public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { InitializeArrays (new Type[] { tabClass }, new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }); }
public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { InitializeArrays (new Type[] {tabClass}, new PropertyTabScope[] {tabScope}); }
/// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Basic constructor that creates a property tab attribute that will create a tab /// of the specified type. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { this.tabClassNames = new string[]{ tabClassName}; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope), "tabScope"); } this.tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[]{tabScope}; }
public PropertyTabAttribute(String tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { InitializeArrays (new String[] {tabClassName}, new PropertyTabScope[] {tabScope}); }
public PropertyTabAttribute(String tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { InitializeArrays (new String[] { tabClassName }, new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }); }
public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (tabClassName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tabClassName"); } this.InitializeArrays(new string[] { tabClassName }, new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }); }
public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (tabClass == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tabClass"); } this.InitializeArrays(new Type[] { tabClass }, new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }); }
public void Clear(PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (_ownerPropertyGrid is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.PropertyGridPropertyTabCollectionReadOnly); } _ownerPropertyGrid.ClearTabs(tabScope); }
public void AddTabType(Type propertyTabType, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (_ownerPropertyGrid is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.PropertyGridPropertyTabCollectionReadOnly); } _ownerPropertyGrid.AddTab(propertyTabType, tabScope); }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Basic constructor that creates a property tab attribute that will create a tab /// of the specified type. /// </para> /// </summary> public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { _tabClassNames = new string[] { tabClassName }; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope), nameof(tabScope)); } _tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }; }
/// <include file='doc\PropertyTabAttribute.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyTabAttribute.PropertyTabAttribute4"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Basic constructor that creates a property tab attribute that will create a tab /// of the specified type. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { this.tabClassNames = new string[] { tabClassName }; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException("Scope must be PropertyTabScope.Document or PropertyTabScope.Component"); } this.tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }; }
public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { this.tabClasses = new Type[] { tabClass }; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope"), "tabScope"); } this.tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }; }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Basic constructor that creates a property tab attribute that will create a tab /// of the specified type. /// </para> /// </summary> public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { _tabClasses = new Type[] { tabClass }; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope), "tabScope"); } _tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }; }
/// <summary> /// Basic constructor that creates a property tab attribute that will create a tab /// of the specified type. /// </summary> public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { _tabClasses = new Type[] { tabClass }; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope, nameof(tabScope)); } TabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }; }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Basic constructor that creates a property tab attribute that will create a tab /// of the specified type. /// </para> /// </summary> public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { _tabClassNames = new string[] { tabClassName }; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope), "tabScope"); } _tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }; }
/// <summary> /// Basic constructor that creates a property tab attribute that will create a tab /// of the specified type. /// </summary> public PropertyTabAttribute( // Using PublicParameterlessConstructor to preserve the type. See [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)] string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { _tabClassNames = new string[] { tabClassName }; if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope, nameof(tabScope)); } TabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }; }
