 public Quota GetQuota(double capital, double rate, int term)
     var total = ((capital * (1 + rate)) / term);
     var quota = new Quota();
     quota.Capital = capital/term;
     quota.RateAmount = quota.Capital*rate;
     return quota;
 /// <summary>
 /// There are no comments for Quota in the schema.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToQuota(Quota quota)
     base.AddObject("Quota", quota);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new user quota.  When creating a quota, the Type and Limit
 /// fields are required.  The Units and Usage fields are ignored.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId"></param>
 /// <param name="newQuota"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Quota CreateUserQuota(string userId, Quota newQuota)
     // POST
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        ///Le système doit permettre d’enregistrer une visite et de facturer le client
        /// en créant le client s'il n'exite pas
        /// en créant la provenance ,  la transaction et la liste des matieres de la visite
        /// et la fait la mise a jour des quota
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visite"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Visite CreateVisite(Visite visite)
            using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    /// le client s'il n'exite pas
                    visite.DateCreation = DateTime.Now;
                    bool Iscommerce = string.IsNullOrEmpty(visite.Client.NomCommerce);
                    if ((visite.IClient == 0) || (!_context.Client.Any(c => c.IdClient == visite.IClient)))
                        /// Creation du Client et entreprise
                        visite.Client.IdClient     = 0;
                        visite.Client.DateCreation = DateTime.Now;
                        visite.Client = null;

                    /// Creation de l'adresse et  Quota
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(visite.Provenance.IdCivique))
                        /// Verifit si l'adresse existe
                        var adresse = _context.Adresse.FirstOrDefault(a => a.IdCivique == visite.Provenance.IdCivique);

                        if (adresse == null)
                            var _adresse = new Adresse
                                IdCivique = visite.Provenance.IdCivique,
                                Nom       = visite.Provenance.Adresse

                            /// Quota
                            var dtdebut = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 1);
                            var dtdefin = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 12, 31);

                            var quotaStandard = _context.Quota_Standard.First();

                            var _quota = new Quota
                                IdCivique           = visite.Provenance.IdCivique,
                                DateDebut           = dtdebut,
                                DateFin             = dtdefin,
                                Quantite_Disponible = quotaStandard.Quantite,
                                Quantite_Initiale   = quotaStandard.Quantite,
                                Quantite_Commerce   = quotaStandard.Quantite_Commerce

                            visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(visite.Client.NomCommerce)  ?_quota.Quantite_Disponible: _quota.Quantite_Commerce;

                    // Creation de la Provenance
                    /// Verification des Quota
                    /// Si une adresse officielle n’existe pas dans les bases de données  de la ville
                    visite.Provenance.Quantite_Initiale = visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(visite.Provenance.IdCivique))
                        /// si le client ne montre pas une preuve de résidence
                        if (visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible > 0)
                            if (visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible > visite.Transaction.Volume)
                                visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible -= (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                visite.Transaction.Quantite_Utilisee   = (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                visite.Transaction.Volume              = 0;
                                visite.Transaction.Volume            -= visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible;
                                visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible = 0;
                                visite.Transaction.Quantite_Utilisee  = (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                        if (visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible > visite.Transaction.Volume)
                            visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible -= (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                            visite.Provenance.Quantite_Disponible = 0;


                    /// Verification des Quota Cas Adressse Officielle
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(visite.Provenance.IdCivique))
                        var _quota = _context.Quota.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IdCivique == visite.Provenance.IdCivique);

                        if (_quota != null && _quota.DateFin >= DateTime.Now.Date)
                            long _qauntiteUtilise = 0;
                            /// Calcul du Volume facturable

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(visite.Client.NomCommerce))
                                if (_quota.Quantite_Commerce > visite.Transaction.Volume)
                                    _quota.Quantite_Commerce -= (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                    _qauntiteUtilise          = (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                    visite.Transaction.Volume = 0;
                                    visite.Transaction.Volume -= _quota.Quantite_Commerce;
                                    _qauntiteUtilise           = (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                    _quota.Quantite_Commerce   = 0;
                                if (_quota.Quantite_Disponible > visite.Transaction.Volume)
                                    _quota.Quantite_Disponible -= (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                    _qauntiteUtilise            = (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                    visite.Transaction.Volume   = 0;
                                    visite.Transaction.Volume -= _quota.Quantite_Disponible;
                                    _qauntiteUtilise           = (long)visite.Transaction.Volume;
                                    _quota.Quantite_Disponible = 0;
                            visite.Transaction.Quantite_Utilisee = _qauntiteUtilise;

                            /// Enregistrement de l'historique des quota
                            var historiqueQuota = new Historique_Quota
                                DateHistorique    = DateTime.Now,
                                DateDebut         = _quota.DateDebut,
                                DateFin           = _quota.DateFin,
                                IdCivique         = _quota.IdCivique,
                                IdQuota           = _quota.IdQuota,
                                Quantite_Utilisee = _qauntiteUtilise,
                                Quantite_Initiale = visite.Provenance.Quantite_Initiale

                    /// Facturation  Chargement de la tarification
                    var tarif = _context.Tarification.First();
                    visite.Transaction.Total = Iscommerce ? visite.Transaction.Volume * tarif.Prix : visite.Transaction.Volume * tarif.Prix_Commerce;

                    /// On ne facture pas   lorsqu'il s'agit d'une nouvelle adresse

                    visite.Transaction.Total = string.IsNullOrEmpty(visite.Provenance.IdCivique) ? 0 : visite.Transaction.Total;
                    // Creation de la visite , Transaction et des Matiere de la visite
                    visite.IClient                  = visite.Client == null ? visite.IClient : visite.Client.IdClient;
                    visite.IdProvenance             = visite.Provenance.IdProvenance;
                    visite.Ecocentre                = null;
                    visite.Transaction.ModePaiement = null;

                    visite.Transaction.IdVisite = visite.IdVisite;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

        public void AssignQuota(int id)
            TrainAssignQuotaViewData viewData = new TrainAssignQuotaViewData();
            Classes classes = (from c in CQGJ.Classes
                               where c.ClassID == id
                               select c).First();
            viewData.Quotas = (from q in CQGJ.Quota
                               where q.Classes.ClassID == id
                               select q).ToList();
            Plan plan = (from c in CQGJ.Classes
                         from p in CQGJ.Plan
                         where c.ClassID == id
                         where c.Plan == p
                         select p).First();
            viewData.PlanID = plan.PlanID;

            List<CQGJ.passport.b01> orgList = cqgjPassport.GetOrglistByType(1).ToList();
            List<CQGJ.passport.b01> orgList2 = cqgjPassport.GetOrglistByType(2).ToList();
            List<CQGJ.passport.b01> orgList4 = cqgjPassport.GetOrglistByType(4).ToList();
            foreach (CQGJ.passport.b01 b in orgList2)
            { orgList.Add(b); }
            foreach (CQGJ.passport.b01 b in orgList4)
            { orgList.Add(b); }

            if (viewData.Quotas.Count <= 0)
                foreach (CQGJ.passport.b01 b in orgList)
                    Quota quota = new Quota();
                    quota.Classes = classes;
                    Org org = (from o in CQGJ.Org where o.OrgCode == b.b0111 select o).First();
                    quota.Org = org;
                    quota.Number = 0;
                    quota.SignupNumber = 0;
                viewData.Quotas = (from q in CQGJ.Quota
                                   where q.Classes.ClassID == id
                                   select q).ToList();
            bool f = false;
            foreach (Quota quota in viewData.Quotas)
                if (GetInt(quota.QuotaID.ToString()) != 0)
                    quota.Number = GetInt(quota.QuotaID.ToString());
                    f = true;
            if (f == true)
                classes.Status = (int)ClassStatus.Signup;

                RedirectToAction("editplan/" + plan.PlanID + "/1");

            viewData.PlanClassID = id;
            RenderView("AssignQuota", viewData);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string             reply_str      = "";
            var                db             = new EchoContext();
            SmsRegistrationLog sms_log        = new SmsRegistrationLog();
            string             sms_log_result = "";

                string keyword   = context.Request.Form["keyword"] == null ? string.Empty : context.Request.Form["keyword"];
                string content   = context.Request.Form["content"] == null ? string.Empty : context.Request.Form["content"];
                string mobile_no = context.Request.Form["mobile_no"] == null ? string.Empty : context.Request.Form["mobile_no"];
                //string msg = context.Request.Form["msg"] == null ? string.Empty : context.Request.Form["msg"];

                sms_log.Mobile_Number = mobile_no;
                sms_log.RQ_Msg        = "-";
                sms_log.RQ_Keyword    = keyword;
                sms_log.RQ_Content    = content;

                int  result = CustomValidate.ValidateNumber(mobile_no);
                bool flag   = true;

                if (result != 1 && result != 4)
                    flag = false;
                    if (result == 2 || result == 3 || result == 5)
                        reply_str      = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EXIST_NUMBER"];
                        sms_log_result = "Existing number";

                    if (result == 6)
                        reply_str      = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NO_ACCTACTIVATION"];
                        sms_log_result = "Maintenance Period";

                if (flag)
                    if (IsValid(keyword, content))
                        string[] content_arrs = content.Split(' ');
                        string   gender       = content_arrs[0];
                        string   dob          = content_arrs[1];
                        string[] result_sp    = new string[2];

