文件: Quad.cs 项目: Wotuu/RTS_XNA_v2
        public Quad(QuadRoot tree, Quad parent, Rectangle rectangle)
            this.tree = tree;
            this.parent = parent;
            this.rectangle = rectangle;

            this.imageX = this.rectangle.X / this.rectangle.Width;
            this.imageY = this.rectangle.Y / this.rectangle.Height;

            // Console.Out.WriteLine("Creating quad with " + this.rectangle + " this.GetDepth() = " + this.GetDepth() + ", maxDepth = " + tree.depth);
            if (this.GetDepth() == tree.depth)
                this.isLeaf = true;

                if (tree.collisionMap.game != null)

                    if (!tree.collisionMap.drawMode)
                        this.collisionTexture = new CollisionTexture(this, tree.collisionMap.game.Content.Load<Texture2D>
                        (tree.collisionMap.collisionMapPath + "/" + tree.collisionMap.collisionMapName + "_" + imageX + "_" + imageY));
                    else this.collisionTexture = new CollisionTexture(this, new Texture2D(tree.collisionMap.graphicsDevice,
                            this.rectangle.Width, this.rectangle.Height));
                    this.collisionTexture = new CollisionTexture(this, new Texture2D(tree.collisionMap.graphicsDevice,
                        this.rectangle.Width, this.rectangle.Height));
        public static QuadRoot Quad(double yminus, double yzero, double yplus)
            //Finds a parabola through three points
            //   (-1,yminus), (0,yzero), (1,yplus)
            //   that do not lie on a straight line.

            double   a, b, c, dis, dx;
            QuadRoot qr = new QuadRoot();

            qr.nz = 0;
            a     = 0.5 * (yminus + yplus) - yzero;
            b     = 0.5 * (yplus - yminus);
            c     = yzero;
            qr.xe = -b / (2 * a);
            qr.ye = ((a * qr.xe + b) * qr.xe) + c;
            dis   = Math.Pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c);
            if (dis >= 0)
                dx       = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt(dis) / Math.Abs(a);
                qr.zero1 = qr.xe - dx;
                qr.zero2 = qr.xe + dx;
                if (Math.Abs(qr.zero1) <= 1)
                    qr.nz = qr.nz + 1;
                if (Math.Abs(qr.zero2) <= 1)
                    qr.nz = qr.nz + 1;
                if (qr.zero1 < -1)
                    qr.zero1 = qr.zero2;