public void Setup(QuestManager qm, QuestEvent qe, QustButton qb) { qManager = qm; qEvent = qe; qButton = qb; // setup link between event and button qe.button = qButton; }
void Start() { if ((string)PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties["MissionComplete"] == "NO") { //create each event QuestEvent a = quest.AddQuestEvent("test1", "description 1", A); QuestEvent b = quest.AddQuestEvent("test2", "description 2", B); QuestEvent c = quest.AddQuestEvent("test3", "description 3", C); QuestEvent d = quest.AddQuestEvent("test4", "description 4", D); QuestEvent e = quest.AddQuestEvent("test5", "description 5", E); // define the paths between the events - e.g. the order they must be completed quest.AddPath(a.GetId(), b.GetId()); quest.AddPath(b.GetId(), c.GetId()); quest.AddPath(b.GetId(), d.GetId()); quest.AddPath(c.GetId(), e.GetId()); quest.AddPath(d.GetId(), e.GetId()); quest.BFS(a.GetId()); QustButton button = CreateButton(a).GetComponent <QustButton>(); A.GetComponent <QuestLocation>().Setup(this, a, button); button = CreateButton(b).GetComponent <QustButton>(); B.GetComponent <QuestLocation>().Setup(this, b, button); button = CreateButton(c).GetComponent <QustButton>(); C.GetComponent <QuestLocation>().Setup(this, c, button); button = CreateButton(d).GetComponent <QustButton>(); D.GetComponent <QuestLocation>().Setup(this, d, button); button = CreateButton(e).GetComponent <QustButton>(); E.GetComponent <QuestLocation>().Setup(this, e, button); final = e; quest.PrintPath(); } if ((string)PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties["MissionComplete"] == "YES") { compass.GetComponent <CompassController>().enabled = false; compassNeedle.SetActive(false); victoryPopup.SetActive(true); } }