public Boolean initializeLogger(IGlobalContext globalContext) { EndpointAddress endPointAddr = new EndpointAddress(globalContext.GetInterfaceServiceUrl(ConnectServiceType.Soap)); // Minimum required BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential); binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName; // Optional depending upon use cases binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 1024 * 1024; binding.MaxBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; binding.MessageEncoding = WSMessageEncoding.Mtom; // Create client proxy class RightNowSyncPortClient client = new RightNowSyncPortClient(binding, endPointAddr); // Ask the client to not send the timestamp BindingElementCollection elements = client.Endpoint.Binding.CreateBindingElements(); elements.Find <SecurityBindingElement>().IncludeTimestamp = false; client.Endpoint.Binding = new CustomBinding(elements); // Ask the Add-In framework the handle the session logic globalContext.PrepareConnectSession(client.ChannelFactory); this.client = client; this.extObject = getExtension(); return(true); }
internal void CreateNoFilesToProcessIntegrationJob(IntegrationJobType jobType) { var gfs = new List <GenericField> { RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("JobStatus", DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID, RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateNamedID((int)IntegrationJobStatus.Completed)), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("JobType", DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID, RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateNamedID((int)jobType)), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("Detail", DataTypeEnum.STRING, "No files were available to process") }; var package = new RNObject[] { new GenericObject { ObjectType = new RNObjectType { Namespace = "IJ", TypeName = "Job" }, GenericFields = gfs.ToArray(), } }; GlobalContext.Log("Creating an Integration Job showing that no files were available to process", true); _serviceWrapper.CreateObjects(package); }
public void queryObjects() { ClientInfoHeader clientHeaderInfo = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientHeaderInfo.AppID = "Chandu test query objects"; string queryString = "SELECT O.Opportunities FROM Organization O WHERE O.ID = 1;"; // string queryString = "Select * from contact"; Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity(); RNObject[] objectTemplates = new RNObject[] { opportunity }; try { QueryResultData[] queryObjects = _client.QueryObjects(clientHeaderInfo, queryString, objectTemplates, 10000); RNObject[] rnObjects = queryObjects[0].RNObjectsResult; foreach (RNObject obj in rnObjects) { Opportunity Opportunity = (Opportunity)obj; Console.WriteLine("Opportunity of the organization is - " + Opportunity.Name); } } catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Code); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
internal long?CreateIntegrationJob(CreateIntegrationJobRequest request) { var gfs = new List <GenericField> { // always default status to in-progress when creating a job RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("JobStatus", DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID, RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateNamedID((int)IntegrationJobStatus.InProgress)), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("JobType", DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID, RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateNamedID((int)request.JobType)), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("FileName", DataTypeEnum.STRING, request.FileName), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("HostName", DataTypeEnum.STRING, request.HostName), }; var package = new RNObject[] { new GenericObject { ObjectType = new RNObjectType { Namespace = "IJ", TypeName = "Job" }, GenericFields = gfs.ToArray() } }; GlobalContext.Log("Creating an Integration Job in RightNow for tracking purposes", true); var result = _serviceWrapper.CreateObjects(package); if (result.Successful && result.CreatedObjects.Any()) { return(result.CreatedObjects.First(); } return(null); }
public void updateObject(RNObject[] objects) { //Create the update processiong options UpdateProcessingOptions options = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); options.SuppressExternalEvents = false; options.SuppressRules = false; //Invoke the Update operation _rnowClient.Update(this._rnowClientInfoHeader, objects, options); }