                        byte day   = Convert.ToByte(dob.Substring(0, 2));
                        byte month = Convert.ToByte(dob.Substring(2, 2));
                        int  year  = Convert.ToInt16(dob.Substring(4, 4));

                        year = year - 543;
                        #region transaction
                        var transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions();
                        transactionOptions.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
                        transactionOptions.Timeout        = TransactionManager.MaximumTimeout;
                        Account  account   = new Account();
                        DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                        using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOptions))
                            var db_transaction = new EchoContext();

                            account.Gender_Cd           = gender.ToUpper();
                            account.Day_Of_Birth        = day;
                            account.Month_Of_Birth      = month;
                            account.Year_Of_Birth       = year;
                            account.Channel_Cd          = "SMS";
                            account.Created_By          = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CREATED_BY_SMS"];
                            account.Updated_By          = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CREATED_BY_SMS"];
                            account.First_Mobile_Number = mobile_no;
                            account.Created_Dttm        = timestamp;
                            account.Updated_Dttm        = timestamp;
                            account.Registration_Dttm   = timestamp;

                            var   today = DateTime.Now.Date;
                            Quota q     = db_transaction.Quotas.Where(x => x.Quota_Type_Cd.Equals("B")).Where(x => x.Quota_Cd.Equals("Q0001")).SingleOrDefault();

                            #region account quota used cur
                            AccountQuotaUsedCur aquc = new AccountQuotaUsedCur();
                            aquc.Date                = today.Date;
                            aquc.Account             = account;
                            aquc.Quota_Freq_Used_Val = 0;
                            aquc.Quota_Avail_Flag    = true;
                            aquc.Quota_Dur_Val       = Convert.ToByte(q.Quota_Dur_Val);
                            aquc.Quota_Freq_Val      = Convert.ToByte(q.Quota_Freq_Val);

                            #region account mobile
                            AccountMobile am = new AccountMobile();
                            am.Account       = account;
                            am.Mobile_Number = mobile_no;
                            am.Primary_Flag  = true;
                            am.Status_Cd     = "AC";
                            am.Updated_By    = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CREATED_BY_SMS"];
                            am.Created_By    = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CREATED_BY_SMS"];

                            #region account interest
                            AccountInterest ai = new AccountInterest();
                            ai.Account = account;

                            #region account quota
                            AccountQuota aq = new AccountQuota();
                            aq.Account  = account;
                            aq.Quota_Cd = q.Quota_Cd;

                            #region update account activation and set status_cd
                            SqlParameter output = new SqlParameter("acstatus", SqlDbType.Int);
                            output.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                            SqlParameter date = new SqlParameter("today", SqlDbType.Date);
                            date.Value = DateTime.Now;

                            SqlParameter no_acct_total = new SqlParameter("no_acct_limit_total", SqlDbType.Int);

                            int no_acct_limit_total         = 0;
                            AdminConfiguration admin_config = db_transaction.AdminConfigurations.SingleOrDefault();

                            if (admin_config != null)
                                no_acct_limit_total = admin_config.No_Activation_Limit_Total;

                            no_acct_total.Value = no_acct_limit_total;
                            string sql_string =
                                "declare @tbt table (acstatus int)" +
                                "UPDATE Account_Activation " +
                                "SET No_Activation = CASE WHEN (No_Activation + 1 > No_Max_Activation or (No_Activation_Acc + 1 > @no_acct_limit_total)) THEN No_Activation ELSE No_Activation + 1 END, " +
                                "No_Activation_Acc = CASE WHEN (No_Activation + 1 > No_Max_Activation or (No_Activation_Acc + 1 > @no_acct_limit_total)) THEN No_Activation_Acc ELSE No_Activation_Acc + 1 END, " +
                                "No_Activation_Pending = CASE WHEN (No_Activation + 1 > No_Max_Activation or (No_Activation_Acc + 1 > @no_acct_limit_total)) THEN No_Activation_Pending + 1 ELSE No_Activation_Pending END, " +
                                "Updated_By = 'WEBSITE', " +
                                "Updated_Dttm = GETDATE() " +
                                "OUTPUT CASE WHEN (deleted.No_Activation + 1 > deleted.No_Max_Activation or deleted.No_Activation_Acc + 1 > @no_acct_limit_total) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END " +
                                " into @tbt " +
                                "WHERE [Date] = @today " +
                                "select @acstatus = acstatus from @tbt";

                            db_transaction.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql_string, no_acct_total, date, output);

                            int sql_result = Convert.ToInt16(output.Value);

                            if (sql_result == 0)
                                account.Status_Cd       = FreebieStatus.AccountActivated();
                                account.Activation_Dttm = timestamp;
                                reply_str      = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ACD"];
                                sms_log_result = "Register success";
                                string q_str = (Convert.ToByte(q.Quota_Freq_Val) * Convert.ToByte(q.Quota_Dur_Val) * 30).ToString();
                                reply_str = reply_str.Replace("{count}", q.Quota_Freq_Val.ToString());
                                reply_str = reply_str.Replace("{mins}", q.Quota_Dur_Val.ToString());
                                reply_str = reply_str.Replace("{num}", q_str);
                                account.Status_Cd = FreebieStatus.AccountPending();
                                reply_str         = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AP"];
                                sms_log_result    = "Register Pending";


                            account.First_Quota_Cd       = q.Quota_Cd;
                            account.First_Quota_Dur_Val  = q.Quota_Dur_Val;
                            account.First_Quota_Freq_Val = q.Quota_Freq_Val;
                            account.Dummy_Flag           = "0";

                        #region call_sp
                        result_sp = CallSP.SP_Insert_Interact_Profile(account.Account_Id);
                        if (!result_sp[0].Equals("0"))
                            using (var new_db = new EchoContext())
                                SqlParameter date = new SqlParameter("today", SqlDbType.Date);
                                date.Value = DateTime.Now;
                                Account remove_ac = new_db.Accounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account.Account_Id);
                                if (remove_ac != null)
                                    if (remove_ac.Status_Cd.Equals(FreebieStatus.AccountActivated()))
                                        string sql_string =
                                            "UPDATE Account_Activation " +
                                            "SET No_Activation = CASE WHEN (No_Activation - 1 < 0 ) THEN 0 ELSE No_Activation - 1 END, " +
                                            "No_Activation_Acc = CASE WHEN (No_Activation_Acc - 1 < 0 ) THEN 0 ELSE No_Activation_Acc - 1 END, " +
                                            "Updated_By = 'WEBSITE', " +
                                            "Updated_Dttm = GETDATE() " +
                                            "WHERE [Date] = @today ";

                                        new_db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql_string, date);
                                        if (remove_ac.Status_Cd.Equals(FreebieStatus.AccountPending()))
                                            string sql_string =
                                                "UPDATE Account_Activation " +
                                                "SET No_Activation_Pending = CASE WHEN (No_Activation_Pending - 1 < 0 ) THEN 0 ELSE No_Activation_Pending - 1 END, " +
                                                "Updated_By = 'WEBSITE', " +
                                                "Updated_Dttm = GETDATE() " +
                                                "WHERE [Date] = @today ";

                                            new_db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql_string, date);
                                    AccountQuotaUsedCur remove_aquc = new_db.AccountQuotaUsedCurs.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account.Account_Id);
                                    if (remove_aquc != null)
                            reply_str = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NO_ACCTACTIVATION"];
                            FreebieEvent.AccountCreateEvent(account, account.First_Mobile_Number, Permission.f_cust_regis_page_id);
                        reply_str      = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WRONG_FORMAT"];
                        sms_log_result = "Wrong input Format";
            catch (Exception err)
                reply_str      = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NO_ACCTACTIVATION"];
                sms_log_result = "System Error";
                FreebieEvent.AddCustomError(err.Message, Permission.f_cust_regis_page_id);

            Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("tis-620");
            string   xml_str  = GetReplyXML(reply_str, encoding);

            sms_log.Result = sms_log_result;

            context.Response.ContentType     = "text/xml";
            context.Response.ContentEncoding = encoding;
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавить новую квоту
        /// </summary>
        public void AddNewQuota(Quota quota)
            var connection = _context.Database.GetDbConnection() as SqlConnection;

            CreateNewQuota(quota, connection);  //Add(quota)
 public int Add(Quota quota)
 public void EditQuota(Quota quota)
 public void AddQuota(Quota quota)
 public void Remove(Quota quota)
 public void Add(Quota quota)
        protected override void Seed(METU.VRS.Services.DatabaseContext context)
            UserRole authenticated_user = new UserRole()
                UID = "authenticated_user", Description = "Authenticated User"
            UserRole approval_user = new UserRole()
                UID = "approval_user", Description = "Approval User"
            UserRole delivery_user = new UserRole()
                UID = "delivery_user", Description = "Delivery User"
            UserRole security_officer = new UserRole()
                UID = "security_officer", Description = "Security Officer"
            UserRole admin = new UserRole()
                UID = "admin", Description = "System Admin"

            context.UserRoles.AddOrUpdate(a => a.UID, new UserRole[] { authenticated_user, approval_user, delivery_user, security_officer, admin });

