public void StartVisualizer(HalfEdgeData3 halfEdgeMeshData, int maxEdgesToContract, float maxError, bool normalizeTriangles = false)
        controller = GetComponent <VisualizerController3D>();

        // Compute the Q matrices for all the initial vertices

        //Put the result in a lookup dictionary
        //This assumes we have no floating point precision issues, so vertices at the same position have to be at the same position
        Dictionary <MyVector3, Matrix4x4> qMatrices = new Dictionary <MyVector3, Matrix4x4>();

        HashSet <HalfEdgeVertex3> vertices = halfEdgeMeshData.verts;


        //0.142 seconds for the bunny (0.012 for dictionary lookup, 0.024 to calculate the Q matrices, 0.087 to find edges going to vertex)
        foreach (HalfEdgeVertex3 v in vertices)
            //Have we already calculated a Q matrix for this vertex?
            //Remember that we have multiple vertices at the same position in the half-edge data structure
            if (qMatrices.ContainsKey(v.position))

            //Calculate the Q matrix for this vertex

            //Find all edges meeting at this vertex
            HashSet <HalfEdge3> edgesPointingToThisVertex = v.GetEdgesPointingToVertex(halfEdgeMeshData);

            Matrix4x4 Q = MeshSimplification_QEM.CalculateQMatrix(edgesPointingToThisVertex, normalizeTriangles);

            qMatrices.Add(v.position, Q);


        // Select all valid pairs that can be contracted

        List <HalfEdge3> validPairs = new List <HalfEdge3>(halfEdgeMeshData.edges);

        // Compute the cost of contraction for each pair

        HashSet <QEM_Edge> QEM_edges = new HashSet <QEM_Edge>();

        //We need a lookup table to faster remove and update QEM_edges
        Dictionary <HalfEdge3, QEM_Edge> halfEdge_QEM_Lookup = new Dictionary <HalfEdge3, QEM_Edge>();

        foreach (HalfEdge3 halfEdge in validPairs)
            MyVector3 p1 = halfEdge.prevEdge.v.position;
            MyVector3 p2 = halfEdge.v.position;

            Matrix4x4 Q1 = qMatrices[p1];
            Matrix4x4 Q2 = qMatrices[p2];

            QEM_Edge QEM_edge = new QEM_Edge(halfEdge, Q1, Q2);


            halfEdge_QEM_Lookup.Add(halfEdge, QEM_edge);

        // Sort all pairs, with the minimum cost pair at the top

        //The fastest way to keep the data sorted is to use a heap
        Heap <QEM_Edge> sorted_QEM_edges = new Heap <QEM_Edge>(QEM_edges.Count);

        foreach (QEM_Edge e in QEM_edges)

        //Main visualization algorithm coroutine
        StartCoroutine(QEMLoop(halfEdgeMeshData, sorted_QEM_edges, qMatrices, halfEdge_QEM_Lookup, maxEdgesToContract, maxError, normalizeTriangles));
    private IEnumerator QEMLoop(HalfEdgeData3 halfEdgeMeshData, Heap <QEM_Edge> sorted_QEM_edges, Dictionary <MyVector3, Matrix4x4> qMatrices, Dictionary <HalfEdge3, QEM_Edge> halfEdge_QEM_Lookup, int maxEdgesToContract, float maxError, bool normalizeTriangles = false)
        //Display what we have so far

        controller.displayStuffUI.text = "Triangles: " + halfEdgeMeshData.faces.Count.ToString();

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5f));

        // Start contracting edges

        //For each edge we want to remove
        for (int i = 0; i < maxEdgesToContract; i++)
            //Check that we can simplify the mesh
            //The smallest mesh we can have is a tetrahedron with 4 faces, itherwise we get a flat triangle
            if (halfEdgeMeshData.faces.Count <= 4)
                Debug.Log($"Cant contract more than {i} edges");


            // Remove the pair (v1,v2) of the least cost and contract the pair


            QEM_Edge smallestErrorEdge = sorted_QEM_edges.RemoveFirst();

