 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the purchase totals.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private PurchaseTotals GetTotals()
     // paymentInfo not used here since fixed payment installments not implemented
     PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
     purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
     return purchaseTotals;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();

            request.merchantID = MERCHANT_ID;

            // Replace the generic value with your reference number for the current transaction.
            request.merchantReferenceCode = "your_merchant_reference_code";

            // To help us troubleshoot any problems that you may encounter,
            // please include the following information about your PHP application.
            request.clientLibrary        = ".NET C# WSE";
            request.clientLibraryVersion = LIB_VERSION;
            request.clientEnvironment    =
                Environment.OSVersion.Platform +
                Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString() + "-CLR" +

            // This section contains a sample transaction request for the authorization
            // service with complete billing, payment card, and purchase (two items) information.
            request.ccAuthService     = new CCAuthService();
            request.ccAuthService.run = "true";

            BillTo billTo = new BillTo();

            billTo.firstName  = "John";
            billTo.lastName   = "Doe";
            billTo.street1    = "1295 Charleston Road";
            billTo.city       = "Mountain View";
            billTo.state      = "CA";
            billTo.postalCode = "94043";
            billTo.country    = "US";
            billTo.email      = "*****@*****.**";
            billTo.ipAddress  = "";
            request.billTo    = billTo;

            Card card = new Card();

            card.accountNumber   = "4111111111111111";
            card.expirationMonth = "12";
            card.expirationYear  = "2020";
            request.card         = card;

            PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();

            purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
            request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;

            request.item = new Item[2];

            Item item = new Item();

            item.id         = "0";
            item.unitPrice  = "12.34";
            request.item[0] = item;

            item            = new Item();
            item.id         = "1";
            item.unitPrice  = "56.78";
            request.item[1] = item;

                TransactionProcessorWse proc = new TransactionProcessorWse();
                proc.SetClientCredential <UsernameToken>(new UsernameToken(request.merchantID, TRANSACTION_KEY, PasswordOption.SendPlainText));

                ReplyMessage reply = proc.runTransaction(request);

                // To retrieve individual reply fields, follow these examples.
                Console.WriteLine("decision = " + reply.decision);
                Console.WriteLine("reasonCode = " + reply.reasonCode);
                Console.WriteLine("requestID = " + reply.requestID);
                Console.WriteLine("requestToken = " + reply.requestToken);
                Console.WriteLine("ccAuthReply.reasonCode = " + reply.ccAuthReply.reasonCode);
            catch (SoapHeaderException e)
                Console.WriteLine("SoapHeaderException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
            catch (SoapException e)
                Console.WriteLine("SoapException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
            catch (WebException e)
                Console.WriteLine("WebException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
        public models.TransactionResponse Refund(models.Profile profile, string originalTranactionId, models.TransactionRequest transactionRequest)
            using (log4net.NDC.Push("Refund::"))
                var merchantId = GetMerchantId(profile);
                var transactionKey = GetTransactionKey(profile);
                var serviceEndPoint = GetServiceEndPoint(profile);

                var request = CreateRequest();
                request.merchantID = merchantId;
                request.merchantReferenceCode = transactionRequest.ReferenceNumber;

                request.ccCreditService = new CCCreditService();
                request.ccCreditService.run = "true";
                request.ccCreditService.captureRequestID = originalTranactionId;
                request.ccCreditService.purchasingLevel = "3";

                PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
                purchaseTotals.currency = transactionRequest.Currency;
                purchaseTotals.grandTotalAmount = FormatPrice(transactionRequest.Amount);
                request.purchaseTotals = purchaseTotals;

                request.invoiceHeader = new InvoiceHeader { userPO = transactionRequest.CustomerPO };
                request.purchaseTotals.dutyAmount = "0.00";
                request.purchaseTotals.discountAmount = "0.00";

                request.invoiceHeader = new InvoiceHeader { userPO = transactionRequest.CustomerPO };
                request.purchaseTotals.dutyAmount = "0.00";
                request.purchaseTotals.discountAmount = "0.00";

                if (transactionRequest.ShipTo != null)
                    request.shipTo = new ShipTo
                        city = transactionRequest.ShipTo.City,
                        country = transactionRequest.ShipTo.Country,
                        email = transactionRequest.ShipTo.EmailAddress,
                        firstName = transactionRequest.ShipTo.FirstName,
                        lastName = transactionRequest.ShipTo.LastName,
                        postalCode = transactionRequest.ShipTo.PostalCode,
                        state = transactionRequest.ShipTo.State,
                        street1 = transactionRequest.ShipTo.StreetLine1,
                        street2 = transactionRequest.ShipTo.StreetLine2,
                if (transactionRequest.ShipFrom != null)
                    request.shipFrom = new ShipFrom
                        country = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.Country,
                        email = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.EmailAddress,
                        firstName = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.FirstName,
                        lastName = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.LastName,
                        postalCode = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.PostalCode,
                        state = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.State,
                        street1 = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.StreetLine1,
                        street2 = transactionRequest.ShipFrom.StreetLine2,
                if (transactionRequest.LineItems != null)
                    List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
                    foreach (var i in transactionRequest.LineItems)
                        items.Add(new Item
                            productCode = i.ProductCode,
                            productName = i.ProductName,
                            productSKU = i.ProductSKU,
                            productDescription = i.ProductDescription,
                            unitPrice = FormatPrice(i.UnitPrice),
                            quantity = i.Quantity.ToString(),
                            taxRate = i.TaxRate.ToString(),
                            taxAmount = FormatPrice(i.TaxAmount),
                            discountAmount = FormatPrice(i.DiscountAmount),
                            totalAmount = FormatPrice(i.UnitPrice),
                            commodityCode = i.CommodityCode,
                            unitOfMeasure = "EA",

                    request.item = items.ToArray();
                var client = GetCybersourceService(serviceEndPoint, merchantId, transactionKey);