internal GetFileAttachmentDataResponse GetFileData(RNObject rnObject, long fileID, bool disableMTOM) { var result = new List <RNObject>(); bool mustRetry = false; // used to determine if we should retry a failed job int retryTimes = 0; // we don't want to endlessly retry, so we only will retry 3 times do { try { ID idObj = new ID { id = fileID, idSpecified = true }; byte[] fileData = _client.GetFileData(_clientInfoHeader, rnObject, idObj, disableMTOM); return(new GetFileAttachmentDataResponse { FileData = fileData, Successful = true, SuccessfulSet = true }); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("Failed GetFileData: Retry {0}: {1}", retryTimes, ex.Message), true); GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("Failed GetFileData: Retry {0}: {1}{2}{3}", retryTimes, ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace), false); if (retryTimes < 3) { // if we haven't retried 3 times then we retry the load again mustRetry = true; retryTimes++; } else { // don't retry for 3rd retry return(new GetFileAttachmentDataResponse { FileData = null, Successful = false, SuccessfulSet = true, Details = ex.Message }); } } GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("GetFileData Must Retry {0}", mustRetry), false); } while (mustRetry); GlobalContext.Log("GetFileData End: This code should never be hit.", false); return(null); // this code should never be hit }
public RNObject[] createObject(RNObject[] objects) { //Create the update processiong options CreateProcessingOptions options = new CreateProcessingOptions(); options.SuppressExternalEvents = false; options.SuppressRules = false; //Invoke the Update operation RNObject[] results = _rnowClient.Create(this._rnowClientInfoHeader, objects, options); return results; }
public Boolean initializeLogger(RightNowSyncPortClient client) { // Ask the client to not send the timestamp BindingElementCollection elements = client.Endpoint.Binding.CreateBindingElements(); elements.Find <SecurityBindingElement>().IncludeTimestamp = false; client.Endpoint.Binding = new CustomBinding(elements); this.client = client; this.extObject = getExtension(); return(true); }
private void updateIncidents(int incidentContactId) { // query incidents ids with the _socialChannelAccountId String query = "select I.ID from Incident I where I.CustomFields.Accelerator.srm_social_channel_account_id=" + _socialChannelAccountId; String[] rowData = null; rowData = ConfigurationSetting.rnSrv.queryData(query); if (rowData.Length == 0) { return; } RNObject[] updateIncidents = new RNObject[rowData.Length]; int i = 0; UpdateProcessingOptions updateProcessingOptions = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); updateProcessingOptions.SuppressExternalEvents = false; updateProcessingOptions.SuppressRules = false; foreach (String incidentIdString in rowData) { Incident incidentToUpdate = new Incident(); ID incidentToUpdateId = new ID(); = Convert.ToInt32(incidentIdString); incidentToUpdateId.idSpecified = true; incidentToUpdate.ID = incidentToUpdateId; NamedID contactIdNamedID = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = incidentContactId, idSpecified = true } }; incidentToUpdate.PrimaryContact = new IncidentContact(); incidentToUpdate.PrimaryContact.Contact = contactIdNamedID; updateIncidents[i] = incidentToUpdate; i++; ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(logMessage: String.Format(Properties.Resources.UpdateIncidentMessage,, incidentContactId)); } ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = "Update incidents"; ConfigurationSetting.client.Update(clientInfoHeader, updateIncidents, updateProcessingOptions); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = null; EndpointAddress endpointAddress = null; basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport); endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("url-soap-aqui")); try { System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; ServiceReference1.RightNowSyncPortClient syncClient = new RightNowSyncPortClient(basicHttpBinding,endpointAddress); syncClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "******"; syncClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "******"; Contact contact = new Contact(); ID cID = new ID(); = 0; cID.idSpecified = true; contact.ID = cID; var api = new APIAccessRequestHeader(); GetProcessingOptions getProcessiongOptions = new GetProcessingOptions(); getProcessiongOptions.FetchAllNames = false; ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = "Read Contact"; RNObject[] orgObjects = new RNObject[] { contact }; RNObject[] readReturn; var resp = syncClient.GetAsync(clientInfoHeader, api, orgObjects, getProcessiongOptions); readReturn = resp.Result.RNObjectsResult; Contact readContact = (Contact)readReturn[0]; Console.WriteLine("Lookup name: " + readContact.LookupName); Console.WriteLine("Login: "******"Digite \"ENTER\" para sair..