = "test_project.gz"; string rulesPath = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\EDSEngine\\EDSEngineTestApp\\" + filename; if (args.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0])) { rulesPath = args[0]; } Log("Creating the root node"); ROMNode rootNode = new ApplicationObject("TestApplication", ObjectFactory); Log("Root created"); Log("Setting some attributes"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr1", "some value of test1"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr2", "some value of test2"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr3", "some value of test3"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr3", "test3a", "some sub value of attr3_a"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr3", "test3b", "some sub value of attr3_b"); Log("Attrs set"); CreateChildNodes(rootNode); ROMNode[] findTest = rootNode.FindAllObjectsByID("DerivedObject", true); ROMNode[] findTestXPATH = rootNode.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject']"); ROMNode[] findTestXPATH2 = rootNode.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']"); if (findTest.Length == 1 && findTestXPATH.Length == 1 && findTestXPATH2.Length == 1 && findTest[0].GetROMGUID() == findTestXPATH[0].GetROMGUID() && findTestXPATH2[0].GetROMObjectID() == "DerivedObject2") { Log("OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE creating/obtaining child object"); } Log("Dump current xml state"); string s = rootNode.SaveXML(true); Log(s); Log("Cloning the root object"); var clonedObj = rootNode.Clone(); string testClone = clonedObj.SaveXML(true); var rootChildCnt = rootNode.GetAllChildren(true).Length; var cloneChildCnt = clonedObj.GetAllChildren(true).Length; if (s.Length == testClone.Length && rootChildCnt == cloneChildCnt) { Log("Clone OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE Cloning root"); } Log("Test the object factory and inheritence pattern on the clone"); ApplicationObject rootTest = (ApplicationObject)clonedObj.FindAllObjectsByID("TestApplication", true)[0]; DerivedObject2 childTest = (DerivedObject2)clonedObj.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']")[0]; if (rootTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "ApplicationObject" && childTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "DerivedObject2") { Log("inheritence OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE in inheritence pattern of cloned object"); } Log("Test loading from xml"); ROMNode loadedObj = ROMNode.LoadXMLFromString(s, ObjectFactory); string testLoaded = loadedObj.SaveXML(true); if (s.Length == testLoaded.Length && rootNode.GetAllChildren(true).Length == loadedObj.GetAllChildren(true).Length) { Log("XML loading OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE loading from xml"); } Log("Test the object factory and inheritence pattern of loaded xml"); rootTest = (ApplicationObject)loadedObj.FindAllObjectsByID("TestApplication", true)[0]; childTest = (DerivedObject2)loadedObj.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']")[0]; if (rootTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "ApplicationObject" && childTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "DerivedObject2") { Log("inheritence OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE in inheritence pattern of loaded xml"); } Log("Test for equlity"); DerivedObject2 childTest2 = (DerivedObject2)loadedObj.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']")[0]; if (childTest == childTest2 && childTest != rootTest) { Log("equality test OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE equality test"); } Log("Setting attrs to test eval, inputAttr1 = A, inputAttr2 = 10, outsideAttr1 = 28"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr1", "A"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr2", "10"); rootNode.SetAttribute("outsideAttr1", "28"); Log("loading rules: " + rulesPath); EDSNET.EDSEngine rules = new EDSNET.EDSEngine(rulesPath); if (!rules.IsOpen()) { rules = new EDSNET.EDSEngine(filename); } if (rules.IsOpen()) { rules.DebugDelegate = DebugMessage; rules.EnableRemoteDebugger(false); EDSNET.InputValueGetterDelegate getValueDelegate = (string attrName, object context) => { ROMNode objContext = (ROMNET.ROMNode)context; return(objContext.GetAttribute(attrName, false)); }; rules.InputGetterDelegate = getValueDelegate; rootNode.Rules = rules; Log("...loaded"); Log("Evaluating table testtable1"); string[] res = rootNode.EvaluateTable("testtable1", "outputAttr1", true); foreach (string str in res) { Log(str); } Log("Evaluation complete"); Log("Evaluating