        //Helper for checking if this object can move in any given directions
        public bool canMove(PuzzleConsole.Common.Direction inDirection)
            //First check if the direction is even valid.
            //Here we'll keep movement from happening diagonally if botht he diagonal's cardinal directions are full
            bool movementInDirectionPossible = true;
            if (Common.GetDiagonalDirections().Contains(inDirection))
                if (inDirection == Common.Direction.UpLeft)
                    movementInDirectionPossible = GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Up).Clippable || GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Left).Clippable;

                if (inDirection == Common.Direction.UpRight)
                    movementInDirectionPossible = GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Up).Clippable || GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Right).Clippable;

                if (inDirection == Common.Direction.DownLeft)
                    movementInDirectionPossible = GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Down).Clippable || GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Left).Clippable;

                if (inDirection == Common.Direction.DownRight)
                    movementInDirectionPossible = GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Down).Clippable || GetObjectInDirection(Common.Direction.Right).Clippable;

            //Before bothering to check for pieces in the way, ensure that the direction is valid
            if (movementInDirectionPossible) {

                //Then check if the target location is free to move to.
                //Either it's free or the object there will be pushed (making it free)

                Actor objectPossiblyInWay = GetObjectInDirection(inDirection);

                //If there's a null there (shoudlnt happen because we should have an Empty clippable piece here)
                if (objectPossiblyInWay == null)
                    PushedActorLastMove = null;
                    return true;

                //if object can be moved into (including if there's just an empty piece here)
                if (objectPossiblyInWay.Clippable)
                    PushedActorLastMove = null;
                    return true; //allow moving to

                //or it can be pushed out of the way
                if (movementInDirectionPossible && objectPossiblyInWay.IsPushable() && ((Pushable)objectPossiblyInWay).canMove(inDirection))
                    ((Pushable)objectPossiblyInWay).Move(inDirection); //kick-off the push
                    PushedActorLastMove = objectPossiblyInWay; //store which actor we just pushed
                    return true; //allow moving to the now-empty spot

            //Otherwise it can't move in that direction
            return false;
 //Returns the object (if any) 1 tile away from this object in the given direction
 public Actor GetObjectInDirection(PuzzleConsole.Common.Direction direction)
     Point offset = PuzzleConsole.Common.DirectionToPointOffset(direction);
     return Layer.GetObjectAtPoint(GetLocationAtOffset(offset.X,offset.Y));
        public bool Move(PuzzleConsole.Common.Direction inDirection)
            //First turn the actor in the desired direction
            Direction = inDirection;

            //And then move if it's possible
            if (canMove(inDirection))
                Point oldLocation = Location;

                Location = Location.Add(

                //Then tell the layer I'm on where I moved to
                //remove from old location
                Layer.Actors[oldLocation.Y][oldLocation.X] = new Empty();

                //insert into new location
                Layer.Actors[Location.Y][Location.X] = this;

                return true;
            else {
                return false;