protected void Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateAndSave(Master.CurrentPage, true, false)) { //If the user selects “Ask for Donation/Support”, redirect to {propertyshortcode}/SurveyDonation.aspx //if (fbkQ1.SelectedIndex == 10 && Master.CurrentPage == 2) //20171219_Redirecting to donation request based on selection if (fbkQ1.SelectedIndex == 5 && Master.CurrentPage == 2) { Response.Redirect(String.Format("/DonationRequest/{0}/", AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString()), true); return; } int nextPage = Master.CurrentPage + 1; if (nextPage > 5) { nextPage = 99; } if (Master.CurrentPage == 99) { Response.Redirect(PropertyTools.GetCasinoURL(AlignedPropertyShortCode), true); return; } Response.Redirect(GetURL(nextPage, 1), true); } }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GUID)) { SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; SQLParamList sqlParams = new SQLParamList(); UserInfo ui = SessionWrapper.Get <UserInfo>("UserInfo"); sqlParams.Add("@GUID", GUID) .Add("@UpdateLastViewedTime", !(ui != null || RequestVars.Get <string>("a", null) != null)); DataSet ds = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataSet("[spFeedback_GetGuestItem]", sqlParams); if (!sql.HasError) { Data = ds; GCCPropertyShortCode sc = (GCCPropertyShortCode)Conversion.StringToInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PropertyID"].ToString(), 1); Master.ForceSpecificProperty = sc; MessageTimeline.PropertyShortCode = sc; MessageTimeline.Messages = ds.Tables[1]; int feedbackStatus = Conversion.StringToInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FeedbackStatusID"].ToString()); MessageTimeline.HideReplyBox = ui != null || RequestVars.Get <string>("a", null) != null; Title = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc) + " Feedback"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Title = "GCC Food & Beverage Dashboard » " + PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)PropertyShortCode); Master.HidePropertyFilter = true; if (!IsPostBack && PropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC) { //Set up the restaurant list if we're looking at all locations SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; SQLParamList sqlParams = GetFilters(); DataTable dt = sql.QueryDataTable( @"SELECT [RestaurantID] ,[Name] FROM [GCC].[dbo].[tblRestaurants] WHERE RestaurantID IN (SELECT RestaurantID FROM tblPropertyRestaurants WHERE PropertyID = @PropertyID) OR @PropertyID = 1 ORDER BY Name", sqlParams); if (!sql.HasError) { ddlSelectedLocation.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlSelectedLocation.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["RestaurantID"].ToString())); } } } }
private void SendNotifications() { //Send thank you letter if (Master.EmailPINRow != null) { SurveyTools.SendNotifications( Server, Master.PropertyShortCode, SharedClasses.SurveyType.GEI, NotificationReason.ThankYou, string.Empty, new { CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)Master.PropertyShortCode), FeedbackNoteHTML = String.Empty, FeedbackNoteTXT = String.Empty, Attachments = new SurveyTools.SurveyAttachmentDetails[] { new SurveyTools.SurveyAttachmentDetails() { Path = "~/Images/headers/" + PropertyTools.GetCasinoHeaderImage(Master.PropertyShortCode), ContentID = "HeaderImage" } } }, Master.EmailPINRow["EmailAddress"].ToString()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Title = "GCC Followup Dashboard » " + PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)PropertyShortCode); Master.HidePropertyFilter = true; if (PropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC) { } }
private void GenerateHeadings(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, Dictionary <string, DataRow> rowLookup) { _startYear = rowLookup["DateYear"][1].ToString().StringToInt(); _yearsInclusive = (DateTime.Now.Year - _startYear) + 1; _colsPerProperty = (_yearsInclusive * 5) + 1; //+ 1 for variance column //Loop through and add property headers for (int i = 0; i < _propertySortOrder.Length; i++) { //Property name int propStartCol = START_COL + i * _colsPerProperty; worksheet.Cells[5, propStartCol].Value = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName(_propertySortOrder[i]); using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells[5, propStartCol, 5, propStartCol + _colsPerProperty - 1]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium); r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } //Years for (int yr = 0; yr < _yearsInclusive; yr++) { bool isLastYear = (yr == _yearsInclusive - 1); int yearStartCol = propStartCol + (yr * 5); worksheet.Cells[6, yearStartCol].Value = _startYear + yr; using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells[6, yearStartCol, 6, yearStartCol + (isLastYear ? 5 : 4)]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin); if (yr == 0) { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; } if (isLastYear) { r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; } } //Quarters AddQuarterTitleCell(worksheet, rowLookup, yearStartCol, 1, yr == 0, false); AddQuarterTitleCell(worksheet, rowLookup, yearStartCol, 2, false, false); AddQuarterTitleCell(worksheet, rowLookup, yearStartCol, 3, false, false); AddQuarterTitleCell(worksheet, rowLookup, yearStartCol, 4, false, false); AddQuarterTitleCell(worksheet, rowLookup, yearStartCol, 5, false, false); //If last year for this property, add the variance column if (isLastYear) { AddQuarterTitleCell(worksheet, rowLookup, yearStartCol, 6, false, true); } } } }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the Behavior class.</summary> /// <param name="instanceProperties">Dictionary of properties to spawn this behavior instance with, if any.</param> protected Behavior(Dictionary <string, object> instanceProperties) { ID = 0; SetDefaultProperties(); // If we're handed a set of propertyName-propertyValue pairs (as may have come from // persistence of the behavior or whatnot) then restore those as actual properties. if (instanceProperties != null) { // TODO: Test w/behavior persistence implementation... PropertyTools.SetProperties(this, instanceProperties); } }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; sql.CommandTimeout = 120; SQLParamList sqlParams = GetFilters(); if (PropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC) { sqlParams.Add("@RestaurantID", ddlSelectedLocation.SelectedValue); } DataSet ds = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataSet("[spReports_FoodAndBev]", sqlParams); if (!sql.HasError) { DataFull = ds; //Set the dashboard counts if (PropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC) { //Set it up if we're looking at all locations Data = ds.Tables[1]; } else { Data = ds.Tables[0]; //Set it up if we're looking at a particular location if (!IsPostBack) { for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { string name; if (PropertyTools.HasFoodAndBev(PropertyShortCode, i + 1, out name)) { ddlSelectedLocation.Items[i].Enabled = true; ddlSelectedLocation.Items[i].Text = name; } else { ddlSelectedLocation.Items[i].Enabled = false; } } } } if (Data.Rows.Count > 0) { string suffix = PropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC ? String.Empty : "_M" + SelectedMention; Master.RecordCount = Data.Rows[0]["Count" + suffix].ToString(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Behavior class /// </summary> /// <param name="instanceProperties">Dictionary of properties to spawn this behavior instance with, if any.</param> protected Behavior(Dictionary <string, object> instanceProperties) { this.ID = 0; this.SetDefaultProperties(); // If we're handed a set of propertyName-propertyValue pairs (as may have come from // persistence of the behavior or whatnot) then restore those as actual properties. if (instanceProperties != null) { // @@@ TODO: Test w/behavior persistence implementation... // Adjusted as per feedback from thread: // PropertyTools.SetProperties(this, instanceProperties); } }
protected void Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateAndSave(Master.CurrentPage, true, false)) { if (Master.CurrentPage == 99) { Response.Redirect(PropertyTools.GetCasinoURL(Master.PropertyShortCode), true); return; } int nextPage = Master.CurrentPage + 1; if (nextPage > 10) { nextPage = 99; } Response.Redirect(GetURL(nextPage, 1), true); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Title = "Rooms Dashboard » " + PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)PropertyShortCode); Master.HideDateRangeFilter = false; Master.HideRegionFilter = true; Master.HidePropertyFilter = true; Master.HideSurveyTypeFilter = true; Master.HideBusinessUnitFilter = true; Master.HideSourceFilter = true; Master.HideStatusFilter = false; Master.HideFeedbackAgeFilter = true; Master.HideFBVenueFilter = true; Master.HideEncoreNumberFilter = false; Master.HidePlayerEmailFilter = false; Master.HideAgeRangeFilter = true; Master.HideGenderFilter = true; Master.HideLanguageFilter = true; Master.HideVisitsFilter = true; Master.HideSegmentsFilter = false; Master.HideTenureFilter = false; Master.HideTierFilter = false; Master.HideTextSearchFilter = false; }
//20170116 adding commentws for email notification //public static void SendNotifications<T>( HttpServerUtility server, GCCPropertyShortCode property, SurveyType surveyType, NotificationReason reason, T replacementModel, string emailAddress, string subjectPrefix ) public static void SendNotifications <T>(HttpServerUtility server, GCCPropertyShortCode property, SurveyType surveyType, NotificationReason reason, string Comments, T replacementModel, string emailAddress, string subjectPrefix, int operationsArea) where T : class { string template = String.Empty; string title = String.Empty; string propertyName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)property); if (property == GCCPropertyShortCode.GAG) { PropertyInfo nameProp = replacementModel.GetType().GetProperty("CasinoName"); if (nameProp != null) { string name = nameProp.GetValue(replacementModel) as string; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { propertyName = name; } } } switch (surveyType) { case SurveyType.GEI: if (reason == NotificationReason.ThankYou) { title = "Thank You For Your Feedback"; template = "GEIThankYou"; } else { template = "GEITemplate"; title = String.Format("{0}GEI Feedback Notification for {1} - {2}", subjectPrefix, propertyName, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); } break; case SurveyType.GEIProblemResolution: if (reason == NotificationReason.ThankYou) { title = "Thank You For Your Feedback"; template = "GEIThankYou"; } else { if (replacementModel.ToString().Contains("FeedbackCategory")) { template = "GEIFeedbackCategoryTemplate"; title = String.Format("{0}GEI Feedback Category Notification for {1} - {2}", subjectPrefix, propertyName, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); } else { template = "GEITemplate"; title = String.Format("{0}GEI Problem Resolution Feedback Notification for {1} - {2}", subjectPrefix, propertyName, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); } } break; case SurveyType.Hotel: if (reason == NotificationReason.ThankYou) { title = "Thank You For Your Feedback"; template = "HotelThankYou"; } else { template = "HotelTemplate"; title = String.Format("{0}Hotel Survey Notification - {1}", subjectPrefix, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); } break; case SurveyType.Feedback: if (reason == NotificationReason.ThankYou) { title = "Thank You For Your Feedback"; template = "FeedbackThankYou"; } else if (reason == NotificationReason.Tier3Alert) { title = String.Format("{0}Tier 3 Alert for {1} - {2}", subjectPrefix, propertyName, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); template = "Tier3Alert"; } else { template = "FeedbackTemplate"; title = String.Format("{0}Feedback Follow-up Notification for {1} - {2}", subjectPrefix, propertyName, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); } break; case SurveyType.Donation: template = "DonationTemplate"; title = String.Format("{0}Sponsorship / Donation Request Notification for {1} - {2}", subjectPrefix, propertyName, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); break; } if (template.Equals(String.Empty)) { return; } MailMessage msg = null; try { string path = server.MapPath("~/Content/notifications/"); msg = EmailManager.CreateEmailFromTemplate( Path.Combine(path, template + ".htm"), Path.Combine(path, template + ".txt"), replacementModel); PropertyInfo attachmentProp = replacementModel.GetType().GetProperty("Attachments"); if (attachmentProp != null) { SurveyAttachmentDetails[] attachments = attachmentProp.GetValue(replacementModel) as SurveyAttachmentDetails[]; foreach (SurveyAttachmentDetails att in attachments) { LinkedResource lr = new LinkedResource(server.MapPath(att.Path)); lr.ContentId = att.ContentID; msg.AlternateViews[0].LinkedResources.Add(lr); } } msg.