private void UpdatePublishedBooks(string[] selectedBooks, Publishers publisherToUpdate) { if (selectedBooks == null) { publisherToUpdate.PublishedBooks = new List <PublishedBook>(); return; } var selectedBooksHS = new HashSet <string>(selectedBooks); var publishedBooks = new HashSet <int> (publisherToUpdate.PublishedBooks.Select(c => c.Book.ID)); foreach (var book in _context.Books) { if (selectedBooksHS.Contains(book.ID.ToString())) { if (!publishedBooks.Contains(book.ID)) { publisherToUpdate.PublishedBooks.Add(new PublishedBook { PublisherID = publisherToUpdate.ID, BookID = book.ID }); } } else { if (publishedBooks.Contains(book.ID)) { PublishedBook bookToRemove = publisherToUpdate.PublishedBooks.FirstOrDefault(i => i.BookID == book.ID); _context.Remove(bookToRemove); } } } }
public ExeResult Create(PublisherModel model) { message.Clear(); if (model.Name.Length > MaxNameSize) { message.Add($"Long name >{MaxNameSize}."); } Publishers publisherTemp = _repository.GetByName(model.Name); if (publisherTemp != null) { if (publisherTemp.Name == model.Name) { message.Add("This Name already exists."); } } if (message.Count != 0) { return(new ExeResult(message)); } var publisher = ControlTools.MapTo <PublisherModel, Publishers>(model); model.Id = _repository.Create(publisher); if (model.Id == 0) { return(new ExeResult(new List <string>() { "Publisher not create" })); } return(new ExeResult(new List <string>()));; }
public RoutingInfoSubscriber(UnicastRoutingTable routingTable, EndpointInstances endpointInstances, IReadOnlyCollection <Type> messageTypesHandledByThisEndpoint, Publishers publishers, TimeSpan sweepPeriod, TimeSpan heartbeatTimeout) { this.routingTable = routingTable; this.endpointInstances = endpointInstances; this.messageTypesHandledByThisEndpoint = messageTypesHandledByThisEndpoint; this.publishers = publishers; this.sweepPeriod = sweepPeriod; this.heartbeatTimeout = heartbeatTimeout; }
public void DeletePublisher(Publisher publisher) { Publishers.Remove(publisher); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Publishers)); SaveDataBase(); }
public bool IsMatch(ModNetworkContent c) => c.Publishers.Any(x => Publishers.Any(p => p.Id == x.PublisherId && p.Type == x.Publisher)) || PackageNames.ContainsIgnoreCase(c.PackageName) || Ids.Contains(c.Id);
public void Apply(Publishers publishers, Conventions conventions, bool enforceBestPractices) { var entries = publisherSources.SelectMany(s => Generate(conventions, s, enforceBestPractices)).ToList(); publishers.AddOrReplacePublishers("EndpointConfiguration", entries); }
public int Create([FromBody] Publishers publisher) { return(publisherobj.AddPublisher(publisher)); }
public Publisher?GetUserPublisher(FantasyCriticUser user) { return(Publishers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.User.Id == user.Id)); }
private void rentABookButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (userShowcomboBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Izberite člana."); } else { databaseController dbc = new databaseController(); string selectedUser = userShowcomboBox.SelectedItem.ToString();//exception needs to be handled selectedUser = selectedUser.Trim(); string[] UserID = selectedUser.Split('|'); int id_u = Convert.ToInt32(UserID[0].Trim()); string name = UserID[1].Trim();//title string surname = UserID[2].Trim(); string tel = UserID[3].Trim(); string address = UserID[3].Trim(); string location_name = UserID[3].Trim(); string location_postalcode = UserID[3].Trim(); Locations lid = new Locations(0, location_name, ""); dbc.idLocations(lid); int location_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idLocations(lid)) { location_id = k; } Users uid = new Users(0, name, surname, "", "", "", "", 0); dbc.idUsers(uid); int user_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idUsers(uid)) { user_id = k; } if (userUnLendedBookslistBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Izberite