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
internal void UpdateIntegrationJob(UpdateIntegrationJobRequest request, bool updateJobStatus) { IntegrationJobStatus jobStatus = request.RecordsFailed > 0 ? IntegrationJobStatus.CompletedWithErrors : IntegrationJobStatus.Completed; var gfs = new List <GenericField> { RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("CountOfRowsInFile", DataTypeEnum.INTEGER, request.RecordsTotal), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("CountOfUniqueRowsInFile", DataTypeEnum.INTEGER, request.RecordsTotalUnique), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("CountOfSuccess", DataTypeEnum.INTEGER, request.RecordsSuccessful), RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("CountOfFailure", DataTypeEnum.INTEGER, request.RecordsFailed) }; if (updateJobStatus) { gfs.Add(RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("JobStatus", DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID, RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateNamedID((int)jobStatus))); } if (request.AttachmentData != null) { gfs.Add(RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateAttachmentText(request.AttachmentData)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Detail)) { gfs.Add(RightNowServiceBaseObjectBuilder.CreateGenericField("Detail", DataTypeEnum.STRING, request.Detail)); } var package = new RNObject[] { new GenericObject { ObjectType = new RNObjectType { Namespace = "IJ", TypeName = "Job" }, GenericFields = gfs.ToArray(), ID = new ID { id = request.ID, idSpecified = true }, } }; GlobalContext.Log("Updating the Integration Job with results", true); _serviceWrapper.UpdateObjects(package); }
protected RNObject getExtension() { RNObject currentExt = lookupExtension(); if (currentExt == null) { currentExt = createExtension(); } GenericObject extentionObj = (GenericObject)currentExt; string extConfigJson = extentionObj.GenericFields.FirstOrDefault <GenericField>(c => == "ExtConfiguration").DataValue.Items[0].ToString(); var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); this.extConfigs = serializer.Deserialize <extConfig>(extConfigJson); return(currentExt); }
public RNObject[] CreateContact(string FirstName, string LastName,string EmailAddress) { Contact newContact = populateContactInfo(FirstName, LastName,EmailAddress); //Set the application ID in the client info header ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = ".NET Getting Started test in log API"; //Set the create processing options, allow external events and rules to execute CreateProcessingOptions createProcessingOptions = new CreateProcessingOptions(); createProcessingOptions.SuppressExternalEvents = false; createProcessingOptions.SuppressRules = false; RNObject[] createObjects = new RNObject[] { newContact }; GetProcessingOptions options = new GetProcessingOptions(); options.FetchAllNames = false; //Invoke the create operation on the server. This will create a contact RNObject[] createResults = _service.Create(clientInfoHeader, createObjects, createProcessingOptions); newContact = createResults[0] as Contact; RNObject[] rnObjects = _service.Get(clientInfoHeader, createResults, options); return rnObjects; }
public long CreateContact() { Contact newContact = Contactinfo(); //Set the application ID in the client info header ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = ".NET Getting Started"; //Set the create processing options, allow external events and rules to execute CreateProcessingOptions createProcessingOptions = new CreateProcessingOptions(); createProcessingOptions.SuppressExternalEvents = false; createProcessingOptions.SuppressRules = false; RNObject[] createObjects = new RNObject[] { newContact }; //Invoke the create operation on the RightNow server RNObject[] createResults = _Service.Create(clientInfoHeader, createObjects, createProcessingOptions); //We only created a single contact, this will be at index 0 of the results newContact = createResults[0] as Contact; return(; }
