     *	Splits a ColorBitmap into an RGBBitmap struct containing the
     *	individual color componenets. The original ColorBitmap is left unmodified.
     *	@param fromColors The bitmap to split into channels.
     *	@param toRGB RGBBitmap struct containing the channels for the ColorBitmap.
    public static void colorBitmapToRGBBitmap(ref ColorBitmap fromColors, ref RGBBitmap toRGB)
        int    channelLength = fromColors.colors.Length;
        string logString     = string.Format("Converting bitmap to RGB (length {0})", channelLength);


        float[] r = new float[channelLength];
        float[] g = new float[channelLength];
        float[] b = new float[channelLength];

        for (int i = 0; i < channelLength; ++i)
            Color colorTuple = fromColors.colors[i];
            r[i] = colorTuple.r;
            g[i] = colorTuple.g;
            b[i] = colorTuple.b;

        RGBChannels rgb = new RGBChannels();

        rgb.r = r;
        rgb.g = g;
        rgb.b = b;

        toRGB.rgb    = rgb;
        toRGB.width  = fromColors.width;
        toRGB.height = fromColors.height;

     *  Extract a MonochromeBitmap from the blue channel of an RGBBitmap.
     *  @param rgbBitmap The RGBBitmap to extract B from.
     *  @return A MonochromeBitmap containing the blue channel.
    public static MonochromeBitmap blueBitmapFromRGBBitmap(ref RGBBitmap rgbBitmap)
        MonochromeBitmap blue = new MonochromeBitmap();

        blue.channel = rgbBitmap.rgb.b;
        blue.height  = rgbBitmap.height;
        blue.width   = rgbBitmap.width;
     *  Extract a MonochromeBitmap from the green channel of an RGBBitmap.
     *  @param rgbBitmap The RGBBitmap to extract G from.
     *  @return A MonochromeBitmap containing the green channel.
    public static MonochromeBitmap greenBitmapFromRGBBitmap(ref RGBBitmap rgbBitmap)
        MonochromeBitmap green = new MonochromeBitmap();

        green.channel = rgbBitmap.rgb.g;
        green.height  = rgbBitmap.height;
        green.width   = rgbBitmap.width;
     *  Extract a MonochromeBitmap from the red channel of an RGBBitmap.
     *  @param rgbBitmap The RGBBitmap to extract R from.
     *  @return A MonochromeBitmap containing the red channel.
    public static MonochromeBitmap redBitmapFromRGBBitmap(ref RGBBitmap rgbBitmap)
        MonochromeBitmap red = new MonochromeBitmap();

        red.channel = rgbBitmap.rgb.r;
        red.height  = rgbBitmap.height;
        red.width   = rgbBitmap.width;
     *	Joins an RGBBitmap struct containing individual color components into a single
     *	bitmap (array of UnityEngine.Color). The RGBBitmap is left unchanged.
     *	@param fromRGB The RGB data to join into a ColorBitmap.
     *	@param toColors A ColorBitmap equivalent to the rgb data.
    public static void RGBBitmapToColorBitmap(ref RGBBitmap fromRGB, ref ColorBitmap toColors)
        int    channelLength = fromRGB.rgb.r.Length;
        string logString     = string.Format("Converting RGBBitmap to ColorBitmap (length {0})", channelLength);


        toColors.colors = new Color[channelLength];
        toColors.width  = fromRGB.width;
        toColors.height = fromRGB.height;

        for (int i = 0; i < channelLength; ++i)
            toColors.colors[i] = new Color(fromRGB.rgb.r[i], fromRGB.rgb.g[i], fromRGB.rgb.b[i]);

     *	Applies gaussian blur effect to a grayscale bitmap.
     *  @param colorBitmap the image to be processed.
    public void ProcessBitmap(ref ColorBitmap colorBitmap)
        OnionLogger.globalLog.PushInfoLayer("Performing GrayscaleGaussianBlur on bitmap.");

        RGBBitmap rgbBitmap = new RGBBitmap();

        ColorUtils.colorBitmapToRGBBitmap(ref colorBitmap, ref rgbBitmap);

        /* Since we are assuming the image is grayscale, we can apply the blur to just one
         * channel. We arbitrarily choose the red channel.
        MonochromeBitmap blurR = ColorUtils.redBitmapFromRGBBitmap(ref rgbBitmap);

        // temporarily hard-coded
        int numberOfCoefficients = 5;

        this.coefficients = ApproximateGaussianCoefficients(numberOfCoefficients);

        OnionLogger.globalLog.PushInfoLayer("Blurring rows");
        ExecuteHorizontalBlur(ref blurR);
        ColorUtils.Transpose(ref blurR);         /* transpose to set up for blurring columns */

        // Since we transposed the image, we can re-use the horizontal blur operation to blur the columns.
        OnionLogger.globalLog.PushInfoLayer("Blurring columns");
        ExecuteHorizontalBlur(ref blurR);
        ColorUtils.Transpose(ref blurR);         /* reset the image to original orientation */

        // Since we assumed that we are using a grayscale image, the Blue and Green channels can be copied from
        // the red channel.
        rgbBitmap.rgb.r = blurR.channel;
        rgbBitmap.rgb.b = blurR.channel;
        rgbBitmap.rgb.g = blurR.channel;

        ColorUtils.RGBBitmapToColorBitmap(ref rgbBitmap, ref colorBitmap);

     *	Invert the colors of a bitmap.
     *  @param colorBitmap The ColorBitmap to invert.
    public void ProcessBitmap(ref ColorBitmap colorBitmap)
        OnionLogger.globalLog.PushInfoLayer("Inverting bitmap");
        RGBBitmap rgbBitmap = new RGBBitmap();

        ColorUtils.colorBitmapToRGBBitmap(ref colorBitmap, ref rgbBitmap);

        MonochromeBitmap invertedr = ColorUtils.redBitmapFromRGBBitmap(ref rgbBitmap);
        MonochromeBitmap invertedg = ColorUtils.greenBitmapFromRGBBitmap(ref rgbBitmap);
        MonochromeBitmap invertedb = ColorUtils.blueBitmapFromRGBBitmap(ref rgbBitmap);

        // We'll run a thread for each color channel.
        int numberOfThreads = 3;

        ManualResetEvent[]  threadsDone = new ManualResetEvent[numberOfThreads];
        ColorInvertThread[] threads     = new ColorInvertThread[numberOfThreads];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; ++i)
            threadsDone[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            threads[i]     = new ColorInvertThread(threadsDone[i]);

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(threads[0].ThreadedProcessChannel), invertedr);
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(threads[1].ThreadedProcessChannel), invertedg);
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(threads[2].ThreadedProcessChannel), invertedb);

        // Done with parallel section.

        rgbBitmap.rgb.r = invertedr.channel;
        rgbBitmap.rgb.g = invertedg.channel;
        rgbBitmap.rgb.b = invertedb.channel;

        ColorUtils.RGBBitmapToColorBitmap(ref rgbBitmap, ref colorBitmap);