private QGroupBox InitToggleButtons() { var groupBox = new QGroupBox("Toggle Buttons", this); color = new QColor(); redButton = new QPushButton("Red", this); greenButton = new QPushButton("Green", this); blueButton = new QPushButton("Blue", this); colorBoxWidget = new QWidget(this); colorBoxWidget.StyleSheet = "QWidget { background-color: black }"; redButton.Toggled += OnToggled; greenButton.Toggled += OnToggled; blueButton.Toggled += OnToggled; redButton.Checkable = true; greenButton.Checkable = true; blueButton.Checkable = true; QHBoxLayout hBox = new QHBoxLayout(); QVBoxLayout vBox = new QVBoxLayout(); vBox.AddWidget(redButton); vBox.AddWidget(greenButton); vBox.AddWidget(blueButton); hBox.AddLayout(vBox); hBox.AddWidget(colorBoxWidget); groupBox.Layout = hBox; return(groupBox); }
void DrawPatternsEx(QPainter ptr) { ptr.SetPen(PenStyle.SolidLine); ptr.SetPen(QColor.FromRgb(255, 0, 0)); ptr.DrawLine(0, Y, Size.Width, Y); ptr.DrawLine(X, 0, X, Size.Height); }
void DrawPageHeader(string title, QColor titleColor, string subtitle, QColor subtitleColor, QTexture iconQTexture) { QUI.Space(SPACE_2); QUI.Box(QStyles.GetBackgroundStyle(Style.BackgroundType.Low, QColors.Color.Gray), WindowSettings.CurrentPageContentWidth + WindowSettings.pageShadowWidth, WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight); QUI.Space(-WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight + (WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight - WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight * 0.8f) / 2); QUI.BeginHorizontal(WindowSettings.CurrentPageContentWidth + WindowSettings.pageShadowWidth, WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight * 0.8f); { QUI.Space((WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight - WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight * 0.8f)); QUI.BeginVertical((WindowSettings.CurrentPageContentWidth + WindowSettings.pageShadowWidth) / 2, WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight * 0.8f); { QUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (!title.IsNullOrEmpty()) { QUI.Space(-SPACE_2); QUI.SetGUIColor(titleColor.Color); QUI.Label(title, PageHeaderTitleStyle, (WindowSettings.CurrentPageContentWidth + WindowSettings.pageShadowWidth) / 2, 26); QUI.ResetColors(); } if (!subtitle.IsNullOrEmpty()) { QUI.Space(-SPACE_2); QUI.SetGUIColor(subtitleColor.Color); QUI.Label(subtitle, PageHeaderSubtitleStyle, (WindowSettings.CurrentPageContentWidth + WindowSettings.pageShadowWidth) / 2, 18); QUI.ResetColors(); } QUI.FlexibleSpace(); } QUI.EndVertical(); QUI.FlexibleSpace(); QUI.DrawTexture(iconQTexture.texture, WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight * 0.8f, WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight * 0.8f); QUI.Space((WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight - WindowSettings.pageHeaderHeight * 0.8f) / 2); } QUI.EndHorizontal(); }
public Mouse() : base() { speed = 0; mouseEyeDirection = 0; random = new Random(); color = new QColor(random.Next(255), random.Next(255), random.Next(255)); timer = new MouseTimer(this); Rotate(random.Next(360 * 16)); }
/// <summary> /// Mixes two colours together. /// </summary> /// <param name="a">A colour to be mixed.</param> /// <param name="b">A colour to be mixed.</param> /// <param name="per">Amount of b to add to a. 0 = 0%, 1.0 = 100%</param> /// <returns>A new colour, the result of mixing two colour together.</returns> protected static QColor mix(QColor a, QColor b, float per) { QColor c = new QColor(); c.a = (byte)(a.a + (byte)((b.a - a.a) * per)); c.r = (byte)(a.r + (byte)((b.r - a.r) * per)); c.g = (byte)(a.g + (byte)((b.g - a.g) * per)); c.b = (byte)(a.b + (byte)((b.b - a.b) * per)); return(c); }