                _logger.Info("\r\nrequest:" + request.ToJSON());
                var reply = client.runTransaction(request);
                _logger.Info("\r\nreply:" + reply.ToJSON());

                return ProcessReply(profile, reply);
    static void Main(string[] args)
        RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();

        request.merchantID = MERCHANT_ID;

        // Before using this example, replace the generic value with your
        // reference number for the current transaction.
        request.merchantReferenceCode = "test01";

        // To help us troubleshoot any problems that you may encounter,
        // please include the following information about your application.
        request.clientLibrary = ".NET WCF";
        request.clientLibraryVersion = Environment.Version.ToString();
        request.clientEnvironment =
            Environment.OSVersion.Platform +

        // This section contains a sample transaction request for the authorization
        // service with complete billing, payment card, and purchase (two items) information.
        request.ccAuthService = new CCAuthService();
        request.ccAuthService.run = "true";

        BillTo billTo = new BillTo();
        billTo.firstName = "John";
        billTo.lastName = "Doe";
        billTo.street1 = "1295 Charleston Road";
        billTo.city = "Mountain View";
        billTo.state = "CA";
        billTo.postalCode = "94043";
        billTo.country = "US";
        billTo.email = "*****@*****.**";
        billTo.ipAddress = "";
        request.billTo = billTo;

        Card card = new Card();
        card.accountNumber = "4111111111111111";
        card.expirationMonth = "12";
        card.expirationYear = "2020";
        request.card = card;

        PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
        purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
        request.purchaseTotals = purchaseTotals;

        request.item = new Item[2];

        Item item = new Item();
        item.id = "0";
        item.unitPrice = "12.34";
        request.item[0] = item;

        item = new Item();
        item.id = "1";
        item.unitPrice = "56.78";
        request.item[1] = item;

            TransactionProcessorClient proc = new TransactionProcessorClient();

            proc.ChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = request.merchantID;
            proc.ChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.Password = TRANSACTION_KEY;

            ReplyMessage reply = proc.runTransaction(request);

            // To retrieve individual reply fields, follow these examples.
            Console.WriteLine("decision = " + reply.decision);
            Console.WriteLine("reasonCode = " + reply.reasonCode);
            Console.WriteLine("requestID = " + reply.requestID);
            Console.WriteLine("requestToken = " + reply.requestToken);
            Console.WriteLine("ccAuthReply.reasonCode = " + reply.ccAuthReply.reasonCode);
        catch (TimeoutException e)
            Console.WriteLine("TimeoutException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
        catch (FaultException e)
            Console.WriteLine("FaultException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
        catch (CommunicationException e)
            Console.WriteLine("CommunicationException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
        public ActionResult SetPayment(int consumerId, string firstName, string lastName, string billingAddress,
                                       string billingZipCode, long creditCardNumber, string creditCardSecurityCode,
                                       string expiryDate, decimal amount, long phone, string email, string ipAddress, string city, string country)
            if (firstName.Length > 0 && lastName.Length > 0 && billingAddress.Length > 0 && billingZipCode.Length > 0 &&
                creditCardNumber > 0 && creditCardSecurityCode.Length > 0 && ipAddress.Length > 0 && city.Length > 0)
                //Authorize.net start
                // var gate = OpenGateway();

                // //build the request from the Form post
                //var apiRequest = CheckoutFormReaders.BuildAuthAndCaptureFromPost();

                //apiRequest.Amount = amount.ToString();

                //apiRequest.DelimData = "tRUE";
                //apiRequest.DelimChar = "|";
                //apiRequest.RelayResponse = "FALSE";
                //apiRequest.Type = "AUTH_CAPTURE";
                //apiRequest.Method = "CC";
                //apiRequest.CardNum = creditCardNumber.ToString();
                //apiRequest.ExpDate = expiryDate;

                //apiRequest.Description = "Payment for purchase from ....";
                //apiRequest.FirstName = firstName;
                //apiRequest.LastName = lastName;
                //apiRequest.Address = billingAddress;
                //apiRequest.Phone = phone.ToString();
                //apiRequest.Email = email;
                //apiRequest.Zip = billingZipCode;
                //apiRequest.CardCode = creditCardSecurityCode;

                ////send to Auth.NET
                //var response = gate.Send(apiRequest);

                ////be sure the amount paid is the amount required

                //if (response.Approved)
                //Authorize.net end

                RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();

                request.merchantID = MERCHANT_ID;

                // To help us troubleshoot any problems that you may encounter,
                // please include the following information about your application.
                request.clientLibrary        = ".NET WCF";
                request.clientLibraryVersion = Environment.Version.ToString();
                request.clientEnvironment    =
                    Environment.OSVersion.Platform +

                // This section contains a sample transaction request for the authorization
                // service with complete billing, payment card, and purchase (two items) information.
                request.ccAuthService     = new CCAuthService();
                request.ccAuthService.run = "true";

                BillTo billTo = new BillTo();
                billTo.firstName   = firstName;
                billTo.lastName    = lastName;
                billTo.street1     = billingAddress;
                billTo.city        = city;
                billTo.postalCode  = billingZipCode;
                billTo.country     = country;
                billTo.email       = email;
                billTo.ipAddress   = ipAddress;
                billTo.phoneNumber = phone.ToString();
                request.billTo     = billTo;

                Card card = new Card();
                card.accountNumber   = creditCardNumber.ToString(); // "4111111111111111";
                card.expirationMonth = expiryDate.Substring(0, 2);
                card.expirationYear  = expiryDate.Substring(3, 4);

                card.cvNumber = creditCardSecurityCode;
                request.card  = card;

                PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
                purchaseTotals.currency       = "SGD";
                purchaseTotals.originalAmount = amount.ToString();
                request.purchaseTotals        = purchaseTotals;

                var totals = serviceTransaction.Where(o => o.ConsumerId == consumerId && o.Status == "Pending").FirstOrDefault();
                var orders = repoOrder.Where(x => x.ConsumerId == consumerId && x.TransactionId == totals.Id);

