        public string Search(string ObjectAddress, string ObjectName)
            string strMethodName = (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name;

            oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("\"" + strMethodName + "\" Starting..."), EventLogEntryType.Information);
            string strReturn = "";

            if (boolCanWrite)
                Variables  oVariable   = new Variables(intEnvironment);
                ProteusAPI oProteusAPI = new ProteusAPI();
                oProteusAPI.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                //oProteusAPI.Proxy = oVariable.GetProxy(dsn);
                oProteusAPI.Url = oVariable.BlueCatWebService(dsn);

                // Login
                oProteusAPI = LoginBluecat(oProteusAPI, oVariable);

                if (oProteusAPI == null)
                    return(strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "Unable to login (" + strBluecatLogin + ")");
                    BlueCatEntity oEntity = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, ObjectAddress, ObjectName, false);
                    if (oEntity.Count == 0)
                        strReturn = strERRORNotFound;
                    else if (oEntity.Count > 1)
                        strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "There were multiple records found (" + oEntity.Results + ")";
                        if (ObjectAddress.Trim() != "")
                            strReturn = oEntity.Name;
                        else if (ObjectName.Trim() != "")
                            strReturn = GetBluecatProperty(oEntity.Entity, "address");
                            strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "Invalid Search";

                    // Log out
                oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("\"" + strMethodName + "\" Finished...Access Denied (" + strUser + ")"), EventLogEntryType.Information);
                return(strERRORPrefix + "Access Denied (" + strUser + ")");
 private ProteusAPI LoginBluecat(ProteusAPI oProteusAPI, Variables oVariable)
     strBluecatLogin = "";
         oProteusAPI.login(oVariable.BlueCatUsername(), oVariable.BlueCatPassword());
         APIEntity oTest = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(0, oVariable.BlueCatConfiguration(), "Configuration");
     catch (Exception exLogin)
         //if (exLogin.Message.ToUpper().Contains("HTTP STATUS 503: SERVICE UNAVAILABLE") == true)
         //    oProteusAPI.Url = oVariable.BlueCatWebService2();
         //    try
         //    {
         //        oProteusAPI.login(oVariable.BlueCatUsername(), oVariable.BlueCatPassword());
         //        APIEntity oTest2 = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(0, oVariable.BlueCatConfiguration(), "Configuration");
         //    }
         //    catch (Exception exLogin2)
         //    {
         //        strBluecatLogin = exLogin2.Message;
         //        return null;
         //    }
         strBluecatLogin = exLogin.Message;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment);
            //System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentialsProteus = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain());
            ProteusAPI oProteusAPI = new ProteusAPI();

            //oProteusAPI.Credentials = oCredentialsProteus;
            oProteusAPI.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["proxy"]))
                oProteusAPI.Proxy = oVariable.GetProxy(dsn);
            oProteusAPI.Url = oVariable.BlueCatWebService(dsn);

            // Login
            oProteusAPI = LoginBluecat(oProteusAPI, oVariable);
            if (oProteusAPI == null)
                Response.Write("ERROR: " + "Unable to login (" + strBluecatLogin + ")");
                string strOutput = oProteusAPI.getSystemInfo();
                // Log out
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Credential"></param>
 /// <param name="wsdlPath"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ProteusAPI Connect(NetworkCredential Credential, string wsdlPath)
         ProteusAPI ipam = new ProteusAPI();
         string Username = Credential.UserName;
         string Password = Credential.Password;
         ipam.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
         ipam.Url = wsdlPath;
         ipam.login(Username, Password);
         return ipam;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wsdlProxy"></param>
 /// <param name="keyword"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="start"></param>
 /// <param name="count"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static APIEntity[] GetObjects(ProteusAPI wsdlProxy, string keyword, string type, int start, int count)
     APIEntity[] entities = wsdlProxy.searchByObjectTypes(keyword, type, start, count);
     return entities;
 public static string GetNextIp4Address(ProteusAPI Proxy, long NetworkID)
         return Proxy.getNextAvailableIP4Address(NetworkID);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
 public static APIEntity GetIp4Network(ProteusAPI wsdProxy, string Name, long EntityId)
     APIEntity Entity = null;
         APIEntity Parent = wsdProxy.getParent(EntityId);
         Entity = wsdProxy.getEntityByName(Parent.id, Name, ObjectTypes.IP4Network);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
     return Entity;
 public static APIEntity GetIp4Network(ProteusAPI wsdlProxy, long EntityId)
     APIEntity Entity = null;
         Entity = wsdlProxy.getEntityById(EntityId);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
     return Entity;
 public static APIEntity GetDnsView(ProteusAPI Proxy, string View, string Parent)
         APIEntity[] Views = GetObjects(Proxy, View, ObjectTypes.View, 0, 100);
         foreach (APIEntity dnsView in Views)
             APIEntity ParentView = Proxy.getParent(dnsView.id);
             if (ParentView.name == Parent)
                 return dnsView;
         return null;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
        public string UpdateDescription(string ObjectAddress, string Description)
            string strMethodName = (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name;

            oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("\"" + strMethodName + "\" Starting..."), EventLogEntryType.Information);
            string strReturn = "";

            if (boolCanWrite)
                ProteusAPI oProteusAPI = new ProteusAPI();
                oProteusAPI.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                //oProteusAPI.Proxy = oVariable.GetProxy(dsn);
                oProteusAPI.Url = oVariable.BlueCatWebService(dsn);

                // Login
                oProteusAPI = LoginBluecat(oProteusAPI, oVariable);

                if (oProteusAPI == null)
                    return(strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "Unable to login (" + strBluecatLogin + ")");
                    BlueCatEntity oSearch = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, ObjectAddress, "", true);
                    if (oSearch.Count == 0)
                        strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "There were no records found (" + oSearch.Results + ")";
                        LogIt(ObjectAddress, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);
                    else if (oSearch.Count > 1)
                        strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "There were multiple records found (" + oSearch.Results + ")";
                        LogIt(ObjectAddress, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);
                            LogIt(ObjectAddress, "Attempting to update the BlueCat description = " + Description, LoggingType.Information);
                            oSearch.Entity.properties = "NWS=clearview|requestor=clearview|modified-by=xacview|modified=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "|name=" + Description + "|";
                            strReturn = "SUCCESS";
                            LogIt(ObjectAddress, "Description updated SUCCESSFULLY!!", LoggingType.Information);
                        catch (Exception exBluecat)
                            strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: (Bluecat # 3) " + exBluecat.Message;
                            LogIt(ObjectAddress, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);

                    // Log out
                oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("\"" + strMethodName + "\" Finished...Access Denied (" + strUser + ")"), EventLogEntryType.Information);
                return(strERRORPrefix + "Access Denied (" + strUser + ")");
        private BlueCatEntity SearchBluecat(ProteusAPI oProteusAPI, string ObjectAddress, string ObjectName, bool IncludeStaging)
            BlueCatEntity oReturn = new BlueCatEntity();

