private void UpdateDMS_SalePriceAdjustment(StoreQty2DMSSV bpObj)
            string opath = "1=1 and SalePriceAdjustment.PriceList.Code = @Code and SalePriceAdjustment.Org=@Org  @AddSuptOpath ";

            if (bpObj.SupItems != null &&
                bpObj.SupItems.Count > 0
                string ids = bpObj.SupItems.GetOpathFromList();

                opath = opath.Replace("@AddSuptOpath"
                                      , string.Format(" and ID in ({0})", ids)
                // 不选,就不同步
                opath = opath.Replace("@AddSuptOpath"
                                      , " and 1=0 "

            string priceListCode = HBHCommon.GetPartPriceListCode();

            if (priceListCode.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                SalePriceAdjustLine.EntityList lst = SalePriceAdjustLine.Finder.FindAll(opath
                                                                                        , new OqlParam(priceListCode)
                                                                                        , new OqlParam(Context.LoginOrg.ID)

                if (lst != null &&
                    lst.Count > 0
                    List <List <SalePriceAdjustLine> > pageList = PageList <SalePriceAdjustLine>(lst);

                    if (pageList != null &&
                        pageList.Count > 0
                        foreach (List <SalePriceAdjustLine> page in pageList)
                            //PubExtend.BatchSend2DMS_Async(lst, 2);
                            PubExtend.BatchSend2DMS_Async(page, 2);
        private void UpdateDMS_Customer(StoreQty2DMSSV bpObj)
            string opath = "1=1 @AddSuptOpath ";

            if (bpObj.SupItems != null &&
                bpObj.SupItems.Count > 0
                string ids = bpObj.SupItems.GetOpathFromList();

                opath = opath.Replace("@AddSuptOpath"
                                      , string.Format(" and ID in ({0})", ids)
                opath = opath.Replace("@AddSuptOpath"
                                      , string.Empty

            Customer.EntityList lst = Customer.Finder.FindAll(opath, new OqlParam(Context.LoginOrg.ID));

            if (lst != null &&
                lst.Count > 0
                List <List <Customer> > pageList = PageList <Customer>(lst);

                if (pageList != null &&
                    pageList.Count > 0
                    foreach (List <Customer> page in pageList)
                        //PubExtend.BatchSend2DMS_Async(lst, 2);
                        PubExtend.BatchSend2DMS_Async(page, 2);
        private static void BatchSend2DMS_Async(IList <WhQoh> lst)
            //PI07ImplService service = new PI07ImplService();

            //WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding();
            //binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue;
            //binding.MaxBufferPoolSize = int.MaxValue;
            //System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress remoteAddress = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://ip/dms/ws/PI07?wsdl")); ;

            //DMSAsync_PI07.PI07Client service = new DMSAsync_PI07.PI07Client(binding, remoteAddress);
            PI07Client service = PubExtend.GetPI07Async();

            // service.Url = PubHelper.GetAddress(service.Url);
            System.Collections.Generic.List <stockDTO> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <stockDTO>();

                foreach (WhQoh transline in lst)
                    if (transline.LotInfo != null
                        //&& transline.LotInfo.LotMaster_EntityID != null
                        //&& transline.LotInfo.LotMaster_EntityID.DescFlexSegments != null
                        //string suptCode = transline.LotInfo.LotMaster_EntityID.DescFlexSegments.PrivateDescSeg1;

                        //if (suptCode.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                            //Supplier supt = Supplier.Finder.Find("Code=@Code"
                            //    , new OqlParam(suptCode)
                            //    );

                            //if (PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(supt))

                            Supplier supt;
                            if (PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(transline.LotInfo, out supt))
                                stockDTO dto = new stockDTO();
                                dto.itemMaster = transline.ItemInfo.ItemID.Code;
                                //if (transline.SupplierInfo != null && transline.SupplierInfo.Supplier != null)
                                //    dto.supplier = transline.SupplierInfo.Supplier.Code;
                                dto.supplier = supt != null ? supt.Code : string.Empty;
                                //else if (transline.DocLine.EntityType == "UFIDA.U9.PM.Rcv.RcvLine")
                                //    RcvLine rcvline = RcvLine.Finder.FindByID(transline.DocLine.EntityID);
                                //    if (rcvline != null && rcvline.Receivement.ReceivementType == ReceivementTypeEnum.SaleReturn && rcvline.SrcDocType == RcvSrcDocTypeEnum.RMA && rcvline.SrcDoc != null && rcvline.SrcDoc.SrcDocLine != null && rcvline.SrcDoc.SrcDocLine.EntityID > 0)
                                //    {
                                //        RMALine rmaline = RMALine.Finder.FindByID(rcvline.SrcDoc.SrcDocLine.EntityID);
                                //        if (rmaline != null && rmaline.SrcDocType == RMASrcDocTypeEnum.Ship && rmaline.SrcDocLine != null && rmaline.SrcDocLine.ID > 0)
                                //        {
                                //            ShipLine shipline = ShipLine.Finder.FindByID(rmaline.SrcDocLine.ID);
                                //            if (shipline != null && shipline.Supplier != null && shipline.Supplier.Supplier != null)
                                //            {
                                //                dto.supplier = shipline.Supplier.Supplier.Code;
                                //            }
                                //        }
                                //    }
                                dto.number = transline.StoreQty.GetInt();
                                if (transline.LotInfo != null)
                                    dto.lot = transline.LotInfo.LotCode;
                                // DMS仓库编码按照U9的建立,因为出库时还要传回来仓库编码;
                                //dto.WH = "SHBJ";
                                if (transline.Wh != null)
                                    dto.WH = transline.Wh.Code;
                                //if (transline.Direction == TransDirectionEnum.Rcv)
                                //    // 0,入库;1,出库;2,盘点(库存全部更新)
                                //    dto.actionType = 0;
                                //    dto.actionType = 1;
                                // actionType   0,入库;1,出库;2,盘点(库存全部更新)
                                // Direction	异动方向   0,入/收;1,出/发
                                dto.actionType = 2;

                                //stockDTO[] dtolist = service.Do(list.ToArray());
                                // 改为异步调用了
                                //if (dtolist != null && dtolist.Length > 0 && dtolist[0].flag == 0)
                                //    throw new System.ApplicationException(dtolist[0].errMsg);

                stockDTO[] dtolist = service.Do(list.ToArray());
            catch (System.Exception e)
                throw new System.ApplicationException("调用DMS接口错误:" + e.Message);