public bool ModifyDepartment(int iDeptCode, string strDeptName, int iNumber, int iUpDeptCode, string strDeptCode) { string str = ""; strDeptName = PublicClass.CheckString(strDeptName); strDeptCode = PublicClass.CheckString(strDeptCode); string str3 = ""; DataTable deptmentDetail = this.GetDeptmentDetail(iUpDeptCode); if (deptmentDetail.Rows.Count > 0) { str = deptmentDetail.Rows[0]["v_bmqc"].ToString() + @"\" + strDeptName; DataTable table2 = this.GetDeptmentDetail(iDeptCode); if (table2.Rows.Count > 0) { str3 = table2.Rows[0]["v_bmqc"].ToString(); } } else { this._messageString = "取得部门新全称出错!"; return(false); } this.GetDeptmentDetail(iDeptCode).Rows[0]["v_bmmc"].ToString(); string str4 = "begin update pt_d_bm set v_bmmc='" + strDeptName + "',v_bmqc='" + str + "',v_bmjx='" + strDeptCode + "',i_xh=" + iNumber.ToString() + " where i_bmdm = " + iDeptCode.ToString() + ";"; if (publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString((str4 + " insert into pt_RtxDeptInit (InitState,Dept,ParentDept)values('1','" + strDeptName + "','" + str3 + "')") + " end")) { return(true); } this._messageString = "部门更新失败!"; return(false); }
public int BidScheduleAdd(WBSBidTask bid) { bid.TaskCode = PublicClass.CheckString(bid.TaskCode); string str2 = (" begin " + " insert into EPM_Task_TaskList(ParentTaskCode,TaskCode,TaskName,") + " Quantity,QuantityUnit,ChildNum,ProjectCode,WorkLayer,IsValid,Cost,SynthPrice, " + " StartDate,EndDate,Remark,WbsType,ContractPrice)"; object obj2 = (((((str2 + " values('" + bid.ParentTaskCode + "','" + bid.TaskCode + "','" + bid.TaskName + "',") + bid.Quantity.ToString() + ",") + "'" + bid.QuantityUnit + "',") + "0,") + "'" + bid.ProjectCode.ToString() + "',") + ((bid.TaskCode.Length / 3)).ToString() + ","; string str3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "1,0,", bid.SynthPrice.ToString(), ",'", bid.StartDate, "','", bid.EndDate, "','", bid.Remark, "','", bid.WbsType.ToString(), "',", bid.SynthPrice.ToString(), ")" }); return(publicDbOpClass.ExecSqlString((str3 + " update EPM_Task_TaskList set ChildNum = ChildNum + 1 where ProjectCode = '" + bid.ProjectCode.ToString() + "' and TaskCode = '" + bid.ParentTaskCode + "' and IsValid = 1 and WbsType=" + bid.WbsType.ToString()) + " end ")); }
public static bool UpdModule(string mkdm, string mkmc, string cdlj, int xh, string img, string strBasic, string strMaintainable, string helpPath) { string str = ""; mkmc = PublicClass.CheckString(mkmc); cdlj = PublicClass.CheckString(cdlj); str = " begin "; string str2 = str; return(publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString((((str2 + " update pt_mk set v_mkmc='" + mkmc + "',v_cdlj='" + cdlj + "',i_xh=" + xh.ToString() + ",v_img='" + img + "',IsBasic='" + strBasic + "',IsMaintainable='" + strMaintainable + "',helpPath='" + helpPath + "' where c_mkdm='" + mkdm + "' ") + " update pt_role_privilege set IsBasic = '" + strBasic + "' ") + " update pt_yhmc_privilege set IsBasic = '" + strBasic + "' ") + " end ")); }
public bool AddDepart(string strDeptName, int iNumber, int iUpDeptCode, string strBMBM) { string str = ""; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; strDeptName = PublicClass.CheckString(strDeptName); string str2 = "01"; DataTable deptmentDetail = this.GetDeptmentDetail(iUpDeptCode); if (deptmentDetail.Rows.Count > 0) { str = deptmentDetail.Rows[0]["v_bmqc"].ToString(); num = Convert.ToInt32(deptmentDetail.Rows[0]["i_jb"].ToString()); string deptCode = deptmentDetail.Rows[0]["i_bmdm"].ToString(); long subMax = this.GetSubMax(deptCode); if (deptmentDetail.Rows[0]["i_sjdm"].ToString() != "0") { strBMBM = deptmentDetail.Rows[0]["CorpCode"].ToString(); string str4 = subMax.