public virtual NltkResultListTupleStringString TaggedWords(string fileid = null) { var taggedWords = Py.CallMethod(CorpusObj, "tagged_words", fileid); return(new NltkResultListTupleStringString() { AsPython = taggedWords, }); }
// paras() : list of(list of (list of str)) public NltkResultListListListString Paras(string fileid = null) { var paras = Py.CallMethod(CorpusObj, "paras", fileid); return(new NltkResultListListListString() { AsPython = paras, }); }
// list of(list of str) public NltkResultListListString Sents(string fileid = null) { var sents = Py.CallMethod(CorpusObj, "sents", fileid); return(new NltkResultListListString() { AsPython = (dynamic)sents }); }
public NltkResultListStringDynamic Words(string fileid = null) { var words = Py.CallMethod(CorpusObj, "words", fileid); return(new NltkResultListStringDynamic() { AsPython = words, }); }
public NltkResultListString FileIds() { var words = Py.CallMethod(CorpusObj, "fileids"); return(new NltkResultListString() { AsPython = words, }); }
public NltkResultListListTupleStringString TaggedSents(List <string> fileids = null, string categories = null, string tagset = null) { var taggedSents = Py.CallMethod(CorpusObj, "tagged_sents", fileids, categories); return(new NltkResultListListTupleStringString() { AsPython = taggedSents, }); }
public NltkResult <string> Similar(string word) { var result = Py.CallMethod(PyObject, "similar", word); return(new NltkResult <string>() { AsPython = result ?? new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject(), AsNet = (string)result }); }
public string Raw(string fileid) => Py.CallMethod(CorpusObj, "raw", fileid);