private void ContentService_Publishing(Umbraco.Core.Publishing.IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> args) { Result result = null; foreach (IContent node in args.PublishedEntities) { //This is where the magic happens. Unicorns. Free burgers. result = Restrictor.Instance.Run(node); } //No rule applied, as you were. if (result == null) { return; } //If a result has come back, see if limit has been reached or not. if (result.LimitReached) { //Show limit reached message to warn user that he/she has no hope of ever publishing another node. args.CancelOperation(new EventMessage(result.Rule.GetMessageCategory(), result.Rule.GetMessage(), EventMessageType.Error)); } else if (result.Rule.ShowWarnings) { //Show warning message to let the user know how many nodes can still be published. args.Messages.Add(new EventMessage(result.Rule.GetWarningMessageCategory(), result.Rule.GetWarningMessage(result.NodeCount), EventMessageType.Warning)); } }
public void OnUnpublish(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e) { base.ReturnOtherThanRestricted(e); foreach (var entity in base._restrictedEntities) { //element not at the root level if (entity.ParentId != -1) { continue; } //umbraco context is already defined as we are in one of the pluggins var siblingsAliases = Umbraco.Web.UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache.GetAtRoot() .Where(x => x.Id != entity.Id) .Select(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias) .ToList(); //any siblings with the same doc type ? var noOther = !base._restrictedEntities.Any(x => siblingsAliases.Contains(x.ContentType.Alias)); //documents with the restriction have been found if (noOther) { e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Content Restriction", base._rule.ErrorMessage, EventMessageType.Error)); } } }
private void ContentService_Unpublishing(IContentService sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> eventArgs) { ActionModel unpublish = null; int _currentUserId; using (var contextReference = _context.EnsureUmbracoContext()) { _currentUserId = contextReference.UmbracoContext.Security.CurrentUser.Id; } try { using (var scope = _scopeProvider.CreateScope(autoComplete: true)) { var sql = scope.SqlContext.Sql().Select("*").From <ActionModel>() .Where <ActionModel>(x => == 7); unpublish = scope.Database.Fetch <ActionModel>(sql).FirstOrDefault(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error <ActionModel>("Failed to get Content Protector setting for unpublish action: " + ex.Message); } foreach (var node in eventArgs.PublishedEntities) { if (unpublish != null) { if (unpublish.nodes.Split(',').Contains(node.Id.ToString()) || unpublish.disableAction) { if (!unpublish.userExceptions.Split(',').Contains(_currentUserId.ToString())) { eventArgs.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Action rejected. Contact website admin", "You cannot unpublish " + node.Name, EventMessageType.Error)); } } } } }
static void ContentService_Publishing(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e) { // Check if the node has an override for the UnPublish date. // Need to check in the Publishing event as the URL is not assigned until now. try { var expiryRuleProvider = new ExpiryRulesFromUmbraco(UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache); if (expiryRuleProvider.IsEnabled) { // Create the rule evaluator var ruleEvaluator = new ExpiryRuleEvaluator(); // Check if there is an override for this content element. // If not, check that the unPublish date is within allowed date range. foreach (var entity in e.PublishedEntities) { if (entity.Id == 0) { // Do a save to get the Id and other info ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService.Save(entity); } var result = ruleEvaluator.ApplyExpiryRules(DateTime.Now, expiryRuleProvider.DefaultMaximumExpiry, new DocumentTypeRuleMatcher(expiryRuleProvider.DocumentTypeRules), new PathRuleMatcher(expiryRuleProvider.PathRules), entity, new NodeUrlBuilder()); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.CancellationMessage)) { e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Publish Failed", result.CancellationMessage, EventMessageType.Error)); return; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ExpireDateChangedMessage)) { entity.ExpireDate = result.ExpireDate; e.Messages.Add(new EventMessage("Warning", result.ExpireDateChangedMessage, EventMessageType.Warning)); return; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error <ExpiryRulesEventHandler>("Error checking page expiry date.", ex); e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Publish Failed", ex.Message, EventMessageType.Error)); } }
public void OnPublishing(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e) { base.ReturnOtherThanRestricted(e); foreach (var entity in base._restrictedEntities) { if (entity.Children().Any()) { return; } e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Content Restriction", base._rule.ErrorMessage, EventMessageType.Error)); } }