            if (ObjectAddress.Trim() != "")
                string      strSearch = ObjectAddress.Trim();
                APIEntity[] oSearch   = oProteusAPI.searchByCategory(strSearch, "IP4_OBJECTS", 0, 1000);
                if (oSearch.Length == 1)
                    if (oSearch[0] != null && (IncludeStaging == true || (oSearch[0].name != null && oSearch[0].name.ToUpper().Contains("STAGING") == false)))
                        oReturn.Entity = oSearch[0];
                        oReturn.Count  = 1;
                    //else if (oSearch[0] != null && IncludeStaging == false && oSearch[0].name == null)
                    //    // The IP address does not have a NAME.  Check to make sure it doesn't have a HostRecord.
                    //    APIEntity[] oEntities = oProteusAPI.getLinkedEntities(oSearch[0].id, "HostRecord", 0, 100);
                    //    if (oEntities.Length > 0)
                    //    {
                    //        // Found HostRecord for IP address, with no name.
                    //        oReturn.Entity = oEntities[0];
                    //        oReturn.Count = 1;
                    //    }
                    foreach (APIEntity oSearching in oSearch)
                        if (oSearching != null && (IncludeStaging == true || (oSearching.name != null && oSearching.name.ToUpper().Contains("STAGING") == false)))
                            string strIP = GetBluecatProperty(oSearching, "address");
                            if (oReturn.Results != "")
                                oReturn.Results += ",";
                            oReturn.Results += strIP;
                            if (strIP == strSearch)
                                oReturn.Count  = 1;
                                oReturn.Entity = oSearching;
                    // LIKE
                    if (boolLike == false && oReturn.Entity == null)
                        oReturn.Count = 0;
            else if (ObjectName.Trim() != "")
                string      strSearch = ObjectName.Trim();
                int         intFound  = 0;
                APIEntity[] oSearch   = oProteusAPI.searchByCategory(strSearch, "IP4_OBJECTS", 0, 1000);
                oReturn.Count = oSearch.Length;
                if (oReturn.Count == 0)
                    // Try to search for HostRecords.
                    oSearch = oProteusAPI.searchByObjectTypes(strSearch, "HostRecord", 0, 1000);
                    if (oSearch.Length > 0)
                        oReturn.Count = oSearch.Length;
                        foreach (APIEntity oSearching in oSearch)
                            // Found a DNS Host Record (that was not labeled properly)
                            string strName = "N/A";
                            if (oSearching.name != null)
                                strName = oSearching.name;
                            if (strName.Contains(" -") == true)
                                // The IPAM Name might be "WSERVER-backup - Room A - etc..." so get it to "WSERVER-backup"
                                strName = strName.Substring(0, strName.IndexOf(" -"));
                            if (oReturn.Results != "")
                                oReturn.Results += ",";
                            oReturn.Results += strName;
                            if (strName.ToUpper() == strSearch.ToUpper())
                                APIEntity[] oEntities = oProteusAPI.getLinkedEntities(oSearching.id, "IP4Address", 0, 100);
                                if (oEntities.Length == 1)
                                    // Got the IP Address Record
                                    oReturn.Entity = oEntities[0];
                                    oReturn.Count  = 1;
                                    // Update Host Record with Name
                                    oReturn.Entity.name = strSearch.ToUpper();
                        // LIKE
                        if (boolLike == false && oReturn.Entity == null)
                            oReturn.Count = 0;
                    if (oReturn.Count == 1)
                        oReturn.Count = 0;
                    foreach (APIEntity oSearching in oSearch)
                        string strName = "N/A";
                        if (oSearching.name != null)
                            strName = oSearching.name;
                        APIEntity[] oEntities = oProteusAPI.getLinkedEntities(oSearching.id, "HostRecord", 0, 100);
                        if (oEntities != null && oEntities.Length == 1 && oEntities[0].name != null)
                            strName = oEntities[0].name;
                        if (strName.Contains(" -") == true)
                            // The IPAM Name might be "WSERVER-backup - Room A - etc..." so get it to "WSERVER-backup"
                            strName = strName.Substring(0, strName.IndexOf(" -"));
                        if (oReturn.Results != "")
                            oReturn.Results += ",";
                        oReturn.Results += strName;
                        if (strName.ToUpper() == strSearch.ToUpper())
                            oReturn.Count = intFound;
                            //oReturn.Count = 1;
                            oReturn.Entity = oSearching;
                    // LIKE
                    if (boolLike == false && oReturn.Entity == null)
                        oReturn.Count = 0;
            if (oReturn != null && oReturn.Entity != null)
                if (oReturn.Entity.name != null)
                    string strFQDN = oReturn.Entity.name;
                    if (strFQDN.Contains(" -") == true)
                        // The IPAM Name might be "WSERVER-backup - Room A - etc..." so get it to "WSERVER-backup"
                        oReturn.Name = strFQDN.Substring(0, strFQDN.IndexOf(" -"));
                        oReturn.Name = strFQDN;
                APIEntity[] oFQDNs = oProteusAPI.getLinkedEntities(oReturn.Entity.id, "HostRecord", 0, 100);
                if (oFQDNs != null && oFQDNs.Length == 1)
                    oReturn.Name = oFQDNs[0].name;
        public string Delete(string ObjectAddress, string ObjectName, bool IncludeStaging, bool HideNotification, bool Decommission)
            string strMethodName = (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name;

            oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("\"" + strMethodName + "\" Starting..."), EventLogEntryType.Information);
            string strReturn = "";

            if (boolCanWrite)
                Variables  oVariable   = new Variables(intEnvironment);
                ProteusAPI oProteusAPI = new ProteusAPI();
                oProteusAPI.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                //oProteusAPI.Proxy = oVariable.GetProxy(dsn);
                oProteusAPI.Url = oVariable.BlueCatWebService(dsn);

