/// <summary>
    /// Load 1 or more Groups members from Azure and create in memory groups for them
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="azureGraph"></param>
    /// <param name="thisGroupAsSet"></param>
    /// <param name="groupToRetrieve"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private async Task GenerateGroupsMembersList_ProcessGroups(
        GraphServiceClient azureGraph,
        IGraphServiceGroupsCollectionPage thisGroupAsSet,
        ProvisionConfigExternalDirectorySync.ISynchronizeGroupToGroup groupToRetrieve)
        //Degenerate case: No data here...
        if ((thisGroupAsSet == null) || (thisGroupAsSet.CurrentPage.Count < 1))

        //Get all the groups from the current page of Azure results, and then get any subsequent pages
            //Process a;l the groups on this results page
            var currentPage           = thisGroupAsSet.CurrentPage;
            var currentPage_ItemCount = currentPage.Count;

            //Loop through all the Azure Groups in the current returned page
            for (var idxGroup = 0; idxGroup < currentPage_ItemCount; idxGroup++)
                await GenerateGroupsMembersList_ProcessSingleGroup(azureGraph, currentPage[idxGroup], groupToRetrieve);

            //Advance to the next page (if there is one)
            var requestNextPage = thisGroupAsSet.NextPageRequest;
            if (requestNextPage != null)
                thisGroupAsSet = await requestNextPage.GetAsync();
                thisGroupAsSet = null;
        } while (thisGroupAsSet != null); //Until we have no more Azure Group Pages to look through
    /// <summary>
    /// Process a single top level Azure AD group
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="azureGraph"></param>
    /// <param name="azureGroup"></param>
    /// <param name="groupSyncInstructions"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private async Task GenerateGroupsMembersList_ProcessSingleGroup(GraphServiceClient azureGraph, Group azureGroup, ProvisionConfigExternalDirectorySync.ISynchronizeGroupToGroup groupSyncInstructions)
        //See if there is an additional 'contains' filter we need to apply to the result
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupSyncInstructions.FilterSourceGroupNameContains))
            //If the Azure Group does not contain the specified Contains fitering term, then skip it
            if (!azureGroup.DisplayName.Contains(groupSyncInstructions.FilterSourceGroupNameContains))
                _statusLogs.AddStatus("Skipping groups sync members of group: '"
                                      + azureGroup.DisplayName
                                      + "', becuase the group name does not contain the filter term '"
                                      + groupSyncInstructions.FilterSourceGroupNameContains
                                      + "'");

        _statusLogs.AddStatus("Loading members of Azure group '" + azureGroup.DisplayName + "' for sync group '" + groupSyncInstructions.SourceGroupName + "'");

        //Get/Create the membership manager for the group
        var singleGroupMembershipManager = SetManagerForGroups.GetManagerForGroup_CreateIfNeeded(

        var thiGroupId = azureGroup.Id;

        //UNDONE: Improve performance by filtering down to just USERS and SUB-GROUPS

        var thisGroupsMembers = await azureGraph.Groups[thiGroupId].Members.Request().GetAsync();

        //TEST: Test paging by forcing  small page size
        //var thisGroupsMembers = await azureGraph.Groups[thiGroupId].Members.Request().Top(2).GetAsync();

        //Get all the users in the group and sub-groups
        await AzureRecurseGroupsGenerateGroupMembersList(azureGraph, thisGroupsMembers, singleGroupMembershipManager);