        private void Monsters()
            var xml      = XDocument.Load(RootFolder + _region + "/ContinentData/ContinentData-0.xml");
            var contdata = (from cont in xml.Root.Elements("Continent") let battle = (cont.Attribute("channelType") == null)?false:cont.Attribute("channelType").Value == "battleField" let idcont = cont.Attribute("id").Value from hunting in cont.Elements("HuntingZone") let idzone = hunting.Attribute("id").Value where idcont != "" && idzone != "" select new { idcont, idzone, battle }).ToList();

            xml = XDocument.Load(RootFolder + _region + "/LobbyShape/LobbyShape-0.xml");
            var templates = (from races in xml.Root.Elements("SelectRace") let race = races.Attribute("race").Value.Cap() let gender = races.Attribute("gender").Value.Cap() from temp in races.Elements("SelectClass") let PClass = SkillExtractor.ClassConv(temp.Attribute("class").Value) let templateId = temp.Attribute("templateId").Value where temp.Attribute("available").Value == "True" select new { race, gender, PClass, templateId });

            //assume skills for different races and genders are the same per class
            templates = templates.Distinct((x, y) => x.PClass == y.PClass, x => x.PClass.GetHashCode()).ToList();
            var summons = "".Select(t => new { id = string.Empty, skillId = string.Empty, PClass = string.Empty }).ToList();

            foreach (
                var file in
                Directory.EnumerateFiles(RootFolder + _region + "/SkillData/"))
                xml = XDocument.Load(file);
                if (xml.Root.Attribute("huntingZoneId")?.Value != "0")
                var summonData = (from temp in templates join skills in xml.Root.Elements("Skill") on temp.templateId equals skills.Attribute("templateId").Value into Pskills
                                  from Pskill in Pskills
                                  let PClass = temp.PClass
                                               let skillId = Pskill.Attribute("id").Value
                                                             let id = Pskill.Descendants("SummonNpc").FirstOrDefault()?.Attribute("templateId")?.Value ?? ""
                                                                      where skillId != "" && PClass != "" && id != "" select new { id, skillId, PClass });
                summons = summons.Union(summonData, (x, y) => x.PClass == y.PClass && x.id == y.id, x => (x.PClass + x.id).GetHashCode()).ToList();

            List <Skill> skilllist;

            new SkillExtractor(_region, out skilllist);

            var summonNames = (from item in skilllist join summon in summons on new { skillId = item.Id, PClass = item.PClass } equals new { summon.skillId, summon.PClass } into results
                               from res in results
                               let name = item.Name
                                          where res.id != "" && name != ""
                                          select new { idzone = "1023", identity = res.id, name }).ToList();

            xml = XDocument.Load(RootFolder + _region + "/StrSheet_Region/StrSheet_Region-0.xml");
            var regdata = (from str in xml.Root.Elements("String") let idname = str.Attribute("id").Value let regname = str.Attribute("string").Value where idname != "" && regname != "" select new { idname, regname }).ToList();

            var contToStr = "".Select(t => new { idcont = string.Empty, nameid = string.Empty }).ToList();

            foreach (
                var file in
                Directory.EnumerateFiles(RootFolder + _region + "/Area/"))
                xml = XDocument.Load(file);
                var areadata = (from area in xml.Root.Document.Elements("Area") let idcont = area.Attribute("continentId").Value let nameid = area.Attribute("nameId").Value where idcont != "" && nameid != "" select new { idcont, nameid });
                contToStr = contToStr.Union(areadata).ToList();

            xml = XDocument.Load(RootFolder + _region + "/StrSheet_Dungeon/StrSheet_Dungeon-0.xml");
            var dundata = (from dun in xml.Root.Elements("String") let idcont = dun.Attribute("id").Value let dunname = dun.Attribute("string").Value where idcont != "" && dunname != "" select new { idcont, dunname }).ToList();

            var regdd = (from contn in contToStr
                         join reg in regdata on contn.nameid equals reg.idname into regn
                         from rg in regn
                         join dun in dundata on contn.idcont equals dun.idcont into regdun
                         from rd in regdun.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new { idcont = contn.idcont, regname = rd == null ? rg.regname : rd.dunname, nameid = contn.nameid }).ToList();