public void OnPublish(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e) { var rule = _config.RulesNode.RuleList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == ruleName); if (rule == null) { return; } var aliases = rule.AddList.Select(x => x.DocTypeAlias); if (!aliases.Any()) { return; } //one of the documents we publish has a restriction var restrictedEntities = e.PublishedEntities.Where(x => aliases.Contains(x.ContentType.Alias)); if (!restrictedEntities.Any()) { return; } foreach (var entity in restrictedEntities) { //element not at the root level if (entity.ParentId != -1) { continue; } //umbraco context is already defined as we are in one of the pluggins var siblingsAliases = Umbraco.Web.UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache.GetAtRoot() .Where(x => x.Id != entity.Id) .Select(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias) .ToList(); //any siblings with the same doc type ? var cachedDocumentsCondition = restrictedEntities.Any(x => siblingsAliases.Contains(x.ContentType.Alias)); //documents with the restriction have been found if (cachedDocumentsCondition) { e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Content Restriction", rule.ErrorMessage, EventMessageType.Error)); } } }
private void ValidateModel(PublishEventArgs <IContent> e, IDomainModel model) { dynamic castModel = Convert.ChangeType(model, model.GetType()); var result = validateBus.Validate(castModel); if (!result.IsValid) { e.Cancel = true; foreach (var error in result.Errors) { var errors = new EventMessage(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage, EventMessageType.Error); e.CancelOperation(errors); } } }
public void LatchContentUnPublishing(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e) { if (!LatchesShouldBeChecked) { return; } var latches = latchOperationSvc.GetLatches(LatchOperationType.Content, LatchOperationAction.Unpublish); var contentItems = e.PublishedEntities; var user = HttpContext.Current.GetCurrentBackofficeUser(); var parentItem = contentItems.First(); var lockedNode = GetLockedNodeRecursively(latches, contentItems, user.Id); if (lockedNode != null) { var errorMessage = lockedNode.Id.Equals(parentItem.Id) ? GetErrorMessage("contentUnpublish") : GetErrorMessage("contentUnpublishChildren"); var eventMessage = new EventMessage(LatchConstants.SectionName, errorMessage, EventMessageType.Error); e.CancelOperation(eventMessage); } }
public void LatchContentPublishing(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e) { if (!LatchesShouldBeChecked) { return; } var user = HttpContext.Current.GetCurrentBackofficeUser(); var latches = latchOperationSvc.GetLatches(LatchOperationType.Content, LatchOperationAction.Publish); foreach (var content in e.PublishedEntities) { var latchesToApply = GetLatchesToApply(latches, content.Id, user.Id); var nodeIsLocked = AnyLatchIsClosed(latches); if (nodeIsLocked) { var errorMessage = GetErrorMessage("contentPublish"); var eventMessage = new EventMessage(LatchConstants.SectionName, errorMessage, EventMessageType.Error); e.CancelOperation(eventMessage); break; } } }
static void ContentService_Publishing(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e) { // Check if the node has an override for the UnPublish date. // Need to check in the Publishing event as the URL is not assigned until now. try { // Get default time period. Expiry time will be the same as the node creation time. var maxDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6); // Convert the date time to a string for event messages var dateString = maxDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"); dateString += maxDate.ToString(" h:mm:sstt").ToLower(); // Check if there is an override for this content element. // If not, check that the unPublish date is within allowed date range. foreach (var entity in e.PublishedEntities) { if (entity.Id == 0) { // Do a save to get the Id and other info ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService.Save(entity); } if (entity.ExpireDate.HasValue) { // Check for override if (UnpublishOverrides.UnpublishOverrides.CheckOverride(entity)) { // Date not allowed because there is an override e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Publish Failed", "You cannot enter an 'Unpublish at' date for this page", EventMessageType.Error)); } // Date cannot be less than 1 day in the future else if (entity.ExpireDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).AddMinutes(-10)) { e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Publish Failed", "The 'Unpublish at' date must be at least 1 day in the future", EventMessageType.Error)); } // Date cannot be more than 6 months in the future else if (entity.ExpireDate > maxDate) { // Default the date to the maximum allowed and continue publishing. entity.ExpireDate = maxDate; e.Messages.Add(new EventMessage("Warning", "The 'Unpublish at' date cannot be more than 6 months in the future. The date has been set to: " + dateString + ". You can refresh the page to see the new date.", EventMessageType.Warning)); } } else { // Check for no override if (!UnpublishOverrides.UnpublishOverrides.CheckOverride(entity)) { // Date is required as no override exists // As no date has been provided and there is no override, default the date to the maximum allowed and continue publishing. entity.ExpireDate = maxDate; e.Messages.Add(new EventMessage("Warning", "The 'Unpublish at' date is a required field. The date has been set to " + dateString + ". You can refresh the page to see the new date.", EventMessageType.Warning)); } // No date is OK because there is an override } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error <UnpublishAtEventHandler>("Error checking page expiry date.", ex); e.CancelOperation(new EventMessage("Publish Failed", ex.Message, EventMessageType.Error)); } }