        public void WillNotDriftTooFarFromUtcNow()
            ITimestampSource target       = new PseudoHighResTimestampSource();
            const int        MAX_DRIFT_MS = 10;

            // Average over 10000 iterations and get the average drift
            decimal   totalDrift = 0;
            const int iterations = 10000;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                DateTime current = DateTime.UtcNow;
                DateTime result  = target.GetUtcNow();

                totalDrift += Convert.ToDecimal((result - current).TotalMilliseconds);
            Decimal averageDrift = totalDrift / iterations;

            if (averageDrift > MAX_DRIFT_MS)
                output.WriteLine($"Expected times were more than {MAX_DRIFT_MS}ms apart. Instead they were {averageDrift}ms apart.");
                Assert.True(false); // Force fail.
                output.WriteLine($"Total Drift over {iterations} iterations: {totalDrift}ms. Average {averageDrift}ms");
        public void WillGiveUtcDateTimeKind()
            ITimestampSource target = new PseudoHighResTimestampSource();

            DateTime result = target.GetUtcNow();

            Assert.Equal(DateTimeKind.Utc, result.Kind);
        public void CanSupplyHighResTimestamps()
            const int iterations = 100000;

            // Even if we call inside a very tight loop,
            // we should get better (pseudo) resolution than just DateTime.UtcNow
            long     dateTimeCollisions = 0;
            DateTime previousDateTime   = DateTime.UtcNow;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                // Attempt with date time directly
                DateTime current = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (previousDateTime == current)
                previousDateTime = current;

            if (0 == dateTimeCollisions)
                // Warn because we do expect that datetime.now has collisions in such a tight loop
                output.WriteLine("Warning! Expected DateTime.UtcNow to have some collisions, but seemed to be high resolution already.");

            // Now attempt to use our pseudo high precision provider that includes a sequence number to ensure that it
            // never collides
            ITimestampSource target = new PseudoHighResTimestampSource();
            long             highResTotalCollisions = 0;

            previousDateTime = target.GetUtcNow();
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                // Attempt with date time directly
                DateTime current = target.GetUtcNow();

                if (previousDateTime == current)
                previousDateTime = current;

            Assert.Equal(0, highResTotalCollisions);
            output.WriteLine($"No collisions detected with high resolution source, compared to {dateTimeCollisions} for DateTime.UtcNow.");