protected virtual void BuildQOL_Therapy(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType) { QOL_TherapyDa QolDa = new QOL_TherapyDa(); DataSet QolDs = QolDa.FormListQOL_Therapy(PatientID, FormName, FormType); if (QolDs.Tables.Count > 0 && QolDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { QolTherapy.DataSource = QolDs.Tables[0].DefaultView; QolTherapy.DataBind(); } }
protected void BuildQOL_Therapy(int MinNumQOL_TherapyRowsToShow, int minNumBlankQOL_TherapyRows) { if (patientID != 0) { QOL_TherapyDa QolDa = new QOL_TherapyDa(); DataSet QolDs = QolDa.FormListQOL_Therapy(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic"); if (QolDs.Tables.Count > 0) { int numBlankQolRows = minNumBlankQOL_TherapyRows - QolDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count; // be sure you have at least the number of blank rows specified earlier if (numBlankQolRows < minNumBlankQOL_TherapyRows) { numBlankQolRows = minNumBlankQOL_TherapyRows; } if (numBlankQolRows > 0) { // add the blank rows for (int i = 0; i < numBlankQolRows; i++) { DataRow blankQolRow; blankQolRow = QolDs.Tables[0].NewRow(); blankQolRow["QOL_Therapy"] = " "; blankQolRow["QOL_TxDateText"] = " "; blankQolRow["QOL_TxStopDateText"] = " "; QolDs.Tables[0].Rows.Add(blankQolRow); } } QolTherapy.DataSource = QolDs.Tables[0].DefaultView; } else { QolTherapy.DataSource = BlankQOL_Therapy(MinNumQOL_TherapyRowsToShow).DefaultView; } } else { QolTherapy.DataSource = BlankQOL_Therapy(MinNumQOL_TherapyRowsToShow).DefaultView; } QolTherapy.DataBind(); }