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); msg.Subject = title; //Add high priority flag to tier 3 alerts if (reason == NotificationReason.Tier3Alert) { msg.Priority = MailPriority.High; } bool hasAddress = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress)) { msg.To.Add(emailAddress); hasAddress = true; } else { SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; DataTable dt = sql.QueryDataTable(@" SELECT [SendType], u.[FirstName], u.[LastName], u.[Email] FROM [tblNotificationUsers] ne INNER JOIN [tblNotificationPropertySurveyReason] psr ON ne.[PropertySurveyReasonID] = psr.[PropertySurveyReasonID] INNER JOIN [tblCOM_Users] u ON ne.UserID = u.UserID WHERE psr.PropertyID = @PropertyID AND psr.SurveyTypeID = @SurveyID AND psr.ReasonID = @ReasonID ;", //AND ( ( @OperationsAreaID < 0 AND psr.OperationsAreaID IS NULL ) OR psr.OperationsAreaID = @OperationsAreaID ) new SQLParamList() .Add("@PropertyID", (int)property) .Add("@SurveyID", (int)surveyType) .Add("@ReasonID", (int)reason) .Add("@OperationsAreaID", operationsArea) ); if (!sql.HasError && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder addrs = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { switch (dr["SendType"].ToString()) { case "1": msg.To.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); //201701 Testing Email error //msg.Bcc.Add("*****@*****.**"); addrs.Append(dr["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dr["LastName"].ToString() + " <" + dr["Email"].ToString() + ">" + "\n"); hasAddress = true; break; case "2": msg.CC.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); //201701 Testing Email error //msg.Bcc.Add("*****@*****.**"); //Colin requested that CC addresses not show on the call Aug 10,2015 //addrs.Append( dr["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dr["LastName"].ToString() + " <" + dr["Email"].ToString() + ">" + "\n" ); hasAddress = true; break; case "3": msg.Bcc.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); //201701 Testing Email error // msg.Bcc.Add("*****@*****.**"); hasAddress = true; break; } } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(msg.AlternateViews[0].ContentStream)) { msg.AlternateViews[0] = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("{Recipients}", server.HtmlEncode(addrs.ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br />")).Replace("{Business}", server.HtmlEncode(reason.ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br />")).Replace("{Comments}", server.HtmlEncode(Comments.ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br />")), null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html); } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(msg.AlternateViews[1].ContentStream)) { msg.AlternateViews[1] = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("{Recipients}", addrs.ToString()).Replace("{Business}", reason.ToString()).Replace("{Comments}", Comments.ToString()), null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain); } } } if (hasAddress) { msg.Send(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (msg != null) { msg.Dispose(); msg = null; } } }
public string GetFoodAndBevName(int mention) { return(PropertyTools.GetFoodAndBevName(PropertyShortCode, mention)); }
protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; sql.CommandTimeout = 90; DataTable dt = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataTable("spReports_Monthly_Hotel", new SqlParameter("@MonthStart", ddlMonth.SelectedValue + "-01"), new SqlParameter("@PropertyID", ddlProperty.SelectedValue)); if (sql.HasError) { TopMessage.ErrorMessage = "Unable to query report data from the database."; return; } using (ExcelPackage p = new ExcelPackage()) { string[] date = ddlMonth.SelectedValue.Split('-'); DateTime mon = new DateTime(date[0].StringToInt(2017), date[1].StringToInt(1), 1); GCCPropertyShortCode sc = (GCCPropertyShortCode)ddlProperty.SelectedValue.StringToInt(0); p.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc)); ExcelWorksheet worksheet = p.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Size = 10; //Default font size for whole sheet worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Name = "Calibri"; //Default Font name for whole sheet worksheet.Cells.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid; worksheet.Cells.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.White); worksheet.Column(1).Width = 12.71f; worksheet.Column(2).Width = 54.85f; worksheet.Column(3).Width = 10f; worksheet.Column(4).Width = 15.42f; worksheet.Column(5).Width = 14.57f; worksheet.Column(6).Width = 19.28f; worksheet.Column(7).Width = 19.28f; worksheet.Column(8).Width = 4.14f; worksheet.Column(9).Width = 10.71f; worksheet.Column(10).Width = 10.71f; worksheet.Column(11).Width = 10.71f; worksheet.Column(12).Width = 10.71f;; //Sheet title worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc).ToUpper() + " HOTEL GUEST EXPERIENCE REPORT"; using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["A1:C2"]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Size = 14; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.CenterContinuous; r.Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Bottom; } worksheet.Cells["A3"].Value = String.Format("REPORTING PERIOD: {0}", mon.ToString("MMMM, yyyy")); using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["A3:B8"]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Size = 14; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.CenterContinuous; r.Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Top; } AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C7", "D7", "Green: +10% change or more", r => r.Style.Font.Bold = true); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "E7", "F7", "Red: -10% change or more", r => r.Style.Font.Bold = true); float titleFontSize = 10f; AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C9", "C10", "CURRENT PERIOD", r => { r.Style.WrapText = true; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Top.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "D9", "G9", "VARIANCE FROM", r => { r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin); r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "I9", "L9", "PERFORMANCE " + (mon.AddYears(-1)).ToString("yyyy"), r => { r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin); r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "A10", "B10", "Total Sample:", r => { r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; }); using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["D10"]) { r.Value = "PREVIOUS PERIOD"; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["E10"]) { r.Value = "M/M Change"; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["F10"]) { r.Value = "Last 12 Mo"; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["G10"]) { r.Value = "Change from L12M"; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["I10"]) { r.Value = "Q1/FY" + (mon.AddYears(-1)).ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["J10"]) { r.Value = "Q2/FY" + (mon.AddYears(-1)).ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["K10"]) { r.Value = "Q3/FY" + (mon.AddYears(-1)).ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["L10"]) { r.Value = "Q4/FY" + (mon.AddYears(-1)).ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } //Set up the lookup dictionary for getting rows when they're not all there Dictionary <int, DataRow> lookup = new Dictionary <int, DataRow>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { int rowid = dr["DateRange"].ToString()[0].ToString().StringToInt(); lookup.Add(rowid, dr); } int rowNum = 11; AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "SAMPLE SIZE", "SampleCount", CellFormat.Number); // Overall Stay AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "OVERALL STAY", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Satisfaction score", "Q1Overall"); // GSEI AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "GUEST SERVICE EXPERIENCE INDEX (GSEI)", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall GSEI", "Q2"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Ensuring all of your needs were met", "Q1A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Making you feel welcome", "Q1B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Going above & beyond normal service", "Q1C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Speed of service", "Q1D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Encouraging you to visit again", "Q1E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall staff availability", "Q1F"); //ROOMS AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "ROOMS", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Rooms Score", "RoomScore"); //Reservation, Front Desk AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Reservation, Front Desk", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "ReservationScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness of Reservation Agent", "Q3A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Helpfulness of Reservation Agent", "Q3B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Accuracy of reservation information upon check-in", "Q3C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Employee knowledge of the River Rock Casino Resort & Facilities", "Q3D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Efficiency of check-in", "Q3E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness of Front Desk staff", "Q3F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Helpfulness of Front Desk staff", "Q3G"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Employees' 'can-do' attitude", "Q3H"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Efficiency of check-out", "Q3I"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Accuracy of bill at check-out", "Q3J"); // Housekeeping AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Housekeeping", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "HousekeepingScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness of Housekeeping staff", "Q4A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Room cleanliness", "Q4B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Bathroom cleanliness", "Q4C"); // Hotel Room AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Hotel Room", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "HotelRoomScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Towels & Linens", "Q5A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Proper functioning of lights, TV, etc.", "Q5B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall condition of the room", "Q5C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Adequate amenities", "Q5D"); // Fitness Centre AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Fitness Centre", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6FitnessCenter"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "FitnessScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of Fitness Center", "Q11A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality/ condition of fitness equipment", "Q11B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Availability of Fitness Center equipment", "Q11C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Variety of equipment", "Q11D"); // Pool / Hot Tub AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Pool / Hot Tub", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6PoolHotTub"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "PoolScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of pool area", "Q12A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Temperature of pool", "Q12B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of hot tub area", "Q12C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Temperature of hot tub", "Q12D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of changing rooms", "Q12E"); // Valet Parking AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Valet Parking", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6ValetParking"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "ValetScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Greeting upon arrival", "Q14A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Car returned in timely manner", "Q14B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Original mirror position", "Q14C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Original radio station", "Q14D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Original seat position", "Q14E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Valet driver drove care in respectful manner", "Q14F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Pleasant departure greeting", "Q14G"); // Concierge AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Concierge", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6Concierge"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "ConciergeScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Availability of Concierge", "Q15A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness of Concierge", "Q15B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Employee knowledge of the River Rock Casino Resort & Facilities", "Q15C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Staff