                // Before using this example, replace the generic value with your
                // reference number for the current transaction.
                request.merchantReferenceCode = "T" + totals.Id.ToString() + "C" + totals.ConsumerId.ToString() + "D" + totals.DateofTransaction.ToString();
                request.item = new Item[orders.Count()];

                int ctr = 0;
                foreach (var order in orders)
                    Item item = new Item();
                    item.id           = ctr.ToString();
                    item.unitPrice    = order.Total.ToString();
                    request.item[ctr] = item;

                    TransactionProcessorClient proc = new TransactionProcessorClient();

                    proc.ChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = request.merchantID;
                    proc.ChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.Password = TRANSACTION_KEY;

                    ReplyMessage reply = proc.runTransaction(request);

                    if (reply.decision == "ACCEPT")
                        var billingInfo = service.Where(o => o.ConsumerId == consumerId).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (billingInfo == null)
                            var consumerBillingInformation = service.Create(new mm.ConsumerBillingInformation
                                FirstName            = firstName,
                                LastName             = lastName,
                                BillingAddress       = billingAddress,
                                BillingZipCode       = billingZipCode,
                                BillingContactNumber = phone.ToString(),
                                BillingContactEmail  = email,
                                CreditCardNumber     = creditCardNumber.ToString(),
                                ExpiryDate           = expiryDate,
                                ConsumerId           = consumerId


                        mm.Transaction selectedTransaction = serviceTransaction.Get(totals.Id);
                        selectedTransaction.Status = "Paid";

                        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Db"].ConnectionString))
                            using (var command = new SqlCommand("sp_send_dbmail", conn)
                                CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@profile_name", "DBMail Profile"));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@recipients", email));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@subject", "Some application purchase"));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@from_address", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailHost"]));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Body", "temporary message."));

                    //// To retrieve individual reply fields, follow these examples.
                    //Console.WriteLine("decision = " + reply.decision);
                    //Console.WriteLine("reasonCode = " + reply.reasonCode);
                    //Console.WriteLine("requestID = " + reply.requestID);
                    //Console.WriteLine("requestToken = " + reply.requestToken);
                    //Console.WriteLine("ccAuthReply.reasonCode = " + reply.ccAuthReply.reasonCode);
                catch (TimeoutException e)
                    //Console.WriteLine("TimeoutException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
                    // return Json("TimeoutException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
                catch (FaultException e)
                    //Console.WriteLine("FaultException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
                catch (CommunicationException e)
                    //Console.WriteLine("CommunicationException: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
    static private String sqlStr = Connection.GetConnectionString("Default", ""); // Controlled by Web Config ARC_Live | ARC_Stage
    /// <summary>
    /// Perform a Follow On Refund
    /// This is based on the user selecting this method
    /// We still validate it; but if the validation fails we just let the user know
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cybid">Cybersource Log Auth ID</param>
    /// <param name="amount">Refund Amount</param>
    /// <param name="reason">Refund Reason ID</param>
    /// <param name="reasonnote">Refund Reason Note</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    #region Processing - Refunds
    static public cybProcess cybRefundFollowOn(int cybid, double amount, string reason, string reasonnotes, System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label lbl)
        cybProcess cybProc = new cybProcess();
        ARC_Cybersource_Log_Refund arcRecord = new ARC_Cybersource_Log_Refund();

        arcRecord.CBAuthID          = cybid;
        arcRecord.RefundReason      = reason;
        arcRecord.RefundReasonNotes = reasonnotes;

        cybProc.message = "processing...";

        #region Process Refund
            /// <summary>
            /// Follow-On transactions only need the RequestID, Token, and Amount of the refund
            /// </summary
            bool doRefund = false;
            int  callid   = 0;
            #region Initiliaze
            RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
            #endregion Initiliaze
            #region Get the SQL Record
            #region SqlConnection
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sqlStr))
                #region SqlCommand cmd
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", con))
                    #region Populate the SQL Command
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = 600;
                    #region Build cmdText
                    String cmdText = "";
                    cmdText += @"
-- Did this for recurring transactions which are linked differently
		FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_auth] [cb] WITH(NOLOCK)
		JOIN [dbo].[donationccinfo] [di] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [di].[id] = [cb].[externalid]
		JOIN [dbo].[callinfo] [ci] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [ci].[callid] = [di].[callid]
		WHERE 1=1
		AND [cb].[id] = @sp_cybid
    ,[di].[donationamount] [amount]
    ,(SELECT SUM([cr].[cccreditreply_amount]) FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_refund] [cr] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [cr].[externalid] = [di].[id] AND [cr].[reasoncode] = '100') [amount_ref]


    FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_auth] [cb] WITH(NOLOCK)
    JOIN [dbo].[donationccinfo] [di] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [di].[id] = [cb].[externalid]
    JOIN [dbo].[callinfo] [ci] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [ci].[callid] = [di].[callid]
    WHERE 1=1
    AND [cb].[id] = @sp_cybid

    ,[di].[donationamount] [amount]
    ,(SELECT SUM([cr].[cccreditreply_amount]) FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_refund] [cr] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [cr].[externalid] = [di].[id] AND [cr].[reasoncode] = '100') [amount_ref]


    FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_auth] [cb] WITH(NOLOCK)
	JOIN [dbo].[donation_recurring_log] [drl] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [drl].[recurringid] = [cb].[externalid]
    JOIN [dbo].[donationccinfo] [di] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [di].[id] = [drl].[donationid]
    JOIN [dbo].[callinfo] [ci] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [ci].[callid] = [di].[callid]
    WHERE 1=1
    AND [cb].[id] = @sp_cybid
                    #endregion Build cmdText
                    cmd.CommandText = cmdText;
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    #endregion Populate the SQL Command
                    #region Populate the SQL Params
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sp_cybid", cybid));
                    #endregion Populate the SQL Params
                    #region Process SQL Command - Try
                        if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                        using (SqlDataReader sqlRdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            if (sqlRdr.HasRows)
                                while (sqlRdr.Read())
                                    // Ensure we have a valid record for [Follow On]
                                    //cybProc.message = "sql record..." + sqlRdr["status"].ToString();
                                    DateTime dtChargeDate;
                                    DateTime.TryParse(sqlRdr["createdate"].ToString(), out dtChargeDate);
                                    Int32 foLimit = 59; // Days that a Follow On Credit can be performed
                                    callid = Convert.ToInt32(sqlRdr["callid"].ToString());
                                    arcRecord.ExternalID = Convert.ToInt32(sqlRdr["externalid"].ToString());
                                    if (sqlRdr["status"].ToString() == "Settled")
                                        // We're good, don't do anything?
                                    else if (sqlRdr["status"].ToString() == "Cancelled" && sqlRdr["decision"].ToString() == "ACCEPT")
                                        // We're good, don't do anything?
                                    else if (sqlRdr["status"].ToString() == "Refunded")
                                        // We did this validation, just need to do it again because AGENTS
                                        double dvAmount    = 0;
                                        double dvAmountRef = 0;
                                        Double.TryParse(sqlRdr["amount_ref"].ToString(), out dvAmountRef);
                                        if (dvAmountRef > 0)
                                            Double.TryParse(sqlRdr["amount"].ToString(), out dvAmount);
                                            if (dvAmount > 0)
                                                if ((dvAmount - dvAmountRef) > 0)
                                                    dvAmount = dvAmount - dvAmountRef;
                                                    if (dvAmount >= amount)
                                                        doRefund = true;
                                        if (!doRefund)
                                            throw new Exception("Invalid Donation/Refund Amounts");
                                        throw new Exception("Invalid Donation Status");
                                    if (dtChargeDate != null && (DateTime.UtcNow - dtChargeDate).TotalDays < foLimit)
                                        // We're good, don't do anything?
                                        cybProc.message  = "Error:";
                                        cybProc.message += "<br />cybid: " + cybid.ToString();
                                        cybProc.message += "<br />Charge Date: " + dtChargeDate.ToString();
                                        cybProc.message += "<br />";
                                        doRefund         = false;
                                        throw new Exception("Invalid Donation Date");
                                    // Add the required data to the request
                                    request.ccCreditService     = new CCCreditService();
                                    request.ccCreditService.run = "true";

                                    request.ccCreditService.captureRequestID    = sqlRdr["requestid"].ToString().Trim();
                                    request.ccCreditService.captureRequestToken = sqlRdr["requesttoken"].ToString().Trim();
                                    request.merchantReferenceCode = sqlRdr["merchantreferencecode"].ToString().Trim();

                                    PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
                                    purchaseTotals.currency         = "USD";
                                    purchaseTotals.grandTotalAmount = amount.ToString();
                                    request.purchaseTotals          = purchaseTotals;

                                    doRefund = true;
                                cybProc.message = "sql No records...";
                    #endregion Process SQL Command - Try
                    #region Process SQL Command - Catch
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        cybProc.message += "sql error";
                        ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display(ex, "DoRefund - Follow On", lbl);
                    #endregion Process SQL Command - Catch
                #endregion SqlCommand cmd
            #endregion SqlConnection

            #endregion Get the SQL Record
            #region Processing CyberSource Attempt
            if (doRefund)
                //ReplyMessage reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction(request);
                //string template = GetTemplate(reply.decision.ToUpper());
                //string content = GetContent(reply);
                Process_Record_Refund(arcRecord, request, lbl);
                cybProc.status   = arcRecord.Status;
                cybProc.message += "<br />process complete";
            #endregion Processing CyberSource Attempt
        catch (Exception ex)
            cybProc.message = "error";
            ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display(ex, "DoRefund - Follow On", lbl);

    static public cybProcess cybCharge(ARC_Cybersource_Charge donor)
        cybProcess cybProc = new cybProcess();

        cybProc.status  = "START";
        cybProc.message = "begin processing...";

        #region Insert: CYBERSOURCE
        Boolean doCyberSource    = true;  // [false] Prevents CS from processing (DeBug)
        Boolean donationApproved = false; // Determine if this is the proper place for this, it is used to determine success/failure
        String  ResponseSQL      = "";    // Determien proper place for this, it was a label
        String  cdChargeStatus   = "";    // Determien proper place for this, it was a label