            UserCategory student = new UserCategory()
                UID = "student", Description = "Student"
            UserCategory academic = new UserCategory()
                UID = "academic", Description = "Academic"
            UserCategory administrative = new UserCategory()
                UID = "administrative", Description = "Administrative"
            UserCategory affiliate = new UserCategory()
                UID = "affiliate", Description = "Affiliate"
            UserCategory alumni = new UserCategory()
                UID = "alumni", Description = "Alumni"

            context.UserCategories.AddOrUpdate(a => a.UID, new UserCategory[] { student, academic, administrative, affiliate, alumni });

            BranchAffiliate II = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "II", Name = "Graduate School of Informatics", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.GraduateSchool
            BranchAffiliate MUH = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "MUH", Name = "Faculty of Engineering", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.Faculty
            BranchAffiliate FEAS = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "FEAS", Name = "Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.Faculty
            BranchAffiliate IAM = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "IAM", Name = "Graduate School of Applied Mathematics", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.GraduateSchool
            BranchAffiliate IHM = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "IHM", Name = "Office of Domestic Services", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.AdministrativeUnit
            BranchAffiliate OIDB = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "OIDB", Name = "Directorate of Student Affairs", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.AdministrativeUnit
            BranchAffiliate ISBANK = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "ISBANK", Name = "Türkiye İş Bankası", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.Affiliate
            BranchAffiliate BURGERKING = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "BURGERKING", Name = "BurgerKing", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.Affiliate
            BranchAffiliate ASELSAN = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "ASELSAN", Name = "ASELSAN", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.Affiliate
            BranchAffiliate CATI = new BranchAffiliate()
                UID = "CATI", Name = "Çatı Cafe", Type = BranchAffiliateTypes.Affiliate

            context.BranchsAffiliates.AddOrUpdate(a => a.UID, new BranchAffiliate[] { II, MUH, FEAS, IAM, IHM, OIDB, ISBANK, BURGERKING, ASELSAN, CATI });

            User e100 = new User()
                UID = "e100", Name = "Test Student1", Category = student, Division = II, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User e101 = new User()
                UID = "e101", Name = "Test Student2", Category = student, Division = MUH, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User e102 = new User()
                UID = "e102", Name = "Test Student3", Category = student, Division = FEAS, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User e103 = new User()
                UID = "e103", Name = "Test Student4", Category = student, Division = IAM, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User e200 = new User()
                UID = "e200", Name = "Test Student11", Category = student, Division = II, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User e201 = new User()
                UID = "e201", Name = "Test Student12", Category = student, Division = MUH, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User e202 = new User()
                UID = "e202", Name = "Test Student13", Category = student, Division = FEAS, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User e203 = new User()
                UID = "e203", Name = "Test Student14", Category = student, Division = IAM, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User a100 = new User()
                UID = "a100", Name = "Test Academic1", Category = academic, Division = II, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User a101 = new User()
                UID = "a101", Name = "Test Academic2", Category = academic, Division = MUH, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User a102 = new User()
                UID = "a102", Name = "Test Academic3", Category = academic, Division = FEAS, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User a103 = new User()
                UID = "a103", Name = "Test Academic4", Category = academic, Division = IAM, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User o100 = new User()
                UID = "o100", Name = "Test Officer1", Category = administrative, Division = OIDB, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User o101 = new User()
                UID = "o101", Name = "Test Approval Officer", Category = administrative, Division = II, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user, approval_user }
            User o102 = new User()
                UID = "o102", Name = "Test Delivery Officer", Category = administrative, Division = IHM, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user, delivery_user }
            User o103 = new User()
                UID = "o103", Name = "Test Security Officer", Category = administrative, Division = IHM, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user, security_officer }
            User isbank = new User()
                UID = "isbank", Name = "Test Affiliate1", Category = affiliate, Division = ISBANK, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User burgerking = new User()
                UID = "burgerking", Name = "Test Affiliate2", Category = affiliate, Division = BURGERKING, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User aselsan = new User()
                UID = "aselsan", Name = "Test Affiliate3", Category = affiliate, Division = ASELSAN, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }
            User cati = new User()
                UID = "cati", Name = "Test Affiliate4", Category = affiliate, Division = CATI, Roles = new UserRole[] { authenticated_user }

            context.Users.AddOrUpdate(a => a.UID, new User[] {
                e100, e101, e102, e103, e200, e201, e202, e203, a100, a101, a102, a103, o100, o101, o102, o103, isbank, burgerking, aselsan, cati

            StickerTerm longterm = new StickerTerm()
                Type = TermTypes.LongTerm, StartDate = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2099, 1, 1)
            StickerTerm calenderyear2018 = new StickerTerm()
                Type = TermTypes.CalendarYear, StartDate = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1)
            StickerTerm calenderyear2019 = new StickerTerm()
                Type = TermTypes.CalendarYear, StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1)
            StickerTerm academicyear2017 = new StickerTerm()
                Type = TermTypes.AcademicYear, StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 1)
            StickerTerm academicyear2018 = new StickerTerm()
                Type = TermTypes.AcademicYear, StartDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 1)

            context.StickerTerms.AddOrUpdate(a => new { a.Type, a.StartDate, a.EndDate }, new StickerTerm[] { longterm, calenderyear2018, academicyear2018, calenderyear2019 });

            StickerType st1 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Staff, Color = "Red", Description = "Academican Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.LongTerm, UserCategory = academic
            StickerType st2 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Staff, Color = "Green", Description = "Administrative Attendant Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.LongTerm, UserCategory = administrative
            StickerType st3 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Foundation, Color = "Black", Description = "METU Foundation Member Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.LongTerm, UserCategory = administrative
            StickerType st4 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Visitor, Color = "Blue", Description = "Visitor Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.CalendarYear, UserCategory = administrative
            StickerType st5 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Visitor, Color = "Blue", Description = "Campus Services Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.CalendarYear, UserCategory = affiliate
            StickerType st6 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Visitor, Color = "Blue", Description = "Visiting Researcher Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.AcademicYear, UserCategory = academic
            StickerType st7 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Visitor, Color = "Blue", Description = "Sport Club Trainer", TermType = TermTypes.CalendarYear, UserCategory = administrative
            StickerType st8 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Visitor, Color = "Blue", Description = "Sport Club Member", TermType = TermTypes.CalendarYear, UserCategory = administrative
            StickerType st9 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Visitor, Color = "Blue", Description = "Lodgement Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.CalendarYear, UserCategory = administrative
            StickerType st10 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Alumni, Color = "Gray", Description = "Alumni Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.CalendarYear, UserCategory = alumni
            StickerType st11 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Technopolis, Color = "Orange", Description = "Technopolis Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.CalendarYear, UserCategory = affiliate
            StickerType st12 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Student, Color = "Yellow", Description = "Unlimited Student Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.AcademicYear, UserCategory = student
            StickerType st13 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.Student, Color = "Brown", Description = "Limited Student Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.AcademicYear, UserCategory = student
            StickerType st14 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.StudentParent, Color = "Purple", Description = "College Student Parent Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.AcademicYear, UserCategory = affiliate
            StickerType st15 = new StickerType()
                Class = StickerClasses.StudentParent, Color = "Purple", Description = "Kindergarten Student Parent Sticker", TermType = TermTypes.AcademicYear, UserCategory = affiliate

            context.StickerTypes.AddOrUpdate(a => a.Description, new StickerType[] { st1, st2, st3, st4, st5, st6, st7, st8, st9, st10, st11, st12, st13, st14, st15 });