                // Login
                oProteusAPI = LoginBluecat(oProteusAPI, oVariable);

                if (oProteusAPI == null)
                    return(strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "Unable to login (" + strBluecatLogin + ")");
                    BlueCatEntity oSearchIP   = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, ObjectAddress, "", IncludeStaging);
                    BlueCatEntity oSearchName = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, "", ObjectName, false);
                    if (oSearchIP.Count == 0 && oSearchName.Count == 0)
                        strReturn = "SUCCESS";
                        LogIt(ObjectName, "Neither the IP Address or NAME exist...return SUCCESS", LoggingType.Information);
                    else if (oSearchIP.Count > 1 || oSearchName.Count > 1)
                        strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "There were multiple records found (" + (oSearchIP.Count > 1 ? oSearchIP.Results : oSearchName.Results) + ")";
                        LogIt(ObjectName, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);
                            BlueCatEntity oDelete = oSearchIP;
                            if (oSearchIP.Count == 0)
                                oDelete = oSearchName;
                            LogIt(ObjectName, "Deleting Record....", LoggingType.Information);
                            //LogIt(ObjectName, "oDelete = " + oDelete.ToString(), LoggingType.Debug);
                            //LogIt(ObjectName, "oDelete.Count = " + oDelete.Count.ToString(), LoggingType.Debug);
                            //LogIt(ObjectName, "oDelete.Entity = " + oDelete.Entity.ToString(), LoggingType.Debug);
                            //LogIt(ObjectName, "oDelete.Entity.id = " + oDelete.Entity.id.ToString(), LoggingType.Debug);
                            if (HideNotification == false)
                                // Email IP Address Mailbox
                                Functions oFunction      = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment);
                                string    strSubject     = (Decommission ? "IP Decommission - BlueCat" : "BlueCat IP Notification");
                                string    strEMailIdsTO  = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_BLUECAT_DNS_TO");
                                string    strEMailIdsBCC = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_BLUECAT_DNS_BCC");
                                oFunction.SendEmail(strSubject, strEMailIdsTO, "", strEMailIdsBCC, strSubject, "The following IP Address was DELETED from BlueCat..." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + oDelete.Name + " = " + GetBluecatProperty(oDelete.Entity, "address"), false, true);
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "BlueCat IP Notification Sent", LoggingType.Information);
                            if (IncludeStaging == false)
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "Creating staging record...", LoggingType.Debug);
                                // We did not delete a staging record...so set the record we just deleted back to a staging record.
                                APIEntity oConfiguration = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(0, oVariable.BlueCatConfiguration(), "Configuration");
                                APIEntity oView          = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(oConfiguration.id, oVariable.BlueCatView(), "View");

                                string properties = "NWS=clearview|requestor=clearview|modified-by=xacview|modified=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "|name=" + strStaging + "|";
                                oProteusAPI.assignIP4Address(oConfiguration.id, GetBluecatProperty(oDelete.Entity, "address"), "", "", "MAKE_STATIC", properties);
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "Staging record created", LoggingType.Information);
                            strReturn = "SUCCESS";
                            LogIt(ObjectName, "Record deleted SUCCESSFULLY!!", LoggingType.Information);
                        catch (Exception exBluecat)
                            strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: (Bluecat # 2) " + exBluecat.Message;
                            LogIt(ObjectName, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);

