 private void setProperty(object sender, PropertyUpdateArgs args)
         if (isDisposed(args.target))
         var target = args.target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
         if (target != null && target.InvokeRequired)
             target.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler <PropertyUpdateArgs>(setProperty), new object[2]
             args.propertyInfo.SetValue(args.target, args.value, null);
     catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a property on the object passed in to the value passed in. This method
        /// invokes itself on the GUI thread if the property is being invoked on a GUI
        /// object.
        /// </summary>
        private void setProperty(object sender, PropertyUpdateArgs args)
                // If the target is a control that has been disposed then we don't
                // try to update its proeprties. This can happen if the control is
                // on a form that has been closed while the transition is running...
                if (isDisposed(args.target))

                ISynchronizeInvoke invokeTarget = args.target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
                if (invokeTarget != null && invokeTarget.InvokeRequired)
                    // There is some history behind the next two lines, which is worth
                    // going through to understand why they are the way they are.

                    // Initially we used BeginInvoke without the subsequent WaitOne for
                    // the result. A transition could involve a large number of updates
                    // to a property, and as this call was asynchronous it would send a
                    // large number of updates to the UI thread. These would queue up at
                    // the GUI thread and mean that the UI could be some way behind where
                    // the transition was.

                    // The line was then changed to the blocking Invoke call instead. This
                    // meant that the transition only proceded at the pace that the GUI
                    // could process it, and the UI was not overloaded with "old" updates.

                    // However, in some circumstances Invoke could block and lock up the
                    // Transitions background thread. In particular, this can happen if the
                    // control that we are trying to update is in the process of being
                    // disposed - for example, it is on a form that is being closed. See
                    // here for details:
                    // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winforms/thread/7d2c941a-0016-431a-abba-67c5d5dac6a5

                    // To solve this, we use a combination of the two earlier approaches.
                    // We use BeginInvoke as this does not block and lock up, even if the
                    // underlying object is being disposed. But we do want to wait to give
                    // the UI a chance to process the update. So what we do is to do the
                    // asynchronous BeginInvoke, but then wait (with a short timeout) for
                    // it to complete.
                    IAsyncResult asyncResult = invokeTarget.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler <PropertyUpdateArgs>(setProperty), new[] { sender, args });
                    // We are on the correct thread, so we update the property...
                    args.propertyInfo.SetValue(args.target, args.value, null);
            catch (Exception)
                // We silently catch any exceptions. These could be things like
                // bounds exceptions when setting properties.
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the transition timer ticks.
        /// </summary>
        internal void onTimer()
            // When the timer ticks we:
            // a. Find the elapsed time since the transition started.
            // b. Work out the percentage movement for the properties we're managing.
            // c. Find the actual values of each property, and set them.

            // a.
            int iElapsedTime = (int)m_Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // b.
            double dPercentage;
            bool   bCompleted;

            m_TransitionMethod.onTimer(iElapsedTime, out dPercentage, out bCompleted);

            // We take a copy of the list of properties we are transitioning, as
            // they can be changed by another thread while this method is running...
            IList <TransitionedPropertyInfo> listTransitionedProperties = new List <TransitionedPropertyInfo>();

            lock (m_Lock)
                foreach (TransitionedPropertyInfo info in m_listTransitionedProperties)

            // c.
            bool propLeft = false;

            foreach (TransitionedPropertyInfo info in listTransitionedProperties)
                // We get the current value for this property...
                object value = info.managedType.getIntermediateValue(info.startValue, info.endValue, dPercentage);

                // We set it...
                PropertyUpdateArgs args = new PropertyUpdateArgs(info.target, info.propertyInfo, value);
                setProperty(this, args);

                propLeft = true;
            bCompleted = bCompleted && propLeft;

            // Has the transition completed?
            if (bCompleted)
                // We stop the stopwatch and the timer...

                // We raise an event to notify any observers that the transition has completed...
                Utility.raiseEvent(TransitionCompletedEvent, this, new Args());
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets a property on the object passed in to the value passed in. This method
		/// invokes itself on the GUI thread if the property is being invoked on a GUI 
		/// object.
		/// </summary>
		private void setProperty(object sender, PropertyUpdateArgs args)
                // If the target is a control that has been disposed then we don't 
                // try to update its properties. This can happen if the control is
                // on a form that has been closed while the transition is running...
                if (isDisposed(args.target) == true)

                ISynchronizeInvoke invokeTarget = args.target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
                if (invokeTarget != null && invokeTarget.InvokeRequired)
                    // There is some history behind the next two lines, which is worth
                    // going through to understand why they are the way they are.

                    // Initially we used BeginInvoke without the subsequent WaitOne for
                    // the result. A transition could involve a large number of updates
                    // to a property, and as this call was asynchronous it would send a 
                    // large number of updates to the UI thread. These would queue up at
                    // the GUI thread and mean that the UI could be some way behind where
                    // the transition was.

                    // The line was then changed to the blocking Invoke call instead. This 
                    // meant that the transition only proceded at the pace that the GUI 
                    // could process it, and the UI was not overloaded with "old" updates.

                    // However, in some circumstances Invoke could block and lock up the
                    // Transitions background thread. In particular, this can happen if the
                    // control that we are trying to update is in the process of being 
                    // disposed - for example, it is on a form that is being closed. See
                    // here for details: 
                    // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winforms/thread/7d2c941a-0016-431a-abba-67c5d5dac6a5
                    // To solve this, we use a combination of the two earlier approaches. 
                    // We use BeginInvoke as this does not block and lock up, even if the
                    // underlying object is being disposed. But we do want to wait to give
                    // the UI a chance to process the update. So what we do is to do the
                    // asynchronous BeginInvoke, but then wait (with a short timeout) for
                    // it to complete.
                    IAsyncResult asyncResult = invokeTarget.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler<PropertyUpdateArgs>(setProperty), new object[] { sender, args });
                    // We are on the correct thread, so we update the property...
                    args.propertyInfo.SetValue(args.target, args.value, null);
            catch (Exception)
                // We silently catch any exceptions. These could be things like 
                // bounds exceptions when setting properties.
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the transition timer ticks.
        /// </summary>
        internal void onTimer()
            // When the timer ticks we:
            // a. Find the elapsed time since the transition started.
            // b. Work out the percentage movement for the properties we're managing.
            // c. Find the actual values of each property, and set them.

            // a.
            int iElapsedTime = (int)m_Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // b.
            double dPercentage;
            bool bCompleted;
            m_TransitionMethod.onTimer(iElapsedTime, out dPercentage, out bCompleted);

            // We take a copy of the list of properties we are transitioning, as
            // they can be changed by another thread while this method is running...
            IList<TransitionedPropertyInfo> listTransitionedProperties = new List<TransitionedPropertyInfo>();
            lock (m_Lock)
                foreach (TransitionedPropertyInfo info in m_listTransitionedProperties)

            // c. 
            foreach (TransitionedPropertyInfo info in listTransitionedProperties)
                // We get the current value for this property...
                object value = info.managedType.getIntermediateValue(info.startValue, info.endValue, dPercentage);

                // We set it...
                PropertyUpdateArgs args = new PropertyUpdateArgs(info.target, info.propertyInfo, value);
                setProperty(this, args);

            // Has the transition completed?
            if (bCompleted == true)
                // We stop the stopwatch and the timer...

                // We raise an event to notify any observers that the transition has completed...
                Utility.raiseEvent(TransitionCompletedEvent, this, new Args());