 public void NetworkProtocol(ref networkServer.networkClientInterface NetworkClient, string message)
     //Public for the Unit Tests
     CCstData.GetInstance(Application).Logger.writeInLog(3, LogCategory.OK, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, "Protocol received: " + message);
         if (message[message.Length - 1] == '\0')
             message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 1);
         //Decrypt received protocol
         // QUESTION: Can we somehow see if we get something that isn't encrypted like traffic?
         // QUESTION: Is it possible to decrypt something that isn't enchrypted and send it to the ProtocolController?
         // QUESTION: Or does the decryption function checck all this?
         List <char> Chars = message.ToList();
         message = AES_Converter.DecryptFromCBC(CCstData.GetInstance(Application).EncryptionKey, CCstData.GetInstance(Application).EncryptionIV, message);
         if (message[message.Length - 1] == '\0')
             message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 1);
     catch (Exception e)
         //If decryption failed, something was probably manipulated -> Log it
         CCstData.GetInstance(Application).Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.CRITICAL, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, "Protocol Decryption failed! Message: " + message + ", Error: " + e.ToString());
     CCstData.GetInstance(Application).Logger.writeInLog(2, LogCategory.OK, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, "Protocol received decrypted: " + message);
     ProtocolController.ReceivedProtocol(NetworkClient, message);