        public IEnumerable <object> Read(FileContentRequest fcr, PullConfig pullConfig)
            List <object> output = new List <object>();

            string fileFullPath = fcr.File.IFullPath();

            oM.Adapters.File.FSFile readFile = ReadFile(fileFullPath, true, pullConfig.IncludeHiddenFiles, pullConfig.IncludeSystemFiles);

            if (readFile == null)

            output = readFile.Content ?? new List <object>();

            if (!output.Any())
                BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"No content could be pulled for {fileFullPath}. Make sure it's not protected or empty.");

                   .Where(o => fcr.Types.Count > 0 ? fcr.Types.Any(t => t == o.GetType()) : true)
                   .Where(o => fcr.FragmentTypes.Count > 0 ? (o as BHoMObject)?.Fragments.Select(f => f.GetType()).Intersect(fcr.FragmentTypes).Any() ?? false : true)
                   .Where(o => fcr.CustomDataKeys.Count > 0 ? (o as BHoMObject)?.CustomData.Keys.Intersect(fcr.CustomDataKeys).Any() ?? false : true));
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public IEnumerable <object> Read(FileDirRequest fdr, PullConfig pullConfig)
            // Copy for immutability in UI
            FileDirRequest fdrCopy = BH.Engine.Base.Query.ShallowClone(fdr);

            // Recursively walk the directories to retrieve File and Directory Info.
            List <IFSInfo> output = new List <IFSInfo>();

            List <FSFile>      files = new List <FSFile>();
            List <FSDirectory> dirs  = new List <FSDirectory>();

            WildcardPattern wildcardPattern = null;

            if (!Modify.ProcessFileDirRequest(fdrCopy, out wildcardPattern))

            int retrievedFiles = 0, retrievedDirs = 0;

            WalkDirectories(files, dirs, fdrCopy, ref retrievedFiles, ref retrievedDirs, pullConfig.IncludeHiddenFiles, pullConfig.IncludeSystemFiles, wildcardPattern);


            // If a sort order is applied, sort separately files and dirs,
            // then return the maxItems of each of those.
            if (fdrCopy.SortOrder != SortOrder.Default)
                output = Query.SortOrder(output, fdrCopy.SortOrder);

                files = output.OfType <FSFile>().Take(fdrCopy.MaxFiles == -1 ? output.Count : fdrCopy.MaxFiles).ToList();
                dirs  = output.OfType <FSDirectory>().Take(fdrCopy.MaxDirectories == -1 ? output.Count : fdrCopy.MaxDirectories).ToList();

            if (fdrCopy.IncludeFileContents)
                files.ForEach(f => ReadAndAddContent(f));

            output = new List <IFSInfo>();

            if (fdrCopy.SortOrder != SortOrder.Default && fdrCopy.SortOrder != SortOrder.ByName)

        public override IEnumerable <object> Pull(IRequest request, PullType pullType = PullType.AdapterDefault, ActionConfig actionConfig = null)
            PullConfig pullConfig = actionConfig as PullConfig ?? new PullConfig();

            RevisionRequest rr = request as RevisionRequest;

            if (rr != null)
                return(GetRevisions(rr).OfType <object>());

            IssueRequest ir = request as IssueRequest;

            if (ir != null)
                return(GetIssues(ir, pullConfig).OfType <object>());

            AuditRequest ar = request as AuditRequest;

            if (ar != null)
                if (ar.Audit == null)
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("Please specify the Audit whose Issues you want to pull from 3DRepo in the request.");

                ir = new IssueRequest()
                    ModelId    = ar.ModelId,
                    RevisionId = ar.RevisionId,
                    TeamSpace  = ar.TeamSpace,
                    UserAPIKey = ar.UserAPIKey

                Audit audit = ar.Audit.DeepClone();

                // The conversion between 3DRepo issues and BHoM Issues
                // will need to be passed any Pulled media file Name, if they were pulled with the Issues.
                Dictionary <oM.Adapters.TDRepo.Issue, List <string> > mediaFilenames_perIssue = new Dictionary <oM.Adapters.TDRepo.Issue, List <string> >();
                List <oM.Inspection.Issue> pulledIssues = GetIssues(ir, pullConfig, true, mediaFilenames_perIssue);

                // Return the Audit with the Pulled issues from 3DRepo.
                return(new List <object>()

            BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning($"The specified request is not compatible with {this.GetType().Name}.");
            return(new List <object>());
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static oM.Adapters.File.FSFile ReadFile(FileRequest fr, PullConfig pc)
            string fullPath = fr.Location.IFullPath();

            return(ReadFile(fullPath, fr.IncludeFileContents, pc.IncludeHiddenFiles, pc.IncludeSystemFiles));

        public IEnumerable <object> Read(FileRequest fr, PullConfig pullConfig)
            // Convert to the most generic type of Request.
            return(Read((FileDirRequest)fr, pullConfig));
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public List <oM.Inspection.Issue> GetIssues(IssueRequest ir, PullConfig pullConfig, bool enableMessages = true, Dictionary <Issue, List <string> > mediaFileNames = null)
            List <Issue> allIssues = new List <Issue>();
            List <oM.Inspection.Issue> allBHoMIssues = new List <oM.Inspection.Issue>();

            string modelId    = ir?.ModelId ?? m_modelId;
            string teamsSpace = ir?.TeamSpace ?? m_teamspace;
            string userAPIkey = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ir.UserAPIKey))
                userAPIkey = ir.UserAPIKey;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_userAPIKey))
                userAPIkey += m_userAPIKey;

            bool singleIssue = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ir.IssueId);

            if (singleIssue)
                // Get the Issue corresponding to the specified IssueId.

                if (enableMessages)
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote($"Getting {nameof(Issue)} with id {ir.IssueId} \nfrom the 3DRepo Model `{modelId}` in the Teamspace `{teamsSpace}`.");

                Issue issue = GetIssue(ir.IssueId, teamsSpace, modelId, userAPIkey);

                // If no IssueId is specified, get *all the issues* attached to a specific Revision.
                // (In 3DRepo, the issues are attached to a specific Model's Revision.)

                // If no RevisionId is specified in the Request, consider the latest revision (First()).
                string revisionId = ir.RevisionId ?? GetRevisions(new RevisionRequest(), false).First().Id;

                if (enableMessages)
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote($"Getting all of the {nameof(Issue)}s attached to RevisionId {revisionId} \nfrom the 3DRepo Model `{modelId}` in the Teamspace `{teamsSpace}`.");

                allIssues = GetAllIssues(teamsSpace, modelId, revisionId, userAPIkey);

            if (pullConfig.DownloadResources)
                // Attempt the pull of the resources.
                foreach (Issue issue in allIssues)
                    // Dictionary whose Key is filename (fullPath), Value is the base64 string representation.
                    Dictionary <string, string> base64resources = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    // Get all resources files. https://3drepo.github.io/3drepo.io/#api-Resources-getResource
                    foreach (var resource in issue.Resources)
                        string endpoint = $"https://api1.www.3drepo.io/api/{teamsSpace}/{modelId}/resources/{resource._id}?key={userAPIkey}";
                        // GET request
                        HttpResponseMessage respMessage;
                        byte[] fullResponse = null;
                        using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                            respMessage = httpClient.GetAsync(endpoint).Result;

                            // Process response
                            fullResponse = respMessage.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result;
                            string base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(fullResponse);
                            base64resources.Add(Path.Combine(pullConfig.ResourceDownloadDirectory, resource.name), base64);

                    // Get resources (image) attached in the Comments, if any. (TODO)
                    foreach (var comment in issue?.Comments)
                        var screenshot = comment.viewpoint?.Screenshot;
                        if (screenshot != null)
                            base64resources.Add(Path.Combine(pullConfig.ResourceDownloadDirectory, comment.comment), screenshot);

                        // TODO: Apparently, the actual image is not pulled (`Comments` property is empty) when using the GET Issue endpoint.
                        // There is another endpoint/way to pull the image that was posted in the Comments:
                        // `getViewpoint` endpoint is to be used to get image from the Viewpoint. https://3drepo.github.io/3drepo.io/#api-Viewpoints-findViewpoint

                    // Save the pulled resource to file. If the base64 string is missing, it will simply create an empty file.
                    base64resources.ToList().ForEach(kv => Compute.WriteToByteArray(kv.Value, kv.Key, false));

                    // Store the pulled images Filenames in the resources.
                    // This allows to pass this information to the Convert method, see the Pull.
                    if (mediaFileNames != null)
                        mediaFileNames[issue] = issue.Comments.Select(c => c.comment).ToList();

            foreach (Issue issue in allIssues)
                List <string> fileNames = new List <string>();
                if (issue.Resources != null)
                    fileNames = issue.Resources.Select(x => x.name).ToList();

                oM.Inspection.Issue bhomIssue = issue.FromTDRepo(fileNames);