public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { }
internal void InsertTab (int index, PropertyTab propertyTab, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (propertyTab == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("propertyTab"); if (!this.Contains (propertyTab.GetType ())) { property_tabs.Insert (index, propertyTab); property_tabs_scopes.Insert (index, tabScope); } }
public void AddTabType (Type propertyTabType, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (propertyTabType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("propertyTabType"); // Avoid duplicates if (this.Contains (propertyTabType)) return; PropertyTab tab = property_grid.CreatePropertyTab (propertyTabType); if (tab != null) { property_tabs.Add (tab); property_tabs_scopes.Add (tabScope); } property_grid.RefreshToolbar (this); }
public void RefreshTabs (PropertyTabScope tabScope) { property_tabs.Clear (tabScope); if (selected_objects != null) { Type[] tabTypes = null; PropertyTabScope[] tabScopes = null; if (events_tab_visible && property_tabs.Contains (typeof (EventsTab))) property_tabs.InsertTab (0, properties_tab, PropertyTabScope.Component); GetMergedPropertyTabs (selected_objects, out tabTypes, out tabScopes); if (tabTypes != null && tabScopes != null && tabTypes.Length > 0) { bool selectedTabPreserved = false; for (int i=0; i < tabTypes.Length; i++) { property_tabs.AddTabType (tabTypes[i], tabScopes[i]); if (tabTypes[i] == selected_tab.GetType ()) selectedTabPreserved = true; } if (!selectedTabPreserved) SelectPropertyTab (properties_tab); } } else { SelectPropertyTab (properties_tab); } RefreshToolbar (property_tabs); }
public void Clear (PropertyTabScope tabScope) { ArrayList toRemove = new ArrayList (); for (int i=0; i < property_tabs_scopes.Count; i++) { if ((PropertyTabScope)property_tabs_scopes[i] == tabScope) toRemove.Add (i); } foreach (int indexToRemove in toRemove) { property_tabs.RemoveAt (indexToRemove); property_tabs_scopes.RemoveAt (indexToRemove); } property_grid.RefreshToolbar (this); }
internal void AddTab(Type tabType, PropertyTabScope scope) { AddRefTab(tabType, null, scope, true); }
/// <devdoc> /// Clears the tabs of the given scope or smaller. /// tabScope must be PropertyTabScope.Component or PropertyTabScope.Document. /// </devdoc> internal void ClearTabs(PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridTabScope)); } RemoveTabs(tabScope, true); }
public void AddTabType(Type propertyTabType, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { throw null; }
/// <include file='doc\PropertyGrid.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyGrid.RefreshTabs"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// Refreshes the tabs of the given scope by deleting them and requerying objects and documents /// for them. /// </devdoc> public void RefreshTabs(PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (tabScope < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridTabScope)); } RemoveTabs(tabScope, false); // check the component level tabs if (tabScope <= PropertyTabScope.Component) { if (currentObjects != null && currentObjects.Length > 0) { // get the subset of PropertyTabs that's common to all objects Type[] tabTypes = GetCommonTabs(currentObjects, PropertyTabScope.Component); for (int i = 0; i < tabTypes.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < currentObjects.Length; j++) { AddRefTab(tabTypes[i], currentObjects[j], PropertyTabScope.Component, false); } } } } // check the document level tabs if (tabScope <= PropertyTabScope.Document && designerHost != null) { IContainer container = designerHost.Container; if (container != null) { ComponentCollection components = container.Components; if (components != null) { foreach (IComponent comp in components) { PropertyTabAttribute attribute = (PropertyTabAttribute) TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(comp.GetType())[typeof(PropertyTabAttribute)]; if (attribute != null) { for (int j = 0; j < attribute.TabClasses.Length; j++) { if (attribute.TabScopes[j] == PropertyTabScope.Document) { AddRefTab(attribute.TabClasses[j], comp, PropertyTabScope.Document, false); } } } } } } } SetupToolbar(); }
/// <include file='doc\PropertyGrid.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyGrid.PropertyTabCollection.AddTabType1"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public void AddTabType(Type propertyTabType, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (owner == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridPropertyTabCollectionReadOnly)); } owner.AddTab(propertyTabType, tabScope); }
public PropertyTabAttribute (Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { Contract.Requires((int)tabScope >= 2); return default(PropertyTabAttribute); }