public void OnToggled(bool toggleStatus) { int red = redButton.Checked ? 255 : 0; int green = greenButton.Checked ? 255 : 0; int blue = blueButton.Checked ? 255 : 0; color = new QColor (red, green, blue); var str = color.Name(); string sheet = String.Format ( "QWidget {{background-color:{0} }}", str); colorBoxWidget.StyleSheet = sheet; }
public void OnToggled(bool toggleStatus) { int red = redButton.Checked ? 255 : 0; int green = greenButton.Checked ? 255 : 0; int blue = blueButton.Checked ? 255 : 0; color = new QColor(red, green, blue); var str = color.Name(); string sheet = String.Format("QWidget {{background-color:{0} }}", str); colorBoxWidget.StyleSheet = sheet; }
public SourceWindow(QWidget parent, ClassItem klass) : base(parent, "", WidgetFlags.WType_TopLevel) { SetCaption(klass.Model.sourceFile.sourceFile); Resize(640, 480); QBoxLayout layout = new QBoxLayout(this, 0); editor = new QTextEdit(this); editor.SetTextFormat(TextFormat.PlainText); editor.SetReadOnly(true); editor.SetFamily("misc-fixed"); editor.SetPointSize(13); editor.SetWordWrap(QTextEdit.WordWrap.NoWrap); layout.AddWidget(editor); int[] coverage = klass.Model.sourceFile.Coverage; StreamReader infile = new StreamReader(klass.Model.sourceFile.sourceFile); int pos = 1; QColor deadColor = editor.Color(); QColor hitColor = new QColor("blue"); QColor missedColor = new QColor("red"); while (infile.Peek() > -1) { if (pos < coverage.Length) { int count = coverage [pos]; if (count > 0) { editor.SetColor(hitColor); } else if (count == 0) { editor.SetColor(missedColor); } else { editor.SetColor(deadColor); } } else { editor.SetColor(deadColor); } editor.Append(String.Format("{0, 6}", pos) + " " + infile.ReadLine()); pos++; } editor.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); }
protected override void PaintEvent(QPaintEvent e) { QColor hourColor = new QColor(127, 0, 127); QColor minuteColor = new QColor(0,127,127,191); int side = QMin(Width(), Height()); QTime time = QTime.CurrentTime(); QPainter painter = new QPainter(this); painter.SetRenderHint(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing); painter.Translate(Width() / 2, Height() / 2); painter.Scale(side / 200.0, side / 200.0); painter.SetPen(Qt.PenStyle.NoPen); painter.SetBrush(hourColor); painter.Save(); painter.Rotate(30.0 * ((time.Hour() + time.Minute() / 60.0))); painter.DrawConvexPolygon(new QPolygon(hourHand)); painter.Restore(); painter.SetPen(hourColor); for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { painter.DrawLine(88, 0, 96, 0); painter.Rotate(30.0); } painter.SetPen(Qt.PenStyle.NoPen); painter.SetBrush(minuteColor); painter.Save(); painter.Rotate(6.0 * (time.Minute() + time.Second() / 60.0)); painter.DrawConvexPolygon(new QPolygon(minuteHand)); painter.Restore(); painter.SetPen(minuteColor); for (int j = 0; j < 60; ++j) { if ((j % 5) != 0) { painter.DrawLine(92, 0, 96, 0); } painter.Rotate(6.0); } painter.End(); }