            Quota q1 = new Quota()
                UID = "q1", Term = longterm, Division = null, StickerFee = 40, TotalQuota = -1, Type = st1
            Quota q2 = new Quota()
                UID = "q2", Term = longterm, Division = null, StickerFee = 40, TotalQuota = -1, Type = st2
            Quota q3 = new Quota()
                UID = "q3", Term = longterm, Division = null, StickerFee = 60, TotalQuota = -1, Type = st3
            Quota q4 = new Quota()
                UID = "q4", Term = calenderyear2019, Division = null, StickerFee = 700, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st4
            Quota q5 = new Quota()
                UID = "q5", Term = calenderyear2019, Division = null, StickerFee = 60, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st5
            Quota q6 = new Quota()
                UID = "q6", Term = academicyear2018, Division = null, StickerFee = 60, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st6
            Quota q7 = new Quota()
                UID = "q7", Term = calenderyear2019, Division = null, StickerFee = 700, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st7
            Quota q8 = new Quota()
                UID = "q8", Term = calenderyear2019, Division = null, StickerFee = 60, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st8
            Quota q9 = new Quota()
                UID = "q9", Term = calenderyear2019, Division = null, StickerFee = 60, TotalQuota = 1000, Type = st9
            Quota q10 = new Quota()
                UID = "q10", Term = calenderyear2019, Division = null, StickerFee = 700, TotalQuota = -1, Type = st10
            Quota q11 = new Quota()
                UID = "q11", Term = calenderyear2019, Division = null, StickerFee = 600, TotalQuota = 5000, Type = st11
            Quota q12 = new Quota()
                UID = "q12", Term = academicyear2018, Division = II, StickerFee = 500, TotalQuota = 1, Type = st12
            Quota q13 = new Quota()
                UID = "q13", Term = academicyear2018, Division = II, StickerFee = 100, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st13
            Quota q14 = new Quota()
                UID = "q14", Term = academicyear2018, Division = null, StickerFee = 300, TotalQuota = 500, Type = st14
            Quota q15 = new Quota()
                UID = "q15", Term = academicyear2018, Division = null, StickerFee = 60, TotalQuota = 500, Type = st15
            Quota q16 = new Quota()
                UID = "q16", Term = academicyear2018, Division = FEAS, StickerFee = 500, TotalQuota = 1, Type = st12
            Quota q17 = new Quota()
                UID = "q17", Term = academicyear2018, Division = FEAS, StickerFee = 100, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st13
            Quota q18 = new Quota()
                UID = "q18", Term = academicyear2018, Division = IAM, StickerFee = 500, TotalQuota = 1, Type = st12
            Quota q19 = new Quota()
                UID = "q19", Term = academicyear2018, Division = IAM, StickerFee = 100, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st13
            Quota q20 = new Quota()
                UID = "q20", Term = academicyear2018, Division = MUH, StickerFee = 500, TotalQuota = 2, Type = st12
            Quota q21 = new Quota()
                UID = "q21", Term = academicyear2018, Division = MUH, StickerFee = 100, TotalQuota = 100, Type = st13
            Quota q22 = new Quota()
                UID = "q22", Term = academicyear2017, Division = IAM, StickerFee = 300, TotalQuota = 2, Type = st12

            context.Quotas.AddOrUpdate(a => a.UID, new Quota[] { q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, q12, q13, q14, q15, q16, q17, q18, q19, q20, q21, q22 });

            Vehicle ve100 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e100.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA100", RegistrationNumber = "AA100000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle ve200 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e200.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA200", RegistrationNumber = "AA200000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle ve101 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e101.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA101", RegistrationNumber = "AA101000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle ve201 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e201.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA201", RegistrationNumber = "AA201000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle ve102 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e102.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA102", RegistrationNumber = "AA102000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle ve202 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e202.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA202", RegistrationNumber = "AA202000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle ve103 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e102.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA103", RegistrationNumber = "AA103000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle ve203 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = e202.Name, PlateNumber = "06AA203", RegistrationNumber = "AA203000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle vevisitor1 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = "Test Visitor1", PlateNumber = "06BB100", RegistrationNumber = "BB100000", Type = VehicleType.Car
            Vehicle vevisitor2 = new Vehicle {
                OwnerName = "Test Visitor2", PlateNumber = "06BB200", RegistrationNumber = "BB200000", Type = VehicleType.Van

            context.Vehicles.AddOrUpdate(v => v.ID, new Vehicle[] { ve100, ve200, ve101, ve201, ve102, ve202, ve103, ve203 });

            context.Visitors.AddOrUpdate(v => v.UID, new Visitor[] {
                new Visitor {
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    Description  = "Testing Purpose",
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    Name         = "John Doe",
                    Status       = VisitorStatus.WaitingForApproval,
                    User         = e101,
                    Vehicle      = vevisitor1,
                    VisitDate    = DateTime.Today,
                    UID          = "TEST1"
                new Visitor {
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    Description  = "Testing Purpose",
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    Name         = "Jane Doe",
                    Status       = VisitorStatus.WaitingForArrival,
                    User         = e101,
                    Vehicle      = vevisitor2,
                    VisitDate    = DateTime.Today,
                    UID          = "TEST2",
                    ApproveDate  = DateTime.Now

            context.StickerApplications.AddOrUpdate(a => a.ID, new StickerApplication[]
                new StickerApplication()
                    User       = e100,
                    CreateDate = DateTime.Now, LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner      = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e100.Name
                    Quota   = q12,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.WaitingForApproval,
                    Vehicle = ve100
                new StickerApplication()
                    User       = e200,
                    CreateDate = DateTime.Now, LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner      = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e200.Name
                    Quota   = q12,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.WaitingForApproval,
                    Vehicle = ve200
                new StickerApplication()
                    User         = e101,
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    ApproveDate  = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner        = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e101.Name
                    Quota   = q20,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.WaitingForPayment,
                    Vehicle = ve101
                new StickerApplication()
                    User         = e201,
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    ApproveDate  = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner        = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e201.Name
                    Quota   = q20,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.WaitingForPayment,
                    Vehicle = ve201
                new StickerApplication()
                    User    = e102,
                    Payment = new Payment {
                        Amount = q16.StickerFee, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now, TransactionNumber = "TEST1234"
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    ApproveDate  = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner        = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e102.Name
                    Quota   = q16,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.WaitingForDelivery,
                    Vehicle = ve102
                new StickerApplication()
                    User    = e202,
                    Payment = new Payment {
                        Amount = q17.StickerFee, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now, TransactionNumber = "TEST5678"
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    ApproveDate  = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner        = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e202.Name
                    Quota   = q17,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.WaitingForDelivery,
                    Vehicle = ve202
                new StickerApplication()
                    User    = e103,
                    Payment = new Payment {
                        Amount = q22.StickerFee, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now, TransactionNumber = "TEST1234"
                    Sticker = new Sticker {
                        SerialNumber = 12345
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    ApproveDate  = q22.Term.StartDate,
                    DeliveryDate = q22.Term.StartDate,
                    Owner        = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e103.Name
                    Quota   = q22,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.Active,
                    Vehicle = ve103
                new StickerApplication()
                    User    = e203,
                    Payment = new Payment {
                        Amount = q22.StickerFee, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now, TransactionNumber = "TEST5678"
                    Sticker = new Sticker {
                        SerialNumber = 23456
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    ApproveDate  = q22.Term.StartDate,
                    DeliveryDate = q22.Term.StartDate,
                    Owner        = new ApplicationOwner()
                        Name = e203.Name
                    Quota   = q22,
                    Status  = StickerApplicationStatus.Active,
                    Vehicle = ve203
 public int Update(Quota quotaEsistente)
 public void Edit(Quota m)
     context.Entry(m).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create or update a quota.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='location'>
 /// Location of the resource.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resourceName'>
 /// Name of the resource.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='quota'>
 /// New network quota to create.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
 /// The cancellation token.
 /// </param>
 public static async Task <Quota> CreateOrUpdateAsync(this IQuotasOperations operations, string location, string resourceName, Quota quota, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     using (var _result = await operations.CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(location, resourceName, quota, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
        private License CreateTypicalSDKLicense()
            License license = new License();

            license.Created   = LIC_CREATED;
            license.Status    = LIC_STATUS;
            license.PaidUntil = LIC_PAIDUNTIL;
            Transaction transaction = new Transaction();

            transaction.Created = LIC_TRANS_CREATED;
            CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard();

            creditCard.Cvv    = LIC_TRANS_CC_CVV;
            creditCard.Type   = LIC_TRANS_CC_TYPE;
            creditCard.Name   = LIC_TRANS_CC_NAME;
            creditCard.Number = LIC_TRANS_CC_NUM;
            CcExpiration ccExpiration = new CcExpiration();

            ccExpiration.Month     = LIC_TRANS_CC_EXP_MONTH;
            ccExpiration.Year      = LIC_TRANS_CC_EXP_YEAR;
            creditCard.Expiration  = ccExpiration;
            transaction.CreditCard = creditCard;
            Price price = new Price();

            price.Amount = LIC_TRANS_PRICE_AMOUNT;
            Currency currency = new Currency();

            currency.Data     = LIC_TRANS_PRICE_CURR_DATA;
            currency.Name     = LIC_TRANS_PRICE_CURR_NAME;
            currency.Id       = LIC_TRANS_PRICE_CURR_ID;
            price.Currency    = currency;
            transaction.Price = price;
            Plan plan = new Plan();

            plan.Contract    = LIC_PLAN_CONTRACT;
            plan.Group       = LIC_PLAN_GRP;
            plan.Original    = LIC_PLAN_ORI;
            plan.Description = LIC_PLAN_DES;
            plan.Data        = LIC_PLAN_DATA;
            plan.Cycle       = LIC_PLAN_CYC;
            plan.Id          = LIC_PLAN_ID;
            plan.Features    = LIC_PLAN_FEAT;
            plan.Name        = LIC_PLAN_NAME;
            CycleCount cycleCount = new CycleCount();

            cycleCount.Cycle = LIC_PLAN_CYC_CYCLE;
            cycleCount.Count = LIC_PLAN_CYC_COUNT;
            plan.FreeCycles  = cycleCount;
            Quota quota = new Quota();

            quota.Target = LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_TARGET;
            quota.Limit  = LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_LIMIT;
            quota.Cycle  = LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_CYCLE;
            quota.Scope  = LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_SCOPE;
            Price price1 = new Price();

            price1.Amount = LIC_PLAN_PRICE_AMOUNT;
            Currency currency1 = new Currency();

            currency1.Id    = LIC_PLAN_PRICE_CURR_ID;
            currency1.Name  = LIC_PLAN_PRICE_CURR_NAME;
            currency1.Data  = LIC_PLAN_PRICE_CURR_DATA;
            price1.Currency = currency1;
            plan.Price      = price1;
            license.Plan    = plan;

		static void UntaggedQuota (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			var format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "QUOTA", "{0}");
			var quotaRoot = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);
			var ctx = (QuotaContext) ic.UserData;
			var quota = new Quota ();

			var token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

			while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen) {
				uint used, limit;
				string resource;