                    // Log out
                oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("\"" + strMethodName + "\" Finished...Access Denied (" + strUser + ")"), EventLogEntryType.Information);
                return(strERRORPrefix + "Access Denied (" + strUser + ")");
        private string CreateOrUpdateBluecat(string ObjectAddress, string ObjectName, string Description, string MacAddress, bool boolUpdate, bool boolFromUpdate)
            string strMethodName = (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name;

            oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("\"" + strMethodName + "\" Starting..."), EventLogEntryType.Information);
            bool   boolSuccess = false;
            string strReturn   = "";

            // Setup ObjectName and Description
            ObjectName  = ObjectName.Trim();
            Description = Description.Trim();

            // Remove DNS suffix from ObjectName
            ObjectName = ObjectName.ToLower();
            if (ObjectName.Contains(strBluecatSuffix) == true)
                ObjectName = ObjectName.Substring(0, ObjectName.IndexOf(strBluecatSuffix));
            ObjectName = ObjectName.ToUpper();

            // Remove ObjectName from Description
            if (Description.Trim() == "")
                Description = ObjectName;
            else if (Description.ToUpper().Contains(ObjectName) == false)
                Description = ObjectName + " - " + Description;

            Description = Description.ToLower();

            // Log
            LogIt(ObjectName, "Beginning " + (boolUpdate ? "UPDATE" : "CREATE") + " for " + ObjectAddress + " (" + Description + ")", LoggingType.Information);

            Variables  oVariable   = new Variables(intEnvironment);
            ProteusAPI oProteusAPI = new ProteusAPI();

            oProteusAPI.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            //oProteusAPI.Proxy = oVariable.GetProxy(dsn);
            oProteusAPI.Url = oVariable.BlueCatWebService(dsn);

            // Login
            oProteusAPI = LoginBluecat(oProteusAPI, oVariable);

            if (oProteusAPI == null)
                return(strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "Unable to login (" + strBluecatLogin + ")");
                BlueCatEntity oSearchIP        = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, ObjectAddress, "", false);
                BlueCatEntity oSearchIPStaging = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, ObjectAddress, "", true);
                BlueCatEntity oSearchName      = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, "", ObjectName, false);
                if (oSearchIP.Count > 1)
                    LogIt(ObjectName, "There were multiple records found (IP Search = " + oSearchIP.Count.ToString() + " ~ " + oSearchIP.Results + ")", LoggingType.Error);
                    return(strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "There were multiple records found (IP Search = " + oSearchIP.Count.ToString() + " ~ " + oSearchIP.Results + ")");
                else if (oSearchName.Count > 1)
                    LogIt(ObjectName, "There were multiple records found (Name Search = " + oSearchName.Count.ToString() + " ~ " + oSearchName.Results + ")", LoggingType.Error);
                    return(strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "There were multiple records found (Name Search = " + oSearchName.Count.ToString() + " ~ " + oSearchName.Results + ")");
                else if (oSearchIP.Count == 0 && oSearchName.Count == 0)
                    // Neither the address nor the name nor the alias(es) exist...ok to create
                    LogIt(ObjectName, "Neither the address nor the name nor the alias(es) exist...ok to create", LoggingType.Information);

                    // Get Required Parent Objects
                    APIEntity oConfiguration = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(0, oVariable.BlueCatConfiguration(), "Configuration");
                    APIEntity oView          = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(oConfiguration.id, oVariable.BlueCatView(), "View");
                    Functions oFunction      = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment);
                    string    strEMailIdsTO  = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_BLUECAT_DNS_TO");
                    string    strEMailIdsBCC = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_BLUECAT_DNS_BCC");