member went out of way to provide excellent service", "Q15D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Pleasant departure greeting", "Q15E"); // Bell /Door Service AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Bell /Door Service", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6BellDoorService"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "BellDoorScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Greeting upon arrival", "Q16A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Acknowledgement throughout stay", "Q16B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness of bell/ door staff", "Q16C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Employee knowledge of the River Rock Casino Resort & Facilities", "Q16D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Staff member went out of way to provide excellent service", "Q16E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Pleasant departure greeting", "Q16F"); // FOOD & BEVERAGE, CATERING AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "FOOD & BEVERAGE, CATERING", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall F & B, Catering Score", "RoomScore"); // Tramonto AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Tramonto", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6Tramonto"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "TramontoScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Greeting upon arrival", "Q7A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Timeliness of seating", "Q7B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attentiveness of server", "Q7C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Server's knowledge of menu selections", "Q7D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Timeliness of meal delivery", "Q7E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality and taste of food", "Q7F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Presentation of food", "Q7G"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality of beverage", "Q7H"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Accuracy of bill", "Q7I"); // Buffet AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Buffet", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6TheBuffet"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "BuffetScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Greeting upon arrival", "Q8A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attentiveness of server", "Q8B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Server's knowledge of menu selections", "Q8C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality and taste of food", "Q8D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality of beverage", "Q8E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Accuracy of bill", "Q8F"); // Curve AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Curve", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6Curve"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "CurveScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Greeting upon arrival", "Q9A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Timeliness of seating", "Q9B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attentiveness of server", "Q9C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Server's knowledge of menu selections", "Q9D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Timeliness of meal delivery", "Q9E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality and taste of food", "Q9F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Presentation of food", "Q9G"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality of beverage", "Q9H"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Accuracy of bill", "Q9I"); // In-Room Dining AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "In-Room Dining", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6InRoomDining"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "InRoomScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Phone answered promptly", "Q10A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness of order taker", "Q10B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness of server", "Q10C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Order delivered within time period advised", "Q10D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Accuracy of order", "Q10E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Presentation of food", "Q10F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality of in-room dining food", "Q10G"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Delivery staff offered pick-up of empty tray", "Q10H"); // Meeting & Events AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Meeting & Events", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "% Used", "Q6Meeting"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Score", "MeetingScore"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Condition and cleanliness of meeting/event room", "Q13A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Proper meeting/event room temperature", "Q13B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality of meeting/event food and beverage", "Q13C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Friendliness and efficiency of meeting/event staff", "Q13D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality/condition/support of technical equipment", "Q13E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Meeting/event facilities (size, design, amenities)", "Q13F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Accuracy of meeting/ event signage", "Q13G"); // SERVICE RECOVERY AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "SERVICE RECOVERY", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Experience problem?", "Q23"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Report problem?", "Q24C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Where experienced problem? (% of all problems)", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Arrival", "Q24A_Arrival"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Staff", "Q24A_Staff"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Guest Room", "Q24A_GuestRoom"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Food & Beverage", "Q24A_FoodBeverage"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Facilities & Service", "Q24A_FacilitiesService"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Billing/Departure", "Q24A_BillingDeparture"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Meetings & Events", "Q24A_MeetingsEvents"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Other", "Q24A_Other"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall ability to fix problem (PRS Score)", "Q24D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " The length of time taken to resolve your problem", "Q24E_1"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " The effort of employees in resolving your problem", "Q24E_2"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " The courteousness of employees while resolving your problem", "Q24E_3"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " The amount of communication with you from employees while resolving your problem", "Q24E_4"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " The fairness of the outcome in resolving your problem", "Q24E_5"); // Satisfaction Attributes AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "Satisfaction Attributes", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Satisfaction with how we made you feel", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Welcome", "Q17A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Comfortable", "Q17B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Important", "Q17C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Satisfaction with Overall Stay", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Overall condition of the River Rock Casino Resort", "Q18A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Value for Price", "Q18B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Likelihood to Return", "Q19"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Likelihood to Recommend", "Q20"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Received \"Exceptional\" Service", "Q21"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Importance of \"Green\" Initiatives", "Q22"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Visited River Rock before?", "Q27"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Primary Reason for Choosing (% of all Responses)", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Articles/Advertisements", "Q25_Articles"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Business meeting/Conference venue", "Q25_Business"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Facilities/Amenities", "Q25_Facilities"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Location", "Q25_Location"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Other, please specify", "Q25_Other"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Personal recommendation", "Q25_Personal"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Previous visit", "Q25_Previous"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Special package/rate", "Q25_Special"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Travel Agent", "Q25_Travel"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Website", "Q25_Website"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Reason to Visit (% of all Responses)", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Business", "Q26Business"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Pleasure", "Q26Pleasure"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Meeting / Event", "Q26MeetingEvent"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, " Other", "Q26Other"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Follow-up on comments requested", "Q29"); // Bottom Line worksheet.Cells["A" + rowNum].Value = ""; using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["A" + rowNum + ":L" + rowNum]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Border.Top.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; } rowNum++; // Bottom Message worksheet.Cells["A" + rowNum].Value = "All scores are top-2 box scores on a scale of 5, unless otherwise indicated."; using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["A" + rowNum + ":L" + rowNum]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Size = 10; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } string fileName = sc.ToString() + "-Hotel-Monthly-" + ReportingTools.AdjustAndDisplayDate(DateTime.Now, "yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss", User) + ".xlsx"; const string lPath = "~/Files/Cache/"; string lOutput = string.Concat(MapPath(lPath), fileName); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(lOutput); p.SaveAs(fi); hlDownload.Text = "Download File - " + fileName; hlDownload.NavigateUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}", lPath, fileName); } }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportCharacterCreationStateMachineAttribute"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param> public ExportCharacterCreationStateMachineAttribute(IDictionary <string, object> metadata) { PropertyTools.SetProperties(this, metadata); }