        #region CS Request Creation and Type
        RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
        request.ccAuthService        = new CCAuthService();
        request.ccAuthService.run    = "true";
        request.ccCaptureService     = new CCCaptureService();
        request.ccCaptureService.run = "true";
        #endregion CS Request Creation and Type
        #region CS Reconcilliation ID
        /// Reconcilliation ID from ExternalID / DonationCCInfo.ID
        string reconciliationID = donor.donationid.ToString(); // sp_donationccinfoid.ToString();
        // Padding Not Used [Used in IVR/Recurring Services ???]
        //int pad = 16; // 9 for AmEx, 16 for others
        //if (sp_ccnum.StartsWith("3")) { pad = 9; }
        //reconciliationID = reconciliationID.PadRight(pad, '0');
        request.ccAuthService.reconciliationID    = reconciliationID;
        request.ccCaptureService.reconciliationID = reconciliationID;
        request.merchantReferenceCode             = donor.orderid; // sp_orderid = sp_donationccinfoid.ToString().PadLeft(14, '0');;
        #endregion CS Reconcilliation ID
        #region CS billTo
        /// We need to enter default data if non is supplied
        /// We also need to parse the Zip Code against the Zip database
        BillTo billTo = new BillTo();
        billTo.firstName  = donor.billto_firstname; // tb7_first_name.Text.Trim();
        billTo.lastName   = donor.billto_lastname;  // tb7_last_name.Text.Trim();
        billTo.street1    = donor.billto_streeet1;  // tb8_address1.Text.Trim();
        billTo.postalCode = donor.billto_zip;       // tb8_postal_code.Text.Trim();
        billTo.city       = donor.billto_city;      // tb8_city.Text.Trim();
        billTo.state      = donor.billto_state;     // sp_state; // tb8_state.SelectedValue;
        billTo.country    = donor.billto_country;   // sp_country; // "US";
        billTo.email      = donor.billto_email;     // tb8_email.Text.Trim()
        request.billTo    = billTo;
        #endregion CS billTo
        #region CS Card
        Card card = new Card();
        card.accountNumber   = donor.card_number; // sp_ccnum;
        card.expirationMonth = donor.card_month;  // tb7_card_month.SelectedValue;
        card.expirationYear  = donor.card_year;   // tb7_card_year.SelectedValue;
        request.card         = card;
        #endregion CS Card
        #region CS Item / Amount
        PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
        purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
        request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;
        request.item            = new Item[1];
        Item item = new Item();
        item.id          = "0";
        item.unitPrice   = donor.amount.ToString(); // sp_donationamount.ToString();
        item.productSKU  = donor.product_sku;       //"DN001";
        item.productName = donor.product_name;      //"ARC Agent Script Donation";
        request.item[0]  = item;
        #endregion CS Item / Amount
        #region CS Process / Reply
        ARC_Cybersource_Log_Auth arcRecord = new ARC_Cybersource_Log_Auth();
        arcRecord.ExternalID = donor.donationid.ToString(); // sp_donationccinfoid.ToString();
        if (doCyberSource)
                ReplyMessage reply    = SoapClient.RunTransaction(request);
                string       template = GetTemplate(reply.decision.ToUpper());
                string       content  = "";
                try { content = GetContent(reply); }
                catch { content = "error"; }
                //Log(logRecord + ",CB: " + String.Format(template, content), "record");
                #region Populate the ARC Record
                if (reply.decision == "ACCEPT")
                    arcRecord.Status = "Settled"; donationApproved = true;
                // Change me before launching Monday !!!!
                //else if (reply.decision == "REJECT" && sp_ccnum == "4111111111111111x" && tglMode == "Stage") { arcRecord.Status = "Settled"; donationApproved = true; }
                else if (reply.decision == "REJECT")
                    arcRecord.Status = "Declined"; donationApproved = false;
                    arcRecord.Status = "Error"; donationApproved = false;

                ResponseSQL += "<br /><b>CS Status: " + arcRecord.Status + "</b>";

                arcRecord.ccContent             = content;
                arcRecord.decision              = reply.decision;
                arcRecord.merchantReferenceCode = reply.merchantReferenceCode;
                    arcRecord.reasonCode = Convert.ToInt32(reply.reasonCode);
                catch { }
                arcRecord.requestID    = reply.requestID;
                arcRecord.requestToken = reply.requestToken;
                #region reply.ccAuthReply
                if (reply.ccAuthReply != null)
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalance = reply.ccAuthReply.accountBalance;
                    //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalanceCurrency = String.Empty;
                    //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalanceSign = String.Empty;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_amount            = reply.ccAuthReply.amount;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authFactorCode    = reply.ccAuthReply.authFactorCode;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authorizationCode = reply.ccAuthReply.authorizationCode;
                    if (reply.ccAuthReply.authorizedDateTime != null)
                        arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime = reply.ccAuthReply.authorizedDateTime.Replace("T", " ").Replace("Z", "");
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_avsCode    = reply.ccAuthReply.avsCode;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_avsCodeRaw = reply.ccAuthReply.avsCodeRaw;
                    //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cardCategory = String.Empty;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCode    = reply.ccAuthReply.cavvResponseCode;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCodeRaw = reply.ccAuthReply.cavvResponseCodeRaw;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cvCode                = reply.ccAuthReply.cvCode;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cvCodeRaw             = reply.ccAuthReply.cvCodeRaw;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCode    = reply.ccAuthReply.merchantAdviceCode;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCodeRaw = reply.ccAuthReply.merchantAdviceCodeRaw;
                    //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_ownerMerchantID = String.Empty;
                    //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID = String.Empty;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_processorResponse = reply.ccAuthReply.processorResponse;
                        arcRecord.ccAuthReply_reasonCode = Convert.ToInt32(reply.ccAuthReply.reasonCode);
                    catch { }
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_reconciliationID       = reply.ccAuthReply.reconciliationID;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_referralResponseNumber = String.Empty;
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_requestAmount          = donor.amount.ToString(); // sp_donationamount.ToString();
                    arcRecord.ccAuthReply_requestCurrency        = String.Empty;
                #endregion reply.ccAuthReply
                #region reply.ccCaptureReply
                if (reply.ccCaptureReply != null)
                    arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_amount = reply.ccCaptureReply.amount;
                        arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_reasonCode = Convert.ToInt32(reply.ccCaptureReply.reasonCode);
                    catch { }
                    arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_reconciliationID = reply.ccCaptureReply.reconciliationID;
                    arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_requestDateTime  = reply.ccCaptureReply.requestDateTime.Replace("T", " ").Replace("Z", "");
                #endregion reply.ccCaptureReply

                #endregion Populate the ARC Record
                cdChargeStatus = arcRecord.Status;
                cybProc.status = arcRecord.Status;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Depending on the type of error, the user may be able to re-try, or this may be a fatal failure
                cybProc.status     = "ERROR";
                cybProc.message    = "cybCharge - Catch - doCyberSource";
                cybProc.lblmessage = ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display_String(ex, "Error: Processing Donation 002");
            // Declined - Not Processed
            donationApproved = false;
            arcRecord.Status = "Declined";
            cdChargeStatus   = arcRecord.Status;
            cybProc.status   = arcRecord.Status;
        #endregion CS Process / Reply
        #region CS Insert SQL
        #region Save the record to SQL
        if (arcRecord.Status != null)
            //arcRecord.Source = "PORTAL";
            //arcRecord.Source = "WEB"; // Get this from the record type
            //arcRecord.Source = "IVR";
            //arcRecord.Source = "RECURRING";
            arcRecord.Source = donor.source;
            ARC_Cybersource_To_SQL(arcRecord, cybProc);
        #endregion Save the record to SQL
        #endregion CS Insert SQL
        #endregion Insert: CYBERSOURCE
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();

            // we will let the client pick up the merchantID
            // from the config file.  In multi-merchant scenarios,
            // you would set a merchantID in each request.