knjigo."); } else { string selectedBook = userUnLendedBookslistBox.SelectedItem.ToString();//exception needs to be handled selectedBook = selectedBook.Trim(); string[] BookID = selectedBook.Split('|'); int id_b = Convert.ToInt32(BookID[0].Trim()); selectedBook = BookID[1].Trim();//title string author_name = BookID[2].Trim(); string author_surname = BookID[3].Trim(); int lost = Convert.ToInt32(BookID[4].Trim()); string year = BookID[5].Trim(); string location_name_book = BookID[6].Trim(); string publisher_name = BookID[7].Trim(); string genre_genretype = BookID[8].Trim(); int id_g = 0; Authors aid = new Authors(0, author_name, author_surname); dbc.idAuthors(aid); int author_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idAuthors(aid)) { author_id = k; } Locations lid_book = new Locations(0, location_name, ""); dbc.idLocations(lid); int location_id_book = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idLocations(lid)) { location_id = k; } Publishers pid = new Publishers(0, publisher_name); dbc.idPublishers(pid); int publisher_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idPublishers(pid)) { publisher_id = k; } Genres gid = new Genres(0, genre_genretype); dbc.idGenres(gid); int genre_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idGenres(gid)) { genre_id = k; } Rents rid = new Rents(0, 0, "", id_b, user_id); dbc.idRents(rid); int rent_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idRents(rid)) { rent_id = k; } string rent_date = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now); int rent_state = 1; Rents rentss = new Rents(rent_id, rent_state, rent_date, id_b, id_u); dbc.UpdateRentsLend(rentss); userUnLendedBookslistBox.Items.Clear(); OutputBooksOnRents_UnLended(); } } }
public Book(string pName, string pFN, string pSN, string pSu, int pP, float pPrice, Publishers pPub) { Name = pName; AuthorFName = pFN; AuthorSName = pSN; AuthorSurName = pSu; Pages = pP; Price = pPrice; pub = pPub; }
internal void Apply(Publishers publishers, UnicastRoutingTable unicastRoutingTable, Func<string, string> makeCanonicalAddress, Conventions conventions) { var routeTableEntries = new Dictionary<Type, RouteTableEntry>(); var publisherTableEntries = new List<PublisherTableEntry>(); foreach (var m in this.Cast<MessageEndpointMapping>().OrderByDescending(m => m)) { m.Configure((type, endpointAddress) => { if (!conventions.IsMessageType(type)) { return; } var canonicalForm = makeCanonicalAddress(endpointAddress); var baseTypes = GetBaseTypes(type, conventions); RegisterMessageRoute(type, canonicalForm, routeTableEntries, baseTypes); RegisterEventRoute(type, canonicalForm, publisherTableEntries, baseTypes); }); } publishers.AddOrReplacePublishers("MessageEndpointMappings", publisherTableEntries); unicastRoutingTable.AddOrReplaceRoutes("MessageEndpointMappings", routeTableEntries.Values.ToList()); }
public void SaveData() { XmlDataBase xmldata = new XmlDataBase(NewsPapers.ToArray(), Publishers.ToArray()); data.SaveDataBase(xmldata); }
public void can_configured_publishers_load_in_configured_assemblies() { Publishers p = Publishers.Current; Assert.IsTrue(p.AssembliesToSearch.Any()); }
public void AddPublisherWithWrongStreetNumber() { Publishers publisher = new Publishers(); bookshopAPI.AddPublisher(PublisherList, publisher, "waneko", "podkarpacka", -13, "bialystok", BookList); }
public static Publishers WithAssembly <T>(this Publishers publishers) { return(publishers.WithAssembly(typeof(T).Assembly)); }
