public void GivenNamesWhenValuesAreSameShouldBeEquals()
            var queueName1 = QueueName.Create("seedwork.cqrs");
            var queueName2 = QueueName.Create("seedwork.cqrs");

        public void GivenNameWhenSpaceAroundShouldTrim(string name, string expected)
            var queueName = QueueName.Create(name);

        public void GivenNameShouldCreate(string name)
            var queueName = QueueName.Create(name);

        public void GivenNameWhenInvalidShouldThrowsArgumentException(string name)
            Func <QueueName> action = () => QueueName.Create(name);

            action.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>();
        public static async Task Main()
            Console.Title = "KitchenConsole";

            await new HostBuilder()
            .ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostContext, config) =>
                config.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false);
                config.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{hostContext.HostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true);
            .ConfigureLogging(loggingBuilder => loggingBuilder.AddConsole())
            .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                var configuration = hostContext.Configuration;
                services.AddJustSaying(config =>
                    config.Client(x =>
                        if (configuration.HasAWSServiceUrl())
                            // The AWS client SDK allows specifying a custom HTTP endpoint.
                            // For testing purposes it is useful to specify a value that
                            // points to a docker image such as `p4tin/goaws` or `localstack/localstack`
                            // The real AWS environment will require some means of authentication
                            //x.WithBasicCredentials("###", "###");
                            //x.WithSessionCredentials("###", "###", "###");

                    config.Messaging(x =>
                        // Configures which AWS Region to operate in

                    config.Subscriptions(x =>
                        // Creates the following if they do not already exist
                        //  - a SQS queue of name `kitchenconsole-orderplacedevent`
                        //  - a SQS queue of name `kitchenconsole-orderplacedevent_error`
                        //  - a SNS topic of name `orderplacedevent`
                        //  - a SNS topic subscription on topic 'orderplacedevent'
                        x.ForTopic <OrderPlacedEvent>(QueueName.Create <OrderPlacedEvent>(configuration));

                        // Add another subscription just to show that we can (subscribing to our own publish!)
                        x.ForTopic <OrderReadyEvent>(QueueName.Create <OrderReadyEvent>(configuration));

                    config.Publications(x =>
                        // Creates the following if they do not already exist
                        //  - a SNS topic of name `orderreadyevent`
                        x.WithTopic <OrderReadyEvent>();

                // Added a message handler for message type for 'OrderPlacedEvent' on topic 'orderplacedevent'
                services.AddJustSayingHandler <OrderPlacedEvent, OrderPlacedEventHandler>();

                // Added another message handler for message type for 'OrderReadyEvent' on topic 'orderreadyevent'
                services.AddJustSayingHandler <OrderReadyEvent, OrderReadyEventHandler>();

                // Add a background service that is listening for messages related to the above subscriptions
                services.AddHostedService <Subscriber>();
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

            services.AddJustSaying(config =>
                config.Client(x =>
                    if (_configuration.HasAWSServiceUrl())
                        // The AWS client SDK allows specifying a custom HTTP endpoint.
                        // For testing purposes it is useful to specify a value that
                        // points to a docker image such as `p4tin/goaws` or `localstack/localstack`
                        // The real AWS environment will require some means of authentication
                        //x.WithBasicCredentials("###", "###");
                        //x.WithSessionCredentials("###", "###", "###");
                config.Messaging(x =>
                    // Configures which AWS Region to operate in
                config.Subscriptions(x =>
                    // Creates the following if they do not already exist
                    //  - a SQS queue of name `orderingapi-orderreadyevent`
                    //  - a SQS queue of name `orderingapi-orderreadyevent_error`
                    //  - a SNS topic of name `orderreadyevent`
                    //  - a SNS topic subscription on topic 'orderreadyevent'
                    x.ForTopic <OrderReadyEvent>(QueueName.Create <OrderReadyEvent>(_configuration));

                    // Add another subscription just to show that we can (subscribing to our own publish!)
                    x.ForTopic <OrderPlacedEvent>(QueueName.Create <OrderPlacedEvent>(_configuration));
                config.Publications(x =>
                    // Creates the following if they do not already exist
                    //  - a SNS topic of name `orderplacedevent`
                    x.WithTopic <OrderPlacedEvent>();

            // Added a message handler for message type for 'OrderReadyEvent' on topic 'orderreadyevent'
            services.AddJustSayingHandler <OrderReadyEvent, OrderReadyEventHandler>();

            // Added another message handler for message type for 'OrderPlacedEvent' on topic 'orderplacedevent'
            services.AddJustSayingHandler <OrderPlacedEvent, OrderPlacedEventHandler>();

            // Add a background service that is listening for messages related to the above subscriptions
            services.AddHostedService <Subscriber>();

            services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
                c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo {
                    Title = "Restaurant Ordering API", Version = "v1"