            // this sample requests auth and capture

            // Credit Card Authorization
            request.ccAuthService     = new CCAuthService();
            request.ccAuthService.run = "true";

            // Credit Card Capture
            request.ccCaptureService     = new CCCaptureService();
            request.ccCaptureService.run = "true";

            // add required fields

            request.merchantReferenceCode = "your_merchant_reference_code";

            BillTo billTo = new BillTo();

            billTo.firstName  = "John";
            billTo.lastName   = "Doe";
            billTo.street1    = "1295 Charleston Road";
            billTo.city       = "Mountain View";
            billTo.state      = "CA";
            billTo.postalCode = "94043";
            billTo.country    = "US";
            billTo.email      = "*****@*****.**";
            billTo.ipAddress  = "";
            request.billTo    = billTo;

            Card card = new Card();

            card.accountNumber   = "4111111111111111";
            card.expirationMonth = "12";
            card.expirationYear  = "2020";
            request.card         = card;

            PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();

            purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
            request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;

            // there are two items in this sample
            request.item = new Item[2];

            Item item = new Item();

            item.id         = "0";
            item.unitPrice  = "12.34";
            request.item[0] = item;

            item            = new Item();
            item.id         = "1";
            item.unitPrice  = "56.78";
            request.item[1] = item;

            // add optional fields here per your business needs

                ReplyMessage reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction(request);

            /*** There are many specific exceptions that could be caught here. Only a few are provided as examples.
             * This is a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Client and uses exceptions from the System.ServiceModel
             * Namespaces. Please refer to the Microsoft documentation to better understand what these exceptions mean.

            //System.ServiceModel Exception examples.
            catch (EndpointNotFoundException e)
                // This is thrown when a remote endpoint could not be found or reached.
                // The remote endpoint is down, the client network connection is down,
                // the remote endpoint is unreachable, or because the remote network is unreachable.

            catch (ChannelTerminatedException e)
                // This is typically thrown on the client when a channel is terminated due to the server closing the connection.
            //System.ServiceModel.Security Exception example.
            catch (MessageSecurityException e)
                //Represents an exception that occurred when there is something wrong with the security applied on a message. Possibly a bad signature.
            //System.Security.Cryptography exception
            catch (CryptographicException ce)
                //Represents a problem with your X509 certificate (.p12 file) or a problem creating a signature from the certificate.
            //System.Net exception
            catch (WebException we)
                //The WebException class is thrown by classes descended from WebRequest and WebResponse that implement pluggable protocols for accessing the Internet.
            //Any other exception!
            catch (Exception e)

            Console.WriteLine("Press Return to end...");
    protected void ProcessRefund_FollowOn()
        WriteToLabel("add", "Red", "<br />" + "Processing: Follow-On Transaction - Start", dtlLabel);
        #region Process Refund
            /// <summary>
            /// Follow-On transactions only need the RequestID, Token, and Amount of the refund
            /// </summary
            #region Processing CyberSource Attempt
            RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
            request.ccCreditService     = new CCCreditService();
            request.ccCreditService.run = "true";

            DateTime dtChargeDate;
            DateTime.TryParse(CreateDate.Text, out dtChargeDate);
            if (dtChargeDate == null)
                // Throw an Exception since the date is not valid
                throw new Exception("Invalid Donation Date");
            //dtlLabel.Text = (dtChargeDate - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalDays.ToString();
            #region Stand-Alone Credit
            if ((DateTime.UtcNow - dtChargeDate).TotalDays > foLimit)
                // Stand Alone
                BillTo billTo = new BillTo();
                billTo.firstName  = FirstName.Text;
                billTo.lastName   = LastName.Text;
                billTo.street1    = Address1.Text;
                billTo.postalCode = Zip.Text;
                billTo.city       = City.Text;
                billTo.state      = ddlState.Text;
                billTo.country    = ddlCountry.Text;

                billTo.email = "*****@*****.**";

                request.billTo = billTo;

                Card card = new Card();
                card.accountNumber   = CardNumberFull.Value;
                card.expirationMonth = CardMonth.Text;
                card.expirationYear  = CardYear.Text;
                if (CardTypeFull.Value.Length > 0)
                    card.cardType = CardTypeFull.Value;
                request.card = card;
            #endregion Stand-Alone Credit
            #region Follow On Credit
                // Follow On
                // Credit Required Fields
                request.ccCreditService.captureRequestID    = RequestID.Text.Trim();
                request.ccCreditService.captureRequestToken = RequestToken.Text.Trim();
            #endregion Follow On Credit

            request.merchantReferenceCode = ReferenceNum.Text.Trim();

            PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
            purchaseTotals.currency         = "USD";
            purchaseTotals.grandTotalAmount = Amount.Text.Trim();
            request.purchaseTotals          = purchaseTotals;

            //Attempt processing the request, handle excepts
            Console.WriteLine("     ");
            WriteToLabel("add", "Red", "<br />" + "Sending Request", dtlLabel);
            #endregion Processing CyberSource Attempt
            #region RunTransaction: Try
                ARC_Cybersource_Log_Refund arcRecord = new ARC_Cybersource_Log_Refund();