private RNObject lookupExtension() { GenericObject generic = new GenericObject(); RNObjectType rnObj = new RNObjectType(); rnObj.Namespace = "SvcVentures"; rnObj.TypeName = "scProductExtension"; generic.ObjectType = rnObj; string query = "SELECT SvcVentures.scProductExtension FROM SvcVentures.scProductExtension where Signature like '" + this.extSignature + "';"; RNObject[] objectTemplate = new RNObject[] { generic }; RNObject[] result = null; try { QueryResultData[] queryObjects = client.QueryObjects( new ClientInfoHeader { AppID = "SCLog" }, query, objectTemplate, 10000); result = queryObjects[0].RNObjectsResult; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(null); } if (result != null && result.Length > 0) { return(result[0]); } else { return(null); } }
public AnalyticsReport getAnalyticsReport(long reportID) { AnalyticsReport analyticsReport = new AnalyticsReport(); ID analyticsReportID = new ID(); = reportID; analyticsReportID.idSpecified = true; analyticsReport.ID = analyticsReportID; AnalyticsReportFilter filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter(); analyticsReport.Filters = (new AnalyticsReportFilter[] { filter }); GetProcessingOptions processingOptions = new GetProcessingOptions(); processingOptions.FetchAllNames = true; RNObject[] getAnalyticsObjects = new RNObject[] { analyticsReport }; RNObject[] rnObjects = _client.Get(_clientInfoHeader, getAnalyticsObjects, processingOptions); AnalyticsReport report = (AnalyticsReport)rnObjects[0]; return(report); }
/// <summary> /// Method called to update the social channel /// </summary> /// <param name="incident"></param> private void updateSocialChannelAccount(IIncident incident) { // get it again _socialChannelAccountId = ConfigurationSetting.getSrmStringCustomAttrInt(incident, "srm_social_channel_account_id"); if (_socialChannelAccountId == 0) { ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(logMessage: String.Format(Properties.Resources.SocialChannelEmptyError, incident.ID)); return; } /* Custom Object: SocialChannelAccount * */ int incidentContactId = 0; foreach (IInc2Contact c in incident.Contact) { if (c.Prmry == true) { incidentContactId = (int)c.Cid; } } Boolean toUpdate = false; // if incident's contact is changed if (_incidentContactIdWhenLoaded != incidentContactId) { // check if updated incidentContactId same as SocialChannelAccount.ContactId if (_socialChannelAccountId != 0 && incidentContactId != _socialChannelAccountId) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Properties.Resources.ChangeContactReassignMessage, _socialChannelUserName), Properties.Resources.Info, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { toUpdate = true; } } // update in Accelerator.SocialChannelAccount if (toUpdate) { // create a row in SocialChannelAccount ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = "Update a SocialChannelAccount"; GenericObject go = new GenericObject(); //Set the object type RNObjectType objType = new RNObjectType(); objType.Namespace = "Accelerator"; objType.TypeName = "SocialChannelAccount"; go.ObjectType = objType; List <GenericField> gfs = new List <GenericField>(); ID socialAccountId = new ID(); = _socialChannelAccountId; socialAccountId.idSpecified = true; go.ID = socialAccountId; NamedID contactIdNamedID = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = incidentContactId, idSpecified = true } }; gfs.Add(createGenericField("ContactId", ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue, contactIdNamedID)); go.GenericFields = gfs.ToArray(); RNObject[] objects = new RNObject[] { go }; UpdateProcessingOptions cpo = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); cpo.SuppressExternalEvents = false; cpo.SuppressRules = false; ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(logMessage: String.Format(Properties.Resources.UpdateSocialChannelMessage, _socialChannelAccountId, incidentContactId)); ConfigurationSetting.client.Update(clientInfoHeader, objects, cpo); DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Properties.Resources.ReassignAllIncidentsMessage, _socialChannelUserName), Properties.Resources.Info, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { updateIncidents(incidentContactId); } } } }
