public void ConnectToCatalog(string newUrlTemplate, string taxonomyFieldManagedProperty, bool isCustomCatalogItemUrlRewriteTemplate)
            using (SPSite publishingPortalSite = new SPSite(this.portalSiteUrl))
                // Get the connection manager for the site where the catalog content will be rendered.
                CatalogConnectionManager manager = new CatalogConnectionManager(publishingPortalSite);
                // Use "Contains" to check whether a connection exists.
                if (manager.Contains(this.publishingCatalogUrl))
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("A connection to {0} already exists", this.publishingCatalogUrl));
                // Get the catalog to connect to.
                CatalogConnectionSettings settings = PublishingCatalogUtility.GetPublishingCatalog(publishingPortalSite, this.publishingCatalogUrl);

                                             // If the items in the catalog should have rewritten urls, specify what properties should be used in rewriting the url.
                                             // The managed property which contains the category for the catalog item.
                                             // Typically starts with owstaxid, when created by the system.
                // Perform any other adds/Updates
                // ...
                // Finally commit connection changes to store.
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to get a CatalogConnectionSettings from the site
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="site">The SPSite to get the connection from</param>
        /// <param name="webAbsoluteUrl">The full absolute url of the catalog</param>
        /// <param name="catalogWebRelativeUrl">The root url of the catalog.</param>
        /// <returns>A catalogConnectionSettings object</returns>
        public CatalogConnectionSettings GetCatalogConnectionSettings(SPSite site, Uri webAbsoluteUrl, Uri catalogWebRelativeUrl)
            var tokens = catalogWebRelativeUrl.ToString().Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
            CatalogConnectionSettings catalogConnectionSettings = null;

                catalogConnectionSettings = PublishingCatalogUtility.GetPublishingCatalog(site, SPUtility.ConcatUrls(webAbsoluteUrl.AbsoluteUri, string.Join("/", tokens)));
            catch (InternalQueryErrorException exception)
                this.logger.Error("Publishing Catalog with tokens {0} was not found on site {1}", string.Join(", ", tokens.ToArray()), site.Url);

        /// <summary>
        /// Connect without any settings
        /// A result source will be created and the catalog will be available for content search webparts
        /// but item urls will have the original path to the source catalog library.
        /// </summary>
        public void ConnectToCatalog()
            using (SPSite publishingPortalSite = new SPSite(this.portalSiteUrl))
                // Get the connection manager for the site where the catalog content will be rendered.
                CatalogConnectionManager manager = new CatalogConnectionManager(publishingPortalSite, createResultSource: true);
                // Use "Contains" to check whether a connection exists.
                if (manager.Contains(this.publishingCatalogUrl))
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("A connection to {0} already exists", this.publishingCatalogUrl));
                // Get the catalog to connect to.
                CatalogConnectionSettings settings = PublishingCatalogUtility.GetPublishingCatalog(publishingPortalSite, this.publishingCatalogUrl);
                settings.ConnectedWebServerRelativeUrl = this.subscribingWebServerRelativeUrl;

                // Perform any other adds/Updates
                // ...
                // Finally commit connection changes to store.