public static void SendFeedbackNotifications(HttpServerUtility server, string feedbackUID, bool toGuest) { SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; SQLParamList sqlParams = new SQLParamList().Add("GUID", feedbackUID); DataSet ds = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataSet("spFeedback_GetItem", sqlParams); string GCCPortalUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GCCPortalURL"].ToString(); if (!sql.HasError && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow fbkDR = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; GCCPropertyShortCode property = (GCCPropertyShortCode)fbkDR["PropertyID"].ToString().StringToInt(); SurveyType surveyType = (SurveyType)fbkDR["SurveyTypeID"].ToString().StringToInt(); NotificationReason reason = (NotificationReason)fbkDR["ReasonID"].ToString().StringToInt(); string emailAddress = String.Empty; if (toGuest) { if (ds.Tables[2].Columns.Contains("ContactEmail")) { emailAddress = ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["ContactEmail"].ToString(); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailAddress) && ds.Tables[2].Columns.Contains("Email")) { emailAddress = ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailAddress) && ds.Tables[2].Columns.Contains("Q5Email")) { emailAddress = ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Q5Email"].ToString(); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailAddress)) { //Nothing to do return; } } string template = String.Empty; string title = String.Empty; object replacementModel; title = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)property) + " - Feedback Reply Notification"; if (toGuest) { template = "GuestFeedbackNotification"; replacementModel = new { CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)property), Link = GCCPortalUrl + "F/" + feedbackUID, Attachments = new SurveyTools.SurveyAttachmentDetails[] { new SurveyTools.SurveyAttachmentDetails() { Path = "~/Images/headers/" + PropertyTools.GetCasinoHeaderImage(property), ContentID = "HeaderImage" } } }; } else { template = "StaffFeedbackNotification"; replacementModel = new { Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)property), Link = GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID }; } MailMessage msg = null; try { string path = server.MapPath("~/Content/notifications/"); msg = EmailManager.CreateEmailFromTemplate( Path.Combine(path, template + ".htm"), Path.Combine(path, template + ".txt"), replacementModel); PropertyInfo attachmentProp = replacementModel.GetType().GetProperty("Attachments"); if (attachmentProp != null) { SurveyAttachmentDetails[] attachments = attachmentProp.GetValue(replacementModel) as SurveyAttachmentDetails[]; foreach (SurveyAttachmentDetails att in attachments) { LinkedResource lr = new LinkedResource(server.MapPath(att.Path)); lr.ContentId = att.ContentID; msg.AlternateViews[0].LinkedResources.Add(lr); } } msg.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); msg.Subject = title; bool hasAddress = false; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailAddress)) { msg.To.Add(emailAddress); hasAddress = true; } else { sql = new SQLDatabase(); DataTable dt = sql.QueryDataTable(@" SELECT [SendType], u.[FirstName], u.[LastName], u.[Email] FROM [tblNotificationUsers] ne INNER JOIN [tblNotificationPropertySurveyReason] psr ON ne.[PropertySurveyReasonID] = psr.[PropertySurveyReasonID] INNER JOIN [tblCOM_Users] u ON ne.UserID = u.UserID WHERE psr.PropertyID = @PropertyID AND psr.SurveyTypeID = @SurveyID AND psr.ReasonID = @ReasonID ;", new SQLParamList() .Add("@PropertyID", (int)property) .Add("@SurveyID", (int)surveyType) .Add("@ReasonID", (int)reason) ); if (!sql.HasError && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder addrs = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { switch (dr["SendType"].ToString()) { case "1": msg.To.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); addrs.Append(dr["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dr["LastName"].ToString() + " <" + dr["Email"].ToString() + ">" + "\n"); hasAddress = true; break; case "2": msg.CC.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); //Colin requested that CC addresses not show on the call Aug 10,2015 //addrs.Append( dr["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dr["LastName"].ToString() + " <" + dr["Email"].ToString() + ">" + "\n" ); hasAddress = true; break; case "3": msg.Bcc.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); hasAddress = true; break; } } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(msg.AlternateViews[0].ContentStream)) { msg.AlternateViews[0] = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("{Recipients}", server.HtmlEncode(addrs.ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br />")), null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html); } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(msg.AlternateViews[1].ContentStream)) { msg.AlternateViews[1] = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("{Recipients}", addrs.ToString()), null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain); } //using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(msg.AlternateViews[0].ContentStream)) //{ // msg.AlternateViews[0] = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("{Recipients}", server.HtmlEncode(addrs.ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br />")).Replace("{Business}", server.HtmlEncode(reason.ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br />")).Replace("{Comments}", server.HtmlEncode(Comments.ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br />")), null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html); //} //using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(msg.AlternateViews[1].ContentStream)) //{ // msg.AlternateViews[1] = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("{Recipients}", addrs.ToString()).Replace("{Business}", reason.ToString()).Replace("{Comments}", Comments.ToString()), null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain); //} } } if (hasAddress) { msg.Send(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (msg != null) { msg.Dispose(); msg = null; } } } }
protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; sql.CommandTimeout = 120; SQLParamList sqlParams = new SQLParamList() .Add("@DR1_Begin", drDateRangeFirst.BeginDate) .Add("@DR1_End", drDateRangeFirst.EndDate) .Add("@DR2_Begin", drDateRangeSecond.BeginDate) .Add("@DR2_End", drDateRangeSecond.EndDate); DataTable dt = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataTable("spReports_Comparison", sqlParams); if (sql.HasError) { TopMessage.ErrorMessage = "Oops. Something went wrong when exporting the data. Please try again. (ECP100)"; } else { using (ExcelPackage p = new ExcelPackage()) { p.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Comparison"); ExcelWorksheet worksheet = p.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Size = 11; //Default font size for whole sheet worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Name = "Calibri"; //Default Font name for whole sheet worksheet.Column(1).Width = 12.71f; worksheet.Column(2).Width = 62f; for (int i = 0; i < _propertySortOrder.Length * 3; i++) { worksheet.Column(3 + i).Width = 12.71f; } string group1 = String.Format("{0} - {1}", drDateRangeFirst.BeginDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), drDateRangeFirst.EndDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); string group2 = String.Format("{0} - {1}", drDateRangeSecond.BeginDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), drDateRangeSecond.EndDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = String.Format("First Date Range: {0}", group1); worksheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = String.Format("Second Date Range: {0}", group2); int rowNum = 4; Action <ExcelRange> titleMerge = r => { r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium); r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }; Action <ExcelRange> style = r => { r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin); r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _propertySortOrder.Length; i++) { int prop = _propertySortOrder[i]; if (Master.IsPropertyUser && prop != 1 && prop != ((int)User.PropertyShortCode)) { offset -= 3; continue; } AddValue(worksheet, rowNum, 3 + offset + i * 3, rowNum, 5 + offset + i * 3, PropertyTools.GetCasinoName(prop), titleMerge); AddValue(worksheet, rowNum + 1, 3 + offset + i * 3, "First Range", r => { style(r); r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); AddValue(worksheet, rowNum + 1, 4 + offset + i * 3, "Second Range", style); AddValue(worksheet, rowNum + 1, 5 + offset + i * 3, "Diff.", r => { style(r); r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); } rowNum += 2; worksheet.View.FreezePanes(rowNum, 3); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "SAMPLE SIZE", "SampleCount", CellFormat.Number); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "GUEST EXPERIENCE INDEX", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "GEI", "GEI", CellFormat.Index); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "GUEST SERVICE EXPERIENCE INDEX", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "GSEI", "GSEI"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "NET PROMOTER SCORE", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "NPS", "NPS"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "PROBLEM RESOLUTION SCORE", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "PRS", "PRS"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "GUEST LOYALTY", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Likely to recommend the casino", "Q6A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Likely to mostly visit this casino", "Q6B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Likely to visit this casino for next gaming entertainment opportunity", "Q6C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Likely to provide personal preferences so casino can serve me better", "Q6D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "CASINO STAFF", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Ensuring all of your needs were met", "Q7A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Making you feel welcome", "Q7B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Going above & beyond normal service", "Q7C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Speed of service", "Q7D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Encouraging you to visit again", "Q7E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Overall staff availability", "Q7F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Overall staff", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Cashiers", "Q9A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Guest Services", "Q9B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Slot Attendants", "Q9C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Dealers", "Q9D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Restaurant Servers", "Q9E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Cocktail Servers", "Q9F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Coffee Servers", "Q9G", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Security", "Q9H", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Managers/Supervisors", "Q9I", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Hotel Staff", "Q9J", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Encouraging you to take part in events or promotions", "Q10A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Answering questions you had about the property or promotions", "Q10B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Being friendly and welcoming", "Q10C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "CASINO FACILITIES", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Overall facilities", "Q12"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Ambiance, mood, atmosphere of the environment", "Q13A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of general areas", "Q13B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Clear signage", "Q13C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Washroom cleanliness", "Q13D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Adequate lighting - it is bright enough", "Q13E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Safe environment", "Q13F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Parking availability", "Q13G", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "GAMING EXPERIENCE", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Primary gaming:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Playing Slots", "Count_Slots", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Playing Tables", "Count_Tables", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Playing Poker", "Count_Poker", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Enjoying Food or Beverages", "Count_Food", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Watching Live Entertainment at a show lounge or theatre", "Count_Entertainment", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Staying at our Hotel", "Count_Hotel", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Watching Live Racing", "Count_LiveRacing", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Watching Racing at our Racebook", "Count_Racebook", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Playing Bingo", "Count_Bingo", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Lottery / Pull Tabs", "Count_Lottery", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "None", "Count_None", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Primary gaming:", "Q14"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Variety of games available", "Q15A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Waiting time to play", "Q15B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Availability of specific game at your desired denomination", "Q15C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Contests & monthly promotions", "Q15D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Courtesy & respectfulness of staff", "Q15E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Game Knowledge of Staff", "Q15F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Rate of earning", "Q16A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Redemption value", "Q16B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Choice of rewards", "Q16C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Slot Free Play", "Q16D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "FOOD & BEVERAGE", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Purchase food or