public static void Initialize(LibraryContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); if (context.Books.Any()) { return; } var books = new Book[] { new Book { Title = "Baltagul", Author = "Mihail Sadoveanu", Price = Decimal.Parse("22") }, new Book { Title = "Enigma Otiliei", Author = "George Calinescu", Price = Decimal.Parse("18") }, new Book { Title = "Maytrei", Author = "Mircea Eliade", Price = Decimal.Parse("27") }, new Book { Title = "Panza de paianjen", Author = "Cella Serghi", Price = Decimal.Parse("45") }, new Book { Title = "Fata de hartie", Author = "Guillame Musso", Price = Decimal.Parse("38") }, new Book { Title = "De veghe in lanul de secara", Author = "J.D.Salinger", Price = Decimal.Parse("28") }, }; foreach (Book b in books) { context.Books.Add(b); } context.SaveChanges(); var customers = new Customer[] { new Customer { CustomerID = 1050, Name = "Popescu Marcela", BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1979-09-01") }, new Customer { CustomerID = 1045, Name = "Mihailescu Cornel", BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1969-07-08") }, }; foreach (Customer c in customers) { context.Customers.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); var orders = new Order[] { new Order { BookID = 1, CustomerID = 1050, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("02-25-2020") }, new Order { BookID = 3, CustomerID = 1045, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("09-28-2020") }, new Order { BookID = 1, CustomerID = 1045, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("10-28-2020") }, new Order { BookID = 2, CustomerID = 1050, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("09-28-2020") }, new Order { BookID = 4, CustomerID = 1050, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("09-28-2020") }, new Order { BookID = 6, CustomerID = 1050, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("10-28-2020") }, }; foreach (Order e in orders) { context.Orders.Add(e); } context.SaveChanges(); var publishers = new Publishers[] { new Publishers { PublisherName = "Humanitas", Adress = "Str. Aviatorilor, nr. 40,Bucuresti" }, new Publishers { PublisherName = "Nemira", Adress = "Str. Plopilor, nr. 35,Ploiesti" }, new Publishers { PublisherName = "Paralela 45", Adress = "Str. Cascadelor, nr.22, Cluj-Napoca" }, }; foreach (Publishers p in publishers) { context.Publishers.Add(p); } context.SaveChanges(); var publishedbooks = new PublishedBook[] { new PublishedBook { BookID = books.Single(c => c.Title == "Maytrei").ID, PublisherID = publishers.Single(i => i.PublisherName == "Humanitas").ID }, new PublishedBook { BookID = books.Single(c => c.Title == "Enigma Otiliei").ID, PublisherID = publishers.Single(i => i.PublisherName == "Humanitas").ID }, new PublishedBook { BookID = books.Single(c => c.Title == "Baltagul").ID, PublisherID = publishers.Single(i => i.PublisherName == "Nemira").ID }, new PublishedBook { BookID = books.Single(c => c.Title == "Fata de hartie").ID, PublisherID = publishers.Single(i => i.PublisherName == "Paralela45").ID }, new PublishedBook { BookID = books.Single(c => c.Title == "Panza de paianjen").ID, PublisherID = publishers.Single(i => i.PublisherName == "Paralela45").ID }, new PublishedBook { BookID = books.Single(c => c.Title == "De veghe in lanul de secara").ID, PublisherID = publishers.Single(i => i.PublisherName == "Paralela 45").ID }, }; foreach (PublishedBook pb in publishedbooks) { context.PublishedBooks.Add(pb); } context.SaveChanges(); }
private void booksDeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (bookslistBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Nobena knjiga ni izbrana."); } else { databaseController dbc = new databaseController(); string selectedBook = bookslistBox.SelectedItem.ToString();//exception needs to be handled selectedBook = selectedBook.Trim(); string[] BookID = selectedBook.Split('|'); int id_b = Convert.ToInt32(BookID[0].Trim()); selectedBook = BookID[1].Trim();//title string author_name = BookID[2].Trim(); string author_surname = BookID[3].Trim(); int lost = Convert.ToInt32(BookID[4].Trim()); string year = BookID[5].Trim(); string location_name = BookID[6].Trim(); string publisher_name = BookID[7].Trim(); string genre_genretype = BookID[8].Trim(); int id_g = 0; Authors aid = new