 public async Task <ActionResult <PutServingPeriodsResponse> > SaveServingPeriods(PutServingPeriodsRequest request)
     return(await _logic.SaveServingPeriods(request));
        public async Task <PutServingPeriodsResponse> SaveServingPeriods(PutServingPeriodsRequest request)
            if (request.Periods == null)
                return new PutServingPeriodsResponse {
                           Success = false, Error = string.Empty
            request.Periods.Where(p => p.Description != null).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Description   = x.Description.Trim());
            request.Periods.Where(p => p.Abbreviation != null).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Abbreviation = x.Abbreviation.Trim());

            if (request.Periods.Any(p => string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Description)))
                return(new PutServingPeriodsResponse
                    Success = false,
                    Error = "Description is required.  Please check the data and try again."

            if (request.Periods.Any(p => string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Abbreviation)))
                return(new PutServingPeriodsResponse
                    Success = false,
                    Error = "Abbreviation is required.  Please check the data and try again."

            //validate duplicates
            var dupDescriptions = request.Periods.GroupBy(g => g.Description)
                                  .Where(c => c.Count() > 1)
                                  .Select(g => g.Key)

            if (dupDescriptions.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string desc in dupDescriptions)
                    if (error.Length > 0)
                        error.Append(", ");
                return(new PutServingPeriodsResponse
                    Success = false,
                    Error =
                        $"Duplicate Description{(dupDescriptions.Count == 1 ? string.Empty : "s")} detected: {error}.  Please check the data and try again."

            dupDescriptions = request.Periods.GroupBy(g => g.Abbreviation)
                              .Where(c => c.Count() > 1)
                              .Select(g => g.Key)
            if (dupDescriptions.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string desc in dupDescriptions)
                    if (error.Length > 0)
                        error.Append(", ");
                return(new PutServingPeriodsResponse
                    Success = false,
                    Error =
                        $"Duplicate Abbreviation{(dupDescriptions.Count == 1 ? string.Empty : "s")} detected: {error}.  Please check the data and try again."

            var dataPeriods = await _repository.GetListAsync <AdmServingPeriod>();

            // have to re-sync after deletions
            int position = 1;

            foreach (ServingPeriod pos in request.Periods)
                pos.DisplayOrder = position++;

            foreach (var p in request.Periods)
                var editPeriod = p.AdmServingPeriodId == 0 ? new AdmServingPeriod() : dataPeriods.First(x => x.AdmServingPeriodID == p.AdmServingPeriodId);
                editPeriod.Description      = p.Description;
                editPeriod.DisplayOrder     = p.DisplayOrder;
                editPeriod.PeriodType       = p.PeriodType;
                editPeriod.ConversionFactor = p.ConversionFactor;
                editPeriod.Abbreviation     = p.Abbreviation;
                editPeriod.MenuAnalysisType = p.MenuAnalysisType;

                //delete periods
                for (int i = editPeriod.AdmSitesServingPeriods.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    AdmSitesServingPeriod checkPeriod = editPeriod.AdmSitesServingPeriods.ElementAt(i);
                    if (!p.AssignedSiteIDs.Contains(checkPeriod.AdmSiteID))
                //add new periods
                foreach (var siteId in p.AssignedSiteIDs)
                    if (editPeriod.AdmSitesServingPeriods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AdmSiteID == siteId) == null)
                        editPeriod.AdmSitesServingPeriods.Add(new AdmSitesServingPeriod {
                            AdmServingPeriodID = editPeriod.AdmServingPeriodID, AdmSiteID = siteId
                if (p.AdmServingPeriodId == 0)
                    await _repository.CreateAsync(editPeriod);

            await _repository.UpdateAsync <AdmServingPeriod>(dataPeriods);

            return(new PutServingPeriodsResponse {
                Success = true, Periods = request.Periods