private static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (Me.IsDead) { return; } if (DrawMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("drawReady")) { if (QColor.BoolValue && Q.IsReady()) { Q.DrawSpell(QColor.GetColor()); } if (WColor.BoolValue && W.IsReady()) { W.DrawSpell(WColor.GetColor()); } if (EColor.BoolValue && E.IsReady()) { E.DrawSpell(EColor.GetColor()); } if (RColor.BoolValue && R.IsReady()) { R.DrawSpell(RColor.GetColor()); } } else { if (QColor.BoolValue) { Q.DrawSpell(Q.IsReady() ? QColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } if (WColor.BoolValue) { W.DrawSpell(W.IsReady() ? WColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } if (EColor.BoolValue) { E.DrawSpell(E.IsReady() ? EColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } if (RColor.BoolValue) { R.DrawSpell(R.IsReady() ? RColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } } }
public Projector() { WindowTitle = "Paint Demo"; Palette.SetColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Background, QColor.FromRgb(0, 0, 0)); Resize(800, 800); Show(); Info = new QQuickWidget(this); Info.Source = new QUrl(@"\QML\main.qml"); Info.RootObject.SetProperty("componentName", "lorem ipsum"); Info.resizeMode = QQuickWidget.ResizeMode.SizeRootObjectToView; Info.Geometry = new QRect(50, 10, 100, 300); Info.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Applies the pattern described in this object to the specified bitmap. /// </summary> /// <param name="b">A bitmap to apply the pattern to.</param> /// <remarks>For speed critical operation use this function with a preallocated bitmap rather than call makeBitmap. <see cref="pattern.makeBitmap"/></remarks> public override void applyPattern(ref Bitmap b) { float perX = 0.0f, perY = 0.0f; float stepX = 1.0f / (float)b.Width, stepY = 1.0f / (float)b.Height; QColor col = Color.Blue; QColor qcol1 = (QColor)topLeft, qcol2 = (QColor)topRight, qcol3 = (QColor)bottomLeft, qcol4 = (QColor)bottomRight; BitmapData bd = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); ///added i and j to fix a bug ///int i=0,j=0; unsafe { QColor *pixelPtr = (QColor *)bd.Scan0.ToPointer(); QColor t1 = mix(qcol1, qcol3, perY), t2 = mix(qcol2, qcol4, perY); QColor *end = pixelPtr + (bd.Width * bd.Height); float endLineValue = 1.0f - (stepX * 0.9f); for (; pixelPtr < end; pixelPtr++) { //col = mix(mix(qcol1, qcol2, perX), mix(qcol3, qcol4, perX), perY); ///perX = stepX * i++; col = mix(t1, t2, perX); *pixelPtr = *(&col); perX += stepX; if (perX > endLineValue) //stupid float comparison ///if(i>=bd.Width) { ///i=0; perX = 0.0f; //fast but fp accumulation problem perY += stepY; ///perY = stepY * j++; t1 = mix(qcol1, qcol3, perY); t2 = mix(qcol2, qcol4, perY); } } } b.UnlockBits(bd); }
/// <summary> /// Applies the pattern described in this object to the specified bitmap. /// </summary> /// <param name="b">A bitmap to apply the pattern to.</param> /// <remarks>For speed critical operation use this function with a preallocated bitmap rather than call makeBitmap. <see cref="pattern.makeBitmap"/></remarks> public override void applyPattern(ref Bitmap b) { //int i,j; float centreX = 0.5f, centreY = 0.5f; float[] sinLut = new float[256] { 0.000000f, 0.012320f, 0.024637f, 0.036951f, 0.049260f, 0.061561f, 0.073853f, 0.086133f, 0.098400f, 0.110653f, 0.122888f, 0.135105f, 0.147302f, 0.159476f, 0.171626f, 0.183750f, 0.195845f, 0.207912f, 0.219946f, 0.231948f, 0.243914f, 0.255843f, 0.267733f, 0.279583f, 0.291390f, 0.303153f, 0.314870f, 0.326539f, 0.338158f, 0.349727f, 0.361242f, 0.372702f, 0.384106f, 0.395451f, 0.406737f, 0.417960f, 0.429121f, 0.440216f, 0.451244f, 0.462204f, 0.473094f, 0.483911f, 0.494656f, 0.505325f, 0.515918f, 0.526432f, 0.536867f, 0.547220f, 0.557489f, 0.567675f, 0.577774f, 0.587785f, 0.597707f, 0.607539f, 0.617278f, 0.626924f, 0.636474f, 0.645928f, 0.655284f, 0.664540f, 0.673696f, 0.682749f, 0.691698f, 0.700543f, 0.709281f, 