            var zonedata = (from rd in regdd
                            from cont in contdata
                            where rd.idcont == cont.idcont
                            let idzone = Convert.ToInt32(cont.idzone) let battle = cont.battle
                                                                                   let prio = (!rd.nameid.StartsWith(cont.idzone))
                                                                                              orderby idzone, prio
                            select new { Id = idzone, Name = rd.regname, battle }).ToList();

            zonedata = zonedata.Distinct((x, y) => x.Id == y.Id, (x) => x.Id.GetHashCode()).ToList();
            //using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter("data/cont.csv"))
            //    foreach (var line in zonedata)
            //    {
            //        outputFile.WriteLine("{0};{1}", line.Id, line.Name);
            //    }
            xml = XDocument.Load(RootFolder + _region + "/StrSheet_Creature/StrSheet_Creature-0.xml");
            var mobdata = (from hunting in xml.Root.Elements("HuntingZone")
                           let idzone = hunting.Attribute("id").Value
                                        from entity in hunting.Elements("String") join summon in summonNames on new { idzone, identity = entity.Attribute("templateId").Value } equals new { summon.idzone, summon.identity } into results
                           from res in results.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           let identity = entity.Attribute("templateId").Value
                                          let name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res?.name)?entity.Attribute("name").Value : res.name
                                                     where name != "" && identity != "" && idzone != "" select new { idzone, identity, name }).ToList();

            mobdata = mobdata.Union(summonNames).ToList();

            var mobprop = "".Select(t => new { idzone = string.Empty, id = string.Empty, boss = false, maxHP = string.Empty, size = string.Empty }).ToList();

            foreach (
                var file in
                Directory.EnumerateFiles(RootFolder + _region + "/NpcData/"))
                xml = XDocument.Load(file);
                var mobpdata = (from hunting in xml.Root.Document.Elements("NpcData") let idzone = hunting.Attribute("huntingZoneId").Value
                                                                                                   from entity in hunting.Elements("Template") let id = entity.Attribute("id").Value
                                                                                                                                                        let boss = (entity.Attribute("showAggroTarget") == null)?false: bool.Parse(entity.Attribute("showAggroTarget").Value)
                                                                                                                                                                   let size = (entity.Attribute("size") == null) ? "" : entity.Attribute("size").Value
                                                                                                                                                                              from stat in entity.Elements("Stat") let maxHP = stat.Attribute("maxHp").Value
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               where id != "" && idzone != "" select new { idzone, id, boss, maxHP, size }).ToList();
                mobprop = mobprop.Union(mobpdata).ToList();
            var moball = (from mobd in mobdata join mobb in mobprop on new { mobd.idzone, id = mobd.identity } equals new { mobb.idzone, mobb.id } into moba
                          from mobs in moba.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          let idzone = Convert.ToInt32(mobd.idzone) let identity = Convert.ToInt32(mobd.identity)
                                                                                   orderby idzone, identity select new { idzone, identity, mobd.name, boss = mobs == null?false:mobs.boss, maxHP = mobs == null?"0":mobs.maxHP, size = mobs == null ? "" : mobs.size }).ToList();
            var alldata = (from mobs in moball join zoned in zonedata on mobs.idzone equals zoned.Id into zones
                           from zone in zones.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           orderby mobs.idzone, mobs.identity select new { mobs.idzone, regname = zone == null?"unknown":zone.Name, mobs.identity, mobs.name, boss = (zone == null)?false:zone.battle?false:mobs.boss, mobs.maxHP, mobs.size }).ToList();

            var bossOverride = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, bool> >();
            var nameOverride = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, string> >();