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); int num4 = Convert.ToInt32(str4.Substring(str4.Length - 2, 2)) + 1; str4 = num4.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); str2 = deptmentDetail.Rows[0]["v_bmbm"].ToString() + str4; } else { long num5 = subMax + 1L; str2 = num5.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); } } else { this._messageString = "上级部门不存在,部门增加失败!"; return(false); } string str5 = str; str = str + @"\" + strDeptName; num2 = Convert.ToInt32(publicDbOpClass.QuaryMaxid("pt_d_bm", "i_bmdm")) + 1; num++; string str7 = ""; string str8 = str7 + " begin insert into pt_d_bm (i_bmdm,CorpCode,v_bmmc,v_bmqc,i_xh,i_sjdm,i_xjbm,i_jb,c_sfyx,v_bmbm) values(" + num2.ToString() + ",'" + strBMBM + "','" + strDeptName + "','" + str + "'," + iNumber.ToString() + "," + iUpDeptCode.ToString() + ",0," + num.ToString() + ",'y','" + str2 + "');"; string str9 = str8 + " insert into pt_RtxDeptInit (InitState,Dept,ParentDept)values('0','" + strDeptName + "','" + str5 + "')"; if (publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString((str9 + " update pt_d_bm set i_xjbm = (select count(1) from pt_d_bm where (i_sjdm=" + iUpDeptCode.ToString() + ")and(c_sfyx='y')) where i_bmdm = " + iUpDeptCode.ToString() + ";") + " end")) { return(true); } this._messageString = "部门增加失败!"; return(false); }
public bool userAdd(string dlid, string yhmc, string yhmm, string bmid, string zwbm, int yxdx, int yjsl, string jsdm) { int num; dlid = PublicClass.CheckString(dlid); yhmc = PublicClass.CheckString(yhmc); yhmm = PublicClass.CheckString(yhmm); yhmm = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(yhmm, "md5"); new ChineseToSpell().WordToSpell(yhmc); bmid = bmid.PadLeft(3, '0'); string str2 = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary("select max(v_yhdm)+1 as yhdm from pt_yhmc where v_yhdm like '" + bmid + "%'").Rows[0]["yhdm"].ToString(); if (str2.Length == 0) { num = 1; str2 = bmid + "00001"; } else { num = Convert.ToInt32(str2.Substring(str2.Length - 5, 5)); str2 = bmid + str2.Substring(str2.Length - 5, 5); } DataTable table2 = new roleManageDb().roleQuary(jsdm); string str3 = table2.Rows[0]["v_bgfw"].ToString(); string str4 = table2.Rows[0]["v_xtqx"].ToString(); string sqlString = "begin "; object obj2 = sqlString; string str5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, " insert into pt_yhmc (v_yhdm,v_xm,i_bmdm,c_sfyx,i_xh,i_dutyID) values ('", str2, "','", yhmc, "',", Convert.ToInt32(bmid), ",'y',", num, ",", Convert.ToInt32(zwbm), ")" }) + " insert into pt_login (v_dlid,v_yhdm,v_dlmm,v_bgfw,c_jsdm,v_xtqx,c_sfyx) values ('" + dlid + "',"; sqlString = (str5 + "'" + str2 + "','" + yhmm + "','" + str3 + "','" + jsdm + "','" + str4 + "','y')") + " end;"; bool flag = true; try { flag = publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString(sqlString); if (flag) { return(true); } this._messageString = "添加新用户出错,可能是登录id已存在,操作失败!"; flag = false; } catch (InvalidCastException exception) { this._messageString = exception.Message; } return(flag); }
public static bool AddModule(string mkdm, string mkmc, string cdlj, int xh, string img, string strBasic, string strMaintainable, string helpPath) { mkmc = PublicClass.CheckString(mkmc); cdlj = PublicClass.CheckString(cdlj); string str = (Convert.ToInt32(publicDbOpClass.QuaryMaxid("pt_mk", "I_ID")) + 1).ToString(); string str2 = ""; str2 = " begin "; object obj2 = str2; string str3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, " insert into pt_mk (c_mkdm,v_mkmc,v_cdlj,c_bs,i_xh,i_id,v_img,i_childnum,IsBasic,IsMaintainable,helpPath) values ('", mkdm, "','", mkmc, "','", cdlj, "','y',", xh, ",", str, ",'", img, "',0,'", strBasic, "','", strMaintainable, "','", helpPath, "')" }); return(publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString((str3 + " update pt_mk set i_childNum = (select count(1) from pt_mk where (c_mkdm like '" + mkdm.Substring(0, mkdm.Length - 2) + "%') and (len(c_mkdm)= " + mkdm.Length.ToString() + ")) where c_mkdm = '" + mkdm.Substring(0, mkdm.Length - 2) + "'") + " end")); }
