        public string GetJzResult(string lsbh, string jzbh, string czzt, string sk_tt, string czy, string czsj, string hykh, string xfje, string phoneNo, string yydh)
            string s = common_app.get_failure;

            if (czzt == common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz)//算帐
                strSql = new StringBuilder();
                strSql.Append("delete from Syjcz where id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");
                strSql = new StringBuilder();
                strSql.Append("delete from Szwmx  where id>0  " + common_file.common_app.yydh_select + "  and  lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");
            B_common.ExecuteSql("update  Ssyxfmx  set  jzbh='" + jzbh + "'   where   lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");
            if (czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_gz || czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_jz || czzt == common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz)
                strSql = new StringBuilder();
                strSql.Append("delete from Szw_temp  where  id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");
                if (B_common.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString()) >= 0) //清除Szw_temp里面的数据了
                    if (sk_tt == "sk")
                        M_Qskyd_mainrecord = B_Qskyd_mainrecord.GetModelList("id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh + "'")[0];
                        id = M_Qskyd_mainrecord.id.ToString();

                        if (Qyddj_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_xgft(id, "jz", common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_app.get_suc)
                            s = common_app.get_suc;
                        M_Qttyd_mainrecord = B_Qttyd_mainrecord.GetModelList("ID>0 " + common_app.yydh_select + "  AND lsbh='" + lsbh + "'")[0];
                        string tt_id = M_Qttyd_mainrecord.id.ToString();
                        string ddbh_temp = M_Qttyd_mainrecord.ddbh;

                        if (Qttyd_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_ttyd(tt_id, "jz", common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                            s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                    if ((czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_sz) || (czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_jz) || (czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_gz) || (czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_bfsz))
                        string zjf = "0"; bool shsj = false; string hyrx_now = "";//银卡
                        string dfjf    = "0";
                        string lsbh_df = common_file.common_ddbh.ddbh("df", "lsbhdfdate", "lsbhdfcounter", 6);
                        string qymc    = "";
                        if (!yydh.Equals(""))
                            DataSet ds000 = B_common.GetList("  select   *  from Xqyxx  ", " id>=0   and   yydh='" + yydh + "'  ");
                            if (ds000 != null && ds000.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                qymc = ds000.Tables[0].Rows[0]["qymc"].ToString();
                        IncHYScore(jzbh, lsbh, sk_tt, hykh, xfje, ref zjf, ref shsj);
                        Hhygl.Hhygl_verifyCode Hhygl_verifyCode_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Hhygl.Hhygl_verifyCode();
                        Hhygl_verifyCode_new.Hhygl_SendMsm(phoneNo, zjf, yydh, qymc, common_hyAction.hy_Action_hytf, czsj, "", "", "", hykh, xfje, xxzs);

                        BLL.Hhygl B_Hhygl_new = new Hotel_app.BLL.Hhygl();
                        DataSet   ds111       = B_Hhygl_new.GetList("  hykh_bz='" + hykh + "'  and id>=0  and  hykh_bz!='' ");
                        if (ds111 != null && ds111.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            hyrx_now = ds111.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hykh_bz"].ToString();

                        BLL.Hhyjb B_Hhyjb_new = new Hotel_app.BLL.Hhyjb();
                        DataSet   ds222       = B_Hhyjb_new.GetList("  hyrx='" + common_app.hykh_rx + "'  and id>=0  and  qymc='" + qymc + "' ");
                        if (ds222 != null && ds222.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            dfjf = ds222.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hykh_bz"].ToString();

