private static void ExtractColumnOrAliasNames(SqlString select, out List <SqlString> columnsOrAliases,
                                                      out Dictionary <SqlString, SqlString> aliasToColumn)
            columnsOrAliases = new List <SqlString>();
            aliasToColumn    = new Dictionary <SqlString, SqlString>();

            IList <string> tokens = new QuotedAndParenthesisStringTokenizer(select.ToString()).GetTokens();
            int            index  = 0;

            while (index < tokens.Count)
                string token = tokens[index];
                index += 1;

                if ("select".Equals(token, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                if ("distinct".Equals(token, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                if ("," == token)

                if ("from".Equals(token, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                //handle composite expressions like 2 * 4 as foo
                while (index < tokens.Count && "as".Equals(tokens[index], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == false &&
                       "," != tokens[index])
                    token  = token + " " + tokens[index];
                    index += 1;

                string alias = token;

                bool isFunctionCallOrQuotedString = token.Contains("'") || token.Contains("(");
                // this is heuristic guess, if the expression contains ' or (, it is probably
                // not appropriate to just slice parts off of it
                if (isFunctionCallOrQuotedString == false)
                    int dot = token.IndexOf('.');
                    if (dot != -1)
                        alias = token.Substring(dot + 1);

                // notice! we are checking here the existence of "as" "alias", two
                // tokens from the current one
                if (index + 1 < tokens.Count && "as".Equals(tokens[index], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    alias  = tokens[index + 1];
                    index += 2;                     //skip the "as" and the alias	\

                columnsOrAliases.Add(new SqlString(alias));
                aliasToColumn[SqlString.Parse(alias)] = SqlString.Parse(token);
        private static void ExtractColumnOrAliasNames(SqlString select, out List <SqlString> columnsOrAliases,
                                                      out Dictionary <SqlString, SqlString> aliasToColumn)
            columnsOrAliases = new List <SqlString>();
            aliasToColumn    = new Dictionary <SqlString, SqlString>();

            IList <SqlString> tokens = new QuotedAndParenthesisStringTokenizer(select).GetTokens();
            int index = 0;

            while (index < tokens.Count)
                SqlString token = tokens[index];

                int nextTokenIndex = index += 1;

                if (token.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("select"))

                if (token.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("distinct"))

                if (token.StartsWithCaseInsensitive(","))

                if (token.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("from"))

                // handle composite expressions like "2 * 4 as foo"
                while ((nextTokenIndex < tokens.Count) && (tokens[nextTokenIndex].StartsWithCaseInsensitive("as") == false && tokens[nextTokenIndex].StartsWithCaseInsensitive(",") == false))
                    SqlString nextToken = tokens[nextTokenIndex];
                    token          = token.Append(nextToken);
                    nextTokenIndex = index += 1;

                // if there is no alias, the token and the alias will be the same
                SqlString alias = token;

                bool isFunctionCallOrQuotedString = token.IndexOfCaseInsensitive("'") >= 0 || token.IndexOfCaseInsensitive("(") >= 0;

                // this is heuristic guess, if the expression contains ' or (, it is probably
                // not appropriate to just slice parts off of it
                if (isFunctionCallOrQuotedString == false)
                    // its a simple column reference, so lets set the alias to the
                    // column name minus the table qualifier if it exists
                    int dot = token.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(".");
                    if (dot != -1)
                        alias = token.Substring(dot + 1);

                // notice! we are checking here the existence of "as" "alias", two
                // tokens from the current one
                if (nextTokenIndex + 1 < tokens.Count)
                    SqlString nextToken = tokens[nextTokenIndex];
                    if (nextToken.IndexOfCaseInsensitive("as") >= 0)
                        SqlString tokenAfterNext = tokens[nextTokenIndex + 1];
                        alias  = tokenAfterNext;
                        index += 2;                         //skip the "as" and the alias

                aliasToColumn[alias] = token;