        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a query that counts the number of models that comply to a set of conditions
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TModel">The type of model to count</typeparam>
        /// <returns>A function that takes a graphql context and returns a count of models that satisfy the condition</returns>
        public static Func <ResolveFieldContext <object>, Task <object> > CreateCountQuery <TModel>()
            where TModel : class, IOwnerAbstractModel, new()
            return(async context =>
                // Fetch the models that we need
                var models = QueryHelpers.CreateResolveFunction <TModel>()(context);

                // Apply conditions to the query
                models = QueryHelpers.CreateWhereCondition(context, models);
                models = QueryHelpers.CreateIdsCondition(context, models);
                models = QueryHelpers.CreateIdCondition(context, models);

                return new NumberObject {
                    Number = await models.CountAsync()