            //This means an edge in this face has already been contracted
            //We are never removing edges from the heap after contracting and edges,
            //so we do it this way for now, which is maybe better?
            if (smallestErrorEdge.halfEdge.face == null)
                //This edge wasn't contracted so don't add it to iteration
                i -= 1;


            if (smallestErrorEdge.qem > maxError)
                Debug.Log($"Cant contract more than {i} edges because reached max error");




            //Get the half-edge we want to contract
            HalfEdge3 edgeToContract = smallestErrorEdge.halfEdge;

            //Need to save the endpoints so we can remove the old Q matrices from the pos-matrix lookup table
            Edge3 contractedEdgeEndpoints = new Edge3(edgeToContract.prevEdge.v.position, edgeToContract.v.position);

            //Contract edge
            HashSet <HalfEdge3> edgesPointingToNewVertex = halfEdgeMeshData.ContractTriangleHalfEdge(edgeToContract, smallestErrorEdge.mergePosition);


            // Remove all QEM_edges that belonged to the faces we contracted

            //This is not needed if we check if an edge in the triangle has already been contracted

             * //timer.Start();
             * //This edge doesnt exist anymore, so remove it from the lookup
             * halfEdge_QEM_Lookup.Remove(edgeToContract);
             * //Remove the two edges that were a part of the triangle of the edge we contracted
             * RemoveHalfEdgeFromQEMEdges(edgeToContract.nextEdge, QEM_edges, halfEdge_QEM_Lookup);
             * RemoveHalfEdgeFromQEMEdges(edgeToContract.nextEdge.nextEdge, QEM_edges, halfEdge_QEM_Lookup);
             * //Remove the three edges belonging to the triangle on the opposite side of the edge we contracted
             * //If there was an opposite side...
             * if (edgeToContract.oppositeEdge != null)
             * {
             *  HalfEdge3 oppositeEdge = edgeToContract.oppositeEdge;
             *  RemoveHalfEdgeFromQEMEdges(oppositeEdge, QEM_edges, halfEdge_QEM_Lookup);
             *  RemoveHalfEdgeFromQEMEdges(oppositeEdge.nextEdge, QEM_edges, halfEdge_QEM_Lookup);
             *  RemoveHalfEdgeFromQEMEdges(oppositeEdge.nextEdge.nextEdge, QEM_edges, halfEdge_QEM_Lookup);
             * }
             * //timer.Stop();

            //Remove the edges start and end vertices from the pos-matrix lookup table

            // Update all QEM_edges that is now connected with the new contracted vertex because their errors have changed

            //The contracted position has a new Q matrix
            Matrix4x4 QNew = MeshSimplification_QEM.CalculateQMatrix(edgesPointingToNewVertex, normalizeTriangles);

            //Add the Q matrix to the pos-matrix lookup table
            qMatrices.Add(smallestErrorEdge.mergePosition, QNew);

            //Update the error of the QEM_edges of the edges that pointed to and from one of the two old Q matrices
            //Those edges are the same edges that points to the new vertex and goes from the new vertex
            foreach (HalfEdge3 edgeToV in edgesPointingToNewVertex)
                //The edge going from the new vertex is the next edge of the edge going to the vertex
                HalfEdge3 edgeFromV = edgeToV.nextEdge;

                QEM_Edge QEM_edgeToV = halfEdge_QEM_Lookup[edgeToV];

                Edge3 edgeToV_endPoints = QEM_edgeToV.GetEdgeEndPoints();

                Matrix4x4 Q1_edgeToV = qMatrices[edgeToV_endPoints.p1];
                Matrix4x4 Q2_edgeToV = QNew;

                QEM_edgeToV.UpdateEdge(edgeToV, Q1_edgeToV, Q2_edgeToV);


                QEM_Edge QEM_edgeFromV = halfEdge_QEM_Lookup[edgeFromV];

                Edge3 edgeFromV_endPoints = QEM_edgeFromV.GetEdgeEndPoints();

                Matrix4x4 Q1_edgeFromV = QNew;
                Matrix4x4 Q2_edgeFromV = qMatrices[edgeFromV_endPoints.p2];

                QEM_edgeFromV.UpdateEdge(edgeFromV, Q1_edgeFromV, Q2_edgeFromV);


            //Display what we have so far

            controller.displayStuffUI.text = "Triangles: " + halfEdgeMeshData.faces.Count.ToString();

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.02f));