// Update Custom Attribute via SOAP API // After create/update incident, the custom attribute may need to update. protected void UpdateIncCustomAttr(int incidentID, string key, string value) { //Create an Incident object Accelerator.Siebel.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Incident updateIncident = new Accelerator.Siebel.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Incident(); //Create and set the Id property ID incID = new ID(); //Set the Id on the Incident Object = incidentID; incID.idSpecified = true; updateIncident.ID = incID; if (value != null && value != "") { GenericField customField = new GenericField(); // Check update which custom attribute switch (key) { case "siebel_sr_id": = "siebel_sr_id"; customField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.STRING; customField.dataTypeSpecified = true; customField.DataValue = new DataValue(); customField.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1]; customField.DataValue.Items[0] = value; customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.StringValue; break; case "siebel_sr_num": = "siebel_sr_num"; customField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.STRING; customField.dataTypeSpecified = true; customField.DataValue = new DataValue(); customField.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1]; customField.DataValue.Items[0] = value; customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.StringValue; break; case "siebel_max_thread_id": = "siebel_max_thread_id"; customField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.INTEGER; customField.dataTypeSpecified = true; customField.DataValue = new DataValue(); customField.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1]; customField.DataValue.Items[0] = Convert.ToInt32(value); customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.IntegerValue; break; default: return; } GenericObject customFieldsc = new GenericObject(); customFieldsc.GenericFields = new GenericField[1]; customFieldsc.GenericFields[0] = customField; customFieldsc.ObjectType = new RNObjectType(); customFieldsc.ObjectType.TypeName = "IncidentCustomFieldsc"; GenericField cField = new GenericField(); = "Accelerator"; cField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.OBJECT; cField.dataTypeSpecified = true; cField.DataValue = new DataValue(); cField.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; cField.DataValue.Items[0] = customFieldsc; cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1]; cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.ObjectValue; updateIncident.CustomFields = new GenericObject(); updateIncident.CustomFields.GenericFields = new GenericField[1]; updateIncident.CustomFields.GenericFields[0] = cField; updateIncident.CustomFields.ObjectType = new RNObjectType(); updateIncident.CustomFields.ObjectType.TypeName = "IncidentCustomFields"; } else { return; } //Create the RNObject array RNObject[] objects = new RNObject[] { updateIncident }; try { _rnSrv.updateObject(objects); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_log != null) { string logMessage = "Error in updating incident custom field via Cloud Service SOAP. Try to update incident(ID = " + incidentID + ") custom attribute " + key + " to value" + value + "; Error Message: "+ ex.Message; _log.ErrorLog(incidentId:_logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage); } MessageBox.Show("There has been an error communicating with Cloud Service SOAP. Please check log for detail.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
// Create new contact via SOAP API - Created when an EBS Contact without association is selected public long CreateContact(String firstName, String lastName, String phone, String emailAdd, String contactPartyId, string orgId) { string logMessage; string logNote; //Create a Contact Accelerator.EBS.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Contact newContact = new Accelerator.EBS.