internal void RemoveTab(int tabIndex, bool setupToolbar) { Debug.Assert(viewTabs != null, "Tab array destroyed!"); if (tabIndex >= viewTabs.Length || tabIndex < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tabIndex", SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridBadTabIndex)); } if (viewTabScopes[tabIndex] == PropertyTabScope.Static) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridRemoveStaticTabs)); } if (selectedViewTab == tabIndex) { selectedViewTab = PROPERTIES; } // Remove this tab from our "last selected" group // if (!GetFlag(ReInitTab) && ActiveDesigner != null) { int hashCode = ActiveDesigner.GetHashCode(); if (designerSelections != null && designerSelections.ContainsKey(hashCode) && (int)designerSelections[hashCode] == tabIndex) { designerSelections.Remove(hashCode); } } ToolStripButton selectedButton = viewTabButtons[selectedViewTab]; PropertyTab[] newTabs = new PropertyTab[viewTabs.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabs, 0, newTabs, 0, tabIndex); Array.Copy(viewTabs, tabIndex + 1, newTabs, tabIndex, viewTabs.Length - tabIndex - 1); viewTabs = newTabs; PropertyTabScope[] newTabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[viewTabScopes.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, 0, newTabScopes, 0, tabIndex); Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, tabIndex + 1, newTabScopes, tabIndex, viewTabScopes.Length - tabIndex - 1); viewTabScopes = newTabScopes; viewTabsDirty = true; if (setupToolbar) { SetupToolbar(); selectedViewTab = -1; SelectViewTabButtonDefault(selectedButton); } }
public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { }
public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { Type[] tabArray = { tabClass }; PropertyTabScope[] scopeArray = { tabScope }; this.InitializeArrays(tabArray, scopeArray); }
public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { string[] tabArray = { tabClassName }; PropertyTabScope[] scopeArray = { tabScope }; this.InitializeArrays(tabArray, scopeArray); }
public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { Contract.Requires((int)tabScope >= 2); return(default(PropertyTabAttribute)); }
internal void AddRefTab(Type tabType, Object component, PropertyTabScope type, bool setupToolbar) { PropertyTab tab = null; int tabIndex = -1; if (viewTabs != null) { // check to see if we've already got a tab of this type for (int i = 0; i < viewTabs.Length; i++) { Debug.Assert(viewTabs[i] != null, "Null item in tab array!"); if (tabType == viewTabs[i].GetType()) { tab = viewTabs[i]; tabIndex = i; break; } } } else { tabIndex = 0; } if (tab == null) { // the tabs need service providers. The one we hold onto is not good enough, // so try to get the one off of the component's site. IDesignerHost host = null; if (component != null && component is IComponent && ((IComponent) component).Site != null) host = (IDesignerHost) ((IComponent) component).Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); try { tab = CreateTab(tabType, host); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail("Bad Tab. We're not going to show it. ", e.ToString()); return; } // add it at the end of the array if (viewTabs != null) { tabIndex = viewTabs.Length; // find the insertion position...special case for event's and properties if (tabType == DefaultTabType) { tabIndex = PROPERTIES; } else if (typeof(EventsTab).IsAssignableFrom(tabType)) { tabIndex = EVENTS; } else { // order tabs alphabetically, we've always got a property tab, so // start after that for (int i = 1; i < viewTabs.Length; i++) { // skip the event tab if (viewTabs[i] is EventsTab) { continue; } if (String.Compare(tab.TabName, viewTabs[i].TabName, false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) < 0) { tabIndex = i; break; } } } } // now add the tab to the tabs array PropertyTab[] newTabs = new PropertyTab[viewTabs.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabs, 0, newTabs, 0, tabIndex); Array.Copy(viewTabs, tabIndex, newTabs, tabIndex + 1, viewTabs.Length - tabIndex); newTabs[tabIndex] = tab; viewTabs = newTabs; viewTabsDirty = true; PropertyTabScope[] newTabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[viewTabScopes.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, 0, newTabScopes, 0, tabIndex); Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, tabIndex, newTabScopes, tabIndex + 1, viewTabScopes.Length - tabIndex); newTabScopes[tabIndex] = type; viewTabScopes = newTabScopes; Debug.Assert(viewTabs != null, "Tab array destroyed!"); } if (tab != null && component != null) { try { Object[] tabComps = tab.Components; int oldArraySize = tabComps == null ? 0 : tabComps.Length; Object[] newComps = new Object[oldArraySize + 1]; if (oldArraySize > 0) { Array.Copy(tabComps, newComps, oldArraySize); } newComps[oldArraySize] = component; tab.Components = newComps; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail("Bad tab. We're going to remove it.", e.ToString()); RemoveTab(tabIndex, false); } } if (setupToolbar) { SetupToolbar(); ShowEventsButton(false); } }
