/// <summary>
    /// Completes the cell in the level.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i_cell">I cell.</param>
    public void CellCompleted(GameObject i_cell)
        RGBContent auxRGB = i_cell.GetComponent <CellColorGoal>()._RGBGoal;

        if (auxRGB._r)

        if (auxRGB._g)

        if (auxRGB._b)

        p_garbageCells.RemoveAll(garbage => garbage.Equals(auxRGB));


        if (p_remainingR == 0 && p_remainingG == 0 && p_remainingB == 0)
            PersistenceManager.Instance.CompleteLevel(p_path, p_levelPos);
            p_loadLevels._path = p_path;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the LevelCell to the generated level.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i_cell">The cell to add.</param>
    public void AddCell(GameObject i_cell)
        if (p_cells == null)
            p_cells = new List <GameObject>();


        RGBContent auxRGB = i_cell.GetComponent <CellColorGoal>()._RGBGoal;

        if (auxRGB._r)

        if (auxRGB._g)

        if (auxRGB._b)

    void FixedUpdate()
        //If the LevelCell is colored.
        if (p_colorNow != null)
            //Calculates remainingTime.
            if (p_remainigTime > 0)
                p_remainigTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            //If time needed to clean the cell has passed.
            if (p_remainigTime <= 0)
                //Destroys the colored cell.

                //If the color of the colored cell is not the goal color.
                if (!p_RGBNow.Equals(_RGBGoal))
                    //Adds the color to the garbage.
                    p_RGBNow = new RGBContent(false, false, false);
                //Linearly interpolates the alpha value of the colored cell (between 0 and restartTime).
                Color aux = p_colorNow.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color;
                aux.a = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, p_remainigTime / p_restartTime);
                p_colorNow.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = aux;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds color cell to the garbage.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i_garbage">The color cell as a RGB combination.</param>
    public void AddGarbage(RGBContent i_garbage)

        if (p_garbageCells.Count > p_maxGarbage)
            p_garbageCells.RemoveRange(0, p_maxGarbage);

    /// <summary>
    /// Releases the stored color cell.
    /// </summary>
    public void ReleaseColor()
        foreach (GameObject cell in p_cells)
            if (p_player.transform.position == cell.transform.position)
                cell.GetComponent <CellColorGoal>().AddRGBComponent(p_storedColor);
        p_storedColor = null;

        p_player.GetComponent <PlayerController>()._colorStored = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Quits the game.
    /// </summary>
    public void Quit()

        p_parentGameObject = new GameObject("Game");

        //Reset game
        p_remainingTime     = Random.Range(p_minSpawnTime, p_maxSpawnTime);
        p_occupiedPositions = null;
        p_cells             = null;
        p_remainingR        = 0;
        p_remainingG        = 0;
        p_remainingB        = 0;
        p_player            = null;
        p_storedColor = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < p_goals.Count; i++)
        p_goals = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the image and generates a world.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i_img">The image to process.</param>
    /// <param name="i_imageDivisionConfig">The image division configuration.</param>
    /// <param name="i_name">The image name.</param>
    public IEnumerator ProcessImageAndGenerateWorld(Texture2D i_img, int[] i_imageDivisionConfig, string i_name)
        //Launches the start FXSequence.

        //Disables the InputMenuController of the image configuration Menu.

        //Sets up the loading screen label.
        p_creatingWorldText.text = "Creating world...";

        float progress = 0;

        p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(0, 0));

        World     world   = new World();
        Texture2D auxText = i_img;
        int       cellSize;

        //If image is horizontal.
        if (auxText.width > auxText.height)
            //Calculates cell (Level) size (width/columns)
            cellSize = Mathf.CeilToInt(auxText.width / (float)i_imageDivisionConfig[0]);

        //If image is vertical.
            //Calculates cell (Level) size (height/rows)
            cellSize = Mathf.CeilToInt(auxText.height / (float)i_imageDivisionConfig[1]);

        //Resizes the texture.
        auxText = auxText.ResizeBilinear(cellSize * i_imageDivisionConfig[0], cellSize * i_imageDivisionConfig[1]);

        //Assings the World image.
        world._img = auxText;

        //Assigns the World name.
        world._name = i_name;

