public async Task QnaMaker_TestThreshold()
            var qna = new QnAMakerMiddleware(new QnAMakerOptions()
                KnowledgeBaseId = knowlegeBaseId,
                SubscriptionKey = subscriptionKey,
                Top             = 1,
                ScoreThreshold  = 0.99F
            }, new HttpClient());

            var results = await qna.GetAnswers("how do I clean the stove?");

            Assert.AreEqual(results.Length, 0, "should get zero result because threshold");
        public async Task QnaMaker_ReturnsAnswer()
            var qna = new QnAMakerMiddleware(new QnAMakerOptions()
                KnowledgeBaseId = knowlegeBaseId,
                SubscriptionKey = subscriptionKey,
                Top             = 1
            }, new HttpClient());

            var results = await qna.GetAnswers("how do I clean the stove?");

            Assert.AreEqual(results.Length, 1, "should get one result");
            Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Answer.StartsWith("BaseCamp: You can use a damp rag to clean around the Power Pack"));
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        // For more information on how to configure your application, visit
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

            services.AddBot <QnABot>(options =>
                options.CredentialProvider = new ConfigurationCredentialProvider(Configuration);

                options.Middleware.Add(new CatchExceptionMiddleware <Exception>(async(context, exception) =>
                    await context.TraceActivity("EchoBot Exception", exception);
                    await context.SendActivity("Sorry, it looks like something went wrong!");

                var qnaEndpoint   = GetQnAMakerEndpoint(Configuration);
                var qnaMiddleware = new QnAMakerMiddleware(qnaEndpoint);

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddBot <QnABot>(options =>
                options.CredentialProvider = new ConfigurationCredentialProvider(Configuration);

                // The CatchExceptionMiddleware provides a top-level exception handler for your bot.
                // Any exceptions thrown by other Middleware, or by your OnTurn method, will be
                // caught here. To facillitate debugging, the exception is sent out, via Trace,
                // to the emulator. Trace activities are NOT displayed to users, so in addition
                // an "Ooops" message is sent.
                options.Middleware.Add(new CatchExceptionMiddleware <Exception>(async(context, exception) =>
                    await context.TraceActivity("EchoBot Exception", exception);
                    await context.SendActivity("Sorry, it looks like something went wrong!");

                var qnaEndpoint   = GetQnAMakerEndpoint(Configuration);
                var qnaMiddleware = new QnAMakerMiddleware(qnaEndpoint);

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddBot <QnABot>(options =>
                options.CredentialProvider = new ConfigurationCredentialProvider(Configuration);

                //QNA middleware configuration
                //Each time new activity is recived it goes via middleware
                var qnaEndpoint   = GetQnAMakerEndpoint(Configuration);
                var qnaMiddleware = new QnAMakerMiddleware(qnaEndpoint);

                /*         // Storing State in the form of State form
                 *       options.Middleware.Add(new ConversationState<State>(
                 *                   new AzureTableStorage("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=qutdemodotnetv4a6a4;AccountKey=2RHTNZprcLsjniApNy" +
                 *                   "Fttb5MTu72EkE995SzIyKpUkhjW8g8RvogaCl2flzC9k4RuNEyDfn+J0Qtz4zOmCFBfg==", "conversationstatetable")));
                 *       options.EnableProactiveMessages = true;*/

                // Exeption middleware lauer
                options.Middleware.Add(new CatchExceptionMiddleware <Exception>(async(context, exception) =>
                    await context.TraceActivity("EchoBot Exception", exception);
                    await context.SendActivity("Sorry, it looks like something went wrong!");

                // Another time of storage in Memory for job execution
                IStorage dataStore = new MemoryStorage();
                    new BotState <Dictionary <int, JobData> >(
                        dataStore, JobData.PropertyName, (context) => $"jobs/{typeof(Dictionary<int, JobData>)}"));
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddBot <AAAClaimBot>(options =>
                options.CredentialProvider = new ConfigurationCredentialProvider(Configuration);

                // The CatchExceptionMiddleware provides a top-level exception handler for your bot.
                // Any exceptions thrown by other Middleware, or by your OnTurn method, will be
                // caught here. To facillitate debugging, the exception is sent out, via Trace,
                // to the emulator. Trace activities are NOT displayed to users, so in addition
                // an "Ooops" message is sent.
                options.Middleware.Add(new CatchExceptionMiddleware <Exception>(async(context, exception) =>
                    await context.TraceActivity("EchoBot Exception", exception);
                    await context.SendActivity("Sorry, it looks like something went wrong!");

                IStorage inMemoryDataStore = new MemoryStorage();

                var qnaEndpoint   = GetQnAMakerEndpoint(Configuration);
                var qnaMiddleware = new QnAMakerMiddleware(qnaEndpoint);

                options.Middleware.Add(new ConversationState <ClaimStateModel>(inMemoryDataStore));

            /*services.AddBot<RichCardsBot>(options =>
             * {
             *  options.CredentialProvider = new ConfigurationCredentialProvider(Configuration);
             *  // The CatchExceptionMiddleware provides a top-level exception handler for your bot.
             *  // Any exceptions thrown by other Middleware, or by your OnTurn method, will be
             *  // caught here. To facillitate debugging, the exception is sent out, via Trace,
             *  // to the emulator. Trace activities are NOT displayed to users, so in addition
             *  // an "Ooops" message is sent.
             *  options.Middleware.Add(new CatchExceptionMiddleware<Exception>(async (context, exception) =>
             *  {
             *      await context.TraceActivity("EchoBot Exception", exception);
             *      await context.SendActivity("Sorry, it looks like something went wrong!");
             *  }));
             *  // The Memory Storage used here is for local bot debugging only. When the bot
             *  // is restarted, anything stored in memory will be gone.
             *  IStorage dataStore = new MemoryStorage();
             *  // The File data store, shown here, is suitable for bots that run on
             *  // a single machine and need durable state across application restarts.
             *  // IStorage dataStore = new FileStorage(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath());
             *  // For production bots use the Azure Table Store, Azure Blob, or
             *  // Azure CosmosDB storage provides, as seen below. To include any of
             *  // the Azure based storage providers, add the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure
             *  // Nuget package to your solution. That package is found at:
             *  //
             *  // IStorage dataStore = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure.AzureTableStorage("AzureTablesConnectionString", "TableName");
             *  // IStorage dataStore = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure.AzureBlobStorage("AzureBlobConnectionString", "containerName");
             *  options.Middleware.Add(new ConversationState<Dictionary<string, object>>(dataStore));
             * });*/