table testtable2: out1"); string[] res2 = rootNode.EvaluateTable("testtable2", "out1", true); foreach (string str in res2) { Log(str); } Log("Evaluation complete"); Log("Testing the LinearEngine class"); LinearEngine engine = new LinearEngine(rootNode, "Dictionary"); engine.InitializeEngine(); Log("Checking dictionary size"); Dictionary <string, ROMDictionaryAttribute> attrs = engine.GetAllDictionaryAttrs(); if (attrs.Count == 6) { Log("size ok"); } else { Log("FAILURE loading dictionary"); } ROMDictionaryAttribute[] order = engine.GetEvalList(); if (order != null && order.Length == 6 && order[0].Name == "cDictAttr1" && order[1].Name == "dDictAttr2" && order[2].Name == "aDictAttr3" && order[3].Name == "bDictAttr4" && order[4].Name == "eDictAttr5" && order[5].Name == "eDictAttr6") { Log("Order OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE to assess the evaluation order"); } Dictionary <string, string[]> triggers = engine.GetTriggers(); if (triggers.Count == 3 && triggers["aDictAttr3"].Length == 2 && triggers["aDictAttr3"][0] == "bDictAttr4" && triggers["aDictAttr3"][1] == "eDictAttr5") { Log("Triggers OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE to assess the triggers"); } Log("Testing evaluation"); engine.EvaluateAll(); ROMDictionaryAttribute attr1 = engine.GetDictionaryAttr("cDictAttr1"); ROMDictionaryAttribute attr2 = engine.GetDictionaryAttr("dDictAttr2"); if (attr2.AvailableValues.Length == 0 && attr2.PossibleValues.Length == 3 && attr1.AvailableValues.Length == 4) { Log("Default Eval OK"); } else { Log("FAILURE to initially evaluate an attribute"); } engine.EvaluateForAttribute("cDictAttr1", attr1.AvailableValues[0]); string val_pick1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("dDictAttr2"); string val_bool1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("aDictAttr3"); string val_multi1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("bDictAttr4"); string edit1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("eDictAttr5"); engine.EvaluateForAttribute("cDictAttr1", attr1.AvailableValues[1]); string val_pick2 = rootNode.GetAttribute("dDictAttr2"); string val_bool2 = rootNode.GetAttribute("aDictAttr3"); engine.EvaluateForAttribute("cDictAttr1", attr1.AvailableValues[2]); string val_bool3 = rootNode.GetAttribute("aDictAttr3"); string val_multi3 = rootNode.GetAttribute("bDictAttr4"); engine.EvaluateForAttribute("eDictAttr5", "999"); string edit4 = rootNode.GetAttribute("eDictAttr5"); if (val_pick1 == "ResultByOption1" && val_pick2 == "Result2" && val_bool1 == "Y" && val_bool2 == "Y" && val_bool3 == "N" && val_multi1 == "Selection2|Selection3" && val_multi3 == "Selection2" && edit1 == "10" && edit4 == "50") { Log("Evaluation of attributes ok"); } else { Log("FAILURE to evaluate an attribute"); } start = Environment.TickCount; testROMNodeStart = start; Log("Stress Testing..."); Log("Setting a bunch of values..."); for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { string attrToSet = "attr"; attrToSet += i.ToString(); rootNode.SetAttribute(attrToSet, i.ToString()); } Log("Retrieving a bunch of values..."); for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { string attrToGet = "attr"; attrToGet += i.ToString();; rootNode.GetAttribute(attrToGet); } elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; msg = "attribute test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); start = Environment.TickCount; Log("Create a large object heierarchy for querey testing"); for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { string objectToCreate = "SubLevel1Object"; objectToCreate += i.ToString(); ROMNode newNode = new ROMNode(objectToCreate); rootNode.AddChildROMObject(newNode); objectToCreate = "SubLevel2Object"; objectToCreate += i.ToString(); ROMNode newNode2 = new ROMNode(objectToCreate); newNode.AddChildROMObject(newNode2); newNode2.SetAttribute("sumtester", "1"); newNode2.SetAttribute("sumtester2", "2"); newNode2.SetAttribute("sumtester3", "3"); newNode2.SetAttribute("testvalue", "value found"); } elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; msg = "objects created in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); Log("Performing queries"); start = Environment.TickCount; long queryTime = start; string xpath = "sum(//Attribute[@id='sumtester']/@value)"; string xpathRes = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath); elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; Log(xpath + " result: " + xpathRes); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); start = Environment.TickCount; string xpath2 = "sum(//Attribute[@id='sumtester2']/@value)"; string xpathRes2 = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath2); elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; Log(xpath2 + " result: " + xpathRes2); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); Log("altering the object state"); rootNode.SetAttribute("Change", "Y"); start = Environment.TickCount; string xpath3 = "sum(//Attribute[@id='sumtester3']/@value)"; string xpathRes3 = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath3); elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; Log(xpath3 + " result: " + xpathRes3); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); start = Environment.TickCount; string xpath4 = "//Object[@id='SubLevel2Object10']/Attribute[@id='testvalue']/@value"; string xpathRes4 = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath4); long finished = Environment.TickCount; testROMNodeEnd = finished; elapsed = finished - start; Log(xpath4 + " result: " + xpathRes4); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); elapsed = finished - queryTime; msg = "All object query tests completed in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); msg = "stress test total time: "; elapsed = testROMNodeEnd - testROMNodeStart; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); } else { Log("Could not load rules"); } Log("Testing any key to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }; Application.Run(frm); }
private void buttonQuery_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string query = txtQuery.Text; if (query.Length > 0) { TreeViewItem item = (TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { ROMNode node = (ROMNode)item.Tag; if (node != null) { try { if (checkQueryValue.IsChecked == true) //rule table input type attr query { ROMNode[] results = node.FindObjects(query); string msg = results.Length.ToString() + " Objects Found"; MessageBox.Show(msg, "XPATH Result", MessageBoxButton.OK); //highlight the objects in the tree foreach (ROMNode nodeRes in results) { item = (TreeViewItem)treeCtrl.FindName("_" + nodeRes.GetROMGUID().Replace('-', '_')); if (item != null) { item.IsSelected = true; item.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); object newParent = item.Parent; TreeViewItem parent = null; if (newParent != null && newParent is TreeViewItem) { parent = (TreeViewItem)newParent; } while (parent != null) { parent.IsExpanded = true; newParent = parent.Parent; if (newParent != null && newParent is TreeViewItem) { parent = (TreeViewItem)newParent; } else { parent = null; } } } } } else { string msg = "value: "; msg += node.EvaluateXPATH(query); MessageBox.Show(msg, "XPATH Result", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Query error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } } } }
private void SetupApplication() { string rulesPath = "HydraulicCylinderRules.xml"; m_rules = new EDSEngine(rulesPath); m_rootNode = new ROMNode("HydraulicCylinder"); if (!m_rules.IsOpen()) { MessageBox.Show("Error loading rules file"); Close(); } m_rules.InputGetterDelegate = delegate(string name, object obj) { return ((ROMNode)obj).GetAttribute(name, false); }; m_rootNode.Rules = m_rules; m_engine = new LinearEngine(m_rootNode, "HydraulicCylinderDictionary"); m_engine.EvaluateAll(); UpdateControls(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); frm = new MainForm(); frm.Shown += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { long start = 0, elapsed = 0, testROMNodeStart = 0, testROMNodeEnd = 0; string msg; const int iMax = 1000; string filename = "test_project.gz"; string rulesPath = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\EDSEngine\\EDSEngineTestApp\\" + filename; if (args.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0])) rulesPath = args[0]; Log("Creating the root node"); ROMNode rootNode = new ApplicationObject("TestApplication", ObjectFactory); Log("Root created"); Log("Setting some attributes"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr1", "some value of test1"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr2", "some value of test2"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr3", "some value of test3"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr3", "test3a", "some sub value of attr3_a"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr3", "test3b", "some sub value of attr3_b"); Log("Attrs set"); CreateChildNodes(rootNode); ROMNode[] findTest = rootNode.FindAllObjectsByID("DerivedObject", true); ROMNode[] findTestXPATH = rootNode.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject']"); ROMNode[] findTestXPATH2 = rootNode.