                    if (oSearchIPStaging.Count == 1)
                        bool boolStageUpdated = false;
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < 5 && boolSuccess == false; ii++)
                            if (strReturn != "")
                                if (strReturn.ToUpper().Contains("TRY AGAIN") == true)
                                    LogIt(ObjectName, "Waiting 3 seconds to try again...", LoggingType.Debug);
                                    Thread.Sleep(3000); // Wait 3 seconds
                                    strReturn = "";
                                    // A different error has happened.  Exit the loop (since it's more severe)
                                if (boolStageUpdated == false)
                                    LogIt(ObjectName, "Updating staged record...", LoggingType.Debug);
                                    string properties = "NWS=clearview|requestor=clearview|modified-by=xacview|modified=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "|name=" + Description + "|";
                                    oSearchIPStaging.Entity.name       = Description;
                                    oSearchIPStaging.Entity.properties = properties;
                                    LogIt(ObjectName, "Staged record updated.", LoggingType.Information);
                                    boolStageUpdated = true;
                                    LogIt(ObjectName, "Waiting 2 seconds to add the Host Record...", LoggingType.Debug);
                                    Thread.Sleep(2000); // Wait 2 seconds
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "Adding Host Record...", LoggingType.Debug);
                                string strLower = ObjectName + strBluecatSuffix;
                                oProteusAPI.addHostRecord(oView.id, strLower.ToLower(), ObjectAddress, -1, ""); // no properties for HostRecord (only IP Record)
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "Host record added.", LoggingType.Information);
                                // Email IP Address Mailbox
                                oFunction.SendEmail("BlueCat IP Notification", strEMailIdsTO, "", strEMailIdsBCC, "BlueCat IP Notification", "The following IP Address was " + (boolFromUpdate ? "UPDATED" : "CREATED") + " in BlueCat..." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ObjectName + strBluecatSuffix + " = " + ObjectAddress + " (" + Description + ")", false, true);
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "BlueCat IP Notification Sent", LoggingType.Information);
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "Record created SUCCESSFULLY!!", LoggingType.Information);
                                strReturn   = "SUCCESS";
                                boolSuccess = true;

                                 * // Delete the IP address (to get rid of the "IP Address held for server staging via Ciora, Healy, Whelan..." mesage)
                                 * LogIt(ObjectName, "Delete the IP address to get rid of STAGING placeholder", LoggingType.Information);
                                 * LogIt(ObjectName, DeleteBluecat(ObjectAddress, "", true, true, false), LoggingType.Debug);
                            catch (Exception exBluecat)
                                strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: (Bluecat # 2) " + exBluecat.Message;
                                LogIt(ObjectName, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);
                            LogIt(ObjectName, "Creating record...", LoggingType.Information);
                            // hostname,viewId,reverseFlag(true|false),sameAsZoneFlag(true|false)
                            string strLower   = ObjectName + strBluecatSuffix;
                            string hostInfo   = strLower.ToLower() + "," + oView.id + ",true,false";
                            string properties = "NWS=clearview|requestor=clearview|modified-by=xacview|modified=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "|name=" + Description + "|";
                            oProteusAPI.assignIP4Address(oConfiguration.id, ObjectAddress, MacAddress, hostInfo, "MAKE_STATIC", properties);
                            // Email IP Address Mailbox
                            oFunction.SendEmail("BlueCat IP Notification", strEMailIdsTO, "", strEMailIdsBCC, "BlueCat IP Notification", "The following IP Address was " + (boolFromUpdate ? "UPDATED" : "CREATED") + " in BlueCat..." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ObjectName + strBluecatSuffix + " = " + ObjectAddress + " (" + Description + ")", false, true);
                            LogIt(ObjectName, "BlueCat IP Notification Sent", LoggingType.Information);
                            LogIt(ObjectName, "Record created SUCCESSFULLY!!", LoggingType.Information);
                            strReturn   = "SUCCESS";
                            boolSuccess = true;
                        catch (Exception exBluecat)
                            strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: (Bluecat # 1) " + exBluecat.Message;
                            LogIt(ObjectName, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);
                    if (boolUpdate == true)
                        if (oSearchName.Count == 0 || oSearchIP.Count == 0)
                            // NAME has been changed (and does not exist)
                            // Update the NAME using IP ADDRESS
                            // --- OR ---
                            // IP ADDRESS has been changed (and does not exist)
                            // Update the IP ADDRESS using NAME