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

				resource = (string) token.Value;

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out used))
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out limit))
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

				switch (resource.ToUpperInvariant ()) {
				case "MESSAGE":
					quota.CurrentMessageCount = used;
					quota.MessageLimit = limit;
				case "STORAGE":
					quota.CurrentStorageSize = used;
					quota.StorageLimit = limit;

				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			// read the closing paren
			engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			ctx.Quotas[quotaRoot] = quota;
 public bool PermiteAdicionar(Quota quota, Usuario usuario)
     return(quota.Data >= DateTime.Today && usuario.Perfis.Contains(Enumeradores.Perfil.AgendadorDeCargas));
 /// <summary>
 /// Удалить квоту
 /// </summary>
 public void Remove(Quota quota)
        public void ConsultaPrevistoRealizadoRetornaOsValoresAgrupadosCorretamente()
            //cria duas quotas, dois fornecedores. Os fornecedores tem agendamentos nas duas quotas.
            //Apenas uma das quotas de cada fornecedor está realizada.

            Fornecedor fornecedor1 = DefaultObjects.ObtemFornecedorPadrao();
            Fornecedor fornecedor2 = DefaultObjects.ObtemFornecedorPadrao();

            var quota1 = new Quota(Enumeradores.MaterialDeCarga.Farelo, fornecedor1, "1000", DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), 100);
            var quota2 = new Quota(Enumeradores.MaterialDeCarga.Farelo, fornecedor1, "1000", DateTime.Today.AddDays(2), 200);
            var quota3 = new Quota(Enumeradores.MaterialDeCarga.Farelo, fornecedor2, "1000", DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), 150);
            var quota4 = new Quota(Enumeradores.MaterialDeCarga.Farelo, fornecedor2, "1000", DateTime.Today.AddDays(2), 250);


            AgendamentoDeCarregamento agendamento1 = quota1.InformarAgendamento(new AgendamentoDeCarregamentoCadastroVm {
                Placa = "IOQ3434", Peso = 30
            AgendamentoDeCarregamento agendamento2 = quota4.InformarAgendamento(new AgendamentoDeCarregamentoCadastroVm {
                Placa = "IOQ3435", Peso = 250




            var consultaQuotaRelatorio = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IConsultaQuotaRelatorio>();
            IList <QuotaPlanejadoRealizadoVm> quotas = consultaQuotaRelatorio.PlanejadoRealizado(
                new RelatorioAgendamentoFiltroVm
                CodigoTerminal = "1000"

            Assert.AreEqual(2, quotas.Count);

            QuotaPlanejadoRealizadoVm planejadoRealizadoFornecedor1 = quotas
                                                                      .First(x => x.NomeDoFornecedor == fornecedor1.Codigo + " - " + fornecedor1.Nome);

            Assert.AreEqual(fornecedor1.Codigo + " - " + fornecedor1.Nome, planejadoRealizadoFornecedor1.NomeDoFornecedor);
            Assert.AreEqual("1000", planejadoRealizadoFornecedor1.CodigoTerminal);
            Assert.AreEqual(quota1.FluxoDeCarga.Descricao(), planejadoRealizadoFornecedor1.FluxoDeCarga);
            Assert.AreEqual(300, planejadoRealizadoFornecedor1.Quota);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, planejadoRealizadoFornecedor1.PesoRealizado);

            QuotaPlanejadoRealizadoVm planejadoRealizadoFornecedor2 = quotas
                                                                      .First(x => x.NomeDoFornecedor == fornecedor2.Codigo + " - " + fornecedor2.Nome);

            Assert.AreEqual(fornecedor2.Codigo + " - " + fornecedor2.Nome, planejadoRealizadoFornecedor2.NomeDoFornecedor);
            Assert.AreEqual("1000", planejadoRealizadoFornecedor2.CodigoTerminal);
            Assert.AreEqual(quota1.FluxoDeCarga.Descricao(), planejadoRealizadoFornecedor2.FluxoDeCarga);
            Assert.AreEqual(400, planejadoRealizadoFornecedor2.Quota);
            Assert.AreEqual(250, planejadoRealizadoFornecedor2.PesoRealizado);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or Updates a Compute Quota.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Creates or Updates a Compute Quota with the provided quota parameters.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name='location'>
        /// Location of the resource.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='quotaName'>
        /// Name of the quota.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='newQuota'>
        /// New quota to create.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='customHeaders'>
        /// Headers that will be added to request.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
        /// The cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="CloudException">
        /// Thrown when the operation returned an invalid status code
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="SerializationException">
        /// Thrown when unable to deserialize the response
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ValidationException">
        /// Thrown when a required parameter is null
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// Thrown when a required parameter is null
        /// </exception>
        /// <return>
        /// A response object containing the response body and response headers.
        /// </return>
        public async Task <AzureOperationResponse <Quota> > CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(string location, string quotaName, Quota newQuota, Dictionary <string, List <string> > customHeaders = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (Client.SubscriptionId == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "this.Client.SubscriptionId");
            if (location == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "location");
            if (quotaName == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "quotaName");
            if (newQuota == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "newQuota");
            if (newQuota != null)
            string apiVersion = "2018-02-09";
            // Tracing
            bool   _shouldTrace  = ServiceClientTracing.IsEnabled;
            string _invocationId = null;

            if (_shouldTrace)
                _invocationId = ServiceClientTracing.NextInvocationId.ToString();
                Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                tracingParameters.Add("location", location);
                tracingParameters.Add("quotaName", quotaName);
                tracingParameters.Add("apiVersion", apiVersion);
                tracingParameters.Add("newQuota", newQuota);
                tracingParameters.Add("cancellationToken", cancellationToken);
                ServiceClientTracing.Enter(_invocationId, this, "CreateOrUpdate", tracingParameters);
            // Construct URL
            var _baseUrl = Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;
            var _url     = new System.Uri(new System.Uri(_baseUrl + (_baseUrl.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/")), "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Compute.Admin/locations/{location}/quotas/{quotaName}").ToString();

            _url = _url.Replace("{subscriptionId}", System.Uri.EscapeDataString(Client.SubscriptionId));
            _url = _url.Replace("{location}", System.Uri.EscapeDataString(location));
            _url = _url.Replace("{quotaName}", System.Uri.EscapeDataString(quotaName));
            List <string> _queryParameters = new List <string>();

            if (apiVersion != null)
                _queryParameters.Add(string.Format("api-version={0}", System.Uri.EscapeDataString(apiVersion)));
            if (_queryParameters.Count > 0)
                _url += (_url.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + string.Join("&", _queryParameters);
            // Create HTTP transport objects
            var _httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage();
            HttpResponseMessage _httpResponse = null;

            _httpRequest.Method     = new HttpMethod("PUT");
            _httpRequest.RequestUri = new System.Uri(_url);
            // Set Headers
            if (Client.GenerateClientRequestId != null && Client.GenerateClientRequestId.Value)
                _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("x-ms-client-request-id", System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            if (Client.AcceptLanguage != null)
                if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains("accept-language"))
                _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("accept-language", Client.AcceptLanguage);

            if (customHeaders != null)
                foreach (var _header in customHeaders)
                    if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains(_header.Key))
                    _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(_header.Key, _header.Value);

            // Serialize Request
            string _requestContent = null;

            if (newQuota != null)
                _requestContent      = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.SerializeObject(newQuota, Client.SerializationSettings);
                _httpRequest.Content = new StringContent(_requestContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                _httpRequest.Content.Headers.ContentType = System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
            // Set Credentials
            if (Client.Credentials != null)
                await Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Send Request
            if (_shouldTrace)
                ServiceClientTracing.SendRequest(_invocationId, _httpRequest);
            _httpResponse = await Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (_shouldTrace)
                ServiceClientTracing.ReceiveResponse(_invocationId, _httpResponse);
            HttpStatusCode _statusCode = _httpResponse.StatusCode;

            string _responseContent = null;

            if ((int)_statusCode != 200)
                var ex = new CloudException(string.Format("Operation returned an invalid status code '{0}'", _statusCode));
                    _responseContent = await _httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    CloudError _errorBody = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CloudError>(_responseContent, Client.DeserializationSettings);
                    if (_errorBody != null)
                        ex      = new CloudException(_errorBody.Message);
                        ex.Body = _errorBody;
                catch (JsonException)
                    // Ignore the exception
                ex.Request  = new HttpRequestMessageWrapper(_httpRequest, _requestContent);
                ex.Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(_httpResponse, _responseContent);
                if (_httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                    ex.RequestId = _httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();
                if (_shouldTrace)
                    ServiceClientTracing.Error(_invocationId, ex);
                if (_httpResponse != null)
                throw ex;
            // Create Result
            var _result = new AzureOperationResponse <Quota>();