public bool roleMod(string RoleCode, string RoleName) { bool flag = true; RoleName = PublicClass.CheckString(RoleName); string sqlString = "update pt_Role set RoleName='" + RoleName + "' where RoleCode='" + RoleCode + "'"; try { publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString(sqlString); } catch { flag = false; } return(flag); }
public bool userMod(string yhdm, string yhmc, string mmFlag, string RoleCodes, string IsManager, string MailSpace, bool isChange) { string[] strArray5; yhmc = PublicClass.CheckString(yhmc); string str = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile("easy", "md5"); string[] sqlString = new string[2]; sqlString[0] = "update pt_login set RoleCodes = '" + RoleCodes + "',IsManager = '" + IsManager + "',MailSpace='" + MailSpace + "'"; if (mmFlag == "y") { string[] strArray3; (strArray3 = sqlString)[0] = strArray3[0] + " ,v_dlmm = '" + str + "'"; } if (isChange) { string[] strArray4; (strArray4 = sqlString)[0] = strArray4[0] + " ,AuditPwd = 'easy'"; } (strArray5 = sqlString)[0] = strArray5[0] + " where v_yhdm = '" + yhdm + "'"; sqlString[1] = " exec P_Plat_UpdUserPriv '" + yhdm + "','" + RoleCodes + "'"; bool flag = true; try { flag = publicDbOpClass.ExecuteSQL(sqlString); if (flag) { if (mmFlag == "y") { this.InsertRTXSynchronizationPwd(yhdm, "easy"); } return(true); } this._messageString = "修改用户出错,可能是登录id已存在,操作失败!"; flag = false; } catch (InvalidCastException exception) { this._messageString = exception.Message; } return(flag); }
public static bool UpdPrjInfo(string TypeCode, string UserCode, string RecordDate, PMModel PIM) { string str = ""; TypeCode = PublicClass.CheckString(TypeCode); str = " begin "; string str2 = str; object obj2 = str2 + " update PT_PrjInfo set UserCode='" + UserCode + "',RecordDate ='" + RecordDate + "',"; string str3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "PrjName='", PIM.PrjName, "',StartDate = '", PIM.StartDate, "',EndDate = '", PIM.EndDate, "',ComputeClass = '", PIM.ComputeClass, "',RationClass ='", PIM.RationClass, "',PrjCost ='", PIM.PrjCost, "',ContractSum = '", PIM.ContractSum, "',Duration = '", PIM.Duration, "'," }); string str4 = str3 + "QualityClass = '" + PIM.QualityClass + "',Area = '" + PIM.Area + "',PrjKindClass = '" + PIM.PrjKindClass + "',PrjPlace = '" + PIM.PrjPlace + "',Remark1 = '" + PIM.Remark + "',"; object obj3 = str4 + "FileName = '" + PIM.FileName + "',FileURL = '" + PIM.FileURL + "',Owner = '" + PIM.Owner + "',Counsellor = '" + PIM.Counsellor + "',Designer = '" + PIM.Designer + "',"; string str5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj3, "[Inspector] = '", PIM.Inspector, "',[PrjInfo] = '", PIM.PrjInfo, "',[PrjState] = '", PIM.PrjState, "',[OwnerCode] = '", PIM.OwnerCode, "',[MarketInfoGuid] = '", Guid.Empty, "'," }); string str6 = str5 + "[Rank] = '" + PIM.Rank + "',[BudgetWay] = '" + PIM.BudgetWay + "',[ContractWay] = '" + PIM.ContractWay + "',[PayCondition] = '" + PIM.PayCondition + "',[TenderWay] ='" + PIM.TenderWay + "',"; string str7 = str6 + "[PayWay] = '" + PIM.PayWay + "',[KeyPart] = '" + PIM.KeyPart + "',[WorkUnit] = '" + PIM.WorkUnit + "',[LinkMan] = '" + PIM.LinkMan + "',[PrjManager] = '" + PIM.PrjManager + "',"; string str8 = str7 + "[BuildingType] = '" + PIM.BuildingType + "',[TotalHouseNum] = '" + PIM.TotalHouseNum + "',[BuildingArea] = '" + PIM.BuildingArea + "',[UsegrounArea] = '" + PIM.UsegrounArea + "',"; return(publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString(((str8 + "UndergroundArea = '" + PIM.UndergroundArea + "',PrjFundInfo = '" + PIM.PrjFundInfo + "',OtherStatement = '" + PIM.OtherStatement + "',xmgroup='" + PIM.Xmgroup + "'") + " where TypeCode='" + TypeCode + "'") + " end ")); }
