//private GameObject generateRobotAnchor; //private GameObject robotAnchorGO; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { footSub = new RBSubscriber <RBS.Messages.geometry_msgs.PoseStamped>("unity/foot", footCB); debugPub = new RBPublisher <RBS.Messages.std_msgs.Float32>("unity/debug"); generateRobotAnchor = GameObject.Find("GenerateRobotAnchor"); robotScript = generateRobotAnchor.GetComponent <GenerateRobotAnchor>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { pcSub = new RBSubscriber <RBS.Messages.geometry_msgs.PoseArray>("unity/particlecloud", ParticlecloudCB); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { pathSub = new RBSubscriber <RBS.Messages.nav_msgs.Path>("unity/plan", PathCB); debugPub = new RBPublisher <RBS.Messages.std_msgs.Float32>("unity/debug"); }
void Start() { pcSub = new RBSubscriber <RBS.Messages.sensor_msgs.PointCloud>("unity/scan_pc", pointCloudCB); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { pathSub = new RBSubscriber <RBS.Messages.nav_msgs.Path>("unity/plan", PathCB); lineRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); }
void Awake() { client_sub = new RBSubscriber <RBS.Messages.rosbridge_msgs.ConnectedClients>("/connected_clients", callback); }