            if (File.Exists(RootFolder + "override/monsters-override.xml"))
                var isBossOverrideXml = XDocument.Load(RootFolder + "override/monsters-override.xml");
                foreach (var zone in isBossOverrideXml.Root.Elements("Zone"))
                    var id = int.Parse(zone.Attribute("id").Value);
                    bossOverride.Add(id, new Dictionary <int, bool>());
                    nameOverride.Add(id, new Dictionary <int, string>());
                    foreach (var monster in zone.Elements("Monster"))
                        var monsterId = int.Parse(monster.Attribute("id").Value);
                        var isBoss    = monster.Attribute("isBoss");
                        if (isBoss != null)
                            var isBossString = isBoss.Value.ToLower();
                            bossOverride[id].Add(monsterId, isBossString == "true");
                        var bossName = monster.Attribute("name");
                        if (bossName == null)
                        var nameOverrideString = bossName.Value;
                        nameOverride[id].Add(monsterId, nameOverrideString);
            foreach (var all in alldata)
                if (!_zones.ContainsKey(all.idzone))
                    _zones.Add(all.idzone, new Zone(all.idzone, all.regname));
                bool isboss = all.boss;
                if (bossOverride.ContainsKey(all.idzone) && bossOverride[all.idzone].ContainsKey(all.identity))
                    isboss = bossOverride[all.idzone][all.identity];
                string name = all.name;
                if (nameOverride.ContainsKey(all.idzone) && nameOverride[all.idzone].ContainsKey(all.identity))
                    name = nameOverride[all.idzone][all.identity];
                if (name.Contains("{@Creature:"))
                    int zone  = int.Parse(name.Substring(name.IndexOf("{@Creature:") + 11, name.IndexOf("#") - name.IndexOf("{@Creature:") - 11));
                    int id    = int.Parse(name.Substring(name.IndexOf("#") + 1, name.IndexOf("}") - name.IndexOf("#") - 1));
                    var subst = alldata.First(x => (x.idzone == zone && x.identity == id)).name;
                    name = name.Replace(name.Substring(name.IndexOf("{"), name.IndexOf("}") - name.IndexOf("{") + 1), subst);
                if (name.Contains("{@Rgn:"))
                    name = name.Replace("{@Rgn:", "").Replace("}", "");

                if (!_zones[all.idzone].Monsters.ContainsKey(all.identity))
                    _zones[all.idzone].Monsters.Add(all.identity, new Monster(all.identity, name, all.maxHP, isboss));
        private List <Template> chained_skills(DataCenter dc)
            var templates = (from races in dc.Root.FirstChild("LobbyShape").Children("SelectRace")
                             let race = races["race", ""].AsString.Cap() let gender = races["gender", ""].AsString.Cap()
                                                                                      from temp in races.Children("SelectClass")
                                                                                      let PClass = ClassConv(temp["class", ""].AsString) let templateId = temp["templateId", 0].ToInt32()
                                                                                                                                                          where temp["available", false].AsBoolean select new Template(race, gender, PClass, templateId))
                            .Distinct((x, y) => x.PClass == y.PClass, x => x.PClass.GetHashCode()).ToList();
            //assume skills for different races and genders are the same per class

            //not found Thrall & RP/turrel skills - need manual override files, same as for boss monsters, but localizable

            //1st way: parse chains based on "type" attribute
            //connect = connectNextSkill=id (multihit),<AddAbnormalityConnectSkill/AddConnectSkill redirectSkill=id>(first need to parse multihit to count then rest of added chains)
            //normal(connected from connect) = connectNextSkill=id (multihit)
            //dash = <Dash dashRedirectSkill=id/>
            //switch=on/off via nextSkill
            //combo =multihit via nextSkill
            //combo_instance=multihit via nextSkill
            //change= ?connectNextSkill=id (Explosion). <ConnectSkill redirectSkill=id>(immediate_cancel), <AddAbnormalityConnectSkill redirectSkill=id />(rearcancel)
            //movingSkill=lockon/groundplaced via nextSkill (sometime standalone)
            //movingCharge=<ChargeStage shotSkillId=id>
            //any type of skill can do <ProjectileSkill id=id>
            //drain=chargecancell via nextSkill+<Drain backSkillId=id>
            //counter= counterattack
            //evade = connectNextSkill=id evade multihit or nextSkill to movingcharge
            //pressHit = chained, connectNextSkil back to first hit

            //2nd way: parse internal skill name
            //name Race_Gender_Class_SkillLvl_InternalSkillName_modifiers (with "_" may be " ", modifiers may be absent)
            //internalSkillName can also contain "_" or " "
            //sometimes contains combo hitnumber (" 01" " 02" etc) at the end (type="combo_instance","combo") or useless " 01" - so we cuold not say whether it 1st hit in a row or standalone
            //sometimes hitnumber "01" "02" is not separated from skillname (gunner)
            // modifier (case insensitive) -> ParsedSkill.cs