0.717912f, 0.726434f, 0.734845f, 0.743145f, 0.751332f, 0.759405f, 0.767363f, 0.775204f, 0.782928f, 0.790532f, 0.798017f, 0.805381f, 0.812622f, 0.819740f, 0.826734f, 0.833602f, 0.840344f, 0.846958f, 0.853444f, 0.859800f, 0.866025f, 0.872120f, 0.878081f, 0.883910f, 0.889604f, 0.895163f, 0.900587f, 0.905873f, 0.911023f, 0.916034f, 0.920906f, 0.925638f, 0.930229f, 0.934680f, 0.938988f, 0.943154f, 0.947177f, 0.951057f, 0.954791f, 0.958381f, 0.961826f, 0.965124f, 0.968276f, 0.971281f, 0.974139f, 0.976848f, 0.979410f, 0.981823f, 0.984086f, 0.986201f, 0.988165f, 0.989980f, 0.991645f, 0.993159f, 0.994522f, 0.995734f, 0.996795f, 0.997705f, 0.998464f, 0.999070f, 0.999526f, 0.999829f, 0.999981f, 0.999981f, 0.999829f, 0.999526f, 0.999070f, 0.998464f, 0.997705f, 0.996795f, 0.995734f, 0.994522f, 0.993159f, 0.991645f, 0.989980f, 0.988165f, 0.986201f, 0.984086f, 0.981823f, 0.979410f, 0.976848f, 0.974139f, 0.971281f, 0.968276f, 0.965124f, 0.961826f, 0.958381f, 0.954791f, 0.951057f, 0.947177f, 0.943154f, 0.938988f, 0.934680f, 0.930229f, 0.925638f, 0.920906f, 0.916034f, 0.911023f, 0.905873f, 0.900587f, 0.895163f, 0.889604f, 0.883910f, 0.878081f, 0.872120f, 0.866025f, 0.859800f, 0.853444f, 0.846958f, 0.840344f, 0.833602f, 0.826734f, 0.819740f, 0.812622f, 0.805381f, 0.798017f, 0.790532f, 0.782928f, 0.775204f, 0.767363f, 0.759405f, 0.751332f, 0.743145f, 0.734845f, 0.726434f, 0.717912f, 0.709281f, 0.700543f, 0.691698f, 0.682749f, 0.673696f, 0.664540f, 0.655284f, 0.645928f, 0.636474f, 0.626924f, 0.617278f, 0.607539f, 0.597707f, 0.587785f, 0.577774f, 0.567675f, 0.557489f, 0.547220f, 0.536867f, 0.526432f, 0.515918f, 0.505325f, 0.494656f, 0.483911f, 0.473094f, 0.462204f, 0.451244f, 0.440216f, 0.429121f, 0.417960f, 0.406737f, 0.395451f, 0.384106f, 0.372702f, 0.361242f, 0.349727f, 0.338158f, 0.326539f, 0.314870f, 0.303153f, 0.291390f, 0.279583f, 0.267733f, 0.255843f, 0.243914f, 0.231948f, 0.219946f, 0.207912f, 0.195845f, 0.183750f, 0.171626f, 0.159476f, 0.147302f, 0.135105f, 0.122888f, 0.110653f, 0.098400f, 0.086133f, 0.073853f, 0.061561f, 0.049260f, 0.036951f, 0.024637f, 0.012320f, 0.000000f }; float perX = 0.0f, perY = 0.0f; float stepX = 1.0f / (float)b.Width, stepY = 1.0f / (float)b.Height; QColor col = Color.Blue; QColor qcol1 = (QColor)col1, qcol2 = (QColor)col2; float endLineValue = 1.0f - (stepX * 0.9f); BitmapData bd = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); unsafe { QColor *pixelPtr = (QColor *)bd.Scan0.ToPointer(); float d; QColor *end = pixelPtr + (bd.Width * bd.Height); for (; pixelPtr < end; pixelPtr++) { d = dist(perX, perY, centreX, centreY); col = mix(col1, col2, sinLut[(byte)(d * 255 * (waveLenth))]); *pixelPtr = *(&col); perX += stepX; if (perX > endLineValue) { perX = 0.0f; perY += stepY; } } } b.UnlockBits(bd); }
void DrawDonut(QPainter painter) { var color = new QColor(); color.SetNamedColor("#333333"); painter.Pen = new QPen(color, 0.5); painter.SetRenderHint(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing); painter.Translate(new QPoint(Width / 2, Height / 2)); for (double rot = 0; rot < 360.0; rot += 5.0) { painter.DrawEllipse(-125, -40, 250, 80); painter.Rotate(5.0); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a colour from a string, Returns black when an error occurs /// String can be int the form (i)(i a)(r g b)(r g b a) OR a prenamed color string /// </summary> /// <param name="s">String to parse</param> /// <returns></returns> public static HColor fromString(string s) { try { string[] elements = s.Trim().Replace(" ", " ").Split(" ".ToCharArray()); float c; if (s.IndexOfAny(".".ToCharArray()) != -1) { //floating point information string switch (elements.Length) { case 0: return(HColor.