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Contact(); //Build a PersonName object for the Contact and add the PersonName to the new Contact object PersonName personName = new PersonName(); if (firstName != null && firstName != "") personName.First = firstName; if (lastName != null && lastName != "") personName.Last = lastName; newContact.Name = personName; //Build an Email object and add the Email to the new Contact object if (emailAdd != null && emailAdd != "") { newContact.Emails = new Email[1]; newContact.Emails[0] = new Email(); newContact.Emails[0].Address = emailAdd; newContact.Emails[0].action = ActionEnum.add; newContact.Emails[0].actionSpecified = true; newContact.Emails[0].AddressType = new NamedID(); newContact.Emails[0].AddressType.ID = new ID(); newContact.Emails[0] = 0; newContact.Emails[0].AddressType.ID.idSpecified = true; } //Build a Phone object and add the Phone to the new Contact object if (phone != null && phone != "") { newContact.Phones = new Phone[1]; newContact.Phones[0] = new Phone(); newContact.Phones[0].Number = phone; newContact.Phones[0].action = ActionEnum.add; newContact.Phones[0].actionSpecified = true; newContact.Phones[0].PhoneType = new NamedID(); newContact.Phones[0].PhoneType.ID = new ID(); newContact.Phones[0] = 0; newContact.Phones[0].PhoneType.ID.idSpecified = true; } //Set EBS Contact Party ID (custom field) to the new Contact if (contactPartyId != null && contactPartyId != "") { GenericField cfContactPartyIdField = new GenericField(); = "ebs_contact_party_id"; cfContactPartyIdField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.INTEGER; cfContactPartyIdField.dataTypeSpecified = true; cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue = new DataValue(); cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1]; cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.Items[0] = Convert.ToInt32(contactPartyId); cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.IntegerValue; GenericField cfContactOrgIdField = new GenericField(); = "ebs_contact_org_id"; cfContactOrgIdField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.INTEGER; cfContactOrgIdField.dataTypeSpecified = true; cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue = new DataValue(); cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1]; cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.Items[0] = Convert.ToInt32(orgId); cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.IntegerValue; GenericObject customFieldsc = new GenericObject(); customFieldsc.GenericFields = new GenericField[2]; customFieldsc.GenericFields[0] = cfContactPartyIdField; customFieldsc.GenericFields[1] = cfContactOrgIdField; customFieldsc.ObjectType = new RNObjectType(); customFieldsc.ObjectType.TypeName = "ContactCustomFieldsc"; GenericField cField = new GenericField(); = "Accelerator"; cField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.OBJECT; cField.dataTypeSpecified = true; cField.DataValue = new DataValue(); cField.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; cField.DataValue.Items[0] = customFieldsc; cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1]; cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.ObjectValue; newContact.CustomFields = new GenericObject(); newContact.CustomFields.GenericFields = new GenericField[1]; newContact.CustomFields.GenericFields[0] = cField; newContact.CustomFields.ObjectType = new RNObjectType(); newContact.CustomFields.ObjectType.TypeName = "ContactCustomFields"; } //Build the RNObject[] RNObject[] newObjects = new RNObject[] { newContact }; RNObject[] results = null; try { results = _rnSrv.createObject(newObjects); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_log != null) { logMessage = "Error in creating contact via CWSS. Contact " + firstName + " " + lastName + ": " + ex.Message; logNote = ""; _log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); } MessageBox.Show("Cannot create contact: " + firstName + " " + lastName + ". Please check log for detail. ", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return 0; } logMessage = "New Contact is created successfully. Contact ID = " + results[0]; logNote = ""; _log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); return results[0]; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the latest values of the custome fields into database. /// </summary> /// <param name="staffAccount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool updateCustomFields(StaffAccount staffAccount) { try { Debug("RightNowConnectService - updateCustomFields() - Entry"); GenericField csFldOOOEnd = null; GenericField csFldOOOStart = null; Account account = new Account(); ID accountID = new ID(); = OutOfOfficeClientAddIn.GlobalContext.AccountId; accountID.idSpecified = true; account.ID = accountID; // Out of Office Flag DataValue dv = new DataValue(); dv.Items = new Object[] { staffAccount.OooFlag }; dv.