        private static async Task Go()
            Console.WriteLine("Dependency Injection - Register All");
            // Dependency Injection
            var di = new TinyDependencyInjection();

            di.AddDependency(Dependency.Create().For <ICommandHandler <ICommand> >().Use <Declaration_CommandHandler>());
            di.AddDependency(Dependency.Create().For <IRepository <Declaration> >().Use <DeclarationEventsRepository <Declaration> >().SetBehaviour(DIBehaviour.Singleton));
            di.AddDependency(Dependency.Create().For <IRepository <Event> >().Use <DeclarationRepository <Event> >().SetBehaviour(DIBehaviour.Singleton));
            di.AddDependency(Dependency.Create().For <IRepository <Event> >().Use <DeclarationRepository <Event> >().SetBehaviour(DIBehaviour.Singleton));
            di.AddDependency(Dependency.Create().For <IQueryHandler <Declaration_GetQuery, Declaration> >().Use <Declaration_QueryHandler>().SetBehaviour(DIBehaviour.Singleton));
            di.Init(); // Init All Objects

            // CommandBus - need for send Command.
            var CommandBus = new CommandBus(di);
            // QueryBus - need for send Queries and Receive Data
            var QueryBus = new QueryBus(di);

            Console.WriteLine("Create two Entities");
            // Create two commands which Create Declaration objects in Repos and Write to EventRepo
            var CreateCommand1 = new Declaration_CreateCommand()
                Id = "1", Title = "CreateCommand1", Description = "This is First Command1"
            await CommandBus.SendAsync(CreateCommand1);

            var CreateCommand2 = new Declaration_CreateCommand()
                Id = "2", Title = "CreateCommand2", Description = "This is First Command2"
            await CommandBus.SendAsync(CreateCommand2);

            Console.WriteLine("Get Data From First Entity");
            // Create query and get data about first Declaration object from repo
            var Get1Query = new Declaration_GetQuery()
                Id = "1"
            var res1 = await QueryBus.GetAsync <Declaration_GetQuery, Declaration>(Get1Query);

            var Get2Query = new Declaration_GetQuery()
                Id = "2"
            var res2 = await QueryBus.GetAsync <Declaration_GetQuery, Declaration>(Get2Query);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Id = {0}; Title = {1}; Description = {2}", res1.Id, res1.Title, res1.Description));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Id = {0}; Title = {1}; Description = {2}", res2.Id, res2.Title, res2.Description));