public static bool AddPrjInfo(string TypeCode, string UserCode, string RecordDate, PMModel PIM, string podepom) { TypeCode = PublicClass.CheckString(TypeCode); int num = int.Parse(publicDbOpClass.QuaryMaxid("PT_PrjInfo", "i_XH")) + 1; string str2 = (" begin " + " insert into PT_PrjInfo (TypeCode,i_xh,UserCode,RecordDate,IsValid ,i_childNum,PrjCode,PrjGuid,PrjName,StartDate,EndDate," + "ComputeClass,RationClass,PrjCost,ContractSum,Duration,QualityClass,Area,PrjKindClass,PrjPlace,Remark1,FileName,FileURL,") + "Owner,Counsellor,Designer,Inspector,PrjInfo,PrjState,OwnerCode,MarketInfoGuid,Rank,BudgetWay,ContractWay,PayCondition,TenderWay,PayWay," + "KeyPart,WorkUnit,LinkMan,PrjManager,BuildingType,TotalHouseNum,BuildingArea,UsegrounArea,UndergroundArea,PrjFundInfo,OtherStatement,xmgroup,Podepom"; object obj2 = str2 + " ) values ('" + TypeCode + "'," + num.ToString() + ",'" + UserCode + "','" + RecordDate + "','1',0,"; object obj3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, " '", PIM.PrjCode, "','", PIM.PrjGuid, "','", PIM.PrjName, "','", PIM.StartDate, "', " }); string str3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj3, " '", PIM.EndDate, "','", PIM.ComputeClass, "','", PIM.RationClass, "', " }); string str4 = str3 + " '" + PIM.PrjCost + "','" + PIM.ContractSum + "','" + PIM.Duration + "', "; string str5 = str4 + " '" + PIM.QualityClass + "','" + PIM.Area + "','" + PIM.PrjKindClass + "', "; string str6 = str5 + " '" + PIM.PrjPlace + "','" + PIM.Remark + "','" + PIM.FileName + "','" + PIM.FileURL + "' ,"; object obj4 = str6 + " '" + PIM.Owner + "','" + PIM.Counsellor + "','" + PIM.Designer + "',"; string str7 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj4, " '", PIM.Inspector, "','", PIM.PrjInfo, "','", PIM.PrjState, "','", PIM.OwnerCode, "','", Guid.Empty, "'," }); string str8 = str7 + " '" + PIM.Rank + "','" + PIM.BudgetWay + "','" + PIM.ContractWay + "',"; string str9 = str8 + " '" + PIM.PayCondition + "','" + PIM.TenderWay + "','" + PIM.PayWay + "',"; string str10 = str9 + " '" + PIM.KeyPart + "','" + PIM.WorkUnit + "','" + PIM.LinkMan + "',"; string str11 = str10 + " '" + PIM.PrjManager + "','" + PIM.BuildingType + "','" + PIM.TotalHouseNum + "',"; string str12 = str11 + " '" + PIM.BuildingArea + "','" + PIM.UsegrounArea + "','" + PIM.UndergroundArea + "',"; object obj5 = (str12 + " '" + PIM.PrjFundInfo + "','" + PIM.OtherStatement + "','" + PIM.Xmgroup + "','" + podepom + "'") + "\t)"; string str13 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj5, " INSERT INTO PT_PrjInfo_ZTB_Detail(PrjGuid,IsTender,SetUpFlowState) VALUES('", PIM.PrjGuid, "', '0', '1')" }); return(publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString((str13 + " update PT_PrjInfo set i_childNum = (select count(1) from PT_PrjInfo where (TypeCode like '" + TypeCode.Substring(0, TypeCode.Length - 5) + "%') and (len(TypeCode)= " + TypeCode.Length.ToString() + ")) where TypeCode = '" + TypeCode.Substring(0, TypeCode.Length - 5) + "'") + " end")); }
public DataTable userLoginQuaryDt(string dlid) { dlid = PublicClass.CheckString(dlid); return(publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary("SELECT pt_login.*,pt_yhmc.v_xm FROM pt_login,pt_yhmc WHERE pt_login.v_dlid='" + dlid + "' and pt_login.v_yhdm=pt_yhmc.v_yhdm and pt_login.c_sfyx = 'y'")); }
public void UserlLoginInfo(string ipdz, string yhdm) { ipdz = PublicClass.CheckString(ipdz); publicDbOpClass.NonQuerySqlString("insert into pt_xtrz (v_yhdm,v_dlip,dtm_dlsj) values('" + yhdm + "','" + ipdz + "',getdate())"); }