Authors(0, author_name, author_surname); dbc.idAuthors(aid); int author_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idAuthors(aid)) { author_id = k; } Locations lid = new Locations(0, location_name, ""); dbc.idLocations(lid); int location_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idLocations(lid)) { location_id = k; } Publishers pid = new Publishers(0, publisher_name); dbc.idPublishers(pid); int publisher_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idPublishers(pid)) { publisher_id = k; } Genres gid = new Genres(0, genre_genretype); dbc.idGenres(gid); int genre_id = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.idGenres(gid)) { genre_id = k; } Books b = new Books(id_b, selectedBook, "", year, lost, genre_id, publisher_id, location_id); #region author_id Book_Authors id = new Book_Authors(0, id_b); dbc.ReadAuthorsID(id); int id_a = 0; foreach (int k in dbc.ReadAuthorsID(id)) { id_a = k; } /*string selectedAuthor = authorsBooksCombobox.SelectedItem.ToString();//exception needs to be handled * selectedAuthor = selectedAuthor.Trim(); * string[] AuthorID = selectedAuthor.Split('|'); * selectedAuthor = AuthorID[1].Trim(); * string surname = AuthorID[2].Trim(); * int id_a = Convert.ToInt32(AuthorID[0].Trim());*/ #endregion Book_Authors ba = new Book_Authors(author_id, id_b); //MessageBox.Show("author"+Convert.ToString(author_id), "book" + Convert.ToString(id_b)); dbc.DeleteBooksAuthors(ba); dbc.DeleteBooks(b); bookslistBox.Items.Clear(); OutputBooks(); userUnLendedBookslistBox.Items.Clear(); userLendedBookslistBox.Items.Clear(); //OutputBooksOnRents_Lended(); OutputBooksOnRents_UnLended(); } }
public override void OverrideSource(Publisher publisher) => _publisher = Publishers.First(x => x.Publisher == publisher);
public IActionResult Update_Post(Publishers pub) { _context.Publishers.Update(pub); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public IReadOnlyList <Publisher> GetAllPublishersExcept(Publisher publisher) { return(Publishers.Where(x => x.PublisherID != publisher.PublisherID).ToList()); }
public Publishers Add([FromForm] Publishers Publisher) { _PublishersRepository.Add(Publisher); return(Publisher); }
public int Edit([FromBody] Publishers publisher) { return(publisherobj.UpdatePublishers(publisher)); }
private void onPublisherAdd(Publisher publisher) { Publishers.Add(publisher); }
public bool IsMatch(ModClientApiJsonV3WithGameId c) => c.Publishers.Any(x => Publishers.Any(p => p.Id == x.Id && p.Type == x.Type)) || PackageNames.ContainsIgnoreCase(c.PackageName) || Ids.Contains(c.Id);
public void AddPublisher(Publisher publisher) { Publishers.Add(publisher); SaveChanges(); }
private void SaveDataBase() { database.SaveDataBase(new XmlDataBase(NewsPapers.ToArray(), Publishers.ToArray())); }
public SubscriptionRouter(Publishers publishers, EndpointInstances endpointInstances, Func<EndpointInstance, string> transportAddressTranslation) { this.publishers = publishers; this.endpointInstances = endpointInstances; this.transportAddressTranslation = transportAddressTranslation; }
public SubscriptionRouter(Publishers publishers, EndpointInstances endpointInstances, Func <EndpointInstance, string> transportAddressTranslation) { this.publishers = publishers; this.endpointInstances = endpointInstances; this.transportAddressTranslation = transportAddressTranslation; }
public bool IsSteam() => (Publishers.Count == 1) && Publishers.Any(x => x.Publisher == Publisher.Steam);
public RoutingComponent(UnicastRoutingTable unicastRoutingTable, DistributionPolicy distributionPolicy, EndpointInstances endpointInstances, Publishers publishers) { UnicastRoutingTable = unicastRoutingTable; DistributionPolicy = distributionPolicy; EndpointInstances = endpointInstances; Publishers = publishers; }
public static Publishers WithCreator(this Publishers publishers, ICreator creator) { publishers.Creator = creator; return(publishers); }