public string GetSql()
            var qb = new QueryBuilder(null, null);

            if (ViewType == ViewType.TOP_100)
                qb.TopX = 100;

            var memoryRepository = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            qb.AddColumnRange(TableInfo.ColumnInfos.Select(c => new ColumnInfoToIColumn(memoryRepository, c)).ToArray());

            var filter = GetFilterIfAny();

            if (filter != null)
                qb.RootFilterContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(memoryRepository, null, new[] { filter }, FilterContainerOperation.AND);

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Aggregate)
                qb.AddCustomLine("count(*),", QueryComponent.QueryTimeColumn);

            var sql = qb.SQL;

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Aggregate)
                throw new NotSupportedException("ViewType.Aggregate can only be applied to ColumnInfos not TableInfos");

        public string GetSql()
            var qb = new QueryBuilder(null, null, new[] { GetTableInfo() });

            if (ViewType == ViewType.TOP_100)
                qb.TopX = 100;

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Distribution)

            var filter    = GetFilterIfAny();
            var container = GetContainerIfAny();

            if (filter != null && container != null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot generate SQL with both filter and container");

            if (filter != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.WhereSQL))
                qb.RootFilterContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(new MemoryCatalogueRepository(), null, new[] { filter }, FilterContainerOperation.AND);
            else if (container != null)
                qb.RootFilterContainer = container;

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Aggregate)
                qb.AddCustomLine("count(*) as Count,", QueryComponent.QueryTimeColumn);

            var sql = qb.SQL;

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Aggregate)
                sql += " GROUP BY " + GetColumnSelectSql();

        public string GetSql()
            var qb = new QueryBuilder(null, null, new [] { ColumnInfo.TableInfo });

            if (ViewType == ViewType.TOP_100)
                qb.TopX = 100;

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Distribution)
                qb.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(new MemoryRepository(), ColumnInfo));

            var filter = GetFilterIfAny();

            if (filter != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.WhereSQL))
                qb.RootFilterContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(new MemoryCatalogueRepository(), null, new[] { filter }, FilterContainerOperation.AND);

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Aggregate)
                qb.AddCustomLine("count(*),", QueryComponent.QueryTimeColumn);

            var sql = qb.SQL;

            if (ViewType == ViewType.Aggregate)
                sql += " GROUP BY " + ColumnInfo;
