        //Removes the related question from the current feedback form
        protected void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton delButton = sender as LinkButton;
            string     dID       = delButton.ID;
            string     qID       = "Q" + dID.Substring(1, dID.Length - 1);
            string     rID       = "R" + dID.Substring(1, dID.Length - 1);
            TableRow   qRow      = QuestionTable.FindControl(rID) as TableRow;
            Label      qLabel    = qRow.FindControl(qID) as Label;
            string     question  = qLabel.Text.Substring(22, qLabel.Text.Length - 27);

            title = Title_Textbox.Text;

            qRow.Visible = false;
            using (var _db = new MPAS.Models.ApplicationDbContext())
                _db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM Feedback WHERE Question = @p0 AND Role = @p1 AND Title = @p2", question, role, title);

            //Enables the Question textbox and Add button if the maximum amount of questions had been reached before the deletion
            if (DatabaseUtilities.CountFeedback(role, title) == 9)
                Question_Textbox.Enabled = true;
                Add_Button.Enabled       = true;
                Question_Textbox.Text    = "";
        //Adds the created question to the database with the given role and title values
        protected void AddButton_Click(Object source, EventArgs args)
            FeedbackItem created = new FeedbackItem();

            created.Question = Question_Textbox.Text.Trim();
            created.Role     = role;
            title            = Title_Textbox.Text;
            created.Title    = title;

            //load question and fetch based on role

            SqlConnection conn            = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString);
            SqlCommand    newFeedbackComm = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Feedback (Question, Role, Total, Count, Title, Average) " +
                                                           "VALUES(@question, @role, @total, @count, @title, @average)");

            newFeedbackComm.Parameters.Add("@question", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters.Add("@role", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters.Add("@total", SqlDbType.Int);
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters.Add("@count", SqlDbType.Int);
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters.Add("@title", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters.Add("@average", SqlDbType.Int);
            // set the parameters
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters["@question"].Value = created.Question;
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters["@role"].Value     = created.Role;
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters["@total"].Value    = created.Total;
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters["@count"].Value    = created.Count;
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters["@title"].Value    = created.Title;
            newFeedbackComm.Parameters["@average"].Value  = 0;

            newFeedbackComm.Connection = conn;

            using (conn)


            //Shows the questions that have been added to the current feedback form
            if (DatabaseUtilities.CountFeedback(role, title) != 0)
                int counter = 1;
                foreach (FeedbackItem a in DatabaseUtilities.GetFeedback(role, title))
                    string   qID    = "Q" + (counter).ToString();
                    string   rID    = "R" + (counter).ToString();
                    TableRow qRow   = QuestionTable.FindControl(rID) as TableRow;
                    Label    qLabel = qRow.FindControl(qID) as Label;
                    qLabel.Text  = "<h5 style='width:25%'>" + a.Question + "</h4>";
                    qRow.Visible = true;

            //Disables the Question textbox and Add button if the maximum amount of questions for the form has been reached
            if (DatabaseUtilities.CountFeedback(role, title) == 10)
                Question_Textbox.Enabled = false;
                Add_Button.Enabled       = false;
                Question_Textbox.Text    = "Maximum amount of questions has been reached";
                Question_Textbox.Text = "";