                ReplyMessage reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction(request);

                string template = GetTemplate(reply.decision.ToUpper());
                string content  = GetContent(reply);
                lblTemplate.Text     = String.Format(template, content);
                arcRecord.ccContent  = content;
                arcRecord.ExternalID = lblExternalID.Text;
                arcRecord.CBAuthID   = lblCBAuthID.Text;

                if (reply.decision == "ACCEPT")
                    arcRecord.Status = "Refunded";
                else if (reply.decision == "REJECT")
                    arcRecord.Status = "Rejected";
                    arcRecord.Status = "Error";

                arcRecord.decision = reply.decision;
                arcRecord.merchantReferenceCode = reply.merchantReferenceCode;
                arcRecord.reasonCode            = reply.reasonCode;
                arcRecord.requestID             = reply.requestID;
                arcRecord.requestToken          = reply.requestToken;
                if (reply.ccCreditReply != null)
                    arcRecord.ccCreditReply_amount           = (reply.ccCreditReply.amount != null) ? arcRecord.ccCreditReply_amount = reply.ccCreditReply.amount : "0";
                    arcRecord.ccCreditReply_reasonCode       = (reply.ccCreditReply.reasonCode != null) ? reply.ccCreditReply.reasonCode : "";
                    arcRecord.ccCreditReply_reconciliationID = (reply.ccCreditReply.reconciliationID != null) ? reply.ccCreditReply.reconciliationID : "";
                    arcRecord.ccCreditReply_requestDateTime  = (reply.ccCreditReply.requestDateTime != null) ? reply.ccCreditReply.requestDateTime.Replace("T", " ").Replace("Z", "") : "";

                rplDecision.Text = arcRecord.decision;
                rplMerchantReferenceCode.Text = arcRecord.merchantReferenceCode;
                rplReasonCode.Text            = arcRecord.reasonCode;
                rplRequestID.Text             = arcRecord.requestID;
                rplRequestToken.Text          = arcRecord.requestToken;

                rplAmount.Text                = arcRecord.ccCreditReply_amount;
                rplReasonCode2.Text           = arcRecord.ccCreditReply_reasonCode;
                rplReconciliationID.Text      = arcRecord.ccCreditReply_reconciliationID;
                rplReconciliationID.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
                rplReconciliationID.Font.Bold = true;
                rplRequestDateTime.Text       = arcRecord.ccCreditReply_requestDateTime;

            #endregion RunTransaction: Try
            #region RunTransaction: Catch
            catch (Exception ex)
                msgLabel.Text    = "Oops";
                rplDecision.Text = "!! ERROR - NOT COMPLETED !!";
                msgRefund        = ex.Message;
                Error_Save(ex, "RunTransaction");
            #endregion RunTransaction: Catch
        catch (Exception ex)
            msgLabel.Text    = "Oops";
            rplDecision.Text = "!! ERROR - NOT COMPLETED !!";
            msgRefund        = ex.Message;
            Error_Save(ex, "Processing_CyberSource");
        WriteToLabel("add", "Red", "<br />" + "Processing: Follow-On Transaction - End", dtlLabel);
    private void Authorize(ref CreditCard card1)
            // create request object
            RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
            BillTo         billTo  = new BillTo();
            // add general fields
            if (!(null == Session["OrderNumber"]))
                request.merchantReferenceCode = (string)Session["OrderNumber"];

            request.ccAuthService     = new CCAuthService();
            request.ccAuthService.run = "true";

            // add purchasing info
            PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
            purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
            request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;

            // add shopper info
            Shopper shopper = (Shopper)Session["Shopper"];
            Global1.AddShopperFields(ref billTo, shopper);
            request.billTo = billTo;

            //add item info
            Items items = (Items)Session["ShoppingCart"];
            Global1.AddItemFields(ref request, items);

            // add card info
            Card card = new Card();
            card.accountNumber   = card1.accountNumber;
            card.expirationMonth = card1.expirationMonth;
            card.expirationYear  = card1.expirationYear;
            card.cvNumber        = card1.cvNumber;
            request.card         = card;

            // send request now
            reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction(config, request);
            // process the transaction as per response.
        catch (BugException e)
            Session["Exception"] = e;
        catch (NonCriticalTransactionException e)
            Session["Exception"] = e;
        catch (CriticalTransactionException e)
            // The transaction may have been successfully processed by
            // CyberSource.  Aside from redirecting to an error page, you should
            // make sure that someone gets notified of the occurrence of this
            // exception so that they could check the outcome of the transaction
            // on the CyberSource Support Screens.  For example, you could
            // post an event log or send an email to a monitored address.
            Session["Exception"] = e;
		static void Main(string[] args)
			RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();

            // we will let the client pick up the merchantID
            // from the config file.  In multi-merchant scenarios,
            // you would set a merchantID in each request.

            // this sample requests auth and capture
			// Credit Card Authorization
			request.ccAuthService = new CCAuthService();
			request.ccAuthService.run = "true";

			// Credit Card Capture
			request.ccCaptureService = new CCCaptureService();
			request.ccCaptureService.run = "true";

			// add required fields

			request.merchantReferenceCode = "your_merchant_reference_code";

			BillTo billTo = new BillTo();
			billTo.firstName = "John";
			billTo.lastName = "Doe";
			billTo.street1 = "1295 Charleston Road";
			billTo.city = "Mountain View";
			billTo.state = "CA";
			billTo.postalCode = "94043";
			billTo.country = "US";
			billTo.email = "*****@*****.**";
			billTo.ipAddress = "";
			request.billTo = billTo;

			Card card = new Card();
			card.accountNumber = "4111111111111111";
			card.expirationMonth = "12";
			card.expirationYear = "2020";
			request.card = card;

			PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
			purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
			request.purchaseTotals = purchaseTotals;

			// there are two items in this sample
			request.item = new Item[2];

			Item item = new Item();
			item.id = "0";
			item.unitPrice = "12.34";
			request.item[0] = item;

			item = new Item();
			item.id = "1";
			item.unitPrice = "56.78";
			request.item[1] = item;

			// add optional fields here per your business needs

				ReplyMessage reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction( request );
				ProcessReply( reply );
           /*** There are many specific exceptions that could be caught here. Only a few are provided as examples. 
             This is a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Client and uses exceptions from the System.ServiceModel
             Namespaces. Please refer to the Microsoft documentation to better understand what these exceptions mean.