        //Assings the image configuration.
        world._imageDivisionConfig = i_imageDivisionConfig;

        //Creates World Level map and initializes it.
        world._levels = new Dictionary <Vector2, Level>();

        //For each column.
        for (int x = 0; x < i_imageDivisionConfig[0]; x++)
            //For each row.
            for (int y = 0; y < i_imageDivisionConfig[1]; y++)
                //Creates a new Level and adds it to the map.
                world._levels.Add(new Vector2(x, y), new Level());

                //Initializes the Level image.
                world._levels[new Vector2(x, y)]._img = new Texture2D(cellSize, cellSize);

                //Assings the Level image.
                world._levels[new Vector2(x, y)]._img.SetPixels(auxText.GetPixels(x * cellSize, y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize));
                world._levels[new Vector2(x, y)]._img.Apply();

                //Updates progress bar.
                progress += 0.25f / (float)(i_imageDivisionConfig[0] * i_imageDivisionConfig[1]);
                p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(progress, 0));

                yield return(null);

        Dictionary <Vector3, RGBContent> sampleColors;
        CIELabColor auxCIELab;

        //Stores the sample colors: all posible combinations of RGB components.
        sampleColors = new Dictionary <Vector3, RGBContent>();
        auxCIELab    = Color.red.ToCIELab();
        sampleColors.Add(new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b), new RGBContent(true, false, false));
        auxCIELab = Color.green.ToCIELab();
        sampleColors.Add(new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b), new RGBContent(false, true, false));
        auxCIELab = Color.blue.ToCIELab();
        sampleColors.Add(new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b), new RGBContent(false, false, true));
        auxCIELab = (new Color(1, 1, 0)).ToCIELab();
        sampleColors.Add(new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b), new RGBContent(true, true, false));
        auxCIELab = (new Color(1, 0, 1)).ToCIELab();
        sampleColors.Add(new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b), new RGBContent(true, false, true));
        auxCIELab = (new Color(0, 1, 1)).ToCIELab();
        sampleColors.Add(new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b), new RGBContent(false, true, true));
        auxCIELab = (new Color(1, 1, 1)).ToCIELab();
        sampleColors.Add(new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b), new RGBContent(true, true, true));

        //For each Level.
        foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, Level> levelDictEntry in world._levels)
            yield return(null);

            //Gets the Level image.
            auxText = levelDictEntry.Value._img;

            //Calculates LevelCell size (width/columns)
            cellSize = Mathf.CeilToInt(auxText.width / (float)_mapSize);

            //Resizes the texture.
            auxText = auxText.ResizeBilinear(cellSize * _mapSize, cellSize * _mapSize);

            //Creates Level LevelCell map and initializes it.
            levelDictEntry.Value._cells = new Dictionary <Vector2, LevelCell>();

            //For each column.
            for (int x = 0; x < _mapSize; x++)
                //For each row.
                for (int y = 0; y < _mapSize; y++)
                    //Creates a new LevelCell and adds it to the map.
                    levelDictEntry.Value._cells.Add(new Vector2(x, y), new LevelCell());

                    //Initializes the LevelCell image.
                    levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._img = new Texture2D(cellSize, cellSize);

                    //Assings the LevelCell image.
                    levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._img.SetPixels(auxText.GetPixels(x * cellSize, y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize));

                    //Updates the progress bar.
                    progress += (1 - 0.25f) / (float)(world._levels.Count + 1) / 5f / (float)(_mapSize * _mapSize);
                    p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(progress, 0));

                    yield return(null);

            //Creates the connected LevelCell graph and initializes it.
            levelDictEntry.Value._graph = new GraphType <Vector2>();

            //For each cell.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, LevelCell> cellDictEntry in levelDictEntry.Value._cells)
                LevelCell cell = cellDictEntry.Value;

                //Sets average color as black.
                cell._average = Color.black;

                Color[] pixels = cell._img.GetPixels();

                //For each pixel.
                for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                    //Adds pixel colors to LevelCell average color.
                    cell._average.r += pixels[i].r / pixels.Length;
                    cell._average.g += pixels[i].g / pixels.Length;
                    cell._average.b += pixels[i].b / pixels.Length;

