        // GridCellValueChanging event allows to prevent the cell value changing or modify the new cell value.
        // Note: Some columns hide/unhide dynamically but this does not affect the column index in the event parameters -
        //       it includes hidden columns.
        // private void queryBuilder1_GridCellValueChanging(UnionSubQuery unionSubQuery, QueryColumnList criteriaList, QueryColumnListItem criteriaItem, int column, int row, object oldValue, ref object newValue, ref bool abort)
        private void QBuilder_QueryColumnListItemChanging(QueryColumnList queryColumnList, QueryColumnListItem queryColumnListItem,
                                                          QueryColumnListItemProperty property, int conditionIndex, object oldValue, ref object newValue, ref bool abort)
            if (!CbQueryColumnListItemChanging.Checked)

            AddRowToReport("QueryColumnListItemChanging. Changes column \"" + property + "\"");

            if (property == QueryColumnListItemProperty.Expression) // Prevent changes in the Expression column.
                abort = true;
            else if (property == QueryColumnListItemProperty.Alias) // Alias column. Lets add the underscore char in the beginning of all aliases, for example.
                if (newValue != null && newValue is string)
                    var s = (string)newValue;

                    if (s.Length > 0 && !s.StartsWith("_"))
                        s        = "_" + s;
                        newValue = s;
        public static void DumpSelectedExpressionsInfoFromUnionSubQuery(StringBuilder stringBuilder, UnionSubQuery unionSubQuery)
            // get list of CriteriaItems
            QueryColumnList criteriaList = unionSubQuery.QueryColumnList;

            // dump all items
            for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.Count; i++)
                QueryColumnListItem criteriaItem = criteriaList[i];

                // only items have .Select property set to True goes to SELECT list
                if (!criteriaItem.Selected)

                // separator
                if (stringBuilder.Length > 0)

                DumpSelectedExpressionInfo(stringBuilder, criteriaItem);
                DumpSelectedExpressionsStatistics(stringBuilder, criteriaItem);
        private void AddWhereCondition(QueryColumnList columnList, QueryColumnListItem whereListItem, string condition)
            bool whereFound = false;

            // GetMaxConditionCount: returns the number of non-empty criteria columns in the grid.
            for (int i = 0; i < columnList.GetMaxConditionCount(); i++)
                // CollectCriteriaItemsWithWhereCondition:
                // This function returns the list of conditions that were found in
                // the i-th criteria column, applied to specific clause (WHERE or HAVING).
                // Thus, this function collects all conditions joined with AND
                // within one OR group (one grid column).
                List<QueryColumnListItem> foundColumnItems = new List<QueryColumnListItem>();
                CollectCriteriaItemsWithWhereCondition(columnList, i, foundColumnItems);

                // if found some conditions in i-th column, append condition to i-th column
                if (foundColumnItems.Count > 0)
                    whereListItem.ConditionStrings[i] = condition;
                    whereFound = true;

            // if there are no cells with "where" conditions, add condition to new column
            if (!whereFound)
                whereListItem.ConditionStrings[columnList.GetMaxConditionCount()] = condition;
        public string DumpSelectedExpressionsInfoFromUnionSubQuery(UnionSubQuery unionSubQuery)
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            // get list of CriteriaItems
            QueryColumnList criteriaList = unionSubQuery.QueryColumnList;

            // dump all items
            for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.Count; i++)
                QueryColumnListItem criteriaItem = criteriaList[i];

                // only items have .Select property set to True goes to SELECT list
                if (!criteriaItem.Select)

                // separator
                if (stringBuilder.Length > 0)
                    stringBuilder.AppendLine("<br />");

                DumpSelectedExpressionInfo(stringBuilder, criteriaItem);
        private void ClearWhere(UnionSubQuery unionSubQuery)
            // get reference to QueryColumnList
            QueryColumnList cl = unionSubQuery.QueryColumnList;

            // disable SQL updating for QueryBuilder

                // clear old Where
                for (int i = 0; i < cl.Count; i++)
                    QueryColumnListItem ci = cl[i];

                    if (ci.ConditionType == ConditionType.Where)
                        // clear all WHERE expressions in a row
                        for (int j = 0; j < ci.ConditionCount; j++)
                            ci.ConditionStrings[j] = "";
        private void QBuilder_QueryColumnListItemChanged(QueryColumnList queryColumnList, QueryColumnListItem queryColumnListItem,
                                                         QueryColumnListItemProperty property, int conditionIndex, object newValue)
            if (CbQueryColumnListItemChanged.Checked != true)

            AddRowToReport("QueryColumnListItemChanged property \"" + property + "\" changed");
        private void QBuilder_OnQueryColumnListItemChanged(QueryColumnList querycolumnlist,
                                                           QueryColumnListItem querycolumnlistitem, QueryColumnListItemProperty property, int conditionindex,
                                                           object newvalue)
            if (CbQueryColumnListItemChanged.IsChecked != true)

            BoxLogEvents.Text = "QueryColumnListItemChanged property \"" + property + "\" changed" +
                                Environment.NewLine + BoxLogEvents.Text;
        private void CollectCriteriaItemsWithWhereCondition(QueryColumnList criteriaList, int columnIndex, IList<QueryColumnListItem> result)

            foreach (var item in criteriaList)
                if (item.ConditionType == ConditionType.Where &&
                    item.ConditionCount > columnIndex &&
                    item.GetASTCondition(columnIndex) != null)
        private void CollectCriteriaItemsWithWhereCondition(QueryColumnList criteriaList, int columnIndex, IList <QueryColumnListItem> result)

            for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.Count; i++)
                if (criteriaList[i].ConditionType == ConditionType.Where &&
                    criteriaList[i].ConditionCount > columnIndex &&
                    criteriaList[i].GetASTCondition(columnIndex) != null)
        // GridCellValueChanging event allows to prevent the cell value changing or modify the new cell value.
        // Note: Some columns hide/unhide dynamically but this does not affect the column index in the event parameters -
        //       it includes hidden columns.
        private void QBuilder_OnQueryColumnListItemChanging(QueryColumnList querycolumnlist, QueryColumnListItem querycolumnlistitem,
                                                            QueryColumnListItemProperty property, int conditionindex, object oldvalue, ref object newValue, ref bool abort)
            if (CbQueryColumnListItemChanging.IsChecked != true)
            BoxLogEvents.Text = "QueryColumnListItemChanging Changing the value for  property \"" + property + "\"" +
                                Environment.NewLine + BoxLogEvents.Text;

            if (property == QueryColumnListItemProperty.Expression) // Prevent changes in the Expression column.
                abort = true;

            if (property != QueryColumnListItemProperty.Alias)

            var s = newValue as string;

            if (s == null)

            if (s.Length <= 0 || s.StartsWith("_"))

            s        = "_" + s;
            newValue = s;
 private void QueryBuilder1_QueryColumnListItemChanging(QueryColumnList queryColumnList, QueryColumnListItem queryColumnListItem,
                                                        QueryColumnListItemProperty property, int conditionIndex, object oldValue, ref object newValue, ref bool abort)