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']"); if (findTest.Length == 1 && findTestXPATH.Length == 1 && findTestXPATH2.Length == 1 && findTest[0].GetROMGUID() == findTestXPATH[0].GetROMGUID() && findTestXPATH2[0].GetROMObjectID() == "DerivedObject2") Log("OK"); else Log("FAILURE creating/obtaining child object"); Log("Dump current xml state"); string s = rootNode.SaveXML(true); Log(s); Log("Cloning the root object"); var clonedObj = rootNode.Clone(); string testClone = clonedObj.SaveXML(true); var rootChildCnt = rootNode.GetAllChildren(true).Length; var cloneChildCnt = clonedObj.GetAllChildren(true).Length; if (s.Length == testClone.Length && rootChildCnt == cloneChildCnt) Log("Clone OK"); else Log("FAILURE Cloning root"); Log("Test the object factory and inheritence pattern on the clone"); ApplicationObject rootTest = (ApplicationObject)clonedObj.FindAllObjectsByID("TestApplication", true)[0]; DerivedObject2 childTest = (DerivedObject2)clonedObj.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']")[0]; if (rootTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "ApplicationObject" && childTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "DerivedObject2") Log("inheritence OK"); else Log("FAILURE in inheritence pattern of cloned object"); Log("Test loading from xml"); ROMNode loadedObj = ROMNode.LoadXMLFromString(s, ObjectFactory); string testLoaded = loadedObj.SaveXML(true); if (s.Length == testLoaded.Length && rootNode.GetAllChildren(true).Length == loadedObj.GetAllChildren(true).Length) Log("XML loading OK"); else Log("FAILURE loading from xml"); Log("Test the object factory and inheritence pattern of loaded xml"); rootTest = (ApplicationObject)loadedObj.FindAllObjectsByID("TestApplication", true)[0]; childTest = (DerivedObject2)loadedObj.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']")[0]; if (rootTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "ApplicationObject" && childTest.GetAttribute("CLASS", true) == "DerivedObject2") Log("inheritence OK"); else Log("FAILURE in inheritence pattern of loaded xml"); Log("Test for equlity"); DerivedObject2 childTest2 = (DerivedObject2)loadedObj.FindObjects("//Object[@id='DerivedObject2']")[0]; if (childTest == childTest2 && childTest != rootTest) Log("equality test OK"); else Log("FAILURE equality test"); Log("Setting attrs to test eval, inputAttr1 = A, inputAttr2 = 10, outsideAttr1 = 28"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr1", "A"); rootNode.SetAttribute("inputAttr2", "10"); rootNode.SetAttribute("outsideAttr1", "28"); Log("loading rules: " + rulesPath); EDSNET.EDSEngine rules = new EDSNET.EDSEngine(rulesPath); if (!rules.IsOpen()) rules = new EDSNET.EDSEngine(filename); if (rules.IsOpen()) { rules.DebugDelegate = DebugMessage; rules.EnableRemoteDebugger(false); EDSNET.InputValueGetterDelegate getValueDelegate = (string attrName, object context) => { ROMNode objContext = (ROMNET.ROMNode)context; return objContext.GetAttribute(attrName, false); }; rules.InputGetterDelegate = getValueDelegate; rootNode.Rules = rules; Log("...loaded"); Log("Evaluating table testtable1"); string[] res = rootNode.EvaluateTable("testtable1", "outputAttr1", true); foreach (string str in res) { Log(str); } Log("Evaluation complete"); Log("Evaluating table testtable2: out1"); string[] res2 = rootNode.EvaluateTable("testtable2", "out1", true); foreach (string str in res2) { Log(str); } Log("Evaluation complete"); Log("Testing the LinearEngine class"); LinearEngine engine = new LinearEngine(rootNode, "Dictionary"); engine.InitializeEngine(); Log("Checking dictionary size"); Dictionary<string, ROMDictionaryAttribute> attrs = engine.GetAllDictionaryAttrs(); if (attrs.Count == 6) Log("size ok"); else Log("FAILURE loading dictionary"); ROMDictionaryAttribute[] order = engine.GetEvalList(); if (order != null && order.Length == 6 && order[0].Name == "cDictAttr1" && order[1].Name == "dDictAttr2" && order[2].Name == "aDictAttr3" && order[3].Name == "bDictAttr4" && order[4].Name == "eDictAttr5" && order[5].Name == "eDictAttr6") Log("Order OK"); else Log("FAILURE to assess the evaluation order"); Dictionary<string, string[]> triggers = engine.GetTriggers(); if (triggers.Count == 3 && triggers["aDictAttr3"].Length == 2 && triggers["aDictAttr3"][0] == "bDictAttr4" && triggers["aDictAttr3"][1] == "eDictAttr5") Log("Triggers OK"); else Log("FAILURE to assess the triggers"); Log("Testing evaluation"); engine.EvaluateAll(); ROMDictionaryAttribute attr1 = engine.GetDictionaryAttr("cDictAttr1"); ROMDictionaryAttribute attr2 = engine.GetDictionaryAttr("dDictAttr2"); if (attr2.AvailableValues.Length == 0 && attr2.PossibleValues.Length == 3 && attr1.AvailableValues.Length == 4) Log("Default Eval OK"); else Log("FAILURE to initially evaluate an attribute"); engine.EvaluateForAttribute("cDictAttr1", attr1.AvailableValues[0]); string val_pick1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("dDictAttr2"); string val_bool1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("aDictAttr3"); string val_multi1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("bDictAttr4"); string edit1 = rootNode.GetAttribute("eDictAttr5"); engine.EvaluateForAttribute("cDictAttr1", attr1.AvailableValues[1]); string val_pick2 = rootNode.GetAttribute("dDictAttr2"); string val_bool2 = rootNode.GetAttribute("aDictAttr3"); engine.EvaluateForAttribute("cDictAttr1", attr1.AvailableValues[2]); string val_bool3 = rootNode.GetAttribute("aDictAttr3"); string val_multi3 = rootNode.GetAttribute("bDictAttr4"); engine.EvaluateForAttribute("eDictAttr5", "999"); string edit4 = rootNode.GetAttribute("eDictAttr5"); if (val_pick1 == "ResultByOption1" && val_pick2 == "Result2" && val_bool1 == "Y" && val_bool2 == "Y" && val_bool3 == "N" && val_multi1 == "Selection2|Selection3" && val_multi3 == "Selection2" && edit1 == "10" && edit4 == "50") Log("Evaluation of attributes ok"); else Log("FAILURE to evaluate an attribute"); start = Environment.TickCount; testROMNodeStart = start; Log("Stress Testing..."); Log("Setting a bunch of values..."); for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { string attrToSet = "attr"; attrToSet += i.ToString(); rootNode.SetAttribute(attrToSet, i.ToString()); } Log("Retrieving a bunch of values..."); for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { string attrToGet = "attr"; attrToGet += i.ToString(); ; rootNode.GetAttribute(attrToGet); } elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; msg = "attribute test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); start = Environment.TickCount; Log("Create a large object heierarchy for querey testing"); for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { string objectToCreate = "SubLevel1Object"; objectToCreate += i.ToString(); ROMNode newNode = new ROMNode(objectToCreate); rootNode.AddChildROMObject(newNode); objectToCreate = "SubLevel2Object"; objectToCreate += i.ToString(); ROMNode newNode2 = new ROMNode(objectToCreate); newNode.AddChildROMObject(newNode2); newNode2.SetAttribute("sumtester", "1"); newNode2.SetAttribute("sumtester2", "2"); newNode2.SetAttribute("sumtester3", "3"); newNode2.SetAttribute("testvalue", "value found"); } elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; msg = "objects created in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); Log("Performing queries"); start = Environment.TickCount; long queryTime = start; string xpath = "sum(//Attribute[@id='sumtester']/@value)"; string xpathRes = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath); elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; Log(xpath + " result: " + xpathRes); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); start = Environment.TickCount; string xpath2 = "sum(//Attribute[@id='sumtester2']/@value)"; string xpathRes2 = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath2); elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; Log(xpath2 + " result: " + xpathRes2); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); Log("altering the object state"); rootNode.SetAttribute("Change", "Y"); start = Environment.TickCount; string xpath3 = "sum(//Attribute[@id='sumtester3']/@value)"; string xpathRes3 = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath3); elapsed = Environment.TickCount - start; Log(xpath3 + " result: " + xpathRes3); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); start = Environment.TickCount; string xpath4 = "//Object[@id='SubLevel2Object10']/Attribute[@id='testvalue']/@value"; string xpathRes4 = rootNode.EvaluateXPATH(xpath4); long finished = Environment.TickCount; testROMNodeEnd = finished; elapsed = finished - start; Log(xpath4 + " result: " + xpathRes4); msg = "object query test complete in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); elapsed = finished - queryTime; msg = "All object query tests completed in "; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); msg = "stress test total time: "; elapsed = testROMNodeEnd - testROMNodeStart; msg += elapsed.ToString(); msg += "ms"; Log(msg); } else Log("Could not load rules"); Log("Testing any key to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }; Application.Run(frm); }