// Generate the list of rooms and dig them
    public void GenerateRooms(ref List <Room_2D> _rooms, QuadTreeMapLayer _quadTree)
        // Childless node
        if (_quadTree.northWest == null && _quadTree.northEast == null && _quadTree.southWest == null && _quadTree.southEast == null)

        // Recursive call
        if (_quadTree.northWest != null)
            GenerateRooms(ref _rooms, _quadTree.northWest);
        if (_quadTree.northEast != null)
            GenerateRooms(ref _rooms, _quadTree.northEast);
        if (_quadTree.southWest != null)
            GenerateRooms(ref _rooms, _quadTree.southWest);
        if (_quadTree.southEast != null)
            GenerateRooms(ref _rooms, _quadTree.southEast);
    // Generate a single room
    public Room_2D GenerateRoom(QuadTreeMapLayer _quadTree)
        // Center of the room
        XY roomCenter = new XY();

        roomCenter.x = Random.Range(ROOM_WALL_BORDER + _quadTree.boundary.Left() + ROOM_MIN_SIZE / 2.0f, _quadTree.boundary.Right() - ROOM_MIN_SIZE / 2.0f - ROOM_WALL_BORDER);
        roomCenter.y = Random.Range(ROOM_WALL_BORDER + _quadTree.boundary.Bottom() + ROOM_MIN_SIZE / 2.0f, _quadTree.boundary.Top() - ROOM_MIN_SIZE / 2.0f - ROOM_WALL_BORDER);

        // Half size of the room
        XY roomHalf = new XY();

        float halfX  = (_quadTree.boundary.Right() - roomCenter.x - ROOM_WALL_BORDER);
        float halfX2 = (roomCenter.x - _quadTree.boundary.Left() - ROOM_WALL_BORDER);

        if (halfX2 < halfX)
            halfX = halfX2;
        if (halfX > ROOM_MAX_SIZE / 2.0f)
            halfX = ROOM_MAX_SIZE / 2.0f;

        float halfY  = (_quadTree.boundary.Top() - roomCenter.y - ROOM_WALL_BORDER);
        float halfY2 = (roomCenter.y - _quadTree.boundary.Bottom() - ROOM_WALL_BORDER);

        if (halfY2 < halfY)
            halfY = halfY2;
        if (halfY > ROOM_MAX_SIZE / 2.0f)
            halfY = ROOM_MAX_SIZE / 2.0f;

        roomHalf.x = Random.Range((float)ROOM_MIN_SIZE / 2.0f, halfX);
        roomHalf.y = Random.Range((float)ROOM_MIN_SIZE / 2.0f, halfY);

        // Eliminate ugly zones
        if (ROOM_UGLY_ENABLED == false)
            float aspect_ratio = roomHalf.x / roomHalf.y;
            if (aspect_ratio > ROOM_MAX_RATIO || aspect_ratio < 1.0f / ROOM_MAX_RATIO)

        // Create AABB
        AABB randomAABB = new AABB(roomCenter, roomHalf);

        // Dig the room in our tilemap
        DigRoom(randomAABB.BottomTile(), randomAABB.LeftTile(), randomAABB.TopTile() - 1, randomAABB.RightTile() - 1);

        // Return the room
        return(new Room_2D(randomAABB, _quadTree));
     * METHODS

    // Clean QuadTree
    public void Clear()
        seed      = -1;
        boundary  = new AABB();
        northWest = null;
        northEast = null;
        southWest = null;
        southEast = null;
        room      = null;
 // Symmetric division
 public void Subdivide(int level, int maxLevels)
     if (level > maxLevels)
     northWest = new QuadTreeMapLayer(new AABB(new XY((boundary.center.x - boundary.half.x / 2), (boundary.center.y + boundary.half.y / 2)), boundary.half / 2), dungeon);
     northEast = new QuadTreeMapLayer(new AABB(new XY((boundary.center.x + boundary.half.x / 2), (boundary.center.y + boundary.half.y / 2)), boundary.half / 2), dungeon);
     southWest = new QuadTreeMapLayer(new AABB(new XY((boundary.center.x - boundary.half.x / 2), (boundary.center.y - boundary.half.y / 2)), boundary.half / 2), dungeon);
     southEast = new QuadTreeMapLayer(new AABB(new XY((boundary.center.x + boundary.half.x / 2), (boundary.center.y - boundary.half.y / 2)), boundary.half / 2), dungeon);
     northWest.Subdivide(level + 1, maxLevels);
     northEast.Subdivide(level + 1, maxLevels);
     southWest.Subdivide(level + 1, maxLevels);
     southEast.Subdivide(level + 1, maxLevels);
    // On Awake
    public void create(object o)
        // Initialize the tilemap