            _result.Request  = _httpRequest;
            _result.Response = _httpResponse;
            if (_httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                _result.RequestId = _httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();
            // Deserialize Response
            if ((int)_statusCode == 200)
                _responseContent = await _httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    _result.Body = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Quota>(_responseContent, Client.DeserializationSettings);
                catch (JsonException ex)
                    if (_httpResponse != null)
                    throw new SerializationException("Unable to deserialize the response.", _responseContent, ex);
            if (_shouldTrace)
                ServiceClientTracing.Exit(_invocationId, _result);
        public void Salvar(DateTime data, IList <QuotaSalvarVm> quotasSalvarVm)
                //consulta as quotas que estão salvas na data
                IList <Quota> quotasSalvas = _quotas.FiltraPorData(data).List();

                #region Remover Quotas
                IList <Quota> quotasParaRemover = quotasSalvas
                                                  .Where(qs => quotasSalvarVm.All(qc =>
                                                                                  qc.Data != qs.Data ||
                                                                                  qc.CodigoTerminal != qs.CodigoTerminal ||
                                                                                  qc.CodigoMaterial != (int)qs.Material ||
                                                                                  qc.CodigoFornecedor != qs.Fornecedor.Codigo)).ToList();

                foreach (var quota in quotasParaRemover)
                    if (quota.Agendamentos.Any())
                        throw new ExcluirQuotaComAgendamentoException(quota.Fornecedor.Nome);

                #region Atualizar Quotas
                IList <Quota> quotasParaAtualizar = quotasSalvas
                                                    .Where(qs => quotasSalvarVm.Any(qc =>
                                                                                    qc.Data == qs.Data &&
                                                                                    qc.CodigoTerminal == qs.CodigoTerminal &&
                                                                                    qc.CodigoMaterial == (int)qs.Material &&
                                                                                    qc.CodigoFornecedor == qs.Fornecedor.Codigo)).ToList();

                foreach (var quota in quotasParaAtualizar)
                    //obtem view model corresponde a entidade que quero atualizar
                    QuotaSalvarVm quotaSalvarVm = quotasSalvarVm.First(qa =>
                                                                       qa.Data == quota.Data &&
                                                                       qa.CodigoTerminal == quota.CodigoTerminal &&
                                                                       qa.CodigoMaterial == (int)quota.Material &&
                                                                       qa.CodigoFornecedor == quota.Fornecedor.Codigo);

                    //único campo que pode ser atualizado é o campo de peso



                #region Adicionar Quotas
                IList <QuotaSalvarVm> quotasParaAdicionar = quotasSalvarVm.Where(qc =>
                                                                                 quotasSalvas.All(qs =>
                                                                                                  qc.Data != qs.Data ||
                                                                                                  qc.CodigoTerminal != qs.CodigoTerminal ||
                                                                                                  qc.CodigoMaterial != (int)qs.Material ||
                                                                                                  qc.CodigoFornecedor != qs.Fornecedor.Codigo)).ToList();

                foreach (var quotaSalvarVm in quotasParaAdicionar)
                    string[]           codigoDosNovosFornecedores = quotasParaAdicionar.Select(x => x.CodigoFornecedor).Distinct().ToArray();
                    IList <Fornecedor> fornecedores = _fornecedores.BuscaListaPorCodigo(codigoDosNovosFornecedores).List();

                    var materialDeCarga =
                        Enum.Parse(typeof(Enumeradores.MaterialDeCarga), Convert.ToString(quotaSalvarVm.CodigoMaterial));
                    Fornecedor fornecedor = fornecedores.First(x => x.Codigo == quotaSalvarVm.CodigoFornecedor);
                    var        quota      = new Quota(materialDeCarga, fornecedor, quotaSalvarVm.CodigoTerminal,
                                                      quotaSalvarVm.Data, quotaSalvarVm.Peso);


            catch (Exception)
 public AgendamentoDeCarga Construir(Quota quota, string placa)
     return(new AgendamentoDeCarregamento(quota, placa, _peso));
        public void GetStockTest()
            // 尾部 00 和 '"' 之间不确定地会出现一个 ',' 需要正则兼容
            string response = @"var hq_str_sh600086=""东方金钰,4.380,4.510,4.490,4.570,4.320,4.480,4.490,49796325,220884386.000,210200,4.480,665700,4.470,203900,4.460,346700,4.450,400100,4.440,8700,4.490,48900,4.500,99619,4.510,41400,4.520,67300,4.530,2019-06-27,11:30:00,00,"";";
            var    match    = SinaStockSpider.SHSZ_QuotaRegex.Match(response);


            Quota quota = SinaStockSpider.ConvertToSHSZQuota(match);

            Assert.AreEqual("东方金钰", quota.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.380, quota.OpeningPriceToday);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.510, quota.ClosingPriceYesterday);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.490, quota.CurrentPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.570, quota.DayHighPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.320, quota.DayLowPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.480, quota.BiddingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.490, quota.AuctionPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(49796325, quota.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(220884386.000, quota.Amount);

            Assert.AreEqual(210200, quota.BuyStrand1);
            Assert.AreEqual(665700, quota.BuyStrand2);
            Assert.AreEqual(203900, quota.BuyStrand3);
            Assert.AreEqual(346700, quota.BuyStrand4);
            Assert.AreEqual(400100, quota.BuyStrand5);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.480, quota.BuyPrice1);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.470, quota.BuyPrice2);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.460, quota.BuyPrice3);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.450, quota.BuyPrice4);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.440, quota.BuyPrice5);

            Assert.AreEqual(8700, quota.SellStrand1);
            Assert.AreEqual(48900, quota.SellStrand2);
            Assert.AreEqual(99619, quota.SellStrand3);
            Assert.AreEqual(41400, quota.SellStrand4);
            Assert.AreEqual(67300, quota.SellStrand5);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.490, quota.SellPrice1);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.500, quota.SellPrice2);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.510, quota.SellPrice3);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.520, quota.SellPrice4);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.530, quota.SellPrice5);

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2019, 6, 27, 11, 30, 00), quota.UpdateTime);

            response = @"var hq_str_hk01072=""DONGFANG ELEC,东方电气,4.790,4.800,4.970,4.770,4.930,-0.130,-2.708,4.920,4.930,4971969,1017200,11.682,0.000,7.700,3.810,2019/07/12,16:08"";";
            match    = SinaStockSpider.HK_QuotaRegex.Match(response);

            quota = SinaStockSpider.ConvertToHKQuota(match);

            Assert.AreEqual("东方电气", quota.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.790, quota.OpeningPriceToday);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.800, quota.ClosingPriceYesterday);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.970, quota.DayHighPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.770, quota.DayLowPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.930, quota.CurrentPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(4971969, quota.Amount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1017200, quota.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2019, 07, 12, 16, 08, 0), quota.UpdateTime);
        private Account CreateTypicalSDKAccount()
            Account account = new Account();

            account.Name    = ACC_NAME;
            account.Id      = ACC_ID;
            account.Owner   = ACC_OWNER;
            account.LogoUrl = ACC_LOGOURL;
            account.Data    = ACC_DATA;
            account.Created = ACC_CREATED;
            account.Updated = ACC_UPDATED;

            Company company = new Company();

            company.Id   = ACC_CO_ID;
            company.Name = ACC_CO_NAME;
            company.Data = ACC_CO_DATA;
            Address address = new Address();

            address.Address1 = ACC_CO_ADDR_ADDR1;
            address.Address2 = ACC_CO_ADDR_ADDR2;
            address.City     = ACC_CO_ADDR_CITY;
            address.Country  = ACC_CO_ADDR_COUNTRY;
            address.State    = ACC_CO_ADDR_STATE;
            address.ZipCode  = ACC_CO_ADDR_ZIP;
            company.Address  = address;
            account.Company  = company;

            CustomField customField = new CustomField();

            customField.Id       = ACC_FIELD_ID;
            customField.Required = ACC_FIELD_IS_REQUIRED;
            customField.Value    = ACC_FIELD_DEF_VLE;
            Translation translation = new Translation();

            translation.Language = ACC_FIELD_TRANSL_LANG;
            customField.AddTranslations(new List <Translation> {