           //System.ServiceModel Exception examples.
            catch (EndpointNotFoundException e)
                // This is thrown when a remote endpoint could not be found or reached.  
                // The remote endpoint is down, the client network connection is down, 
                // the remote endpoint is unreachable, or because the remote network is unreachable.

            catch (ChannelTerminatedException e)
                // This is typically thrown on the client when a channel is terminated due to the server closing the connection.
            //System.ServiceModel.Security Exception example.
            catch (MessageSecurityException e)
                //Represents an exception that occurred when there is something wrong with the security applied on a message. Possibly a bad signature.
            //System.Security.Cryptography exception    
            catch (CryptographicException ce)
                //Represents a problem with your X509 certificate (.p12 file) or a problem creating a signature from the certificate.
            //System.Net exception    
            catch (WebException we)
                //The WebException class is thrown by classes descended from WebRequest and WebResponse that implement pluggable protocols for accessing the Internet.
            //Any other exception!
            catch (Exception e)

            Console.WriteLine("Press Return to end...");
    protected void CyberSource_Customer_Transaction_Tokenization()
            /// This will create a Transaction using Tokenization as payment
            RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
            request.ccAuthService        = new CCAuthService();
            request.ccAuthService.run    = "true";
            request.ccCaptureService     = new CCCaptureService();
            request.ccCaptureService.run = "true";

            string reconciliationID = donationid.Text.ToString();

            request.ccAuthService.reconciliationID    = reconciliationID;
            request.ccCaptureService.reconciliationID = reconciliationID;
            request.merchantReferenceCode             = reconciliationID;

            RecurringSubscriptionInfo SubscriptionInfo = new RecurringSubscriptionInfo();
            SubscriptionInfo.subscriptionID   = subscriptionID.Text; // "4738680334246909704009";
            request.recurringSubscriptionInfo = SubscriptionInfo;

            #region purchaseTotals
            PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
            purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
            request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;
            request.item            = new Item[1];
            Item item = new Item();
            item.id          = "0";
            item.unitPrice   = "5.25";
            item.productSKU  = "RD001";
            item.productName = "ARC Tokenization";
            request.item[0]  = item;
            #endregion purchaseTotals

            #region Reply
            ReplyMessage reply    = SoapClient.RunTransaction(request);
            string       template = ghCyberSource.GetTemplate(reply.decision.ToUpper());
            string       content  = "";
            try { content = ghCyberSource.GetContent(reply); }
            catch { content = "error"; }

            #endregion Reply

            txtTemplate.Text = template.ToString();
            txtContent.Text  = content.ToString();
            txtReply.Text    = reply.ToString();
            lblCatch.Text   += String.Format("<br />decision: {0}", reply.decision.ToUpper());
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />reasonCode: {0}", reply.reasonCode); } catch { }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />merchantReferenceCode: {0}", reply.merchantReferenceCode); } catch { }
            lblCatch.Text += "<hr />";
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />amount: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.amount); } catch { String.Format("<br />amount: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />authFactorCode: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.authFactorCode); } catch { String.Format("<br />authFactorCode: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />authorizationCode: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.authorizationCode); } catch { String.Format("<br />authorizationCode: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />authorizedDateTime: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.authorizedDateTime); } catch { String.Format("<br />authorizedDateTime: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />avsCode: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.avsCode); } catch { String.Format("<br />avsCode: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />avsCodeRaw: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.avsCodeRaw); } catch { String.Format("<br />avsCodeRaw: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />cavvResponseCode: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.cavvResponseCode); } catch { String.Format("<br />cavvResponseCode: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />cavvResponseCodeRaw: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.cavvResponseCodeRaw); } catch { String.Format("<br />cavvResponseCodeRaw: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />cvCode: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.cvCode); } catch { String.Format("<br />cvCode: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />cvCodeRaw: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.cvCodeRaw); } catch { String.Format("<br />cvCodeRaw: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />merchantAdviceCode: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.merchantAdviceCode); } catch { String.Format("<br />merchantAdviceCode: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />merchantAdviceCodeRaw: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.merchantAdviceCodeRaw); } catch { String.Format("<br />merchantAdviceCodeRaw: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />processorResponse: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.processorResponse); } catch { String.Format("<br />processorResponse: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />reasonCode: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.reasonCode); } catch { String.Format("<br />reasonCode: {0}", "x"); }
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />reconciliationID: {0}", reply.ccAuthReply.reconciliationID); } catch { String.Format("<br />reconciliationID: {0}", "x"); }
            lblCatch.Text += "<hr />";
            try { lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<br />missingField: {0}", reply.missingField.Length); } catch { String.Format("<br />missingField: {0}", "x"); }
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblCatch.Text += String.Format("<table class='table_error'>"
                                           + "<tr><td>Error<td/><td>{0}</td></tr>"
                                           + "<tr><td>Message<td/><td>{1}</td></tr>"
                                           + "<tr><td>StackTrace<td/><td>{2}</td></tr>"
                                           + "<tr><td>Source<td/><td>{3}</td></tr>"
                                           + "<tr><td>InnerException<td/><td>{4}</td></tr>"
                                           + "<tr><td>Data<td/><td>{5}</td></tr>"
                                           + "</table>"
                                           , "Tokenization"    //0
                                           , ex.Message        //1
                                           , ex.StackTrace     //2
                                           , ex.Source         //3
                                           , ex.InnerException //4
                                           , ex.Data           //5
                                           , ex.HelpLink
                                           , ex.TargetSite