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)); case 1: c = float.Parse(elements[0]); return(HColor.fromRGB(c, c, c)); case 2: //assume c c c a (intensity + opacity) c = float.Parse(elements[0]); return(HColor.fromRGBA(c, c, c, float.Parse(elements[1]))); case 3: return(HColor.fromRGB(float.Parse(elements[0]), float.Parse(elements[1]), float.Parse(elements[2]))); default: //four or more return(HColor.fromRGBA(float.Parse(elements[0]), float.Parse(elements[1]), float.Parse(elements[2]), float.Parse(elements[2]))); } } else { //integer(0-255) or named string QColor col = QColor.fromString(s); return((HColor)col); } } catch { return(QColor.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)); } }
public SourceWindow(QWidget parent, ClassItem klass) : base(parent, "", WidgetFlags.WType_TopLevel) { SetCaption (klass.Model.sourceFile.sourceFile); Resize (640, 480); QBoxLayout layout = new QBoxLayout (this, 0); editor = new QTextEdit (this); editor.SetTextFormat (TextFormat.PlainText); editor.SetReadOnly (true); editor.SetFamily ("misc-fixed"); editor.SetPointSize (13); editor.SetWordWrap (QTextEdit.WordWrap.NoWrap); layout.AddWidget (editor); int[] coverage = klass.Model.sourceFile.Coverage; StreamReader infile = new StreamReader (klass.Model.sourceFile.sourceFile); int pos = 1; QColor deadColor = editor.Color (); QColor hitColor = new QColor ("blue"); QColor missedColor = new QColor ("red"); while (infile.Peek () > -1) { if (pos < coverage.Length) { int count = coverage [pos]; if (count > 0) editor.SetColor (hitColor); else if (count == 0) editor.SetColor (missedColor); else editor.SetColor (deadColor); } else editor.SetColor (deadColor); editor.Append (String.Format ("{0, 6}", pos) + " " + infile.ReadLine ()); pos ++; } editor.SetCursorPosition (0, 0); }
public void OnToggled(bool @checked) { int red = _color.Red; int green = _color.Green; int blue = _color.Blue; if (_redButton.Checked) { red = 255; } else { red = 0; } if (_greenButton.Checked) { green = 255; } else { green = 0; } if (_blueButton.Checked) { blue = 255; } else { blue = 0; } _color = new QColor(red, green, blue); string sheet = System.String.Format("QWidget {{ background-color: {0} }}", _color.Name()); _square.StyleSheet = sheet; }
public override void InitUI() { _color = new QColor(); _redButton = new QPushButton("Red", this); _redButton.Checkable = true; _greenButton = new QPushButton("Green", this); _greenButton.Checkable = true; _blueButton = new QPushButton("Blue", this); _blueButton.Checkable = true; _redButton.Toggled += OnToggled; _greenButton.Toggled += OnToggled; _blueButton.Toggled += OnToggled; _square = new QWidget(this); _square.StyleSheet = "QWidget { background-color: black }"; _redButton.Move(30, 30); _greenButton.Move(30, 80); _blueButton.Move(30, 130); _square.SetGeometry(150, 25, 150, 150); }
/// <summary> /// Convert RGBA image to grayscale RGBA /// </summary> /// <param name="originalImage"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static QImage ConvertToGrayScale(QImage originalImage) { var newImage = originalImage.Copy(); for (int x = 0; x < originalImage.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < originalImage.Height; y++) { var point = new QPoint(x, y); // pixel position using (var color = originalImage.PixelColor(point)) { UInt32 pixel = originalImage.Pixel(point); int alpha = color.Alpha; int gray = qrgb.QGray(pixel); using (var qColor = new QColor(gray, gray, gray, alpha)) { newImage.SetPixelColor(point, qColor); } } } } return(newImage); }
