public async Task OnGetAsync(SortOrder?sort, int teamId, PuzzleStateFilter?stateFilter) { TeamID = teamId; Team myTeam = await UserEventHelper.GetTeamForPlayer(_context, Event, LoggedInUser); if (myTeam != null) { this.TeamID = myTeam.ID; await PuzzleStateHelper.CheckForTimedUnlocksAsync(_context, Event, myTeam); } else { throw new Exception("Not currently registered for a team"); } this.Sort = sort; this.StateFilter = stateFilter; ShowAnswers = Event.AnswersAvailableBegin <= DateTime.UtcNow; AllowFeedback = Event.AllowFeedback; // all puzzles for this event that are real puzzles var puzzlesInEventQ = _context.Puzzles.Where(puzzle => puzzle.Event.ID == this.Event.ID && puzzle.IsPuzzle); // unless we're in a global lockout, then filter to those! var puzzlesCausingGlobalLockoutQ = PuzzleStateHelper.PuzzlesCausingGlobalLockout(_context, Event, myTeam); if (await puzzlesCausingGlobalLockoutQ.AnyAsync()) { puzzlesInEventQ = puzzlesCausingGlobalLockoutQ; } // all puzzle states for this team that are unlocked (note: IsUnlocked bool is going to harm perf, just null check the time here) // Note that it's OK if some puzzles do not yet have a state record; those puzzles are clearly still locked and hence invisible. // All puzzles will show if all answers have been released) var stateForTeamQ = _context.PuzzleStatePerTeam.Where(state => state.TeamID == this.TeamID && (ShowAnswers || state.UnlockedTime != null)); // join 'em (note: just getting all properties for max flexibility, can pick and choose columns for perf later) // Note: EF gotcha is that you have to join into anonymous types in order to not lose valuable stuff var visiblePuzzlesQ = from Puzzle puzzle in puzzlesInEventQ join PuzzleStatePerTeam pspt in stateForTeamQ on puzzle.ID equals pspt.PuzzleID select new PuzzleView { ID = puzzle.ID, Group = puzzle.Group, OrderInGroup = puzzle.OrderInGroup, Name = puzzle.Name, CustomUrl = puzzle.CustomURL, Errata = puzzle.Errata, SolvedTime = pspt.SolvedTime, PieceMetaUsage = puzzle.PieceMetaUsage }; switch (sort ?? DefaultSort) { case SortOrder.PuzzleAscending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderBy(pv => pv.Name); break; case SortOrder.PuzzleDescending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderByDescending(pv => pv.Name); break; case SortOrder.GroupAscending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderBy(pv => pv.Group).ThenBy(pv => pv.OrderInGroup).ThenBy(pv => pv.Name); break; case SortOrder.GroupDescending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderByDescending(pv => pv.Group).ThenByDescending(pv => pv.OrderInGroup).ThenByDescending(pv => pv.Name); break; case SortOrder.SolveAscending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderBy(pv => pv.SolvedTime ?? DateTime.MaxValue); break; case SortOrder.SolveDescending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderByDescending(pv => pv.SolvedTime ?? DateTime.MaxValue); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"unknown sort: {sort}"); } if (this.StateFilter == PuzzleStateFilter.Unsolved) { visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.Where(puzzles => puzzles.SolvedTime == null); } PuzzleViews = await visiblePuzzlesQ.ToListAsync(); Dictionary <int, ContentFile> files = await(from file in _context.ContentFiles where file.Event == Event && file.FileType == ContentFileType.Puzzle select file).ToDictionaryAsync(file => file.PuzzleID); foreach (var puzzleView in PuzzleViews) { files.TryGetValue(puzzleView.ID, out ContentFile content); puzzleView.Content = content; } if (ShowAnswers) { Dictionary <int, ContentFile> answers = await(from file in _context.ContentFiles where file.Event == Event && file.FileType == ContentFileType.Answer select file).ToDictionaryAsync(file => file.PuzzleID); foreach (var puzzleView in PuzzleViews) { answers.TryGetValue(puzzleView.ID, out ContentFile answer); puzzleView.Answer = answer; } } }
public async Task OnGetAsync(SortOrder?sort, int teamId) { TeamID = teamId; Team myTeam = await UserEventHelper.GetTeamForPlayer(_context, Event, LoggedInUser); if (myTeam != null) { this.TeamID = myTeam.ID; await PuzzleStateHelper.CheckForTimedUnlocksAsync(_context, Event, myTeam); } else { throw new Exception("Not currently registered for a team"); } this.Sort = sort; // all puzzles for this event that are real puzzles var puzzlesInEventQ = _context.Puzzles.Where(puzzle => puzzle.Event.ID == this.Event.ID && puzzle.IsPuzzle); // unless we're in a global lockout, then filter to those! var puzzlesCausingGlobalLockoutQ = PuzzleStateHelper.PuzzlesCausingGlobalLockout(_context, Event, myTeam); if (await puzzlesCausingGlobalLockoutQ.AnyAsync()) { puzzlesInEventQ = puzzlesCausingGlobalLockoutQ; } // all puzzle states for this team that are unlocked (note: IsUnlocked bool is going to harm perf, just null check the time here) // Note that it's OK if some puzzles do not yet have a state record; those puzzles are clearly still locked and hence invisible. var stateForTeamQ = _context.PuzzleStatePerTeam.Where(state => state.TeamID == this.TeamID && state.UnlockedTime != null); // join 'em (note: just getting all properties for max flexibility, can pick and choose columns for perf later) // Note: EF gotcha is that you have to join into anonymous types in order to not lose valuable stuff var visiblePuzzlesQ = puzzlesInEventQ.Join(stateForTeamQ, (puzzle => puzzle.ID), (state => state.PuzzleID), (Puzzle, State) => new { Puzzle, State }); switch (sort ?? DefaultSort) { case SortOrder.PuzzleAscending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderBy(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.Puzzle.Name); break; case SortOrder.PuzzleDescending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderByDescending(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.Puzzle.Name); break; case SortOrder.GroupAscending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderBy(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.Puzzle.Group).ThenBy(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.Puzzle.OrderInGroup); break; case SortOrder.GroupDescending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderByDescending(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.Puzzle.Group).ThenByDescending(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.Puzzle.OrderInGroup); break; case SortOrder.SolveAscending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderBy(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.State.SolvedTime ?? DateTime.MaxValue); break; case SortOrder.SolveDescending: visiblePuzzlesQ = visiblePuzzlesQ.OrderByDescending(puzzleWithState => puzzleWithState.State.SolvedTime ?? DateTime.MaxValue); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"unknown sort: {sort}"); } PuzzlesWithState = (await visiblePuzzlesQ.ToListAsync()).Select(x => new PuzzleWithState(x.Puzzle, x.State)).ToList(); }