        // Init QuadTree
        quadTree = new QuadTreeMapLayer(new AABB(new XY(MAP_COLS / 2.0f, MAP_ROWS / 2.0f), new XY(MAP_COLS / 2.0f, MAP_ROWS / 2.0f)), this);

        // List of rooms
        rooms = new List <Room_2D> ();

        //barriers = new List<GameObject> ();

        // Set the randome seed
        //Random.seed = seed;

        // Generate Dungeon
        Debug.Log("Dungeon Generation Started");

 // Generate the quadtree system
 void GenerateQuadTree(ref QuadTreeMapLayer _quadTree)
    // Procedurally generate QuadTrees
    // Make a maximum of "max_depth" levels of depth
    public void GenerateZones(int depth, int max_depth)
        // Reached max depth
        if (depth > max_depth)

        // No place for 4 rooms? return
        if (boundary.half.x < roomRealMinSize)
        if (boundary.half.y < roomRealMinSize)

        // Random possibilty of not generating zone
        int r = Random.Range(0, 100);

        if (r < Dungeon.CHANCE_STOP && depth > 1)

        // Try to make a slice with space for 4 rooms
        // Retry "N=SLICE_TRIES" times
        XY   slice     = new XY();
        bool new_slice = RandomSlice(1, Dungeon.SLICE_TRIES, ref slice);

        if (new_slice == false)

        // Generate children QuadTrees
        // NORTHWEST
        AABB aabb1 = new AABB();
        XY   size  = new XY(slice.x - boundary.Left(), boundary.Top() - slice.y);

        aabb1.center     = new XY(slice.x - size.x / 2.0f, slice.y + size.y / 2.0f);
        aabb1.half       = new XY(size.x / 2.0f, size.y / 2.0f);
        northWest        = new QuadTreeMapLayer(aabb1, dungeon);
        northWest.parent = this;
        northWest.GenerateZones(depth + 1, max_depth);
        // NORTHEAST
        AABB aabb2 = new AABB();

        size             = new XY(boundary.Right() - slice.x, boundary.Top() - slice.y);
        aabb2.center     = new XY(slice.x + size.x / 2.0f, slice.y + size.y / 2.0f);
        aabb2.half       = new XY(size.x / 2.0f, size.y / 2.0f);
        northEast        = new QuadTreeMapLayer(aabb2, dungeon);
        northEast.parent = this;
        northEast.GenerateZones(depth + 1, max_depth);
        // SOUTHWEST
        AABB aabb3 = new AABB();

        size             = new XY(slice.x - boundary.Left(), slice.y - boundary.Bottom());
        aabb3.center     = new XY(slice.x - size.x / 2.0f, slice.y - size.y / 2.0f);
        aabb3.half       = new XY(size.x / 2.0f, size.y / 2.0f);
        southWest        = new QuadTreeMapLayer(aabb3, dungeon);
        southWest.parent = this;
        southWest.GenerateZones(depth + 1, max_depth);
        // SOUTEAST
        AABB aabb4 = new AABB();

        size             = new XY(boundary.Right() - slice.x, slice.y - boundary.Bottom());
        aabb4.center     = new XY(slice.x + size.x / 2.0f, slice.y - size.y / 2.0f);
        aabb4.half       = new XY(size.x / 2.0f, size.y / 2.0f);
        southEast        = new QuadTreeMapLayer(aabb4, dungeon);
        southEast.parent = this;
        southEast.GenerateZones(depth + 1, max_depth);
 public Room_2D(AABB b, QuadTreeMapLayer q)
     boundary      = b;
     quadtree      = q;
     quadtree.room = this;