public static Bitmap GenerateDebugImage(int width, int height, string message) { GradientPattern pattern = new GradientPattern(); pattern.bottomLeft = (Color)QColor.generateRandomOpaque(128, 255); pattern.bottomRight = (Color)QColor.generateRandomOpaque(128, 255); pattern.topLeft = Color.Fuchsia; pattern.topRight = Color.Fuchsia; Bitmap bmp = pattern.makeBitmap(width, height); GDIPlusRenderer r = new GDIPlusRenderer(bmp); float fontSize = Math.Min(width, height) / 10.0f; fontSize = Range.clamp(fontSize, 10, 45); using (Font f = new Font("Arial", fontSize, FontStyle.Bold)) { TextFormat tf = new TextFormat(f, Color.Black, true, Color.White, false); tf.render(r, message, 0, height / 2); bmp = r.RenderTargetAsGDIBitmap(); } return(bmp); }
/// <remarks> /// This recolors a pixmap. The most dark color will become color a, /// the most bright one color b, and in between. /// <param> name="img" The image to process. /// </param><param> name="ca" Color a /// </param><param> name="cb" Color b /// </param></remarks> <short> This recolors a pixmap.</short> public static QImage Flatten(QImage img, QColor ca, QColor cb) { return((QImage)staticInterceptor.Invoke("flatten###", "flatten(QImage&, const QColor&, const QColor&)", typeof(QImage), typeof(QImage), img, typeof(QColor), ca, typeof(QColor), cb)); }
public Color getColor(QColor color) { return(colors[color]); }
public void SetDefaultColor(QColor c) { interceptor.Invoke("setDefaultColor#", "setDefaultColor(const QColor&)", typeof(void), typeof(QColor), c); }
public Color getColor(QColor color) { return(EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? colorsDark[color] : colorsLight[color]); }
public static QImage UnbalancedGradient(QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz.GradientType type) { return((QImage)staticInterceptor.Invoke("unbalancedGradient###$", "unbalancedGradient(const QSize&, const QColor&, const QColor&, Blitz::GradientType)", typeof(QImage), typeof(QSize), size, typeof(QColor), ca, typeof(QColor), cb, typeof(Blitz.GradientType), type)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new qColour /// </summary> /// <param name="red">0-255</param> /// <param name="green">0-255</param> /// <param name="blue">0-255</param> /// <returns></returns> public static HColor fromRGB(int red, int green, int blue) { return((HColor)QColor.fromRGB(red, green, blue)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new qColour /// </summary> /// <param name="red">0-255</param> /// <param name="green">0-255</param> /// <param name="blue">0-255</param> /// <param name="alpha">0-255 (0=transparent, 255=solid)</param> /// <returns></returns> public static HColor fromRGBA(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) { return((HColor)QColor.fromRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha)); }
private static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (Me.IsDead) { return; } var flash = EloBuddy.SDK.Spells.SummonerSpells.Flash; if (flash != null && flash.IsReady() && R.IsReady() && HasQ3()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying"); var targets = EntityCache.EnemyHeroes.Where(e => e.IsValidTarget(1000)).ToArray(); var range = flash.Range + (QCircleRange / 2); var width = QCircleRange; var delay = EDelay + Q.CastDelay / 2 + Game.Ping; var predLocationCircular = Prediction.Position.PredictCircularMissileAoe(targets, range, width, delay, int.MaxValue) .OrderByDescending(r => r.GetCollisionObjects <AIHeroClient>().Length) .FirstOrDefault(); if (predLocationCircular != null && predLocationCircular.HitChancePercent >= 75) { predLocationCircular.CastPosition.DrawCircle(width, SharpDX.Color.Aqua, 5f); var predictedMinion = predLocationCircular.GetCollisionObjects <AIHeroClient>(); if (predictedMinion.Length >= 1) { try { Console.WriteLine("Casting"); if (Me.Dashing()) { //Q.Cast(); //flash.Cast(predLocationCircular.CastPosition); } } catch (Exception) { //ignored } } } } if (DrawMenu.GetCheckBoxValue("drawReady")) { if (QColor.BoolValue && Q.IsReady()) { Q.DrawSpell(QColor.GetColor()); var targets = EntityCache.EnemyHeroes.Where(m => Q.CanCast(m)); if (targets != null || targets.Any()) { /* * var predPos = Q.GetBestLinearCastPosition(targets); * if (predPos.CastPosition != null) * { * var polygon = new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(Me.Position, Me.Position.Extend(predPos.CastPosition, Q.Range).To3D(), Q.Width); * * if (polygon != null) * { * polygon.Draw(QColor.CurrentColor, 6); * } * } */ } } if (WColor.BoolValue && W.IsReady()) { W.DrawSpell(WColor.GetColor()); } if (EColor.BoolValue && E.IsReady()) { E.DrawSpell(EColor.GetColor()); } if (RColor.BoolValue && R.IsReady()) { R.DrawSpell(RColor.GetColor()); } } else { if (QColor.BoolValue) { Q.DrawSpell(Q.IsReady() ? QColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } if (WColor.BoolValue) { W.DrawSpell(W.IsReady() ? WColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } if (EColor.BoolValue) { E.DrawSpell(E.IsReady() ? EColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } if (RColor.BoolValue) { R.DrawSpell(R.IsReady() ? RColor.GetColor() : Color.Red); } } }
public virtual void SetPaper(QColor c) { interceptor.Invoke("setPaper#", "setPaper(const QColor&)", typeof(void), typeof(QColor), c); }
/// <remarks> /// Fade an image to a certain background color. The number of colors will /// not be changed. /// <param> name="img" The image to process. /// </param><param> name="val" The strength of the effect. 0 <= val <= 1. /// </param><param> name="color" The background color. /// </param></remarks> <return> A reference to the image for convenience. /// </return> /// <short> Fade an image to a certain background color.</short> public static QImage Fade(QImage img, float val, QColor color) { return((QImage)staticInterceptor.Invoke("fade#$#", "fade(QImage&, float, const QColor&)", typeof(QImage), typeof(QImage), img, typeof(float), val, typeof(QColor), color)); }
public virtual void SetPaper(QColor c, int style) { interceptor.Invoke("setPaper#$", "setPaper(const QColor&, int)", typeof(void), typeof(QColor), c, typeof(int), style); }
private QGroupBox InitToggleButtons() { var groupBox = new QGroupBox ("Toggle Buttons", this); color = new QColor (); redButton = new QPushButton ("Red", this); greenButton = new QPushButton ("Green", this); blueButton = new QPushButton ("Blue", this); colorBoxWidget = new QWidget (this); colorBoxWidget.StyleSheet = "QWidget { background-color: black }"; redButton.Toggled += OnToggled; greenButton.Toggled += OnToggled; blueButton.Toggled += OnToggled; redButton.Checkable = true; greenButton.Checkable = true; blueButton.Checkable = true; QHBoxLayout hBox = new QHBoxLayout (); QVBoxLayout vBox = new QVBoxLayout (); vBox.AddWidget (redButton); vBox.AddWidget (greenButton); vBox.AddWidget (blueButton); hBox.AddLayout (vBox); hBox.AddWidget (colorBoxWidget); groupBox.Layout = hBox; return groupBox; }