            License license = new License();

            license.Created   = ACC_LIC_CREATED;
            license.Status    = ACC_LIC_STATUS;
            license.PaidUntil = ACC_LIC_PAIDUNTIL;
            Transaction transaction = new Transaction();

            transaction.Created = ACC_LIC_TRANS_CREATED;
            CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard();

            creditCard.Cvv    = ACC_LIC_TRANS_CC_CVV;
            creditCard.Type   = ACC_LIC_TRANS_CC_TYPE;
            creditCard.Name   = ACC_LIC_TRANS_CC_NAME;
            creditCard.Number = ACC_LIC_TRANS_CC_NUM;
            CcExpiration ccExpiration = new CcExpiration();

            ccExpiration.Month     = ACC_LIC_TRANS_CC_EXP_MONTH;
            ccExpiration.Year      = ACC_LIC_TRANS_CC_EXP_YEAR;
            creditCard.Expiration  = ccExpiration;
            transaction.CreditCard = creditCard;
            Price price = new Price();

            price.Amount = ACC_LIC_TRANS_PRICE_AMOUNT;
            Currency currency = new Currency();

            currency.Data     = ACC_LIC_TRANS_PRICE_CURR_DATA;
            currency.Name     = ACC_LIC_TRANS_PRICE_CURR_NAME;
            currency.Id       = ACC_LIC_TRANS_PRICE_CURR_ID;
            price.Currency    = currency;
            transaction.Price = price;
            Plan plan = new Plan();

            plan.Contract    = ACC_LIC_PLAN_CONTRACT;
            plan.Group       = ACC_LIC_PLAN_GRP;
            plan.Original    = ACC_LIC_PLAN_ORI;
            plan.Description = ACC_LIC_PLAN_DES;
            plan.Data        = ACC_LIC_PLAN_DATA;
            plan.Cycle       = ACC_LIC_PLAN_CYC;
            plan.Id          = ACC_LIC_PLAN_ID;
            plan.Features    = ACC_LIC_PLAN_FEAT;
            plan.Name        = ACC_LIC_PLAN_NAME;
            CycleCount cycleCount = new CycleCount();

            cycleCount.Cycle = ACC_LIC_PLAN_CYC_CYCLE;
            cycleCount.Count = ACC_LIC_PLAN_CYC_COUNT;
            plan.FreeCycles  = cycleCount;
            Quota quota = new Quota();

            quota.Target = ACC_LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_TARGET;
            quota.Limit  = ACC_LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_LIMIT;
            quota.Cycle  = ACC_LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_CYCLE;
            quota.Scope  = ACC_LIC_PLAN_QUOTA_SCOPE;
            Price price1 = new Price();

            price1.Amount = ACC_LIC_PLAN_PRICE_AMOUNT;
            Currency currency1 = new Currency();

            currency1.Id    = ACC_LIC_PLAN_PRICE_CURR_ID;
            currency1.Name  = ACC_LIC_PLAN_PRICE_CURR_NAME;
            currency1.Data  = ACC_LIC_PLAN_PRICE_CURR_DATA;
            price1.Currency = currency1;
            plan.Price      = price1;
            license.Plan    = plan;

            AccountProviders accountProviders = new AccountProviders();
            Provider         provider         = new Provider();

            provider.Id       = ACC_PROV_DOC_ID;
            provider.Name     = ACC_PROV_DOC_NAME;
            provider.Data     = ACC_PROV_DOC_DATA;
            provider.Provides = ACC_PROV_DOC_PROVIDES;
            Provider provider1 = new Provider();

            provider1.Id       = ACC_PROV_USR_ID;
            provider1.Name     = ACC_PROV_USR_NAME;
            provider1.Data     = ACC_PROV_USR_DATA;
            provider1.Provides = ACC_PROV_USR_PROVIDES;
            account.Providers = accountProviders;

        public ActionResult ViewAccProfile()
            int account_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Account_Id"].ToString());
            var account    = db.Accounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id);

            if (account == null)

            var account_interest = db.AccountInterests.Where(x => x.Account_Id.Equals(account.Account_Id)).SingleOrDefault();

            if (account_interest == null)
                account_interest = new AccountInterest();

            List <string> interest_arrs = load_interest(account_interest);

            ViewBag.InterestSelected = interest_arrs;
            AccountQuota account_quota = db.AccountQuotas.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id);
            Quota        quota         = new Quota();

            if (account_quota == null)
                account_quota = new AccountQuota();
                quota = account_quota.Quota;

            string district = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.AreaCode))
                Zipcode zipcode = db.Zipcodes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AreaCode.Equals(account.AreaCode));
                if (zipcode != null)
                    district = zipcode.District;

            ViewBag.Quota_Freq_Val = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Freq_Val);
            ViewBag.Quota_Dur_Val  = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Dur_Val);

            if (quota.Quota_Cd != null)
                if (quota.Quota_Cd.Equals("Q0001"))
                    ViewBag.Score = 3;
                    if (quota.Quota_Cd.Equals("Q0002"))
                        ViewBag.Score = 6;
                        if (quota.Quota_Cd.Equals("Q0003"))
                            ViewBag.Score = 8;
                            ViewBag.Score = 0;

            ViewBag.District = district;

            Hashtable quotas = new Hashtable();

            quotas["low"]    = new Hashtable();
            quotas["medium"] = new Hashtable();
            quotas["high"]   = new Hashtable();
            IEnumerable <Quota> base_quotas = db.Quotas.Where(x => x.Quota_Type_Cd.Equals("B")).OrderBy(x => x.Quota_Cd);
            int q_count = 1;

            foreach (var q in base_quotas)
                switch (q_count)
                case 1:
                    quotas["low"] = q;

                case 2:
                    quotas["medium"] = q;

                case 3:
                    quotas["high"] = q;


                q_count += 1;
            ViewBag.Quotas = quotas;
            ViewBag.ViewProfile = "true";
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Quota object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="quotaID">Initial value of QuotaID.</param>
 public static Quota CreateQuota(int quotaID)
     Quota quota = new Quota();
     quota.QuotaID = quotaID;
     return quota;
        public ActionResult UpdateAccProfile()
            int account_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Account_Id"].ToString());
            var account    = db.Accounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id);

            if (account == null)

            var account_interest = db.AccountInterests.Where(x => x.Account_Id.Equals(account.Account_Id)).SingleOrDefault();

            if (account_interest == null)
                account_interest = new AccountInterest();
            AccountQuota account_quota = db.AccountQuotas.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id);
            Quota        quota         = new Quota();

            if (account_quota == null)
                account_quota = new AccountQuota();
                quota = account_quota.Quota;

            ViewBag.Quota_Freq_Val = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Freq_Val);
            ViewBag.Quota_Dur_Val  = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Dur_Val);

            Hashtable quotas = new Hashtable();

            quotas["low"]    = new Hashtable();
            quotas["medium"] = new Hashtable();
            quotas["high"]   = new Hashtable();
            IEnumerable <Quota> base_quotas = db.Quotas.Where(x => x.Quota_Type_Cd.Equals("B")).OrderBy(x => x.Quota_Cd);
            int q_count = 1;

            foreach (var q in base_quotas)
                switch (q_count)
                case 1:
                    quotas["low"] = q;

                case 2:
                    quotas["medium"] = q;

                case 3:
                    quotas["high"] = q;


                q_count += 1;
            ViewBag.Quotas = quotas;

            List <string> interest_arrs = load_interest(account_interest);

            ViewBag.InterestSelected = interest_arrs;

            ViewBag.ViewProfile = "true";
 public void Add(Quota m)
        public ActionResult UpdateAccProfile(Account account)
            var selected_interests = Request.Form["selectedInterests"];
            var agree_flag         = Request.Form["Agree"];

            ViewBag.NotAgree    = "";
            ViewBag.ViewProfile = "true";
            int account_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Account_Id"].ToString());

            account = db.Accounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id);
            AccountQuota account_quota = db.AccountQuotas.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id);
            Quota        quota         = new Quota();

            if (account_quota == null)
                account_quota = new AccountQuota();
                quota = account_quota.Quota;

            ViewBag.Quota_Freq_Val = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Freq_Val);
            ViewBag.Quota_Dur_Val  = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Dur_Val);

            Hashtable quotas = new Hashtable();

            quotas["low"]    = new Hashtable();
            quotas["medium"] = new Hashtable();
            quotas["high"]   = new Hashtable();
            IEnumerable <Quota> base_quotas = db.Quotas.Where(x => x.Quota_Type_Cd.Equals("B")).OrderBy(x => x.Quota_Cd);
            int q_count = 1;

            foreach (var q in base_quotas)
                switch (q_count)
                case 1:
                    quotas["low"] = q;

                case 2:
                    quotas["medium"] = q;

                case 3:
                    quotas["high"] = q;


                q_count += 1;
            ViewBag.Quotas = quotas;
            string old_idcard = account.Identification_Number == null ? string.Empty : account.Identification_Number.Trim();