beverages?", "Q17"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Overall dining experience", "Q19"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Variety of food choices", "Q20A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of outlet", "Q20B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Courtesy of staff", "Q20C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Timely delivery of order", "Q20D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Value for the money", "Q20E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Pleasant atmosphere", "Q20F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Quality of food", "Q20G", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attend Lounge entertainment?", "Q21"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Overall entertainment experience", "Q22"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Sound / quality", "Q23A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Seating availability", "Q23B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Dance floor", "Q23C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Fun and enjoyable atmosphere", "Q23D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "THEATRE", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attend Theatre?", "Q24"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Overall Theatre experience", "Q25"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "The quality of the show", "Q26A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "The value of the show", "Q26B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Seating choices", "Q26C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Sound quality", "Q26D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "SERVICE RECOVERY", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Experience problem?", "Q27"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Where experienced problem?", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Arrival and parking", "Q27A_ArrivalAndParking", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Guest Services", "Q27A_GuestServices", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Cashiers", "Q27A_Cashiers", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Manager/Supervisor", "Q27A_ManagerSupervisor", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Security", "Q27A_Security", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Slots", "Q27A_Slots", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Tables", "Q27A_Tables", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Food & Beverage", "Q27A_FoodAndBeverage", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Hotel", "Q27A_Hotel", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Other", "Q27A_Other", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Resolve problem?", "Q28"); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Report problem?", "Q29"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Overall ability to fix problem", "Q30"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "The length of time taken to resolve your problem", "Q31A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "The effort of employees in resolving your problem", "Q31B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "The courteousness of employees while resolving your problem", "Q31C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); worksheet.Row(rowNum).Height *= 2; AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "The amount of communication with you from employees while resolving your problem", "Q31D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.WrapText = true; r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "The fairness of the outcome in resolving your problem", "Q31E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, true, "DEMOGRAPHICS", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Male", "Q36_Male"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Female", "Q36_Female"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, String.Empty, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "19-24", "Q37_19-24"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "25-34", "Q37_25-34"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "35-44", "Q37_35-44"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "45-54", "Q37_45-54"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "55-64", "Q37_55-64"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "65 or older", "Q37_65 or older"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, String.Empty, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "First visit", "Q38_This was my first visit"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "2-7 times per week", "Q38_2-7 times per week"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Once per week", "Q38_Once per week"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "2-3 times per month", "Q38_2-3 times per month"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Once per month", "Q38_Once per month"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Several times a year", "Q38_Several times a year"); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Languages spoken at home (other than English)", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Korean", "Q39_1", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Punjabi", "Q39_2", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Chinese Mandarin", "Q39_3", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Other Western European languages", "Q39_4", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Eastern European languages", "Q39_5", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Spanish", "Q39_6", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "French", "Q39_7", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Hindi", "Q39_8", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Tagalog", "Q39_9", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Vietnamese", "Q39_10", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Pakistani", "Q39_11", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Farsi", "Q39_12", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Japanese", "Q39_13", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Arabic / Middle Eastern", "Q39_14", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Chinese – Cantonese", "Q39_15", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Other", "Q39_16", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, String.Empty, null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, dt, rowNum++, false, "Players Club?", "Q4"); rowNum++; //Skip one row string lFileName = string.Format("DateRangeComparison-{0}.xlsx", ReportingTools.AdjustAndDisplayDate(DateTime.Now, "yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss-fff", User)); const string lPath = "~/Files/Cache/"; string lOutput = string.Concat(MapPath(lPath), lFileName); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(lOutput); p.SaveAs(fi); hlDownload.Text = "Download File - " + lFileName; hlDownload.NavigateUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}", lPath, lFileName); } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //Only run locally or in the network string ip = RequestVars.GetRequestIPv4Address(); if (!ip.Equals("") && !ip.StartsWith("172.16.") && !ip.StartsWith("192.168.0.")) { ErrorHandler.WriteLog("GCC_Web_Portal.Jobs", "Job attempted to be run by invalid IP: " + ip, ErrorHandler.ErrorEventID.General); return; } //Get the job ID string jobID = RequestVars.Get("jobid", String.Empty); switch (jobID) { case "e07db58b-d3a6-4e01-a5ed-ff9875773b3c": #region Send weekly notification email DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-7); DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddMilliseconds(-1); //DateTime startDate = new DateTime( 2015, 7, 1 ).Date; //DateTime endDate = new DateTime( 2015, 8, 1 ).Date.AddMilliseconds( -1 ); SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; DataTable dt = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataTable("spJobs_StatusEmail", new SQLParamList() .Add("@DateCreated_Begin", startDate) .Add("@DateCreated_End", endDate)); StringBuilder sbCurrent = new StringBuilder(); sbCurrent.AppendFormat(@"<h3 style='margin:20px 0'>GEI / GSEI Dashboard for {0} to {1}</h3><table style='border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid #444;width:100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>", startDate.ToString("MMM d, yyyy"), endDate.ToString("MMM d, yyyy")); sbCurrent.AppendFormat("<thead><tr><th{0}></th><th{0}># Surveys</th><th{0}>GEI</th><th{0}>NPS</th><th{0}>PRS</th><th{0}>GSEI</th><th{0}># Followup</th><th{0}>% Followup</th><th{0}># <24h</th><th{0}>#24-48h</th><th{0}># > 48h</th><th{0}>Avg. Response</th></tr></thead>", " style='padding:5px;border:1px solid #BBB'"); StringBuilder sbComparison = new StringBuilder("<h3 style='margin:20px 0'>Change from Previous Week</h3><table style='border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid #444;width:100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"); sbComparison.AppendFormat("<thead><tr><th{0}></th><th{0}># Surveys</th><th{0}>GEI</th><th{0}>NPS</th><th{0}>PRS</th><th{0}>GSEI</th><th{0}># Followup</th><th{0}>% Followup</th><th{0}># <24h</th><th{0}>#24-48h</th><th{0}># > 48h</th><th{0}>Avg. Response</th></tr></thead>", " style='padding:5px;border:1px solid #BBB'"); Dictionary <string, List <string> > redFlagDetails = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { sbCurrent.AppendFormat("<tr><th style='padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #BBB;'>{0}</th><td{12}>{1:#,###}</td><td{12}>{2}</td><td{12}>{3}</td><td{12}>{4}</td><td{12}>{5}</td><td{12}>{6:#,###}</td><td{12}>{7:#,###}</td><td{12}>{8:#,###}</td><td{12}>{9:#,###}</td><td{12}>{10:#,###}</td><td{12}>{11}</td></tr>", dr["ShortCode"], dr["TotalRecords"], ReportingTools.FormatIndex(dr["GEI"].ToString()), ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["NPS"].ToString()), ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["PRS"].ToString()), ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["GSEI"].ToString()), dr["FeedbackCount"], //6 ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["FeedbackCompletePercent"].ToString()), dr["FeedbackLessThan24Hrs"], dr["Feedback24HrsTo48Hrs"], dr["FeedbackGreaterThan48Hrs"], ReportingTools.MinutesToNiceTime(dr["AverageFeedbackResponse"].ToString()), " style='padding:5px;border:1px solid #BBB;text-align:center'" ); sbComparison.AppendFormat("<tr><th style='padding:5px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #BBB;'>{0}</th>{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}{9}{10}{11}</tr>", dr["ShortCode"], GetChangeCell(dr, "TotalRecords_Diff", String.Format("{0:#,###}", dr["TotalRecords"]), redFlagDetails, null), GetChangeCell(dr, "GEI_Diff", ReportingTools.FormatIndex(dr["GEI_Diff"].ToString()), redFlagDetails, r => { return(r != -1000 && r <= -10); }), GetChangeCell(dr, "NPS_Diff", ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["NPS_Diff"].ToString()), redFlagDetails, r => { return(r != -1000 && r <= -0.1); }), GetChangeCell(dr, "PRS_Diff", ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["PRS_Diff"].ToString()), redFlagDetails, r => { return(r != -1000 && r <= -0.1); }), GetChangeCell(dr, "GSEI_Diff", ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["GSEI_Diff"].ToString()), redFlagDetails, r => { return(r != -1000 && r <= -0.1); }), GetChangeCell(dr, "FeedbackCount_Diff", String.Format("{0:#,###}", dr["FeedbackCount_Diff"]), redFlagDetails, null), //6 GetChangeCell(dr, "FeedbackCompletePercent_Diff", ReportingTools.FormatPercent(dr["FeedbackCompletePercent_Diff"].ToString()), redFlagDetails, r => { return(r != -1000 && r <= -0.1); }), GetChangeCell(dr, "FeedbackLessThan24Hrs_Diff", String.Format("{0:#,###}", dr["FeedbackLessThan24Hrs_Diff"]), redFlagDetails, null), GetChangeCell(dr, "Feedback24HrsTo48Hrs_Diff", String.Format("{0:#,###}", dr["Feedback24HrsTo48Hrs_Diff"]), redFlagDetails, null), GetChangeCell(dr, "FeedbackGreaterThan48Hrs_Diff", String.Format("{0:#,###}", dr["FeedbackGreaterThan48Hrs_Diff"]), redFlagDetails, null), GetChangeCell(dr, "AverageFeedbackResponse_Diff", ReportingTools.MinutesToNiceTime(dr["AverageFeedbackResponse_Diff"].ToString()), redFlagDetails, r => { return(r != -1000 && r >= 120); }) ); } sbCurrent.Append("</table><br /><br /><br />"); sbComparison.Append("</table>"); StringBuilder sbRedFlags = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kvp in redFlagDetails) { if (sbRedFlags.Length == 0) { sbRedFlags.Append("<h3 style='margin:20px 0'>Red Flag Summary</h3><ul>"); } if (kvp.Key.Length <= 4) { //Score sbRedFlags.AppendFormat("<li><b>{0} score</b> has decreased by at least 10% for the following site(s): ", kvp.Key); } else if (kvp.Key.Equals("FeedbackCompletePercent")) { //Completion percentage sbRedFlags.Append("<li><b>Feedback Completion</b> has decreased by at least 10% for the following site(s): "); } else if (kvp.Key.Equals("AverageFeedbackResponse")) { //Feedback response sbRedFlags.Append("<li><b>Average Feedback Response</b> has increased by at least 2 hours for the following site(s): "); } foreach (string shortCode in kvp.Value) { sbRedFlags.AppendFormat("{0}, ", shortCode); } sbRedFlags.Remove(sbRedFlags.Length - 2, 2) .Append("</li>"); } if (sbRedFlags.Length > 0) { sbRedFlags.Append("</ul><br />"); sbCurrent.Insert(0, sbRedFlags.ToString()); } MailMessage msg = null; try { var replacementModel = new { DataTables = sbCurrent.ToString() + sbComparison.ToString() }; string path = context.Server.MapPath("~/Content/notifications/"); msg = EmailManager.CreateEmailFromTemplate( Path.Combine(path, "WeeklyNotification.htm"), replacementModel); msg.IsBodyHtml = true; msg.