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.BooleanValue }; GenericField csFldOOOFlag = new GenericField(); = CustomField.OooFlag; csFldOOOFlag.dataType = DataTypeEnum.BOOLEAN; csFldOOOFlag.dataTypeSpecified = true; csFldOOOFlag.DataValue = dv; // Out of Office Start csFldOOOStart = new GenericField(); = CustomField.OooStart; csFldOOOStart.dataType = DataTypeEnum.DATETIME; csFldOOOStart.dataTypeSpecified = true; DataValue dvOooStart = null; if (staffAccount.OooStart != null && staffAccount.OooStart != default(DateTime)) { dvOooStart = new DataValue(); dvOooStart.Items = new Object[] { staffAccount.OooStart }; dvOooStart.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.DateTimeValue }; } csFldOOOStart.DataValue = dvOooStart; // Out of Office End csFldOOOEnd = new GenericField(); = CustomField.OooEnd; csFldOOOEnd.dataType = DataTypeEnum.DATETIME; csFldOOOEnd.dataTypeSpecified = true; DataValue dvOooEnd = null; if (staffAccount.OooEnd != null) { dvOooEnd = new DataValue(); dvOooEnd.Items = new Object[] { staffAccount.OooEnd }; dvOooEnd.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.DateTimeValue }; } csFldOOOEnd.DataValue = dvOooEnd; // Out of Office Message Option DataValue dvOooMsgOption = new DataValue(); dvOooMsgOption.Items = new Object[] { staffAccount.OooMsgOption }; dvOooMsgOption.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.StringValue }; GenericField csFldOOOMsgOption = new GenericField(); = CustomField.OooMsgOption; csFldOOOMsgOption.dataType = DataTypeEnum.STRING; csFldOOOMsgOption.dataTypeSpecified = true; csFldOOOMsgOption.DataValue = dvOooMsgOption; // Out of Office Message DataValue dvOooMsg = new DataValue(); dvOooMsg.Items = new Object[] { staffAccount.OooMsg }; dvOooMsg.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.StringValue }; GenericField csFldOOOMsg = new GenericField(); = CustomField.OooMsg; csFldOOOMsg.dataType = DataTypeEnum.STRING; csFldOOOMsg.dataTypeSpecified = true; csFldOOOMsg.DataValue = dvOooMsg; // Out of Office Timezone GenericField csFldOOOTimezone = new GenericField(); = CustomField.OooTimezone; csFldOOOTimezone.dataType = DataTypeEnum.STRING; csFldOOOTimezone.dataTypeSpecified = true; DataValue dvOooTimezone = null; if (null != staffAccount.OooTimezone) { dvOooTimezone = new DataValue(); dvOooTimezone.Items = new Object[] { staffAccount.OooTimezone }; dvOooTimezone.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.StringValue }; } csFldOOOTimezone.DataValue = dvOooTimezone; GenericObject customFieldsc = new GenericObject(); customFieldsc.GenericFields = new GenericField[] { csFldOOOFlag, csFldOOOStart, csFldOOOEnd, csFldOOOMsgOption, csFldOOOMsg, csFldOOOTimezone }; customFieldsc.ObjectType = new RNObjectType() { TypeName = CustomField.AccountCustomFieldCollectionTypeName }; GenericField customFieldsPackage = new GenericField(); = "c"; customFieldsPackage.dataType = DataTypeEnum.OBJECT; customFieldsPackage.dataTypeSpecified = true; customFieldsPackage.DataValue = new DataValue(); customFieldsPackage.DataValue.Items = new[] { customFieldsc }; customFieldsPackage.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new[] { ItemsChoiceType.ObjectValue }; account.CustomFields = new GenericObject { GenericFields = new[] { customFieldsPackage }, ObjectType = new RNObjectType { TypeName = CustomField.AccountCustomFieldsTypeName } }; ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = OracleRightNowOOOAddInNames.OutOfOfficeAddIn; RNObject[] contactObjects = new RNObject[] { account }; UpdateProcessingOptions updateProcessingOptions = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); _rightNowClient.Update(clientInfoHeader, contactObjects, updateProcessingOptions); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(OOOExceptionMessages.UnexpectedError, Common.Common.ErrorLabel, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Error(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } Debug("RightNowConnectService - updateCustomFields() - Exit"); return(false); }