                        if (!hyrx_now.Equals("") && hyrx_now.Equals(common_app.hykh_rx))
                            if (shsj)//自动发送升级短信
                                Hhygl_verifyCode_new.Hhygl_SendMsm(phoneNo, zjf, yydh, qymc, common_hyAction.hy_Action_hytf, czsj, "", "", "", hykh, xfje, xxzs);
                                Hhygl.Hhyjf_df Hhyjf_dr_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Hhygl.Hhyjf_df();
                                Hhyjf_dr_new.Hhyjfdf_add_edit("", yydh, qymc, "", hykh, "", dfjf, "升级金卡", "1", lsbh_df, hykh, common_app.chinese_add, xxzs);
        public string GetJzResult(string lsbh, string jzbh, string yydh, string jzzt, string syzd, string czy_bc, string czzt, string sk_tt, string czy, string czsj, string hhykh_bz, string phoneNo, string czy_GUID)
            string s = common_app.get_failure;

            if (czzt == common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz)//算帐
                strSql = new StringBuilder();
                strSql.Append("  insert into  Sfkfssz(yydh,qymc,is_top,is_select,jzbh,jzzt,lsbh,fjbh,krxm,fkfs,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfje,sjxfje,xfrq,xfsj,czrq,czsj,czy,czy_bc,syzd,id_app)");
                strSql.Append("  select  yydh,qymc,0,0,jzbh,'" + jzzt + "',lsbh,fjbh,krxm,fkfs,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,-xfje,-sjxfje,xfrq,xfsj,'" + DateTime.Parse(czsj).ToShortDateString() + "','" + czsj + "','" + czy + "','" + czy_bc + "','" + syzd + "',id_app  from Szw_temp  where   jzbh='" + jzbh + "' and xfdr='" + common_app.fkdr + "'");

                strSql = new StringBuilder();
                strSql.Append("delete from Syjcz where id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and   id_app  in (select  id_app  from Szw_temp  where czy_temp='" + czy_GUID + "')");

                strSql = new StringBuilder();
                strSql.Append("delete from Szwmx  where id>=0  " + common_file.common_app.yydh_select + "  and jzbh<>'' and  jzbh='" + jzbh + "'");
            if (czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_gz || czzt == common_jzzt.czzt_jz || czzt == common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz)
                if (sk_tt == "sk")
                    //DataSet ds_temp0 = B_common.GetList(" select distinct  lsbh  from Szw_temp", " czy='" + czy + "'  and  yydh='" + yydh + "'");
                    DataSet ds_temp0 = B_common.GetList(" select * from Flfsz  ", "  id>=0  and  yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "'  and     lfbh  in  (select  lfbh  from  Flfsz  where lsbh='" + lsbh + "'  and  yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "'  and  shlz='1'  )  and  shlz=1  ");

                    // B_common.GetList("select distinct  lsbh  from Flfsz", "  lfbh in (select lfbh From Flfsz where lsbh='" + lsbh + "'   )  and  shlz=1  and  yydh='" + yydh + "'");
                    if (ds_temp0 != null && ds_temp0.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        ds_temp0 = B_common.GetList("select distinct  lsbh  from Qskyd_mainrecord", "   lsbh='" + lsbh + "'  and  yydh='" + yydh + "'");

                    if (ds_temp0 != null && ds_temp0.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        s = common_app.get_failure;
                        for (int j = 0; j < ds_temp0.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                            string lsbh_0 = ds_temp0.Tables[0].Rows[j]["lsbh"].ToString();
                            M_Qskyd_mainrecord = B_Qskyd_mainrecord.GetModelList("id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh_0 + "'")[0];
                            id = M_Qskyd_mainrecord.id.ToString();
                            // if (Qyddj_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_xgft(id, "jz", common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_app.get_suc)
                            if (Qyddj_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_xgft(id, "jz", czzt, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_app.get_suc)
                                s = common_app.get_suc;
                        //M_Qskyd_mainrecord = B_Qskyd_mainrecord.GetModelList("id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh + "'")[0];
                        DataSet ds_1 = B_common.GetList(" select * from  Qskyd_mainrecord ", "id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh + "'  and  main_sec='" + common_file.common_app.main_sec_main + "'");
                        //M_Qskyd_mainrecord = B_Qskyd_mainrecord.GetModelList("id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh + "'")[0];
                        if (ds_1 != null && ds_1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            id = ds_1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString();
                            // if (Qyddj_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_xgft(id, "jz", common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_app.get_suc)
                            if (Qyddj_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_xgft(id, "jz", czzt, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_app.get_suc)
                                s = common_app.get_suc;
                    DataSet ds_1 = B_common.GetList(" select * from  Qttyd_mainrecord ", "id>0  " + common_app.yydh_select + "  and lsbh='" + lsbh + "' ");
                    if (ds_1 != null && ds_1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //M_Qttyd_mainrecord = B_Qttyd_mainrecord.GetModelList("ID>0 " + common_app.yydh_select + "  AND LSBH='" + lsbh + "'")[0];
                        string tt_id = ds_1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString();// M_Qttyd_mainrecord.id.ToString();
                        //string ddbh_temp = M_Qttyd_mainrecord.ddbh;