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; msg.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); msg.Subject = "GCGC Weekly Status Notification - Week Ending " + endDate.ToString("MMM d, yyyy"); bool hasAddress = false; dt = sql.QueryDataTable(@" SELECT [SendType], u.[FirstName], u.[LastName], u.[Email] FROM [tblNotificationUsers] ne INNER JOIN [tblNotificationPropertySurveyReason] psr ON ne.[PropertySurveyReasonID] = psr.[PropertySurveyReasonID] INNER JOIN [tblCOM_Users] u ON ne.UserID = u.UserID WHERE psr.PropertyID = @PropertyID AND psr.SurveyTypeID = @SurveyID AND psr.ReasonID = @ReasonID ;", new SQLParamList() .Add("@PropertyID", (int)GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC) .Add("@SurveyID", (int)SurveyType.GEI) .Add("@ReasonID", (int)NotificationReason.WeeklyStatusNotification) ); if (!sql.HasError && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder addrs = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { switch (dr["SendType"].ToString()) { case "1": msg.To.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); addrs.Append(dr["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dr["LastName"].ToString() + " <" + dr["Email"].ToString() + ">" + "\n"); hasAddress = true; break; case "2": msg.CC.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); //Colin requested that CC addresses not show on the call Aug 10,2015 //addrs.Append( dr["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dr["LastName"].ToString() + " <" + dr["Email"].ToString() + ">" + "\n" ); hasAddress = true; break; case "3": msg.Bcc.Add(dr["Email"].ToString()); hasAddress = true; break; } } //using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( msg.AlternateViews[0].ContentStream ) ) { // msg.AlternateViews[0] = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString( sr.ReadToEnd().Replace( "{Recipients}", context.Server.HtmlEncode( addrs.ToString() ).Replace( "\n", "<br />" ) ), null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html ); //} } if (hasAddress) { msg.Send(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.WriteLog("GCC_Web_Portal.Jobs", "Error running job.", ErrorHandler.ErrorEventID.General, ex); } finally { if (msg != null) { msg.Dispose(); msg = null; } } return; #endregion Send weekly notification email case "506aebb3-dfa2-4b34-94bc-51e81f5f31d3": #region Send Feedback Reminder Email sql = new SQLDatabase(); dt = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataTable("[spJobs_48HrReminder]"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { GCCPropertyShortCode sc; SurveyType st; NotificationReason nr; DateTime created = Conversion.XMLDateToDateTime(dr["DateCreated"].ToString()); string feedbackUID = dr["UID"].ToString(); if (Enum.TryParse(dr["PropertyID"].ToString(), out sc) && Enum.TryParse(dr["SurveyTypeID"].ToString(), out st) && Enum.TryParse(dr["ReasonID"].ToString(), out nr)) { switch (st) { case SurveyType.GEI: string gagLocation = dr["GEIGAGLocation"].ToString(); if (gagLocation.Length > 0) { gagLocation = " - " + gagLocation; } string fbLink = GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID; SurveyTools.SendNotifications(HttpContext.Current.Server, sc, st, nr, string.Empty, new { Date = created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc) + gagLocation, Problems = (dr["Q27"].Equals(1) ? "Yes" : "No"), Response = (dr["Q40"].Equals(1) ? "Yes" : "No"), ProblemDescription = dr["Q27B"].ToString(), StaffComment = dr["Q11"].ToString(), GeneralComments = dr["Q34"].ToString(), MemorableEmployee = dr["Q35"].ToString(), FeedbackLinkTXT = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(feedbackUID) ? String.Empty : "\n\nRespond to this feedback:\n" + fbLink + "\n"), FeedbackLinkHTML = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(feedbackUID) ? String.Empty : @"<br /><br /> <p><b>Respond to this feedback:</b></p> <p>" + fbLink + "</p>"), SurveyLink = GCCPortalUrl + "Display/GEI/" + dr["RecordID"].ToString() }, String.Empty, "Overdue: "); break; case SurveyType.Hotel: SurveyTools.SendNotifications(HttpContext.Current.Server, sc, st, nr, string.Empty, new { CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc), FeedbackNoteHTML = "<p><b>This guest has requested a response.</b> You can view and respond to the feedback request by clicking on (or copying and pasting) the following link:</p>\n<p>" + GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID + "</p>", FeedbackNoteTXT = "The guest requested feedback. You can view and respond to the feedback request by clicking on (or copying and pasting) the following link:\n" + GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID + "\n\n", SurveyLink = GCCPortalUrl + "Display/Hotel/" + dr["RecordID"].ToString() }, String.Empty, "Overdue: "); break; case SurveyType.Feedback: gagLocation = dr["FBKGAGLocation"].ToString(); if (gagLocation.Length > 0) { gagLocation = " - " + gagLocation; } SurveyTools.SendNotifications(HttpContext.Current.Server, sc, st, nr, string.Empty, new { Date = created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc) + gagLocation, FeedbackNoteHTML = "<p><b>This guest has requested a response.</b> You can view and respond to the feedback request by clicking on (or copying and pasting) the following link:</p>\n<p>" + GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID + "</p>", FeedbackNoteTXT = "The guest requested feedback. You can view and respond to the feedback request by clicking on (or copying and pasting) the following link:\n" + GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID + "\n\n", SurveyLink = GCCPortalUrl + "Display/Feedback/" + dr["RecordID"].ToString() }, String.Empty, "Overdue: "); break; case SurveyType.Donation: SurveyTools.SendNotifications(HttpContext.Current.Server, sc, st, nr, string.Empty, new { Date = created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc), FeedbackLink = GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID, Link = GCCPortalUrl + "Display/Donation/" + dr["RecordID"].ToString() }, String.Empty, "Overdue: "); break; } } } return; #endregion Send Feedback Reminder Email } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write("Invalid Job ID."); }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { int j = 1; //slots fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR", "ECM" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Electronic Table Games fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "ECM", "ECF" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Table Games / Poker fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "ECV", "NAN", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "ECB" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Bingo fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "BCO", "GCC", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Food & Beverage fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Entertainment fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "CNSH", "ECS", "ECM", "ECF" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Hotel fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "BCO", "NSB", "GCC", "RR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Racebook fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "BCO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "NAN", "CMR", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCBE", "AJA" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Horse Racing fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "BCO", "ONO", "GCC", "HA", "CNSS", "ECS", "ECF", "ECM", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Motorcoach / Bus Tours fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "GCC", "CNSH" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Guest Services fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Parking fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECF", "ECGR", "ECB" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Marketing & Promotions fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "CO", "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECF", "ECGR", "ECB" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Group Sales / Catering / Events fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "CNSH", "SSKD", "SCTI", "SCBE", "CNB", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECF", "ECGR", "ECB" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Sponsorship Request fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "CO", "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Responsible Gaming fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "CO", "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Investor Relations fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "CO", "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Media Requests & Inquiries fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "CO", "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "WDB", "GBH", "AJA", "ECM", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Other fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = (new[] { "CO", "WSO", "BCO", "NSB", "ONO", "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "HA", "ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS", "ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI", "CNB", "SCBE", "AJA", "ECM", "ECB", "ECF", "ECGR" }.Contains(AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString())); //Slots //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Table Games / Poker //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD","ECV", "NAN", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Bingo //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Food & Beverage //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Entertainment //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "CNSH","ECS" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Hotel //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Racebook //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA", "NAN", "CMR", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Horse Racing //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "FD", "HA", "CNSS","ECS" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Motorcoach / Bus Tours //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "CNSH" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Guest Services //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Parking //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Marketing & Promotions //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Group Sales / Catering / Events //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "CNSH", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Sponsorship Request //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Responsible Gaming //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Investor Relations //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Media Requests & Inquiries //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Other //fbkQ2.Items[j++].Enabled = ( new[] { "GCC", "RR", "HRCV", "FD", "HA","ECV", "NAN", "CCH", "CMR", "CDC", "GAG", "CNSH", "CNSS","ECS", "SSKD", "SCTI" }.Contains( AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() ) ); ////Check all previous pages //Must do in LoadComplete because controls load values in Load method (Init didn't work because reasons...) //if (AlignedPropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.ECF || AlignedPropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.ECB || AlignedPropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.ECM || AlignedPropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.ECGR) //{ // fbkQ2.Items[3].Text = "Electronic Table Games"; //} if (AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() == "CNB" || AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() == "SCTI" || AlignedPropertyShortCode.ToString() == "WDB") { btnEnglish.Visible = true; btnFrench.Visible = true; if (Session["CurrentUI"] == null) { Session["CurrentUI"] = "en-CA"; } } else { btnEnglish.Visible = false; btnFrench.Visible = false; Session["CurrentUI"] = "en-CA"; } if (Master.CurrentPage > 1 && !IsPostBack) { for (int i = 1; i < Master.CurrentPage; i++) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Checking Page: " + i ); if (!ValidateAndSave(i, false, false)) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Invalid Page: " + i ); Response.Redirect(GetURL(i, Master.RedirectDirection), true); return; } } if (PageShouldBeSkipped(Master.CurrentPage)) { int nextPage = Master.CurrentPage + Master.RedirectDirection; if (Master.CurrentPage == 4 && Master.RedirectDirection == 1) { nextPage = 99; } Response.Redirect(GetURL(nextPage, Master.RedirectDirection), true); return; } //If we've made it to 99, save to database. if (Master.CurrentPage == 99 && !IsPostBack) { int surveyID; if (SaveData(out surveyID)) { FeedbackID = surveyID; string feedbackUID; AddFeedback(surveyID, out feedbackUID); SendNotifications(surveyID, feedbackUID); FeedbackUID = feedbackUID; SurveyComplete = true; //If not a staff survey, abandon the session, else, remove control session keys. if (!IsStaffSurvey) { Session.Abandon(); } else { WipeSurveyControls(Controls); } if (Session["CurrentUI"].ToString() == "fr-CA") { mmLastPage.FrSuccessMessage = String.Format("<p>Merci d’avoir donné vos impressions! Vos réponses ont été transférées à un représentant. Si vous avez demandé une réponse de notre part, veuillez attendre de nos nouvelles d’ici 12 à 24 heures. Veuillez vérifier votre dossier de pourriels ou ajouter « » à votre carnet d’adresses.