static void GetAllContacts(RightNowSyncPortClient client) { Contact contactTemplate = new Contact(); contactTemplate.Phones = new Phone[] { }; UpdateProcessingOptions options = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); RNObject[] objectTemplates = new RNObject[] { contactTemplate }; bool hasMoreResults = true; int currentOffset = 0; do { var resultTable = client.QueryObjects(s_clientInfoHeader, String.Format("SELECT Contact FROM Contact LIMIT {0} OFFSET {1}", PageSize, currentOffset), objectTemplates, PageSize); RNObject[] rnObjects = resultTable[0].RNObjectsResult; List <RNObject> updatedObjects = new List <RNObject>(); foreach (RNObject obj in rnObjects) { Contact contact = (Contact)obj; Phone[] phones = contact.Phones; if (phones != null) { List <Phone> newPhoneNumbers = new List <Phone>(); foreach (Phone phone in phones) { var sanitizedNumber = SanitizeNumber(phone.Number); System.Console.WriteLine(contact.Name.Last + " - " + phone.Number + " (" + phone.RawNumber + ") - " + sanitizedNumber); if (sanitizedNumber != phone.Number) { //need to create a new Phone object, if we reuse/update the existing one, the update won't work. var newNumber = new Phone() { action = ActionEnum.update, actionSpecified = true, Number = SanitizeNumber(phone.Number), PhoneType = phone.PhoneType }; newPhoneNumbers.Add(newNumber); } } if (newPhoneNumbers.Count > 0) { updatedObjects.Add(new Contact() { ID = contact.ID, Phones = newPhoneNumbers.ToArray(), }); } } } if (updatedObjects.Count > 0) { client.Update(s_clientInfoHeader, updatedObjects.ToArray(), options); } hasMoreResults = resultTable[0].Paging.ReturnedCount == PageSize; currentOffset = currentOffset + resultTable[0].Paging.ReturnedCount; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Processed {0} contacts", currentOffset)); } while (hasMoreResults); }
public void updateContact(long id, string updatedfirstname) { Contact contacttobeUpdated = new Contact(); ID contactID = new ID(); = id; contactID.idSpecified = true; contacttobeUpdated.ID = contactID; PersonName pn = new PersonName(); pn.First = updatedfirstname; contacttobeUpdated.Name = pn; RNObject[] rnobjects = new RNObject[]{ contacttobeUpdated }; UpdateProcessingOptions options = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); options.SuppressExternalEvents = false; options.SuppressRules = false; try { ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = "Basic Update"; //Invoke the Update operation _client.Update(clientInfoHeader, rnobjects, options); } catch (FaultException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Code); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
internal RunAnalyticsResponse GetAnalyticsReportResults(long reportId, AnalyticsReportFilter[] filters, int limit = 100, int start = 0, string delimiter = ",") { //Create new AnalyticsReport Object AnalyticsReport analyticsReport = new AnalyticsReport(); //Specify a report ID of Public Reports>Common>Data integration>Opportunities ID reportID = new ID(); = reportId; reportID.idSpecified = true; analyticsReport.ID = reportID; analyticsReport.Filters = filters; GetProcessingOptions processingOptions = new GetProcessingOptions(); processingOptions.FetchAllNames = true; RNObject[] getAnalyticsObjects = new RNObject[] { analyticsReport }; CSVTableSet thisSet = new CSVTableSet(); byte[] ignore; bool mustRetry = false; // used to determine if we should retry a failed job int retryTimes = 0; // we don't want to endlessly retry, so we only will retry 3 times do { try { thisSet = _client.RunAnalyticsReport(_clientInfoHeader, analyticsReport, limit, start, delimiter, false, true, out ignore); return(new RunAnalyticsResponse { RunAnalyticsTableSet = thisSet, Successful = true, SuccessfulSet = true }); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("Failed RunAnalyticsReport: Retry {0}: {1}", retryTimes, ex.Message), true); GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("Failed RunAnalyticsReport: Retry {0}: {1}{2}{3}", retryTimes, ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace), false); if (retryTimes < 3) { // if we haven't retried 3 times then we retry the load again mustRetry = true; retryTimes++; } else { // don't retry for 3rd retry return(new RunAnalyticsResponse { Successful = false, SuccessfulSet = false, Details = ex.Message }); } } GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("RunAnalyticsReport Must Retry {0}", mustRetry), false); } while (mustRetry); GlobalContext.Log("RunAnalyticsReport End: This code should never be hit.", false); return(null); // this code should never be hit }