    private void listen(string listento)
        OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();

        oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
        oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
        oauthKey.tokenKey      = tokenKey;
        oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = tokenSecret;

        QWeiboRequest    request    = new QWeiboRequest();
        int              nKey       = 0;
        List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();

        parameters.Add(new Parameter("name", listento));
        if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/friends/add", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, null, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))

        string sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogListen (uid, listen) VALUES ('" + uid + "', '" + listento + "')";


        sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogNumLog (uid, typ, num, bak) VALUES ('" + listento + "', 'deduct', -1, '" + uid + "')";

        sql = "UPDATE TopMicroBlogAccount SET score = score - 1 WHERE uid = '" + listento + "'";
    /// <summary>
    /// 发送推广微博
    /// </summary>
    private void SendMessage(string content)
        string appKey    = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd";
        string appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d";

        List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();

        parameters.Add(new Parameter("content", content));

        OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();

        oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
        oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
        oauthKey.tokenKey      = tokenKey;
        oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = tokenSecret;

        List <Parameter> files = new List <Parameter>();

        QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
        int           nKey    = 0;

        if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/t/add", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallbackSend), out nKey))
            //textOutput.Text = "请求中...";
    private void SendMsg(string content, string nick, string mainurl)
        string appKey    = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd";
        string appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d";
        string sql       = "SELECT * FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'";

        DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql);

        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();
            parameters.Add(new Parameter("content", content));

            OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();
            oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
            oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
            oauthKey.tokenKey      = dt.Rows[i]["tokenKey"].ToString();
            oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = dt.Rows[i]["tokenSecrect"].ToString();

            List <Parameter> files = new List <Parameter>();

            QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
            int           nKey    = 0;
            if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/t/add", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))
                //textOutput.Text = "请求中...";

            sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogSendLog (result, nick, uid, typ, content, auto) VALUES ('','" + nick + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString() + "','qq','" + content + "','99')";
    /// <summary>
    /// 发送推广微博
    /// </summary>
    private void SendMessage(string content)
        List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();

        parameters.Add(new Parameter("content", content));

        OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();

        oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
        oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
        oauthKey.tokenKey      = tokenKey;
        oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = tokenSecret;

        List <Parameter> files = new List <Parameter>();

        QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
        int           nKey    = 0;

        if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/t/add", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))
            //textOutput.Text = "请求中...";
    protected void Button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string    sql = "SELECT * FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'";
        DataTable dt  = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql);

        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            if (dt.Rows[i]["typ"].ToString() == "qq")
                List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();
                parameters.Add(new Parameter("content", "测试微博自动发送"));

                OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();
                oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
                oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
                oauthKey.tokenKey      = dt.Rows[i]["tokenKey"].ToString();
                oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = dt.Rows[i]["tokenSecrect"].ToString();

                List <Parameter> files = new List <Parameter>();

                QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
                int           nKey    = 0;
                if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/t/add", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))
                    //textOutput.Text = "请求中...";
                    //textOutput.Text = "请求失败...";
            else if (dt.Rows[i]["typ"].ToString() == "sina")
                //oAuthSina oauth = new oAuthSina();
                //oauth.appKey = "1421367737";
                //oauth.appSecret = "2be4da41eb329b6327b7b2ac56ffbe6e";
                //oauth.token = dt.Rows[i]["tokenKey"].ToString();
                //oauth.tokenSecret = dt.Rows[i]["tokenSecrect"].ToString();

                //string url = "http://api.t.sina.com.cn/statuses/update.xml?";
                //string result = oauth.RequestWithPicture(oAuthSina.Method.POST, url, "status=微博自动发送啊啊啊啊啊");

        /// <summary>
        /// 发送微博消息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nick"></param>
        /// <param name="content"></param>
        /// <param name="filepath"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="secret"></param>
        public void SendMicroBlog(string nick, string content, string filepath, string key, string secret)
            string appKey    = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd";
            string appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d";

            List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();

            parameters.Add(new Parameter("content", content));

            OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();

            oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
            oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
            oauthKey.tokenKey      = key;
            oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = secret;

            Console.Write(filepath + "---sending...\r\n");
            List <Parameter> files = new List <Parameter>();

            if (filepath != "")
                files.Add(new Parameter("pic", DownPic(filepath)));
                //files.Add(new Parameter("pic", filepath));

            Console.Write("send weibo msg...[" + filepath + "]-[" + content + "]\r\n");

            QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
            int           nKey    = 0;

            if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/t/add_pic", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))
    private void listen(string uid, string listento, string tokenKey, string tokenSecret)
        string appKey    = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd";
        string appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d";
        OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();

        oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
        oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
        oauthKey.tokenKey      = tokenKey;
        oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = tokenSecret;