<br /><br />Si votre question est plus urgente, veuillez communiquer avec le service à la clientèle au {0}.</p>", PropertyTools.GetPhoneNumber(AlignedPropertyShortCode, 0)); } else { mmLastPage.SuccessMessage = String.Format("<p>Thank you for your feedback! Your responses have been forwarded to the appropriate representative. If you have requested a response, please expect contact within 12-24 hours. Please ensure you check your \"Junk Mail\" folder or add \"\" to your email account's white list.<br /><br />If your question is more urgent, please contact Guest Services at {0}.</p>", PropertyTools.GetPhoneNumber(AlignedPropertyShortCode, 0)); } } else { mmLastPage.ErrorMessage = "We were unable to save your responses. Please go back and try again."; } } } }
private void SendNotifications(int surveyID, string feedbackUID) { string gagLocation = String.Empty; if (AlignedPropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GAG) { if (radGAG_Everett.Checked) { gagLocation = "Everett"; } else if (radGAG_Lakewood.Checked) { gagLocation = "Lakewood"; } else if (radGAG_Tukwila.Checked) { gagLocation = "Tukwila"; } else if (radGAG_DeMoines.Checked) { gagLocation = "DeMoines"; } if (gagLocation.Length > 0) { gagLocation = " - " + gagLocation; } } // 2018 04 18 Adding notification users for no specific property // Adding proper PropertyID for No Specific Property Region Operations //if (AlignedPropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC && fbkProperty.SelectedIndex == 24) // No specific Property //{ // if (Master.PropertyShortCode == GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC) // { // int selectedProp = Conversion.StringToInt(fbkDirectQuestion.SelectedValue, 0); // if (selectedProp != 0) // { // try // { // GCCPropertyShortCode sc = (GCCPropertyShortCode)selectedProp; // NoSpecificPropertyShortCode = sc; // } // catch // { // NoSpecificPropertyShortCode = GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC; // } // } // else // { // NoSpecificPropertyShortCode = GCCPropertyShortCode.GCC; // } // } // else // { // NoSpecificPropertyShortCode = Master.PropertyShortCode; // } // // AlignedPropertyShortCode = (GCCPropertyShortCode)Convert.ToInt32(fbkDirectQuestion.SelectedValue.ToString()); //} NotificationReason nr = (NotificationReason)fbkQ2.SelectedValue.StringToInt(); //Send the notification SurveyTools.SendNotifications( Server, AlignedPropertyShortCode, SharedClasses.SurveyType.Feedback, nr, fbkQ3.Text.ToString(), new { Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), CasinoName = Master.CasinoName + gagLocation, FeedbackNoteHTML = String.IsNullOrEmpty(feedbackUID) ? String.Empty : "<p><b>This guest has requested a response.</b> You can view and respond to the feedback request by clicking on (or copying and pasting) the following link:</p>\n<p>" + GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID + "</p>", FeedbackNoteTXT = String.IsNullOrEmpty(feedbackUID) ? String.Empty : "The guest requested feedback. You can view and respond to the feedback request by clicking on (or copying and pasting) the following link:\n" + GCCPortalUrl + "Admin/Feedback/" + feedbackUID + "\n\n", SurveyLink = GCCPortalUrl + "Display/Feedback/" + surveyID }, String.Empty, String.Empty, fbkDirectQuestion.SelectedValue.StringToInt(-1) ); //Determine triggers for feedback request if (!IsStaffSurvey && !fbkQ5.SelectedValue.Equals("I do not want to be contacted") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmailContact.Text)) { //Send thank you letter SurveyTools.SendNotifications( Server, AlignedPropertyShortCode, SharedClasses.SurveyType.Feedback, NotificationReason.ThankYou, string.Empty, new { CasinoName = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName(Master.PropertyID), Attachments = new SurveyTools.SurveyAttachmentDetails[] { new SurveyTools.SurveyAttachmentDetails() { Path = "~/Images/headers/" + PropertyTools.GetCasinoHeaderImage(AlignedPropertyShortCode), ContentID = "HeaderImage" } } }, txtEmailContact.Text, String.Empty, fbkDirectQuestion.SelectedValue.StringToInt(-1)); } }
public string GetShowLoungeName(bool checkHRCV) { return(PropertyTools.GetShowLoungeName(PropertyShortCode, ((!checkHRCV || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Data["Q21_HRCV_Lounge"].ToString()) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(Data["Q21_EC_Lounge"].ToString()))) ? 0 : (Data["Q21_HRCV_Lounge"].Equals("Asylum") || Data["Q21_EC_Lounge"].Equals("Molson Lounge") ? 1 : 2)))); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Title = "GCC GEI / NPS Dashboard » " + PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)PropertyShortCode); Master.HidePropertyFilter = true; }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the class.</summary> /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param> public BaseExportAttribute(IDictionary <string, object> metadata) { PropertyTools.SetProperties(this, metadata); }
protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLDatabase sql = new SQLDatabase(); sql.CommandTimeout = 120; sql.CommandTimeout = 90; DataTable dt = sql.ExecStoredProcedureDataTable("spReports_Monthly", new SqlParameter("@MonthStart", ddlMonth.SelectedValue + "-01"), new SqlParameter("@PropertyID", ddlProperty.SelectedValue)); if (sql.HasError) { TopMessage.ErrorMessage = "Unable to query report data from the database."; return; } using (ExcelPackage p = new ExcelPackage()) { string[] date = ddlMonth.SelectedValue.Split('-'); DateTime mon = new DateTime(date[0].StringToInt(2017), date[1].StringToInt(1), 1); GCCPropertyShortCode sc = (GCCPropertyShortCode)ddlProperty.SelectedValue.StringToInt(0); p.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc)); ExcelWorksheet worksheet = p.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Size = 10; //Default font size for whole sheet worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Name = "Calibri"; //Default Font name for whole sheet worksheet.Cells.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid; worksheet.Cells.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.White); worksheet.Column(1).Width = 12.71f; worksheet.Column(2).Width = 54.85f; worksheet.Column(3).Width = 10f; worksheet.Column(4).Width = 15.42f; worksheet.Column(5).Width = 14.57f; worksheet.Column(6).Width = 19.28f; worksheet.Column(7).Width = 4.14f; worksheet.Column(8).Width = 10.71f; worksheet.Column(9).Width = 10.71f; worksheet.Column(10).Width = 10.71f; worksheet.Column(11).Width = 10.71f;; //Sheet title worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = PropertyTools.GetCasinoName((int)sc).ToUpper() + " GUEST EXPERIENCE REPORT"; using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["A1:B8"]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Size = 14; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.CenterContinuous; r.Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Bottom; } worksheet.Cells["A9"].Value = String.Format("REPORTING PERIOD: {0}", mon.ToString("MMMM, yyyy")); using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["A9:B14"]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Size = 14; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.CenterContinuous; r.Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Top; } //Legend worksheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "LEGEND"; using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["C1:K1"]) { r.Merge = true; r.Style.Font.Size = 12; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Top; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; } AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C2", "K2", "- Net Promoter Score (NPS) = difference in percentage of top two box and bottom two box to the 'likelihood to recommend' question.", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C3", "K3", "- Guest Experience Index (GEI) = weighted average of responses to Guest Loyalty questions converted to a 100 point equal interval scale.", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C4", "K4", "- Problem Resolution Score (PRS) = of those who had a problem, top two box percentage of \"overall ability to fix problem\" question.", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C5", "K5", "- 5 point scales used:", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C6", "K6", "RATIONAL CONNECTIONS, TOUCHPOINTS, ATTRIBUTES: excellent, very good, good, fair, poor", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Indent = 2; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C7", "K7", "EMOTIONAL CONNECTIONS, BRAND CONNECTIONS: strongly agree,moderately agree, slightly agree,disagree, strongly disagree", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Indent = 2; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C8", "K8", "GUEST LOYALTY: definitely would, probably would, possibly would, probably would not, definitely would not", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Indent = 2; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C9", "K9", "- Performance Score %: Top Two Box % = excellent+very good; strongly agree+moderately agree; definitely would +probably would", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C10", "K10", "- GCGC numbers are total for all properties ", r => { r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Medium; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C12", "D12", "Green: +10% change or more", r => r.Style.Font.Bold = true); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "E12", "F12", "Red: -10% change or more", r => r.Style.Font.Bold = true); float titleFontSize = 10f; AddMergedCell(worksheet, "C14", "C15", "CURRENT PERIOD", r => { r.Style.WrapText = true; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Top.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "D14", "F14", "VARIANCE FROM", r => { r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin); r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "H14", "K14", "PERFORMANCE " + "2015", r => { r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin); r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; }); AddMergedCell(worksheet, "A15", "B15", "Total Sample:", r => { r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; }); using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["D15"]) { r.Value = "PREVIOUS PERIOD"; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["E15"]) { r.Value = "YEAR AGO"; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["F15"]) { r.Value = "CURRENT PERIOD GCGC"; r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["H15"]) { r.Value = "Q1/FY15"; //+mon.ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["I15"]) { r.Value = "Q2/FY15"; //+mon.ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["J15"]) { r.Value = "Q3/FY15"; // + mon.ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells["K15"]) { r.Value = "Q4/FY15"; //+mon.ToString("yy"); r.Style.Font.Size = titleFontSize; r.Style.Font.Bold = true; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center; } //Set up the lookup dictionary for getting rows when they're not all there Dictionary <int, DataRow> lookup = new Dictionary <int, DataRow>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { int rowid = dr["DateRange"].ToString()[0].ToString().StringToInt(); lookup.Add(rowid, dr); } int rowNum = 16; AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "SAMPLE SIZE", "SampleCount", CellFormat.Number); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "GUEST EXPERIENCE INDEX", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "GEI", "GEI", CellFormat.Index); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "GUEST SERVICE EXPERIENCE INDEX", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "GSEI", "GSEI"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "NET PROMOTER SCORE", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "NPS", "NPS"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "PROBLEM RESOLUTION SCORE", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "PRS", "PRS"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "GUEST LOYALTY", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Likely to recommend the casino", "Q6A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Likely to mostly visit this casino", "Q6B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Likely to visit this casino for next gaming entertainment opportunity", "Q6C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Likely to provide personal preferences so casino can serve me better", "Q6D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "CASINO STAFF", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Ensuring all of your needs were met", "Q7A"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Making you feel welcome", "Q7B"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Going above & beyond normal service", "Q7C"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Speed of service", "Q7D"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Encouraging you to visit again", "Q7E"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall staff availability", "Q7F"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall staff", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cashiers", "Q9A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Guest Services", "Q9B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Slot Attendants", "Q9C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Dealers", "Q9D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Restaurant Servers", "Q9E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cocktail Servers", "Q9F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Coffee Servers", "Q9G", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Security", "Q9H", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Managers/Supervisors", "Q9I", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Hotel Staff", "Q9J", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Encouraging you to take part in events or promotions", "Q10A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Answering questions you had about the property or promotions", "Q10B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Being friendly and welcoming", "Q10C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "CASINO FACILITIES", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall facilities", "Q12"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Ambiance, mood, atmosphere of the environment", "Q13A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of general areas", "Q13B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Clear signage", "Q13C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Washroom cleanliness", "Q13D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Adequate lighting - it is bright enough", "Q13E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Safe environment", "Q13F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Parking availability", "Q13G", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "GAMING EXPERIENCE", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Primary gaming:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Playing Slots", "Count_Slots", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Playing Tables", "Count_Tables", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Playing Poker", "Count_Poker", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Enjoying Food or Beverages", "Count_Food", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Watching Live Entertainment at a show lounge or theatre", "Count_Entertainment", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Staying at our Hotel", "Count_Hotel", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Watching Live Racing", "Count_LiveRacing", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Watching Racing at our Racebook", "Count_Racebook", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Playing Bingo", "Count_Bingo", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Lottery / Pull Tabs", "Count_Lottery", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "None", "Count_None", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Primary gaming:", "Q14"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Variety of games available", "Q15A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Waiting time to play", "Q15B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Availability of specific game at your desired denomination", "Q15C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Contests & monthly promotions", "Q15D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Courtesy & respectfulness of staff", "Q15E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Game Knowledge of Staff", "Q15F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Rate of earning", "Q16A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Redemption value", "Q16B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Choice of rewards", "Q16C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Slot Free Play", "Q16D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "FOOD & BEVERAGE", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Purchase food or beverages?", "Q17"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall dining experience", "Q19"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Variety of food choices", "Q20A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cleanliness of outlet", "Q20B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Courtesy of staff", "Q20C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Timely delivery of order", "Q20D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Value for the money", "Q20E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Pleasant atmosphere", "Q20F", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Quality of food", "Q20G", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attend Lounge entertainment?", "Q21"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall entertainment experience", "Q22"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Sound / quality", "Q23A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Seating availability", "Q23B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Dance floor", "Q23C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Fun and enjoyable atmosphere", "Q23D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "THEATRE", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attend Theatre?", "Q24"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall Theatre experience", "Q25"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "The quality of the show", "Q26A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "The value of the show", "Q26B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Seating choices", "Q26C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Sound quality", "Q26D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); //AddDataRow( worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall customer service of Theatre staff", "Q26E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null ); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "SERVICE RECOVERY", null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Experience problem?", "Q27"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Where experienced problem?", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Arrival and parking", "Q27A_ArrivalAndParking", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Guest Services", "Q27A_GuestServices", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Cashiers", "Q27A_Cashiers", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Manager/Supervisor", "Q27A_ManagerSupervisor", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Security", "Q27A_Security", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Slots", "Q27A_Slots", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Tables", "Q27A_Tables", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Food & Beverage", "Q27A_FoodAndBeverage", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Hotel", "Q27A_Hotel", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Other", "Q27A_Other", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Resolve problem?", "Q28"); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Report problem?", "Q29"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Overall ability to fix problem", "Q30"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Attribute ratings:", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "The length of time taken to resolve your problem", "Q31A", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "The effort of employees in resolving your problem", "Q31B", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "The courteousness of employees while resolving your problem", "Q31C", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); worksheet.Row(rowNum).Height *= 2; AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "The amount of communication with you from employees while resolving your problem", "Q31D", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.WrapText = true; r.Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center; r.Style.Indent = 3; }, r => { r.Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center; }); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "The fairness of the outcome in resolving your problem", "Q31E", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, true, "DEMOGRAPHICS", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Male", "Q36_Male"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Female", "Q36_Female"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, String.Empty, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "19-24", "Q37_19-24"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "25-34", "Q37_25-34"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "35-44", "Q37_35-44"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "45-54", "Q37_45-54"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "55-64", "Q37_55-64"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "65 or older", "Q37_65 or older"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, String.Empty, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "First visit", "Q38_This was my first visit"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "2-7 times per week", "Q38_2-7 times per week"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Once per week", "Q38_Once per week"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "2-3 times per month", "Q38_2-3 times per month"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Once per month", "Q38_Once per month"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Several times a year", "Q38_Several times a year"); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Languages spoken at home (other than English)", null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Korean", "Q39_1", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Punjabi", "Q39_2", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Chinese Mandarin", "Q39_3", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Other Western European languages", "Q39_4", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Eastern European languages", "Q39_5", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Spanish", "Q39_6", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "French", "Q39_7", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Hindi", "Q39_8", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Tagalog", "Q39_9", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Vietnamese", "Q39_10", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Pakistani", "Q39_11", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Farsi", "Q39_12", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Japanese", "Q39_13", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Arabic / Middle Eastern", "Q39_14", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Chinese – Cantonese", "Q39_15", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Other", "Q39_16", CellFormat.Percent, r => { r.Style.Indent = 3; }, null); AddDataRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, String.Empty, null); rowNum = AddYesNoRow(worksheet, lookup, rowNum++, false, "Players Club?", "Q4"); string fileName = sc.ToString() + "-Monthly-" + ReportingTools.AdjustAndDisplayDate(DateTime.Now, "yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss", User) + ".xlsx"; const string lPath = "~/Files/Cache/"; string lOutput = string.Concat(MapPath(lPath), fileName); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(lOutput); p.SaveAs(fi); hlDownload.Text = "Download File - " + fileName; hlDownload.NavigateUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}", lPath, fileName); } }