    void TestR7()
      "Demonstrating Requirement #7".title();
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the value of specified key Start---\n");
	  Query<int, int, string> query = new Query<int, int, string>(db);
	  DBElement<int, string> elemR7 = new DBElement<int, string>();
	  query.checkValueByKey(2, out elemR7);
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the value of specified key End---\n");
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the children of specified key Start---\n");
	  Write("Children of value with key #2");
	  List<int> children = new List<int>();
	  children = query.childrenByKey(2);
	  foreach(var child in children)
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the children of specified key End---\n");
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the keys share a same pattern Start---\n");
	  DBElement<int, string> elemR701 = new DBElement<int, string>();
      elemR701.name = "r701";
      elemR701.descr = "su cs";
      elemR701.timeStamp = DateTime.Now;
      elemR701.children.AddRange(new List<int>{ 1, 2, 3 });
      elemR701.payload = "cs";
      dbString.insert("SU cs dep", elemR701);
	  DBElement<int, string> elemR702 = new DBElement<int, string>();
      elemR702.name = "r702";
      elemR702.descr = "su math";
      elemR702.timeStamp = DateTime.Now;
      elemR702.children.AddRange(new List<int>{ 4, 5, 2 });
      elemR702.payload = "math";
      dbString.insert("SU math dep", elemR702);
	  DBElement<int, string> elemR703 = new DBElement<int, string>();
      elemR703.name = "r703";
      elemR703.descr = "cornell math";
      elemR703.timeStamp = DateTime.Now;
      elemR703.children.AddRange(new List<int>{ 4, 5, 2 });
      elemR703.payload = "music";
      dbString.insert("CORNELL music dep", elemR703);
	  IEnumerable<string> keys = dbString.Keys();
	  Write("All keys in this database:");
	  foreach(var key in keys)
	  Query<string, int, string> queryString = new Query<string, int, string>(dbString);
	  List<string> keyString = new List<string>();
	  keyString = queryString.keysWithPattern(dbString,"SU");
	  Write("\n\nKeys with pattern SU:");
	  foreach(var key in keyString)
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the keys share a same pattern End---\n");
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the keys share a same pattern Start---\n");
	  Write("\n\nKeys with pattern ‘description’ in there metadata(name & descr):");
	  List<int> keyslist = new List<int>();
	  keyslist = query.keysSameMdataPattern("description");
	  foreach(var key in keyslist)
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the keys share a same pattern End---\n");
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the keys of value created in the same time interval Start---\n");
	  DBElement<int, string> temp = new DBElement<int, string>();
	  db.getValue(7, out temp);
	  temp.timeStamp = new DateTime(1991, 4, 15, 8, 9, 05);
	  db.getValue(82, out temp);
	  temp.timeStamp = new DateTime(1994, 9, 7, 10, 8, 55);
	  DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(1990, 4, 15, 5, 9, 05);
	  DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(1995, 9, 7, 5, 8, 05);
	  Write("\n\nkeys of value created after 1990/4/15 05:09:05 but before 1995/9/7 05:08:05:");
	  keyslist = query.keysSameTinterval(dt1, dt2);
	  foreach(var key in keyslist)
	  Write("\n\n --- Query the keys of value created in the same time interval Start---\n");
    void TestR8()
      "Demonstrating Requirement #8".title();
	  Query<int, int, string> query = new Query<int, int, string>(db);
	  List<int> keyslist = new List<int>();
	  DBElement<int, string> temp = new DBElement<int, string>();
	  db.getValue(7, out temp);
	  temp.timeStamp = new DateTime(1991, 4, 15, 8, 9, 05);
	  db.getValue(82, out temp);
	  temp.timeStamp = new DateTime(1994, 9, 7, 10, 8, 55);
	  DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(1990, 4, 15, 5, 9, 05);
	  DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(1995, 9, 7, 5, 8, 05);
	  Write("\n\nQuery: keys of value created after 1990/4/15 05:09:05 but before 1995/9/7 05:08:05:");
	  keyslist = query.keysSameTinterval(dt1, dt2);
	  QueryKeysDB<int> queryStore = new QueryKeysDB<int>(keysFromQuery, keyslist);
	  queryStore.storeKeys(1, "key set #1", "keys of value created after 1990/4/15 05:09:05 but before 1995/9/7 05:08:05");
	  DBElement<int, List<int>> temp2 = new DBElement<int, List<int>>();
	  keysFromQuery.getValue(1, out temp2);
	  List<int> keyslist2 = new List<int>();
	  keyslist2 = temp2.payload;
	  Write("\n\nRead keys returned from the query in the new database\n");
	  foreach(var key in keyslist2)
    //private DBEngine<int, DBElement<int, List<int>>> keysFromQuery = new DBEngine<int, DBElement<int, List<int>>>();

	public string query(XDocument message)	{//method used to handle queries
		string reply;
		List<int> children = new List<int>();
		XElement element = message.Element("Message").Element("QueryType");
		Query<int, int, string> query1 = new Query<int, int, string>(db);
				case "the value of specified key":
					element = message.Element("Message").Element("Key");
				    DBElement<int, string> elem = new DBElement<int, string>();
				    query1.checkValueByKey(Int32.Parse(element.Value), out elem);
					reply = ("The value of specified key " + element.Value + " is\n" + elem.showElement<int, string>());
				case "the children of specified key":
					element = message.Element("Message").Element("Key");
					children = query1.childrenByKey(Int32.Parse(element.Value));
					reply = ("The children of specified key " + element.Value + " is\n");
					reply = this.addChildToStr(children, reply);
				case "the keys share a same pattern":
					element = message.Element("Message").Element("Pattern");
					Query<string, int, string> queryString = new Query<string, int, string>(dbString);
					List<string> keyString = new List<string>();
					keyString = queryString.keysWithPattern(dbString,element.Value);
					reply = ("The keys share a same pattern \"" + element.Value + "\" is\n");
					foreach(var key in keyString)
						reply += (String.Format("{0}\n", key.ToString()));
				case "the keys share same pattern in their metadata":
					element = message.Element("Message").Element("Pattern");
					children = query1.keysSameMdataPattern(element.Value);
					reply = ("The keys share same pattern " + element.Value + " is\n");
					reply = this.addChildToStr(children, reply);
				case "the keys of value created in the same time interval":
					List<DateTime> dts = new List<DateTime>();
					dts = this.getDTS(message);
					children = query1.keysSameTinterval(dts[0], dts[1]);
					reply = ("The keys of value created in the same time interval between " + dts[0].ToString() + " and " + dts[1]).ToString()+"\n";
					reply = this.addChildToStr(children, reply);
                    reply = ("Invalid editing type.");
		return reply;