                    //Adds pixel grayscale value to LevelCell average grayscale value.
                    cell._grayscale += pixels[i].grayscale / pixels.Length;

                //Updates progress bar.
                progress += (1 - 0.25f) / (float)(world._levels.Count + 1) / 5f / (float)levelDictEntry.Value._cells.Count;
                p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(progress, 0));

                yield return(null);

                //Sets distance as -1.
                float distance = -1;

                //Gets LevelCell average color as CIELab.
                auxCIELab = cellDictEntry.Value._average.ToCIELab();

                //Creates a Vector3 using the the cell average color.
                Vector3 average = new Vector3(auxCIELab._l, auxCIELab._a, auxCIELab._b);

                Vector3 goal = Vector3.zero;

                //For each sample.
                foreach (Vector3 sample in sampleColors.Keys)
                    //If distance is -1 or Delta E (color difference) is lower than distance.
                    if (distance == -1 || (Vector3.Distance(average, sample) < distance))
                        //Sample is the new goal.
                        goal = sample;

                        //Distance is the new Delta E value.
                        distance = Vector3.Distance(average, goal);

                //Gets the RGB combination of the sample.
                RGBContent rgbSample = sampleColors[goal];

                //Assigns the RGB combination of the most similar sample.
                cellDictEntry.Value._rgbComponents = new RGBContent(rgbSample._r, rgbSample._g, rgbSample._b);

                //Adds the vertex to the graph.

                //Updates progress bar.
                progress += (1 - 0.25f) / (float)(world._levels.Count + 1) / 5f / (float)levelDictEntry.Value._cells.Count;
                p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(progress, 0));

                yield return(null);

            //For each row.
            for (int y = 0; y < _mapSize; y++)
                //For each column.
                for (int x = 0; x < _mapSize; x++)
                    //Checks if grayscale difference between the cell and adjacent < 0.5.
                    if (x < _mapSize - 1 && Mathf.Abs(levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._grayscale - levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x + 1, y)]._grayscale) < 0.5f)
                        //Makes the vertices adjacent: no barrier between cells.
                        levelDictEntry.Value._graph.AddAdjacent(new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(x + 1, y));

                    //Checks if grayscale difference between the cell and adjacent < 0.5.
                    if (y < _mapSize - 1 && Mathf.Abs(levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._grayscale - levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y + 1)]._grayscale) < 0.5f)
                        //Makes the vertices adjacent: no barrier between cells.
                        levelDictEntry.Value._graph.AddAdjacent(new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(x, y + 1));

            //Updates the progress bar.
            progress += (1 - 0.25f) / (float)(world._levels.Count + 1) / 5f;
            p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(progress, 0));

            yield return(null);

            //Get connected vertices list.
            List <List <Vector2> > connectedVertices = levelDictEntry.Value._graph.GetConnectedVertices();

            float   minGrayDif;
            bool    notConnected;
            int     foundVertices;
            Vector2 vertex   = Vector2.zero;
            Vector2 adjacent = Vector2.zero;

            //While the graph is not fully connected.
            while (connectedVertices.Count > 1)
                //Sets min grayscale difference as 2.
                minGrayDif = 2f;

                //For each row.
                for (int y = 0; y < _mapSize; y++)
                    //For each column.
                    for (int x = 0; x < _mapSize; x++)
                        if (x < _mapSize - 1)
                            notConnected  = true;
                            foundVertices = 0;

                            //For each list of connected vertices.
                            for (int i = 0; i < connectedVertices.Count; i++)
                                //If the vertices are connected (on the same list).
                                if (foundVertices == 0 && connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x, y)) && connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x + 1, y)))
                                    notConnected = false;

                                //If one of the vertex is on the list.
                                if (connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x, y)) || connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x + 1, y)))

                                    //If both vertices have been found on lists.
                                    if (foundVertices == 2)

                            //If the LevelCells are not connected and the grayscale difference between both is lower.
                            if (notConnected && Mathf.Abs(levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._grayscale - levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x + 1, y)]._grayscale) < minGrayDif)
                                //Sets new min grayscale difference.
                                minGrayDif = Mathf.Abs(levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._grayscale - levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x + 1, y)]._grayscale);