                            if (oSearchName.Count == 1 && oSearchIP.Count == 0)
                                //strReturn = "BLAH1";
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "The NAME exists and IP address does not, so delete the NAME record", LoggingType.Information);
                                // Delete Name Record
                                LogIt(ObjectName, Delete("", ObjectName, false, true, false), LoggingType.Debug);
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "NAME record deleted, now create the record", LoggingType.Information);
                                return(CreateOrUpdateBluecat(ObjectAddress, ObjectName, Description, MacAddress, false, true));
                            else if (oSearchName.Count == 0 && oSearchIP.Count == 1)
                                //strReturn = "BLAH2";
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "The IP address exists and NAME does not, so delete the IP address record", LoggingType.Information);
                                // Delete Address Record
                                LogIt(ObjectName, Delete(ObjectAddress, "", false, true, false), LoggingType.Debug);
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "IP address record deleted, now create the record", LoggingType.Information);
                                return(CreateOrUpdateBluecat(ObjectAddress, ObjectName, Description, MacAddress, false, true));
                        // If it gets to this point, then it must not have returned a CreateOrUpdateBluecat result.
                        strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "ERROR: " + "Cannot update when there are multiple records found for both the IP and Name";
                        LogIt(ObjectName, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);
                        LogIt(ObjectName, "Either the name or IP Address exist (or both)...checking for CONFLICT / DUPLICATE", LoggingType.Information);
                        string strName = "";
                        if (oSearchIP.Count > 0 && oSearchIP.Name != "")
                            strName = oSearchIP.Name.Trim();
                        string strAddress = "";
                        if (oSearchName.Count > 0 && oSearchName.Entity != null)
                            strAddress = GetBluecatProperty(oSearchName.Entity, "address").Trim();

                        // There is an unknown delay in getting the Address...attempting to fix...
                        if (strName.ToUpper() != ObjectName.Trim().ToUpper() && strAddress.ToUpper() == ObjectAddress.Trim().ToUpper())
                            LogIt(ObjectName, "Timing issue...trying to get the latest IP Address information again...", LoggingType.Information);
                            // Check one more time for IP Address...
                            oSearchIP = SearchBluecat(oProteusAPI, ObjectAddress, "", false);
                            if (oSearchIP.Count == 1 && oSearchIP.Name != "")
                                strName = oSearchIP.Name.Trim();

                        if (strName.ToUpper() == ObjectName.Trim().ToUpper() && strAddress.ToUpper() == ObjectAddress.Trim().ToUpper())
                            LogIt(ObjectName, "Duplicate information found...check for proper HostRecord", LoggingType.Information);
                            APIEntity[] oHostRecords = oProteusAPI.getLinkedEntities(oSearchIP.Entity.id, "HostRecord", 0, 100);
                            if (oHostRecords == null)
                                oHostRecords = oProteusAPI.getLinkedEntities(oSearchName.Entity.id, "HostRecord", 0, 100);

                            if (oHostRecords == null || oHostRecords.Length == 0)
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "HostRecord not found, create it", LoggingType.Information);
                                // Create the HostRecord
                                APIEntity oConfiguration2 = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(0, oVariable.BlueCatConfiguration(), "Configuration");
                                APIEntity oView2          = oProteusAPI.getEntityByName(oConfiguration2.id, oVariable.BlueCatView(), "View");
                                string    strLower        = ObjectName + strBluecatSuffix;
                                oProteusAPI.addHostRecord(oView2.id, strLower.ToLower(), strAddress, -1, "");
                                strReturn   = "SUCCESS";
                                boolSuccess = true;
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "HostRecord created SUCCESSFULLY!!", LoggingType.Information);
                            else if (oHostRecords.Length == 1)
                                strReturn   = strERRORPrefix + "DUPLICATE";
                                boolSuccess = true;
                                LogIt(ObjectName, "Duplicate Record.", LoggingType.Information);
                                strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "HostRecords (" + oHostRecords.Length.ToString() + "): Create (" + ObjectAddress + "=" + strName + "," + ObjectName + "=" + strAddress + ")";
                                LogIt(ObjectName, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);
                            strReturn = strERRORPrefix + "CONFLICT: Create (" + ObjectAddress + "=" + strName + "," + ObjectName + "=" + strAddress + ")";
                            LogIt(ObjectName, strReturn, LoggingType.Error);

                // Log out

            if (boolSuccess == false)