            //trying 2nd way:
            //create dictionary of all modifiers and cut them from internalname to get relation between publicname and internalname from known skill names
            //then parse this modifiers to fill hit numbers and chained properties
            var ChainSkills = (from temp in templates
                               join skills in dc.Root.Children("SkillData").Where(x => x["huntingZoneId", 0].ToInt32() == 0).SelectMany(x => x.Children("Skill")) on temp.templateId equals skills["templateId", 0].ToInt32() into Pskills
                               from Pskill in Pskills
                               let PClass = temp.PClass
                                            let skillid = Pskill["id", 0].ToInt32()
                                                          where PClass != "" && skillid != 0
                                                          let cat = Pskill["category", ""].AsString
                                                                    let p_skill = new ParsedSkill(Pskill["name", ""].AsString, skillid, (Pskill["connectNextSkill", 0].ToInt32() == 0) ? Pskill["type", ""].AsString : Pskill["type", ""].AsString + "_combo", cat, temp.tclass)
                                                                                  select new { PClass, skillid, p_skill })
                              .Distinct((x, y) => (x.skillid == y.skillid) && (x.PClass == y.PClass), x => (x.PClass, x.skillid).GetHashCode()).ToList();
            var IntToPub = (from cs in ChainSkills
                            join sl in skilllist on new { cs.PClass, cs.skillid } equals new { sl.PClass, skillid = sl.Id } into itps
                            from itp in itps
                            select new { cs.p_skill.BaseName, cs.p_skill.Category, itp.Name, itp.IconName }).ToList();

            IntToPub.Distinct((x, y) => x.BaseName == y.BaseName, x => x.BaseName.GetHashCode());
            var projectileSkills = (from temp in templates /// just for one missing projectile skillid...
                                    join skills in dc.Root.Children("SkillData").Where(x => x["huntingZoneId", 0].ToInt32() == 0).SelectMany(x => x.Children("Skill")) on temp.templateId
                                    equals skills["templateId", 0].ToInt32() into Pskills
                                    from Pskill in Pskills
                                    from ProjectileId in Pskill.Descendants("ProjectileSkill").Select(x => x["id", 0].ToInt32()).DefaultIfEmpty(0)
                                    let PClass = temp.PClass
                                                 let skillid = Pskill["id", 0].ToInt32()
                                                               where PClass != "" && skillid != 0 && ProjectileId != 0
                                                               join sl in skilllist on new { PClass, skillid } equals new { sl.PClass, skillid = sl.Id } into ps
                                    from ips in ps
                                    select new { PClass, ProjectileId, Name = ips.Name, IconName = ips.IconName }
                                    ).Distinct((x, y) => x.PClass == y.PClass && x.ProjectileId == y.ProjectileId, x => (x.PClass, x.ProjectileId).GetHashCode()).ToList();
            var chainedlist = (from cs in ChainSkills
                               from itpc in IntToPub.Where(x => x.Category != 0 && x.Category == cs.p_skill.Category && x.BaseName != cs.p_skill.BaseName).DefaultIfEmpty(new { BaseName = "", Category = 0, Name = "", IconName = "" })
                               from itp in IntToPub.Where(x => x.BaseName == cs.p_skill.BaseName).DefaultIfEmpty(new { BaseName = "", Category = 0, Name = "", IconName = "" })
                               from proj in projectileSkills.Where(x => x.PClass == cs.PClass && x.ProjectileId == cs.skillid).DefaultIfEmpty(new{ PClass = "", ProjectileId = 0, Name = "", IconName = "" })
                               //join itp in IntToPub on cs.p_skill.BaseName equals itp.BaseName
                               join sl in skilllist on new { cs.skillid, cs.PClass } equals new { skillid = sl.Id, sl.PClass } into uskills
                               from uskill in uskills.DefaultIfEmpty(new Skill(0, "", "", "", ""))
                               where itp.Name != "" || itpc.Name != "" || uskill.Name != "" || proj.Name != ""
                               select new Skill(cs.skillid, "Common", "Common", cs.PClass, uskill.Name == "" ? ChangeLvl(itp.Name == ""?itpc.Name == ""?proj.Name:itpc.Name:itp.Name, cs.p_skill.Lvl) : uskill.Name, cs.p_skill.Chained, cs.p_skill.Detail, uskill.IconName == "" ? itp.IconName == "" ? itpc.IconName == "" ? proj.IconName : itpc.IconName : itp.IconName  : uskill.IconName)).ToList();

            skilllist = chainedlist.Union(skilllist).ToList();
            templates.Add(new Template("Common", "Common", "Common", 9999)); ///add summoning skills for equipment