            //Account old_account = account;

            if (account == null)
            if (ModelState.ContainsKey("User_Name"))
            if (ModelState.ContainsKey("User_Name"))
            var form_vals = Request.Form;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form_vals["First_Name"]))
                ModelState.AddModelError("First_Name", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account003"]);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form_vals["Last_Name"]))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Last_Name", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account004"]);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form_vals["Income_Range_Cd"]))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Income_Range_Cd", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account025"]);
            if (CustomValidate.ValidateZipcode(form_vals["ZipCode"]) != 1)
                ModelState.AddModelError("ZipCode", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account023"]);

            account.First_Name = form_vals["First_Name"];
            account.Last_Name  = form_vals["Last_Name"];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_vals["Day_Of_Birth"]))
                account.Day_Of_Birth = null;
                account.Day_Of_Birth = Convert.ToByte(form_vals["Day_Of_Birth"]);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_vals["Month_Of_Birth"]))
                account.Month_Of_Birth = null;
                account.Month_Of_Birth = Convert.ToByte(form_vals["Month_Of_Birth"]);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth"]))
                account.Year_Of_Birth = null;
                account.Year_Of_Birth = Convert.ToInt16(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth"]);
            account.Gender_Cd         = form_vals["Gender_Cd"];
            account.Marital_Status_Cd = form_vals["Marital_Status_Cd"];

            bool no_child = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_vals["Children_Flag"]))
                if (form_vals["Children_Flag"].Equals("Y"))
                    account.Children_Flag = "Y";
                    no_child = false;
                    account.Children_Flag = "N";

            if (no_child || string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth_Child1"]))
                account.Year_Of_Birth_Child1 = null;
                account.Year_Of_Birth_Child1 = Convert.ToInt16(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth_Child1"]);
            if (no_child || string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth_Child2"]))
                account.Year_Of_Birth_Child2 = null;
                account.Year_Of_Birth_Child2 = Convert.ToInt16(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth_Child2"]);
            if (no_child || string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth_Child3"]))
                account.Year_Of_Birth_Child3 = null;
                account.Year_Of_Birth_Child3 = Convert.ToInt16(form_vals["Year_Of_Birth_Child3"]);

            account.Income_Range_Cd       = form_vals["Income_Range_Cd"];
            account.Occupation_Cd         = form_vals["Occupation_Cd"];
            account.Education_Cd          = form_vals["Education_Cd"];
            account.Identification_Number = form_vals["Identification_Number"];

            string idcard = form_vals["Identification_Number"] == null ? string.Empty : form_vals["Identification_Number"].Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idcard))
                switch (CustomValidate.ValidateIndentification(idcard))
                case 0:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Identification_Number", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account007"]);

                case 2:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Identification_Number", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account007"]);

                case 3:
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Identification_Number", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account008"]);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Children_Flag))
                if (account.Children_Flag.Equals("Y"))
                    if (account.Year_Of_Birth_Child1 == null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Year_Of_Birth_Child1", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account021"]);
            if (account.Day_Of_Birth == null || account.Month_Of_Birth == null || account.Year_Of_Birth == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Day_Of_Birth", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account020"]);
            if (account.Month_Of_Birth == 2)
                if (account.Day_Of_Birth > 29)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Day_Of_Birth", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account019"]);
                    if (!(account.Year_Of_Birth % 400 == 0 || (account.Year_Of_Birth % 100 != 0 && account.Year_Of_Birth % 4 == 0)))
                        if (account.Day_Of_Birth == 29)
                            ModelState.AddModelError("Day_Of_Birth", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account019"]);
            if (agree_flag == "true")
                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        account.Updated_Dttm = DateTime.Now;

                        string[] interests = new string[] { };

                        var  aci  = db.AccountInterests.Where(x => x.Account_Id.Equals(account.Account_Id)).SingleOrDefault();
                        bool flag = false;
                        if (aci == null)
                            aci            = new AccountInterest();
                            aci.Account_Id = account.Account_Id;
                            flag           = true;

                        if (selected_interests != null)
                            interests = selected_interests.Split(',');
                        aci.I01_Food_Dining        = interests.Contains("I01");
                        aci.I02_Night_Life         = interests.Contains("I02");
                        aci.I03_Entertainment      = interests.Contains("I03");
                        aci.I04_Music_Movie        = interests.Contains("I04");
                        aci.I05_Sports_Fitness     = interests.Contains("I05");
                        aci.I06_Shopping_Fashion   = interests.Contains("I06");
                        aci.I07_Health_Beauty      = interests.Contains("I07");
                        aci.I08_Travel             = interests.Contains("I08");
                        aci.I09_Pets               = interests.Contains("I09");
                        aci.I10_Kids_Children      = interests.Contains("I10");
                        aci.I11_Home_Living        = interests.Contains("I11");
                        aci.I12_Finance_Investment = interests.Contains("I12");
                        aci.I13_Technology_Gadget  = interests.Contains("I13");
                        aci.I14_Auto               = interests.Contains("I14");

                        if (flag)
                            db.Entry(aci).State = EntityState.Modified;

                        Quota        select_quota = QuotaCalculation.Calculate(account, selected_interests);
                        AccountQuota aq           = db.AccountQuotas.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id.Equals(account_id));
                        if (aq != null)
                        AccountQuota new_aq = new AccountQuota();

                        new_aq.Account_Id = account_id;
                        new_aq.Quota_Cd   = select_quota.Quota_Cd;

                        if (!old_idcard.Equals(idcard))
                            FreebieEvent.AccountUpdateEvent(account, idcard, "Idcard", Permission.f_update_profile_page_id);
                            FreebieEvent.AccountUpdateEvent(account, null, null, Permission.f_update_profile_page_id);
                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage);
                ViewBag.NotAgree = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account006"];

            var account_interest = db.AccountInterests.Where(x => x.Account_Id.Equals(account.Account_Id)).SingleOrDefault();

            if (account_interest == null)
                account_interest = new AccountInterest();

            List <string> interest_arrs = load_interest(account_interest);

            ViewBag.InterestSelected = interest_arrs;
            ViewBag.Step = 3;

 /// <summary>
 /// Create or update a quota.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='location'>
 /// Location of the resource.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resourceName'>
 /// Name of the resource.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='quota'>
 /// New network quota to create.
 /// </param>
 public static Quota CreateOrUpdate(this IQuotasOperations operations, string location, string resourceName, Quota quota)
     return(operations.CreateOrUpdateAsync(location, resourceName, quota).GetAwaiter().GetResult());
        public void QuandoCriuoUmaQuotaDeFareloOFluxoECarregamento()
            var quota = new Quota(Enumeradores.MaterialDeCarga.Farelo, DefaultObjects.ObtemFornecedorPadrao(), "1000", DateTime.Today, 1000);

            Assert.AreEqual(Enumeradores.FluxoDeCarga.Carregamento, quota.FluxoDeCarga);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of quotas from the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='serverName'>
        /// Required. The name of the Azure SQL Database Server from which to
        /// get the quotas.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
        /// Cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Represents the response structure for the Quota List operation.
        /// </returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Sql.Models.QuotaListResponse> ListAsync(string serverName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate
            if (serverName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serverName");

            // Tracing
            bool   shouldTrace  = CloudContext.Configuration.Tracing.IsEnabled;
            string invocationId = null;

            if (shouldTrace)
                invocationId = Tracing.NextInvocationId.ToString();
                Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                tracingParameters.Add("serverName", serverName);
                Tracing.Enter(invocationId, this, "ListAsync", tracingParameters);

            // Construct URL
            string url     = "/" + (this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId != null ? this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId.Trim() : "") + "/services/sqlservers/servers/" + serverName.Trim() + "/serverquotas";
            string baseUrl = this.Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;

            // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url.
            if (baseUrl[baseUrl.Length - 1] == '/')
                baseUrl = baseUrl.Substring(0, baseUrl.Length - 1);
            if (url[0] == '/')
                url = url.Substring(1);
            url = baseUrl + "/" + url;
            url = url.Replace(" ", "%20");

            // Create HTTP transport objects
            HttpRequestMessage httpRequest = null;

                httpRequest            = new HttpRequestMessage();
                httpRequest.Method     = HttpMethod.Get;
                httpRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(url);

                // Set Headers
                httpRequest.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2012-03-01");

                // Set Credentials
                await this.Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Send Request
                HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = null;
                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.SendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest);
                    httpResponse = await this.Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.ReceiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse);
                    HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;
                    if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        CloudException ex = CloudException.Create(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                        if (shouldTrace)
                            Tracing.Error(invocationId, ex);
                        throw ex;

                    // Create Result
                    QuotaListResponse result = null;
                    // Deserialize Response
                    string responseContent = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    result = new QuotaListResponse();
                    XDocument responseDoc = XDocument.Parse(responseContent);

                    XElement serviceResourcesSequenceElement = responseDoc.Element(XName.Get("ServiceResources", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"));
                    if (serviceResourcesSequenceElement != null)
                        foreach (XElement serviceResourcesElement in serviceResourcesSequenceElement.Elements(XName.Get("ServiceResource", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure")))
                            Quota serviceResourceInstance = new Quota();

                            XElement valueElement = serviceResourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("Value", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"));
                            if (valueElement != null)
                                string valueInstance = valueElement.Value;
                                serviceResourceInstance.Value = valueInstance;

                            XElement nameElement = serviceResourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("Name", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"));
                            if (nameElement != null)
                                string nameInstance = nameElement.Value;
                                serviceResourceInstance.Name = nameInstance;

                            XElement typeElement = serviceResourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("Type", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"));
                            if (typeElement != null)
                                string typeInstance = typeElement.Value;
                                serviceResourceInstance.Type = typeInstance;

                            XElement stateElement = serviceResourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("State", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"));
                            if (stateElement != null)
                                string stateInstance = stateElement.Value;
                                serviceResourceInstance.State = stateInstance;

                    result.StatusCode = statusCode;
                    if (httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                        result.RequestId = httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.Exit(invocationId, result);
                    if (httpResponse != null)
                if (httpRequest != null)
        public static AgendamentoDeCarregamento ObtemAgendamentoDeCarregamentoComPesoEspecifico(Quota quota, decimal peso)
            var factory = new AgendamentoDeCarregamentoFactory(peso);

            return((AgendamentoDeCarregamento)factory.Construir(quota, "IOQ5338"));