                                //Gets vertex.
                                vertex = new Vector2(x, y);

                                //Gets adjacent vertex.
                                adjacent = new Vector2(x + 1, y);
                        if (y < _mapSize - 1)
                            notConnected  = true;
                            foundVertices = 0;

                            //For each list of connected vertices.
                            for (int i = 0; i < connectedVertices.Count; i++)
                                //If the vertices are connected (on the same list).
                                if (foundVertices == 0 && connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x, y)) && connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x, y + 1)))
                                    notConnected = false;

                                //If one of the vertex is on the list.
                                if (connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x, y)) || connectedVertices[i].Contains(new Vector2(x, y + 1)))

                                    //If both vertices have been found on lists.
                                    if (foundVertices == 2)

                            //If the LevelCells are not connected and the grayscale difference between both is lower.
                            if (notConnected && Mathf.Abs(levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._grayscale - levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y + 1)]._grayscale) < minGrayDif)
                                //Sets new min grayscale difference.
                                minGrayDif = Mathf.Abs(levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y)]._grayscale - levelDictEntry.Value._cells[new Vector2(x, y + 1)]._grayscale);

                                //Gets vertex.
                                vertex = new Vector2(x, y);

                                //Gets adjacent vertex.
                                adjacent = new Vector2(x, y + 1);

                //Makes the vertices adjacent
                levelDictEntry.Value._graph.AddAdjacent(vertex, adjacent);

                yield return(null);

                //Gets connected vertices list.
                connectedVertices = levelDictEntry.Value._graph.GetConnectedVertices();

            //Updates the progress bar.
            progress += (1 - 0.25f) / (float)(world._levels.Count + 1) / 5f;
            p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(progress, 0));

        //Stores the world on disk.
        yield return(StartCoroutine(PersistenceManager.Instance.SaveWorld(world)));

        //Updates the progress bar.
        progress = 1;
        p_progressBar.anchorMin = (new Vector2(progress, 0));

        yield return(null);

        //Enables the InputMenuController of the image configuration screen.

        //Launches the finishing FXSequence.
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores the color cell so that the player can use it to color a cell in the level.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="i_color">The color cell to store as RGB combination.</param>
 public void StoreColor(RGBContent i_color)
     p_storedColor = i_color;
     p_player.GetComponent <PlayerController>()._colorStored = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the RGB component to color the LevelCell.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i_RGBContent">The RGBContent of the color to add to the LevelCell.</param>
    public void AddRGBComponent(RGBContent i_RGBContent)
        //If the LevelCell is completed.
        if (_RGBGoal.Equals(p_RGBNow))
            //Adds the color to the garbage.
            //If the LevelCell is not colored.
            if (p_RGBNow == null)
                p_RGBNow = new RGBContent(false, false, false);

            //If the color has the R component and the cell is not colored with the R component.
            if (i_RGBContent._r && !p_RGBNow._r)
                p_RGBNow._r    = true;
                p_remainigTime = p_restartTime;
            //If the color has the G component and the cell is not colored with the G component.
            if (i_RGBContent._g && !p_RGBNow._g)
                p_RGBNow._g    = true;
                p_remainigTime = p_restartTime;
            //If the color has the B component and the cell is not colored with the B component.
            if (i_RGBContent._b && !p_RGBNow._b)
                p_RGBNow._b    = true;
                p_remainigTime = p_restartTime;

            //If the color goal is equal to the color of the LevelCell now.
            if (_RGBGoal.Equals(p_RGBNow))
                //Notifies the LevelController that the LevelCell has been completed.

                //Disables the uncolored cell.
                GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;

            //If the GameObject of the colored cell is null.
            if (p_colorNow == null)
                //Creates a new colored cell GameObject.
                p_colorNow = (GameObject)Instantiate(p_whiteCell, transform.position, transform.rotation);

            //Gets the color of the LevelCell now and applies it to the white cell Sprite.
            Color aux = Color.black;
            if (p_RGBNow._r)
                aux.r = 1;
            if (p_RGBNow._g)
                aux.g = 1;
            if (p_RGBNow._b)
                aux.b = 1;
            p_colorNow.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = aux;