public PropertyTabAttribute(string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private static Type[] GetCommonTabs(Object[] objs, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (objs == null || objs.Length == 0) { return new Type[0]; } Type[] tabTypes = new Type[5]; int types = 0; int i,j,k; PropertyTabAttribute tabAttr = (PropertyTabAttribute) TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(objs[0])[typeof(PropertyTabAttribute)]; if (tabAttr == null) { return new Type[0]; } // filter out all the types of the current scope for (i = 0; i < tabAttr.TabScopes.Length; i++) { PropertyTabScope item = tabAttr.TabScopes[i]; if (item == tabScope) { if (types == tabTypes.Length) { Type[] newTabs = new Type[types * 2]; Array.Copy(tabTypes, 0, newTabs, 0, types); tabTypes = newTabs; } tabTypes[types++] = tabAttr.TabClasses[i]; } } if (types == 0) { return new Type[0]; } bool found; for (i = 1; i < objs.Length && types > 0; i++) { // get the tab attribute tabAttr = (PropertyTabAttribute) TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(objs[i])[typeof(PropertyTabAttribute)]; if (tabAttr == null) { // if this guy has no tabs at all, we can fail right now return new Type[0]; } // make sure this guy has all the items in the array, // if not, remove the items he doesn't have for (j = 0; j < types; j++) { found = false; for (k = 0; k < tabAttr.TabClasses.Length; k++) { if (tabAttr.TabClasses[k] == tabTypes[j]) { found = true; break; } } // if we didn't find an item, remove it from the list if (!found) { // swap in with the last item and decrement tabTypes[j] = tabTypes[types-1]; tabTypes[types-1] = null; types--; // recheck this item since we'll be ending sooner j--; } } } Type[] returnTypes = new Type[types]; if (types > 0) { Array.Copy(tabTypes, 0, returnTypes, 0, types); } return returnTypes; }
private void GetMergedPropertyTabs (object[] objects, out Type[] tabTypes, out PropertyTabScope[] tabScopes) { tabTypes = null; tabScopes = null; if (objects == null || objects.Length == 0) return; ArrayList intersection = null; ArrayList scopes = new ArrayList (); for (int i=0; i < objects.Length; i++) { if (objects[i] == null) continue; PropertyTabAttribute tabAttribute = (PropertyTabAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes (objects[i])[typeof (PropertyTabAttribute)]; if (tabAttribute == null || tabAttribute.TabClasses == null || tabAttribute.TabClasses.Length == 0) return; ArrayList new_intersection = new ArrayList (); scopes.Clear (); IList currentIntersection = (i == 0 ? (IList)tabAttribute.TabClasses : (IList)intersection); for (int j=0; j < currentIntersection.Count; j++) { if ((Type)intersection[j] == tabAttribute.TabClasses[j]) { new_intersection.Add (tabAttribute.TabClasses[j]); scopes.Add (tabAttribute.TabScopes[j]); } } intersection = new_intersection; } tabTypes = new Type[intersection.Count]; intersection.CopyTo (tabTypes); tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[tabTypes.Length]; scopes.CopyTo (tabScopes); }
// removes all the tabs with a classification greater than or equal to the specified classification. // for example, removing PropertyTabScope.Document will remove PropertyTabScope.Document and PropertyTabScope.Component tabs internal void RemoveTabs(PropertyTabScope classification, bool setupToolbar) { if (classification == PropertyTabScope.Static) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridRemoveStaticTabs)); } // in case we've been disposed if (viewTabButtons == null || viewTabs == null || viewTabScopes == null) { return; } ToolStripButton selectedButton = (selectedViewTab >=0 && selectedViewTab < viewTabButtons.Length ? viewTabButtons[selectedViewTab] : null); for (int i = viewTabs.Length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (viewTabScopes[i] >= classification) { // adjust the selected view tab because we're deleting. if (selectedViewTab == i) { selectedViewTab = -1; } else if (selectedViewTab > i) { selectedViewTab--; } PropertyTab[] newTabs = new PropertyTab[viewTabs.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabs, 0, newTabs, 0, i); Array.Copy(viewTabs, i + 1, newTabs, i, viewTabs.Length - i - 1); viewTabs = newTabs; PropertyTabScope[] newTabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[viewTabScopes.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, 0, newTabScopes, 0, i); Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, i + 1, newTabScopes, i, viewTabScopes.Length - i - 1); viewTabScopes = newTabScopes; viewTabsDirty = true; } } if (setupToolbar && viewTabsDirty) { SetupToolbar(); Debug.Assert(viewTabs != null && viewTabs.Length > 0, "Holy Moly! We don't have any tabs left!"); selectedViewTab = -1; SelectViewTabButtonDefault(selectedButton); // clear the component refs of the tabs for (int i = 0; i < viewTabs.Length; i++) { viewTabs[i].Components = new Object[0]; } } }
/// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Utiliity function to set the types of tab classes this PropertyTabAttribute specifies. /// </para> /// </devdoc> protected void InitializeArrays(Type[] tabClasses, PropertyTabScope[] tabScopes) { InitializeArrays(null, tabClasses, tabScopes); }
internal void RemoveTab(Type tabType) { PropertyTab tab = null; int tabIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < viewTabs.Length; i++) { if (tabType == viewTabs[i].GetType()) { tab = viewTabs[i]; tabIndex = i; break; } } // just quit if the tab isn't present. if (tabIndex == -1) { return; } PropertyTab[] newTabs = new PropertyTab[viewTabs.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabs, 0, newTabs, 0, tabIndex); Array.Copy(viewTabs, tabIndex + 1, newTabs, tabIndex, viewTabs.Length - tabIndex - 1); viewTabs = newTabs; PropertyTabScope[] newTabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[viewTabScopes.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, 0, newTabScopes, 0, tabIndex); Array.Copy(viewTabScopes, tabIndex + 1, newTabScopes, tabIndex, viewTabScopes.Length - tabIndex - 1); viewTabScopes = newTabScopes; viewTabsDirty = true; SetupToolbar(); }
protected void InitializeArrays (string[] tabClassNames, PropertyTabScope[] tabScopes) { if (tabScopes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tabScopes"); if (tabClassNames == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tabClassNames"); scopes = tabScopes; tabs = new Type[tabClassNames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tabClassNames.Length; i++) tabs[i] = GetTypeFromName (tabClassNames[i]); }
/// <include file='doc\PropertyGrid.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyGrid.PropertyTabCollection.Clear"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// Clears the tabs of the given scope or smaller. /// tabScope must be PropertyTabScope.Component or PropertyTabScope.Document. /// </devdoc> public void Clear(PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (owner == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyGridPropertyTabCollectionReadOnly)); } owner.ClearTabs(tabScope); }
protected void InitializeArrays (Type[] tabClasses, PropertyTabScope[] tabScopes) { if (tabScopes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tabScopes"); if (tabClasses == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tabClasses"); if (tabClasses.Length != tabScopes.Length) throw new ArgumentException ("tabClasses.Length != tabScopes.Length"); tabs = tabClasses; scopes = tabScopes; }
public void RefreshTabs(PropertyTabScope tabScope) { throw null; }
public PropertyTabAttribute (string tabClassName, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (tabClassName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tabClassName"); this.InitializeArrays (new string[] { tabClassName }, new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }); }
public void Clear(PropertyTabScope tabScope) { throw null; }
public PropertyTabAttribute (Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { if (tabClass == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tabClass"); this.InitializeArrays (new Type[] { tabClass }, new PropertyTabScope[] { tabScope }); }
/// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Utiliity function to set the types of tab classes this PropertyTabAttribute specifies. /// </para> /// </devdoc> protected void InitializeArrays(string[] tabClassNames, PropertyTabScope[] tabScopes) { InitializeArrays(tabClassNames, null, tabScopes); }
public PropertyTabAttribute(Type tabClass, PropertyTabScope tabScope) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void InitializeArrays(string[] tabClassNames, Type[] tabClasses, PropertyTabScope[] tabScopes) { if (tabClasses != null) { if (tabScopes != null && tabClasses.Length != tabScopes.Length) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyTabAttributeArrayLengthMismatch)); } this.tabClasses = (Type[])tabClasses.Clone(); } else if (tabClassNames != null) { if (tabScopes != null && tabClasses.Length != tabScopes.Length) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyTabAttributeArrayLengthMismatch)); } this.tabClassNames = (string[])tabClassNames.Clone(); this.tabClasses = null; } else if (this.tabClasses == null && this.tabClassNames == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyTabAttributeParamsBothNull)); } if (tabScopes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tabScopes.Length; i++) { if (tabScopes[i] < PropertyTabScope.Document) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope)); } } this.tabScopes = (PropertyTabScope[])tabScopes.Clone(); } else { this.tabScopes = new PropertyTabScope[tabClasses.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < TabScopes.Length; i++) { this.tabScopes[i] = PropertyTabScope.Component; } } }
private record TabInfo(PropertyTab Tab, PropertyTabScope Scope, ToolStripButton Button) {