/// <summary>
 /// 按照查询条件查询
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="custUserMappingQuery">查询条件</param>
 /// <param name="currentPage">页号,-1不分页</param>
 /// <param name="totalCount">总行数</param>
 /// <param name="pageSize">每页记录数</param>
 /// <returns>集合</returns>
 public DataTable GetCustUserMappingByUserID(QueryCC_CustUserMapping custUserMappingQuery, string order, int currentPage, int pageSize, out int totalCount)
     return(Dal.CC_UserCustDataRigth.Instance.GetCustUserMappingByUserID(custUserMappingQuery, order, currentPage, pageSize, out totalCount, BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID()));
 /// <summary>
 /// 统计客服各个标签下的数据
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="custUserMappingQuery"></param>
 /// <param name="currentUserID"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DataTable GetCustUserMappingTagStatisticsByUserID(QueryCC_CustUserMapping custUserMappingQuery, int currentUserID)
     return(Dal.CC_UserCustDataRigth.Instance.GetCustUserMappingTagStatisticsByUserID(custUserMappingQuery, currentUserID));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="custUserMappingQuery"></param>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPage"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="totalCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetCustUserMappingByUserID(QueryCC_CustUserMapping custUserMappingQuery, string order, int currentPage, int pageSize, out int totalCount, int currentUserID)
            string where = "";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.CustName != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                where += " and a.CustName like '%" + SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.CustName) + "%'";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.BGIDStr == Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                if (custUserMappingQuery.UserID != Constant.INT_INVALID_VALUE)
                    where += " and a.custid in (select custid from  CRM2009.dbo.CustUserMapping where userid  =" + custUserMappingQuery.UserID + " )";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.Brandids != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                where += " and a.CustID in  ( select CustID from  CRM2009.dbo.Cust_Brand where BrandID in (" + Dal.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(custUserMappingQuery.Brandids) + ") ) ";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.ProvinceID != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                where += " and a.ProvinceID='" + SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.ProvinceID) + "'";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.CityID != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                where += " and a.CityID='" + SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.CityID) + "'";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.CountyID != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                where += " and a.CountyID='" + SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.CountyID) + "'";
            //add by qizq 2012-5-30 添加经营范围和客户类型
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(custUserMappingQuery.CarType))
                where += " And a.CarType IN (" + Dal.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(custUserMappingQuery.CarType) + ") ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(custUserMappingQuery.TypeID))
                where += " and a.TypeID in (" + Dal.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(custUserMappingQuery.TypeID) + ")";
            #region 回访日期改为工单日期
            switch (custUserMappingQuery.Contact)
            case -2:
                if (custUserMappingQuery.StartTime != Constant.DATE_INVALID_VALUE)
                    where += " and woif.CreateTime>='" + custUserMappingQuery.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 0:00:00'";
                if (custUserMappingQuery.EndTime != Constant.DATE_INVALID_VALUE)
                    where += " and woif.CreateTime<='" + custUserMappingQuery.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59'";

            case 1:
                if (custUserMappingQuery.StartTime != Constant.DATE_INVALID_VALUE && custUserMappingQuery.EndTime != Constant.DATE_INVALID_VALUE)
                    where += " and (woif.CreateTime<='" + custUserMappingQuery.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 0:00:00' or woif.CreateTime>='" + custUserMappingQuery.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59' or woif.CreateTime is null)";
                //where += " and (LastTime='' or LastTime is null)";
                    where += " and woif.CreateTime is null";



            if (custUserMappingQuery.ProjectName != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                where += " and a.CustID in (select custid from MJ2009.dbo.OrderInfo where projectName='" + SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.ProjectName) + "' and status>=0) ";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.ReqeustCCProjectName != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                where += " and a.CustID in (select pds.RelationID from ProjectInfo pj join dbo.ProjectDataSoure pds on pj.projectid=pds.projectid where pds.source=3 and pj.name like '%" + SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.ReqeustCCProjectName) + "%' and pj.status=1 and pds.status=1) ";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.radioTaoche != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                if (custUserMappingQuery.radioTaoche == "1")
                    where += " and a.CustID IN (SELECT  CustID FROM    CRM2009.dbo.DMSMember WHERE   MemberCode IN " +
                             " (SELECT  * FROM MJ2009.dbo.f_GetDMSMemberByTaoCheTong(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120)) ) ) ";
                else if (custUserMappingQuery.radioTaoche == "2")
                    where += " and a.CustID NOT IN (SELECT  CustID FROM    CRM2009.dbo.DMSMember WHERE   MemberCode IN " +
                             " (SELECT  * FROM  MJ2009.dbo.f_GetDMSMemberByTaoCheTong(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120)) ) ) ";

            //强斐 优化代码 2014-11-24
            string select = "";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.NoResponser != -2)
                where += @" and ( select count(1) cnum from crm2009.dbo.custusermapping as map left join crm2009.dbo.v_userinfo as ui on map.userid=ui.userid 
                                    where custid=a.custid and ui.departid in (
                                    select  id
                                    from    sysrightsmanager.dbo.f_cid('DP00323')
                                    select  id
                                    from    sysrightsmanager.dbo.f_cid('DP00805')
                select = "''";
                if (custUserMappingQuery.UserName != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE)
                    where += " and a.custid in (select custid from  CRM2009.dbo.CustUserMapping where userid  ='" + SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.UserName) + "')";
                select = @"isnull(stuff((select ',' + cast(truename as varchar(50)) 
                                from crm2009.dbo.custusermapping as map left join crm2009.dbo.v_userinfo as ui on map.userid=ui.userid
                                where map.custid=a.custid and ui.departid in (
                                select  id
                                from    sysrightsmanager.dbo.f_cid('DP00323')
                                select  id
                                from    sysrightsmanager.dbo.f_cid('DP00805')
                                for xml path('')),1,1,''),'')";
            if (custUserMappingQuery.TagID != Constant.STRING_INVALID_VALUE && custUserMappingQuery.TagID != "0")
                where += " AND EXISTS(SELECT TagID FROM CRM2009.dbo.CustTagMapping WHERE CustID= a.CustID AND TagID=" + StringHelper.SqlFilter(custUserMappingQuery.TagID) + " )";

            DataSet        ds;
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@select",        SqlDbType.VarChar,  8000),
                new SqlParameter("@where",         SqlDbType.VarChar,  8000),
                new SqlParameter("@order",         SqlDbType.NVarChar,  100),
                new SqlParameter("@pagesize",      SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@page",          SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@totalRecorder", SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
            parameters[0].Value     = select;
            parameters[1].Value     = where;
            parameters[2].Value     = order;
            parameters[3].Value     = pageSize;
            parameters[4].Value     = currentPage;
            parameters[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            parameters[6].Value     = currentUserID;

            ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CONNECTIONSTRINGS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, P_CUSTUSERMAPPING_SELECT_BY_USERID, parameters);

            totalCount = int.Parse(parameters[5].Value.ToString());