        QWeiboRequest    request    = new QWeiboRequest();
        int              nKey       = 0;
        List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();

        parameters.Add(new Parameter("name", listento));
        if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/friends/add", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, null, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallbackListen), out nKey))

        string sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogListen (uid, listen) VALUES ('" + uid + "', '" + listento + "')";


        sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogNumLog (uid, typ, num, bak) VALUES ('" + listento + "', 'deduct', -1, '" + uid + "')";

        sql = "UPDATE TopMicroBlogAccount SET score = score - 1 WHERE uid = '" + listento + "'";
        //Response.Write("【" + uid + "】收听【" + listento + "】成功");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        baseurl = "http://www.7fshop.com";

        Common.Cookie cookie1    = new Common.Cookie();
        string        taobaoNick = cookie1.getCookie("nick");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick))

        Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft");
        string    nick   = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick);

        string typ    = utils.NewRequest("typ", utils.RequestType.QueryString);
        string verify = string.Empty;

        if (typ == "qq")
            appKey    = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd";
            appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d";

            tokenKey    = utils.NewRequest("oauth_token", utils.RequestType.QueryString);
            tokenSecret = Session["tokenSecret"].ToString();
            verify      = utils.NewRequest("oauth_verifier", utils.RequestType.QueryString);
            GetAccessToken(appKey, appSecret, tokenKey, tokenSecret, verify);

            List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();

            OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();
            oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
            oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
            oauthKey.tokenKey      = tokenKey;
            oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = tokenSecret;

            List <Parameter> files = new List <Parameter>();

            QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
            int           nKey    = 0;
            if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/user/info", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))
                //textOutput.Text = "请求中...";

            string sql   = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE nick = '" + nick + "' AND uid='" + weiboName + "' AND typ = 'qq'";
            string count = utils.ExecuteString(sql);
            if (count == "0")
                sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogAccount (nick, uid, typ, tokenKey, tokenSecrect) VALUES ('" + nick + "', '" + weiboName + "', 'qq', '" + tokenKey + "', '" + tokenSecret + "')";
        else if (typ == "sina")
            tokenKey    = Session["oauth_token"].ToString();
            tokenSecret = Session["oauth_token_secret"].ToString();
            verify      = utils.NewRequest("oauth_verifier", utils.RequestType.QueryString);

            HttpGet httpRequest = HttpRequestFactory.CreateHttpRequest(Method.GET) as HttpGet;
            httpRequest.AppKey      = "1421367737";
            httpRequest.AppSecret   = "2be4da41eb329b6327b7b2ac56ffbe6e";
            httpRequest.Token       = tokenKey;
            httpRequest.TokenSecret = tokenSecret;
            httpRequest.Verifier    = verify;
            tokenKey    = httpRequest.Token;
            tokenSecret = httpRequest.TokenSecret;
            weiboName   = httpRequest.UserId;

            string sql   = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE nick = '" + nick + "' AND uid='" + weiboName + "' AND typ = 'sina'";
            string count = utils.ExecuteString(sql);
            if (count == "0")
                sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogAccount (nick, uid, typ, tokenKey, tokenSecrect) VALUES ('" + nick + "', '" + weiboName + "', 'sina', '" + tokenKey + "', '" + tokenSecret + "')";
        private void SendMicroBlog(string nick, string content, string filepath, string index)
            if (content.Length > 140)
                content = content.Substring(0, 140);

            string    appKey    = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd";
            string    appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d";
            string    sql       = "SELECT * FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'";
            DBSql     db        = new DBSql();
            DataTable dt        = db.GetTable(sql);

            textBox1.AppendText("\r\n" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString());
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (dt.Rows[i]["typ"].ToString() == "qq")
                        List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();
                        parameters.Add(new Parameter("content", content));

                        OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();
                        oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
                        oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
                        oauthKey.tokenKey      = dt.Rows[i]["tokenKey"].ToString();
                        oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = dt.Rows[i]["tokenSecrect"].ToString();

                        List <Parameter> files = new List <Parameter>();
                        if (filepath != "")
                            files.Add(new Parameter("pic", DownPic(filepath)));

                        QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
                        int           nKey    = 0;
                        if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/t/add_pic", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))
                            //textOutput.Text = "请求中...";

                        sql = "UPDATE TopMicroBlogAuto SET num" + index + " = num" + index + " + 1 WHERE nick = '" + dt.Rows[i]["nick"].ToString() + "'";
                        textBox1.AppendText("\r\n" + sql);

