public void Collection_RemoveKey_CaseInsensitive()
     var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext { Request = { QueryString = new QueryString("?z=1") } };
     var queryTransformContext = new QueryTransformContext(httpContext.Request);
 public void Collection_TryGetValue_CaseInsensitive()
     var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext { Request = { QueryString = new QueryString("?z=1") } };
     var queryTransformContext = new QueryTransformContext(httpContext.Request);
     queryTransformContext.Collection.TryGetValue("Z", out var result);
     Assert.Equal("1", result);
            /// <summary>
            /// A callback that is invoked prior to sending the proxied request. All HttpRequestMessage
            /// fields are initialized except RequestUri, which will be initialized after the
            /// callback if no value is provided. The string parameter represents the destination
            /// URI prefix that should be used when constructing the RequestUri. The headers
            /// are copied by the base implementation, excluding some protocol headers like HTTP/2
            /// pseudo headers (":authority").
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="httpContext">The incoming request.</param>
            /// <param name="proxyRequest">The outgoing proxy request.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationPrefix">The uri prefix for the selected destination server which can be used to create
            /// the RequestUri.</param>
            public override async ValueTask TransformRequestAsync(HttpContext httpContext, HttpRequestMessage proxyRequest, string destinationPrefix)
                // Copy all request headers
                await base.TransformRequestAsync(httpContext, proxyRequest, destinationPrefix);

                // Customize the query string:
                var queryContext = new QueryTransformContext(httpContext.Request);

                queryContext.Collection["area"] = "xx2";

                // Assign the custom uri. Be careful about extra slashes when concatenating here.
                proxyRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(destinationPrefix + httpContext.Request.Path + queryContext.QueryString);

                // Suppress the original request header, use the one from the destination Uri.
                proxyRequest.Headers.Host = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHttpForwarder forwarder)
            // Configure our own HttpMessageInvoker for outbound calls for proxy operations
            var httpClient = new HttpMessageInvoker(new SocketsHttpHandler()
                UseProxy               = false,
                AllowAutoRedirect      = false,
                AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.None,
                UseCookies             = false

            // Setup our own request transform class
            var transformer    = new CustomTransformer(); // or HttpTransformer.Default;
            var requestOptions = new ForwarderRequestConfig {
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100)

            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
                endpoints.Map("/test/{**catch-all}", async httpContext =>
                    var error = await forwarder.SendAsync(httpContext, "", httpClient, requestOptions,
                                                          (context, proxyRequest) =>
                        // Customize the query string:
                        var queryContext = new QueryTransformContext(context.Request);
                        queryContext.Collection["area"] = "xx2";

                        // Assign the custom uri. Be careful about extra slashes when concatenating here.
                        proxyRequest.RequestUri = new Uri("" + context.Request.Path + queryContext.QueryString);

                        // Suppress the original request header, use the one from the destination Uri.
                        proxyRequest.Headers.Host = null;


                    // Check if the proxy operation was successful
                    if (error != ForwarderError.None)
                        var errorFeature = httpContext.Features.Get <IForwarderErrorFeature>();
                        var exception    = errorFeature.Exception;

                // When using IHttpForwarder for direct forwarding you are responsible for routing, destination discovery, load balancing, affinity, etc..
                // For an alternate example that includes those features see BasicYarpSample.
                endpoints.Map("/{**catch-all}", async httpContext =>
                    var error = await forwarder.SendAsync(httpContext, "", httpClient, requestOptions, transformer);
                    // Check if the proxy operation was successful
                    if (error != ForwarderError.None)
                        var errorFeature = httpContext.Features.Get <IForwarderErrorFeature>();
                        var exception    = errorFeature.Exception;