                        // if (Qttyd_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_ttyd(tt_id, "jz", common_file.common_jzzt.czzt_sz, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                        if (Qttyd_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_ttyd(tt_id, "jz", czzt, "", jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs) == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                            s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

                if (s == common_app.get_suc)
                    strSql = new StringBuilder();
                    strSql.Append(" insert into Szw_temp_bak(yydh,qymc,is_top,is_select,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,czy,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,fkfs,jjje,xfje,yh,sjxfje,xfsl,shsc,mxbh,czsj,czy_temp)");
                    strSql.Append(" select yydh,qymc,is_top,is_select,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,czy,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,fkfs,jjje,xfje,yh,sjxfje,xfsl,shsc,mxbh,czsj,czy_temp  from Szw_temp");
                    strSql.Append("  where czy_temp='" + czy_GUID + "'  and   xfxm!='" + common_app.dj_pzsk + "'");

                    strSql = new StringBuilder();
                    strSql.Append("delete from Szw_temp  where  id>0   and    czy_temp='" + czy_GUID + "'");
                    if (B_common.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString()) >= 0) //清除Szw_temp里面的数据了
                        if (sk_tt == "sk")
                            B_common.ExecuteSql(" update  Qskyd_mainrecord_bak  set  czsj='" + czsj + "'  where  jzbh='" + jzbh + "'");
                            B_common.ExecuteSql(" update  Qskyd_mainrecord_lskr  set  czsj='" + czsj + "'   where   jzbh='" + jzbh + "'");
                            //B_common.ExecuteSql(" update  Qskyd_mainrecord_temp set lksj='" + czsj + "'  where lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");
                    if (sk_tt == "tt")
                        string bak_ddbh_temp = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(" Select  ddbh  from Qttyd_mainrecord_bak  where lsbh='" + lsbh + "'  and jzbh='" + jzbh + "'").ToString();
                        string bak_jzbh_temp = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(" select jzbh from Qttyd_mainrecord_bak where lsbh='" + lsbh + "' and jzbh='" + jzbh + "'").ToString();

                        B_common.ExecuteSql("  update Qttyd_mainrecord_bak set  czsj='" + czsj + "' where lsbh='" + lsbh + "' and jzbh='" + jzbh + "'");
                        B_common.ExecuteSql(" update  Qskyd_mainrecord_bak  set  czsj='" + czsj + "'  where ddbh='" + bak_ddbh_temp + "' and jzbh='" + bak_jzbh_temp + "'");
                        B_common.ExecuteSql(" update  Qskyd_mainrecord_lskr  set  czsj='" + czsj + "'   where ddbh='" + bak_ddbh_temp + "'  and  jzbh='" + bak_jzbh_temp + "'");
                        B_common.ExecuteSql(" update  Qskyd_mainrecord_temp set czsj='" + czsj + "'  where ddbh='" + bak_ddbh_temp + "'");

                DataSet ds_temp_2;
                if (sk_tt == "sk")
                    ds_temp_2 = B_common.GetList("select jzbh,lsbh,hykh,hykh_bz,krsj,xyh,xydw from Qskyd_mainrecord_bak", " id>=0 and jzbh='" + jzbh + "'");
                    if (ds_temp_2 != null && ds_temp_2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i_0 = 0; i_0 < ds_temp_2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i_0++)

                            //IncHYScore(ds_temp_2.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["jzbh"].ToString(), ds_temp_2.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lsbh"].ToString(), sk_tt, ds_temp_2.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["hykh_bz"].ToString(), yydh, qymc,ds_temp_2.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["krsj"].ToString() , czsj);
                if (sk_tt == "tt")