                        sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogSendLog (result, nick, uid, typ, content, auto) VALUES ('','" + nick + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString() + "','qq','" + content + "','" + index + "')";
                        textBox1.AppendText("\r\nqq-" + sql);
                    else if (dt.Rows[i]["typ"].ToString() == "sina")
                        string   url         = string.Empty;
                        string   result      = string.Empty;
                        HttpPost httpRequest = HttpRequestFactory.CreateHttpRequest(Method.POST) as HttpPost;
                        httpRequest.AppKey      = "1421367737";
                        httpRequest.AppSecret   = "2be4da41eb329b6327b7b2ac56ffbe6e";
                        httpRequest.Token       = dt.Rows[i]["tokenKey"].ToString();
                        httpRequest.TokenSecret = dt.Rows[i]["tokenSecrect"].ToString();
                        if (filepath != "")
                            url    = "http://api.t.sina.com.cn/statuses/upload.xml?";
                            result = httpRequest.RequestWithPicture(url, "status=" + HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(content.Replace("=", "")), DownPic(filepath));
                            //result = httpRequest.Request(url, "status=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(content,Encoding.UTF8));
                            url    = "http://api.t.sina.com.cn/statuses/update.xml?";
                            result = httpRequest.Request(url, "status=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(content, Encoding.UTF8));

                        sql = "UPDATE TopMicroBlogAuto SET num" + index + " = num" + index + " + 1 WHERE nick = '" + dt.Rows[i]["nick"].ToString() + "'";
                        textBox1.AppendText("\r\n" + sql);

                        sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogSendLog (result, nick, uid, typ, content, auto) VALUES ('','" + nick + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString() + "','sina','" + content + "','" + index + "')";

                        textBox1.AppendText("\r\nsina-" + sql);
                catch (Exception e)
                    textBox1.AppendText("\r\n" + e.Message);
                    textBox1.AppendText("\r\n" + e.StackTrace);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Common.Cookie cookie1 = new Common.Cookie();
        string        nick    = cookie1.getCookie("nickweibo");

        string appKey    = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd";
        string appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d";

        tokenKey    = utils.NewRequest("oauth_token", utils.RequestType.QueryString);
        tokenSecret = Session["tokenSecret"].ToString();

        string verify = utils.NewRequest("oauth_verifier", utils.RequestType.QueryString);

        GetAccessToken(appKey, appSecret, tokenKey, tokenSecret, verify);

        Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie();
        cookie.setCookie("tokenKey", tokenKey, 999999);
        cookie.setCookie("tokenSecret", tokenSecret, 999999);

        List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>();
        List <Parameter> files      = new List <Parameter>();
        OauthKey oauthKey = new OauthKey();

        oauthKey.customKey     = appKey;
        oauthKey.customSecrect = appSecret;
        oauthKey.tokenKey      = tokenKey;
        oauthKey.tokenSecrect  = tokenSecret;

        QWeiboRequest request = new QWeiboRequest();
        int           nKey    = 0;

        if (request.AsyncRequest("http://open.t.qq.com/api/statuses/broadcast_timeline", "POST", oauthKey, parameters, files, new AsyncRequestCallback(RequestCallback), out nKey))
            //textOutput.Text = "请求中...";

        cookie.setCookie("uid", weiboName, 999999);

        //insert sql
        string sql   = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE typ = 'qq' AND uid = '" + weiboName + "'";
        string count = utils.ExecuteString(sql);

        if (count == "0")
            if (weiboName != "")
                sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogAccount (nick, uid, typ, tokenKey, tokenSecrect) VALUES ('" + nick + "', '" + weiboName + "', 'qq', '" + tokenKey + "', '" + tokenSecret + "')";


                sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogNumLog (uid, typ, num) VALUES ('" + weiboName + "', 'reg', 5)";

                sql = "UPDATE TopMicroBlogAccount SET score = score + 5 WHERE uid = '" + weiboName + "'";

            string num = new Random(int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Second.ToString())).Next(0, 100).ToString();

            string str = "#互听##互听工具#【特特互听】我在用的免费互听工具,可以安全迅速的增加听众~~(" + num + ")..http://weibo.tetesoft.com";

            //string score = utils.ExecuteString("SELECT score FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE uid = '" + weiboName + "'");
            sql = "SELECT * FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE uid = '" + weiboName + "'";
            DataTable dtUser = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql);
            if (dtUser.Rows.Count == 0)
            string score = dtUser.Rows[0]["score"].ToString();
            tokenKey    = dtUser.Rows[0]["tokenKey"].ToString();
            tokenSecret = dtUser.Rows[0]["tokenSecrect"].ToString();

            if (int.Parse(score) > 20)
                sql = "SELECT TOP 20 * FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE typ = 'qq' AND score > 0 AND uid <> '' ORDER BY NEWID()";
                DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    listen(dt.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString(), weiboName, dt.Rows[i]["tokenKey"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["tokenSecrect"].ToString());
